The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

Rough elbows are not only the result of improper care. The problem often acts as a sign of diseases of internal organs, autoimmune pathologies, diabetes mellitus and much more.

External causes of elbow dryness

There are many reasons for coarsening, roughness and darkening of the integument. The habit of sitting at a table or desk, leaning on your elbows is one of the most common. In this situation, there is strong compression, as well as friction of the skin, which leads to darkening and a change in their structure. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

Another reason may be the time of the heating season or hot weather. Exposure to dry air and long exposure to sunlight also affects the condition of the integument.

External factors that adversely affect the condition of the skin:

  • frequent bathing with soap (as you know, it dries the skin) and a washcloth;
  • synthetic clothing with long sleeves;
  • inadequate skin care.

Internal causes and diseases causing peeling of the elbows

Rough elbows (signs of the disease are described later in the article) is a problem worth paying attention to. Ignoring body signals is dangerous to health.

The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

The reasons causing peeling of the elbows:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism).
  • Diabetes.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Autoimmune diseases, dermatitis, ichthyosis, keratosis, fungus, neurodermatitis, scleroderma and many more dermatological diseases.
  • Iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin in the blood).
  • Hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamin A, D and E).
  • Antibiotics.
  • Skin aging.
  • CRF (chronic renal failure).
  • Dehydration.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, smoking).
  • Stress.

Signs of disease in children, adolescents, and adults that cause elbow dryness

Children equally with adults are susceptible to diseases from which the integument on the elbows becomes rough, rough, peeling and cracking.

The following diseases can provoke the condition:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency);
  • dysbiosis;
  • anemia. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

Improper care or its complete absence also leads to a change in the structure of the skin on the elbows.

In adolescents and pregnant women, skin problems on the elbow may occur due to hormonal interruptions in the body. When hormonal adjustment occurs, the body functions change, the systems work incorrectly, which can provoke dry skin, roughness, and the appearance of microcracks.

Diets or poor nutrition provoke thinning, cracks, roughness on the skin of the elbows in adults, children and adolescents.

Treatment methods

After the examination shows the cause of the darkening and keratinization of the skin, you can determine the treatment. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

If the cause of the problem is an external effect, then use:

  • softening ointments;
  • nourishing creams;
  • lemon or acetic acid;
  • make lotions, therapeutic baths, masks from herbal decoctions.

Pharmacy medicines: a table of effective ointments and tablets

A drug the effect Mode of application
“Radevit” It has anti-inflammatory, healing effect, reduces itching, moisturizes and softens the skin, has a protective function. Contains vitamins: A, D, E and ergocalcicerol. Before applying, treat the skin with an antiseptic, apply a thin layer, 2 times a day. If necessary (strong peeling), use an airtight dressing.
Bepanten Heals wounds, ulcers on the skin, cracks, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching. Apply until complete healing.
Boro Plus Antiseptic, heals wounds, eliminates peeling, softens the skin. Apply to affected areas until the problem is resolved.
Salicylic ointment Anti-inflammatory effect, from psoriasis, corns, acne, skin diseases. Use until the problem disappears. 10 percent ointment
Zinc ointment Relieves inflammation, has anti-inflammatory effect, antiseptic, creates a barrier film against germs and infections, heals, softens. Treat the skin with an antiseptic. Apply 2-3 times a day.
Birch tar (ointment) It acts as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation, irritation. For skin diseases, mix with fat in a proportion of 1/1. Smear the affected areas until recovery.
Fexofat Eliminates itching, anti-inflammatory effect. Apply orally, the dose is prescribed by the doctor.
Complivit It enriches the body with minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and improves the general condition. For prevention, 1 tablet 1 time per day. For diseases 2 times a day, 1 tablet.
Sorbifer Durules Eliminates iron deficiency. The purpose of the dosage depends on the diagnosis. The main dosage 1-2 times a day for 1 tablet.

Cosmetics for the treatment of dry elbows

In addition to pharmacy products, there are cosmetics that will also help in the fight against problem elbows.

La Cree

Extractor-based product:

The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

  • succe
  • violets;
  • licorice;
  • daisies;
  • walnut.

The cream contains avocado oil, D-panthenol.

It suppresses inflammation and is effective:

  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates peeling, redness of the skin;
  • softens, nourishes the integument;
  • struggling with germs.

The cream is suitable for single use and long use. It should be applied to dry, fat-free skin twice a day.


This cream is used for allergic rashes, skin diseases . It eliminates itching, has an anti-inflammatory effect and anti-exudative (it draws out pathogenic substances, relieves purulent inflammation). The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe course of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, the drug is applied to the affected areas 1 time per day.

Lipikar The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

The use of this balm promotes healing of the skin, it also:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • has an antipruritic effect;
  • protects from adverse environmental influences.

It is recommended to use the drug 1 time per day. There are no restrictions on the duration of therapy for the balm.


This balm has a large number of useful properties and indications for use:

  • creates a protective barrier for the skin;
  • has a regenerating effect;
  • relieves redness and inflammation;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • softens the skin.

Apply the cream to dry, clean skin 2 times a day.

Folk recipes for rough skin on the elbows

Rough elbows (signs of diseases can be eliminated with folk recipes) – a problem that helps masks, peels. After the procedure, it is advisable to soften the elbows with a nourishing cream.

The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children
You can fight with rough skin on the elbows with the help of home remedies – peels and masks.

Peeling recipes:

  1. Coffee and honey peeling . It is quick and easy to prepare, the result exceeds expectations. Coffee combined with honey makes the skin smooth, supple, nourish and rejuvenate it. To prepare this scrub, it is necessary to combine honey and coffee grounds in equal proportions, mix thoroughly. On dry elbows, apply the mixture and massage for 2 minutes. Rinse off. It is convenient to do this procedure during water procedures. Already dry elbows generously lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  2. Citrus peeling. Fruit acid brightens the skin very well. It nourishes with vitamin C and creates a protective barrier against infections. A medium-sized fruit (grapefruit, lemon) needs to be halved. It will be improvised baths for elbows. Crush the fruit pulp right in it with a fork or spoon. In these “baths” with juice and pulp, lower your elbows min. at 5-10. Do not use this procedure if there are wounds or cracks.
  3. Lemon peeling. This method will help to remove unwanted dark pigment with a minimum amount of cost, both time and money. Soak a cotton pad with lemon juice and usd it on your elbows. When the juice is absorbed, the skin will tighten a little, then you can wash it off with warm water. To achieve the desired effect, do once a week for 2 months. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children
  4. Potato mask. The use of potatoes as a mask is a great way to rejuvenate the skin, remove pigmentation. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin very well. Take a potato small size 2 pcs. Peel, wash, grate. Add to this gruel 2 teaspoons. mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the elbows, secure with a gauze bandage, leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the bandages and rinse with warm running water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
  5. Mask of honey and oatmeal . If you need to remove the keratinous layer of the skin, get rid of itching and redness, then this mask is indispensable. In one container, mix honey (3 tablespoons) oatmeal (3 tablespoons), yolk of one chicken egg. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area, keep for 20 minutes. After washing with water. Apply once a week.
  6. Mask of camomile. Inflorescences of dry chamomile 1 tablespoon., Dry calendula 1 tablespoon., Honey 1 tablespoon., 50 g butter, 8,45 fluid ounce of water. Grind the grass, pour boiling water, leave for 8 hours. Melt the butter and honey in a water bath or in the microwave. In honey and oil add the infused mixture of herbs in the amount of 2 tablespoon. Use this mixture as a cream in the evening. The duration of the chickens is 2 weeks, 1 time per day.

Healing baths and lotions

Therapeutic baths and lotions (as the prevention and treatment of diseases on the skin) is a fairly pleasant and effective way to eliminate dryness on the elbows The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

How to cook and apply:

  1. Olive bath. First you need to carefully treat the keratinized skin with a brush or pumice. Heat olive oil ( 8,45 fluid ounce) in a microwave until warm. Immerse your elbows in a container with oil and keep them for 15-20 minutes. Such baths can be done 2 times a week. Recommended duration of the procedure is 1 month. Heals, softens rough skin, has anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Tray of rainwater. Soda creates the effect of rainwater. It can be added to the bathroom when bathing, and also used as a bath against dry elbows. Gently softens the skin, removing the stratum corneum. Half a tablespoon baking soda pour 0,5 gallon of warm water, stir. Immerse your elbows in a container with a solution and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Apply cream. Repeat the procedure once a week.
  3. Bath on the herbs. Dry herbs take in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Chamomile, calendula, St. John’s wort chop and pour 0,5 gallon of boiling water. Infused broth to insist for 40 minutes. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Add onion juice 1 teaspoons, lemon juice 2 teaspoons, olive oil 1,69 fluid ounce. Beat the mixture. Keep your elbows in such a bath for 15 minutes. After treating the elbows with pumice, blot with a paper towel and grease with cream for dry elbows. Heals wounds and cracks, eliminates itching, softens the skin.
  4. Lotion of oils. Such oils are suitable for such a compress: vegetable, olive, linseed. The procedure is done at night. Rub elbows with oil, wrap with gauze or bandage. Wash off with non-hot water in the morning. Such lotions can be done every other day. Nourish and soften the skin. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children
  5. A lotion of sauerkraut juice. Rub the elbows several times a day with sauerkraut juice. Suitable for everyday use. Whitens and removes redness.
  6. Acetic lotions . Alcohol 70% (2 teaspoons), glycerin (1 teaspoons), table vinegar 9% (1 teaspoons), oily cream. Mix all the ingredients in one jar. Keep this mixture under a closed lid. Lubricate the elbows at night. Do this for 3 nights, after brushing your elbows with a pumice stone. Removes a coarse layer of skin.

Diet for dry and rough skin on the elbows

Rough elbows are signs of diseases of internal organs, metabolic disorders, thyroid gland pathologies. Proper nutrition is an indispensable part of the treatment of these problems. Dry skin signals the absence of vitamins A, B, E, D. You can get them with a meal or by drinking a vitamin complex.

The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • fish
  • lean meat;
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • oils.

Cooking should be steamed, baked or boiled. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • fatty foods;
  • fast food;
  • sweet in large quantities.

Drinking regimen with dry elbows

To prevent peeling or treat dry skin on the elbows, it is important to maintain water balance.

Not getting the right amount of water per day, the skin:

  • Ages faster
  • becomes not elastic;
  • dries;
  • loses a healthy color. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

The optimal amount of water per day is 0,5 gallon. In the summer season – up to 1,1 gallon.

When you can not do without medical help

Rough elbows are a problem that is not immediately noticed. Many signs of disease are manifested by dryness and coarsening of the integument on or around the elbows. Tissues do not heal, dry and thinned skin itches, microcracks, inflammation appear. The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and childrenThe elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

In the presence of such symptoms, it is worthwhile to sound the alarm and consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe an examination and take appropriate treatment measures.

Recommendations by doctors on skin care on the elbows

With inflammation of the skin on the elbows, doctors recommend using special ointments and creams, as during exacerbation of hypothyroidism of diabetes mellitus and others. If necessary, prescribe drugs orally.

It is important to maintain a healthy, healthy lifestyle. Refuse junk food. Take vitamin preparations. If the reasons are not internal, then it is worth revising the rules of care and hygiene.

Even when the skin on the elbow is healthy, it is recommended:

  • use glycerin soap;
  • give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • in the summer use sunscreen;
  • during the heating period to moisten the room;
  • use nourishing and moisturizing creams;
  • make masks, baths, peeling, lotions;
  • drink 0,5 gallon of water per day.

Timely identification of the causes of coarsened and itchy integument on the elbows, their elimination, can eliminate unnecessary problems. With proper care, the rough elbows will cease to bother, only if this is not a sign of chronic diseases.

Video: Rough elbows

How to get rid of rough skin on the elbows. Folk remedies:

Rough elbows: how to get rid of dark, dry skin on the elbows:

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