Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

With the appearance of age-related signs, women begin to think about conducting a facelift. The procedure can be performed painlessly and quickly. It is difficult to get a good result without injections and surgery.

Altera (therapy) effectively solves the problem. The use of ultrasound gives visible rejuvenation. According to the opinions of doctors and patients, it can be concluded that the procedure has a strong and profound effect.

What is Altera hardware therapy

Altera (therapy), whose patient reviews help to evaluate the effect of the application, is to use the Ulthera System to obtain a rejuvenating effect. The technique is innovative.

Its essence lies in the impact on:

  • skin integument;
  • subcutaneous tissue;
  • a layer of connective fibers;
  • muscle tissue.

Especially under the influence of the muscle-aponearotic layer. This is what gives the face lifting effect. Altera therapy is considered one of the effective methods for getting rid of the first signs of aging. Ultrasound performance makes SMAS shrink. The upper layers of the epidermis are tightened. Collagen begins to be actively produced. It helps to maintain the effect for a long time .

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

Depending on the apparatus used and the individual characteristics of the patient, the ultrasonic wave penetrates to a depth of 2/32 – 16/32 inch. It reaches the muscle layer. The strength of the impact is comparable to the work of a surgeon during plastic surgery. The doctor makes changes to the tissues at the same level as the pulses of ultrasound.

The rejuvenation process occurs naturally. During the procedure, do not make any cuts and punctures. Foreign substances are also not used. Beautician creates an effect selectively. It aims to solve specific skin problems.

There are several types of devices:

  1. Altera Merz . The device is manufactured by Merz Pharm. For therapy, a patented technology is used. The high popularity of the procedure led to the appearance of fakes from China. At the same time, fake devices cost less. They are presented to customers as an improved form of genuine. Their danger of use for lifting is insecurity, since the necessary clinical trials have not been conducted. A mark in the name of the Altera Merz apparatus indicates the original.
  2. Hifu Altera . It features deep ultrasound transmission. It is used for medical purposes, and not just for facelift. Effective in the fight against prostate tumor, atrial fibrillation, uterine fibroids.

The use of Altera apparatus is of high cost. It differs in New York and other cities. The final amount that must be paid for the effect of rejuvenation depends on the level of specialists and the cosmetology clinic, as well as the pricing policy of the medical institution and the protocol used.

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

The average price of Alter therapy in New York is shown in the table:

Processing area price, usd.
Face 65000
Bells 45000
Near-elbow 25000
Neckline 35000
Submandibular and cervical 59000
Full neck 40000
Lower jaw 27000
Bryl and the middle of the cheeks 48000
Around eyes 25000
Upper eyelid 15000

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware therapy Altera

Beauticians and their patients note the positive effect of the procedure.

Among the advantages of Alter therapy:

  1. Suitable for treating all areas of the face.
  2. Regulation of the depth level of exposure to ultrasound.
  3. Multi-stage skin tightening system.
  4. Ultrasonic waves are used for all skin types, even for the most sensitive.
  5. Lack of scars.
  6. Painlessness.
  7. No rehabilitation period required.
  8. Result after the first procedure.
    Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews
  9. It goes well with other procedures aimed at rejuvenation.
  10. There is no need to conduct a course of procedures.
  11. Possibility of holding a session at any time of the year.
  12. Safety use for the human body.
  13. The cumulative effect, the skin continues to rejuvenate a few months after exposure.
  14. Low chance of scarring and scarring.
  15. One use of the device once every 1.5 years is enough.
  16. Visual control of the lifting procedure.

Altera therapy is recognized as a highly effective procedure. 89% of patients get the desired result after the first session. The procedure has its drawbacks.

Among the disadvantages of use are:

  1. The lack of the desired result immediately after using the device with a neglected skin condition. It is connected with the fact that for the formation of the effect it takes a long time, about 2-4 months.
  2. Patients note as minus the high price of lifting in this way. A large amount must be paid at a time.
  3. The presence of
    a risk of damage to nerve endings located in the skin.
  4. To maintain the result after 2 years, a second procedure is required.
  5. Ineffective for women over 60 years. At this age, irreversible age-related changes are observed.

Indications for hardware therapy Altera

Sooner or later, age-related changes begin to manifest in a person. Reduced skin firmness and elasticity do not bypass anyone.

Situations when Alter therapy is necessary:

  • decreased clarity of the contours of the face oval due to ptosis of tissues;
  • drooping eyebrows and the outer corners of the eyes;
  • dull skin tone;
  • enlarged pores;
  • nasolabial folds became pronounced;
  • the face takes a pained look, the corners of the mouth begin to sink (Pierrot’s mask);
  • decrease in turgor of integument;
  • overhanging upper eyelid;
  • a fat hernia formed on the lower eyelid;
  • double chin;
  • asymmetric cheeks and mouth;
  • sagging skin on the chin, neck and cheeks.

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

Altera (therapy), patient reviews of which indicate a high lifting effect, is required when laying the first wrinkles. A timely begun struggle with them helps to maintain youth for a long time. Even with small age-related changes, it is recommended to start a course of therapy.

There are many approaches that help to easily get rid of the initial and average indicators of aging of the skin.

Beauticians advise starting to conduct anti-aging procedures for patients in the age group from 35 to 45 years. Some experts say that you need to fight for youth no earlier than 40 years. Until this age, the skin undergoes not strong changes.

She still retains the ability to naturally regenerate. Moreover, the latest period is 60 years. For older women, the procedure will not give the desired result. The skin loses its regenerative ability.

Only a specialist can determine when it is time to conduct Altera therapy. He will examine the surface and make a conclusion based on its individual characteristics and condition.

Contraindications to hardware therapy Altera

Restrictions to the procedure are general in nature. Altera therapy is safe for humans. It does not cause a risk of blood loss or an allergic reaction of the body. Altera (therapy), which patients’ reviews allow to assess the risk of side effects after use, has contraindications.

And this:

  1. Ulcers, open sores and other skin lesions. When using ultrasound against their background, the patient may feel pain.
  2. Infectious skin lesions.
  3. High probability of exacerbation of skin diseases.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system, for example, epilepsy.
  5. Violation of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Herpetic manifestations.
  7. Age over 60 years.
  8. Bioabsorbable and metal implants at the site of the procedure. Dental implants are an exception.
  9. Autoimmune diseases.
    Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews
  10. Fillers injected under the skin.
  11. The use of pacemakers and other devices of similar action.
  12. The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  13. Severe renal failure.
  14. Coronary heart disease
  15. Oncological diseases.
  16. Diabetes.

What examinations must be completed before Alter hardware therapy

Before carrying out the procedure with the Altera device, you need to visit a cosmetologist for a consultation. The specialist will assess the condition of the tissues, collect a detailed history of the patient during the conversation. This will identify possible restrictions to the session.

The patient can ask all questions of interest and find out about the features of ultrasound lifting. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe directions for the delivery of various tests. The list of examinations depends on the presence of chronic diseases in the patient. Most often, it is enough to pass a biochemical and general analysis of blood and urine.

Preparing for hardware therapy Altera

The anti-aging procedure does not require special preparation. During the consultation, the doctor finds out if the patient is taking any medications. The use of certain pharmacological agents leads to a change in the composition of the blood. This can lead to bruising after the procedure.

It is recommended to limit the amount of fluid you drink before a session.

Water in large quantities contributes to the appearance of puffiness on the face. This side effect can be prevented if you take up proper eating behavior before the lifting procedure. With special responsibility, you need to approach the choice of a cosmetology clinic and a specialist. The result depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the ability to operate the device.

Altera (therapy), the reviews of patients about which are mostly positive, involves preparatory measures. They are simple and do not require much time.

Before the procedure, you must:

  1. Determine the penetration depth of ultrasonic waves. To get rid of epidermal wrinkles and sagging skin, a depth of 4/32 inch is required. Distinct wrinkles, wrinkles and a strong drooping face contour require a more serious effect.
  2. Find out the presence of contraindications. Under certain limitations, your doctor may suggest an alternative method of rejuvenation.
  3. 3 days before the procedure, medication and cosmetics are completed, which includes isotretinoin, salicylic and glycolic acid.
  4. During the same time, it is recommended to refuse to take acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Begin drinking in a day. You need to drink no more than 0,4 gallon of fluid.
    Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews
  6. For 3-4 weeks I exclude the use of alcohol and nicotine.
  7. The day before the Altera therapy session, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.

Altera Hardware Therapy Procedure

The duration of the procedure using the Alter apparatus varies from 30 to 120 minutes. The time is directly related to the number of zones that need to be worked out. Before starting a rejuvenating session, the cosmetologist sets up the device. He sets parameters on it that suit the individual characteristics of the patient.

Step-by-step implementation of the anti-aging procedure:

  1. Skin cleansing . The session begins with the removal of decorative and care cosmetics. Also, the cover is cleaned of contaminants and secretions of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Disinfection . A surface that requires tightening is treated with antiseptic compounds, for example, Chlorxidine.
  3. Drawing a marking . Using a special ruler, the specialist marks the face on the line along which the device will pass.
  4. Processing plots . The doctor begins to process the marking lines with a special mo
    isturizing gel, which allows ultrasonic waves to better pass into the layers of the epidermis.
  5. Base exposure. The cosmetologist applies the Altera device to the treated surface and turns on the tool. Adjusting the depth of the passage of waves, draws a line. First, one half of the face is treated, then the other. This technology allows you to immediately notice the result. The actions are done with high accuracy due to the equipment of the device with a sensor. It displays what is happening under the skin, as when performing a diagnosis using ultrasound.
  6. Filling the voids . Impulses, penetrating into the tissue, create heat. This leads to a change in the inner protein layer, which is at the SMAS level. The process aligns the tight spots. The voids of the muscular aponeurotic system are filled with elastin and collagen.
  7. The use of a calming composition . At the end of the procedure, the gel residues are removed from the surface with a mild cleaning agent. Further, the skin is treated with a soothing composition with a cooling effect, which helps to remove redness and swelling.

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

In the process of penetration of ultrasonic waves, patients note a barely perceptible tingling sensation that slightly warms the skin. This does not cause much discomfort. Therefore, the use of the Alter apparatus does not require the use of painkillers. With increased skin sensitivity, the patient may be offered anesthesia of mild action.


There is no rehabilitation period after anti-aging treatment. The patient can immediately return to their usual way of life. This feature of Altera therapy is associated with the absence of serious side effects with the correct procedure.

Despite this, cosmetologists advise the first 3 days to adhere to some rules:

  • do not strain;
  • try not to lean forward;
  • when washing, use cold water;
  • abandon trips to the solarium, bathhouse, pool and sauna until the moment puffiness passes;
  • apply cream with SPF filter on the face for a month.

How long the result will remain after hardware therapy Altera

Altera (therapy) is not only easy to conduct, but also effective. Immediately after the end of the session, the effect of rejuvenation is noticeable. Patient reviews note the smoothing of folds and wrinkles, as well as lifting the upper layer of the epidermis. Improvements occur due to strong stimulation of collagen tissue.

The effect of rejuvenation gradually increases over several months. Women with a rigid skin surface notice improvements within 6 months. The peculiarity is due to the fact that after conducting therapy in the skin layers, metabolism is activated. It leads to the replacement of old elastin and collagen cells with new ones.

The process leads to a pronounced anti-aging effect. Depending on the neglect of the situation, the patient after one use of the Alter apparatus is able to look younger by 10-20 years.

Beauticians note that the use of the Altera device is an innovative achievement in cosmetology for a long time.

It contributes to the rapid achievement of the desired result. At the same time, it does not require resorting to painful injections and surgical interventions.

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews

Unlike Alter therapy, they do not fight the cause of age-related changes, but only fix the muscle corset with aggressive action. In addition, other procedures bring pain to patients and require a long recovery period.

Possible complications after hardware therapy Altera

The use of Alter systems therapy is absolutely safe, provided that there are no restrictions on the use.

In other cases, side effects may occur:

  1. Redness . The passage of ultrasound rays leads to a slight reddening of the skin. Facial tone evens out within 1-3 hours after Alter therapy.
  2. Swelling . Minor bruising and swelling may also occur. Normally, swelling persists for up to 48 hours.
  3. Partial decrease in sensitivity or its complete loss.  Normally, a maximum of 7 days is observed. During this time, scrubbing is not recommended. The restriction will help to avoid accidental injury to the surface.
  4. Local hemorrhages. Pass independently without additional intervention. This process depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some patients do not notice such effects.
  5. Tingling . Occurs during the use of the Alter apparatus. May persist up to 2 hours after the session.
  6. Small scars . They are not often observed and only in those who are predisposed to the active production of connective tissue. To avoid complications, it is recommended that you first inform the specialist about the characteristics of the body. So, the cosmetologist will be able to choose the optimal operating mode for the patient.
  7. Sensitization of the skin. In rare cases, it lasts up to 3 weeks.
  8. Pressure pain . It disappears on its own after 20-30 days after the procedure.
  9. Sensation of surface numbness . A side effect is weak.
  10. Burn tissue . Among all the side effects, the symptom is considered the most serious. It can lead to proliferation of connective tissue, because the thermal effect occurs inside. Outwardly, an unpleasant consequence can not be detected, it has no signs. But at the same time, carrying out other cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery becomes impossible.

Complications are easy to prevent. To do this, it is important to report all unpleasant sensations during the procedure to the beautician in order to stop the session in time.

It is important to consider that there should not be painful sensations during Alter therapy.

Therapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviewsTherapy Ulthera (Altera) in hardware cosmetology. Before and after photos, price, reviews
Therapy Ulthera (Altera) is one of the highest quality facial treatments. Before and after photos show how effective this therapy can be.

Altera therapy using ultrasonic pulses is a serious procedure. Before carrying it out, one should well weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. Technology is not magical. It does not guarantee a 100% result in any skin condition. It is important to consider that with age, the regenerative ability of the epidermis is significantly reduced.

The result obtained at 40 cannot be repeated at 60. Therefore, it is worth listening to
the recommendations of a cosmetologist who will choose a rejuvenation strategy. Patient reviews indicate a long-lasting lifting effect.

Alter Ultrasonic Lift Procedure Video

How the Altera device works and what are its advantages:

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