Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners

When there is a desire to maintain a figure in good physical shape, but there is no way to attend a gym or fitness, you can purchase a simulator and work with it at home yourself. The gymnastic wheel is ideal for this, performing exercises on which you can work out almost all muscle groups.

What is the use of gymnastic wheel exercises

Using the gymnastic wheel will not work out to pump up biceps and triceps, but to maintain the body in good physical shape, classes with a roller will be an excellent choice.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
Strong muscles, ideal body shapes, exercises with a gymnastic wheel

The benefits of wheel exercises:

  1. Useful exercises with a gymnastic roller for those who want to make the relief of the abdomen smoother, strengthen the abs and correct posture.
  2. Exercises on the simulator can be an addition to the diet if you are overweight.
  3. When performing exercises on the gymnastic wheel, almost all the main and minor muscles are involved in the work, which makes it possible to train the entire body.

What muscles can be worked out

Most of the load when exercising with the wheel goes to the abdominal muscles. If you choose the right set of exercises, you can also train the muscles of the back, legs, hips, arms, shoulders and neck. When performing a classic exercise with a gymnastic wheel, almost all the main muscles and many minor ones work. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners

The muscles of the press, hips and shoulders are worked out to a greater degree. The muscles of the back and arms are also in tension, as they help to maintain their own weight. If you refine the exercise and perform it while standing, then the load on the muscles of the legs and arms will be added.

Exercise Rules

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel in order to avoid injuries and increase efficiency must be performed, observing a few simple rules:

  1. Keep your treadmill and hands clean . Before starting classes, you need to make sure the wheels are clean and dry so that your hands do not slip. If the simulator is dry and your hands are sweating, you can use gloves for sports.
  2. Breathe properly. When performing exercises, you need to breathe calmly and evenly. When tilting, they slowly inhale their nose, and when lifted, they exhale the air with their mouths. If the pulse is lost, it is better to take a break, restore breathing and then continue the session.
  3. Follow the rhythm of the exercises. The movements during exercise with the gymnastic wheel should be smooth. You do not need to jerk the simulator sharply, you should slowly roll it forward and then back.
  4. Do not disrupt regular exercise. For classes with a wheel, daily time must be allocated. The result depends on the frequency of the exercises, so you can not allow long intervals between workouts.
  5. Increase load evenly. It is better to start training with a simulator several times a day, about 5-6. Then you can increase the number of repetitions, adding 1-2 times every day. But to carry out exercises a large number of times at once for an unprepared person is unsafe. You need to control your condition and do as many repetitions as possible at the moment to perform without overvoltage. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  6. Do the exercises correctly. In the initial position on the knees, moving forward, the body should remain flat, otherwise the load will be less and the effect of the exercise is lower. If the exercise is performed while standing, then the legs should remain level while the wheel moves back and forth.

How to increase the effectiveness of wheel exercises

If exercises with the gymnastic wheel have been performed for a long time, or if the body is athletic and prepared, increase the time or number of repetitions of exercises. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners

Complicating standard exercises contributes to greater effectiveness. If classes with the wheel were held in the initial position on the knees, then they should be performed in a standing position, thus, the load on the muscles of the press, arms will increase, the muscles of the legs and buttocks will strengthen.

You need to move on to more complex exercises gradually and carefully to avoid sprains and injuries.

Precautions and contraindications

Exercises can be performed by everyone, regardless of physical fitness, age and gender, but still there are several contraindications to doing the gymnastic wheel.

Contraindications include:

  1. Women need to avoid excessive exertion, as the exercises work out the abdominal muscles, which press on the organs of the genitourinary system, which can cause female diseases.
  2. It is worth giving up classes if there are back injuries. The load can not only aggravate the existing condition, but also lead to more serious damage.
  3. Lower back pain. When performing exercises with the gymnastic wheel, the muscles of the lower back participate in the work, so it is better to postpone the exercises until the pains go away.
  4. High pressure. If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure, you must carefully exercise to monitor the condition of the body.
  5. You need to abandon classes with poor health, dizziness, nausea, headaches.

Exercises for beginners with a photo

The gymnastic wheel is suitable for those who are just starting to play sports. The main thing is to start with simple exercises and perform them a small number of times, gradually increasing the load.

  1. One of the basic exercises is aimed at strengthening the press and training the oblique muscles. Sitting on the floor, you should spread your legs slightly to the sides. The wheel is in front in the hands. They begin to move forward to the stop, and then return to their original position. Exercise is like a classic press swing, only with the help of a simulator. First, they make several rolls forward, sitting straight, then move the wheel to the right of the body and move to the side, the same is repeated by moving
    the wheel to the left of the body. When moving to the side, you need to bend as low as possible so that the chest touches the floor. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  2. Another exercise is to roll the wheels, kneeling. Starting position – kneeling, the wheel is in front outstretched arms. Slowly begin to move forward, then also smoothly return to their original position. You can start with small roll-outs and increase the amplitude with each repetition. Ideally, the wheel should be in front in outstretched arms, while the body remains flat and does not touch the floor. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  3. Exercise with focus on the wall. To do this, you need to sit on your knees so that in front of a small distance there is a wall. The wheel must be held in hands and rolled forward until it hits the wall. In this position, it is necessary to strain the press and lock for a few seconds, then return to its original position. The emphasis on the wall with the wheel allows you to keep the body in tension for a longer time, which gives additional load on the press, shoulders and back. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  4. Hire to hand. They take the starting position, the emphasis is lying, the body is held evenly. Take the gymnastic wheel and place it opposite the chest. When moving forward, you need to roll the wheel to the side, about 45 degrees. In this position, finish the exercise and then do the same, directing the wheel to the other side.

Advanced exercises with photos

When the gymnastic wheel is mastered, and exercises with it are performed with ease, you can continue to complicate the workout, increasing the load:

  1. The exercise, which was performed standing on your knees, can be performed standing on straight legs . The initial position of the legs is shoulder-width apart, hands below hold the wheel, resting it on the floor. Slowly they begin to roll the wheel forward as far as possible from a standing position, then they also slowly return to their original position. Perform the same actions when the legs are closed together. When performing these exercises, the load on the legs, as well as on the back and lower back, increases. To complicate the training, you need to roll the wheel, taking a lying position, and pull your arms up. Having been fixed for several seconds and again leaning on their legs, they move the wheel toward themselves. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  2. Plank with a wheel. They occupy a position of lying down, resting on toes, and in their hands they hold a wheel. Then slowly move your hands forward, keeping your torso parallel to the floor. At maximum roll-out, it should be fixed for a few seconds and slowly return. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  3. Exercise from a prone position. It is necessary to take the starting position lying on the floor, while straight arms are extended forward and hold the wheel. The simulator begins to move smoothly towards itself, lifting and bending the body. Feet should remain pressed to the floor. In this position, they are delayed for 2-3 minutes and begin to fall to the floor, stretching their arms up.
  4. Hire on one hand. You can perform the exercise on your knees or on straight legs. You need to take the emphasis lying down, take the wheel in one hand and start rolling slowly forward. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can lean a little with your second hand. Repeat several rentals on one and on the other hand.
  5. Rolling on one leg. You need to start this workout with strengthened leg muscles, since you will have to support the weight of the whole body on one leg. The legs are level and, bending down, they take the wheel with their hands and begin to move forward, slowly lowering themselves. When the maximum rental point is reached, one leg is lifted and returned. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginnersExercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Benefits after childbirth, with a hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, contraindications. Complex for beginners
  6. Rolled by feet. For this type of training you will need a wheel with special foot pedals. They stand in the position of the bar with emphasis on straight arms. The wheel is fixed on the feet and begins to move forward until the knees touch the chest. Then they come back with legs straightened.

How often to train

Training with the wheel must be carried out regularly, only then you can achieve the desired result. Begin classes from 5-10 minutes, and perform exercises every other day. Then, if you have the opportunity to do it daily, for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable that every day the training takes place at the same time.

How many repetitions do

Classes with a gymnastic wheel need to start with several repetitions, about 5-7 times the first time. Increasing the load gradually, add 1-2 reps for each workout.

For effectiveness, it is enough to repeat the exercises 20-30 times daily. But it is worth remembering that this is the average value and the number of repetitions is selected individually depending on the fitness and endurance of the body.

The gymnastic wheel is a universal simulator. Exercises with it are highly effective, as they help to work out almost all the muscles. Everyone can train, regardless of gender and age, the main thing is to choose the right set of exercises and load in order not to harm your health.

Gym Wheel Exercise Video for Women

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel will strengthen muscles and prevent weight accumulation:

How to perform exercises with the gymnastic wheel:

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