Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Coffee grounds scrub at home will improve the condition of the skin, tighten the body. After drinking a cup of coffee, the thickener should not be thrown away, but used for cosmetic purposes. This affordable product will transform the skin of the face, and the whole body, even relieve cellulite. To achieve this effect, you need to know the effective recipes and rules for using the product.

The benefits of coffee grounds for the skin

Coffee grounds are suitable for almost everyone.

It is not for nothing that they are widely used in cosmetology:

  • coffee refreshes, tones the skin of the face;
  • gently and gently cleanses pores;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • protects the skin from the adverse effects of external irritants, including ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out the tone of the face, eliminates yellowness;
  • tightens the skin in problem areas, eliminates cellulite;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to choose the right coffee for making scrub

Coffee grounds scrub does not need to be bought; it is easily prepared at home. For maximum effectiveness, you should find out which coffee to use for cosmetic purposes. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Only natural coffee is suitable.

The degree of grinding is chosen depending on the type of skin and method of use. For face skin, finely ground coffee is selected, brewed in a Turk. Anti-cellulite effect has a scrub from coffee beans. It is also used for places with rough skin: feet or old calluses.


Coffee is a powerful tool – it penetrates into all layers of the skin.

Coffee grounds have at least a small, but a number of contraindications:

  • coffee allergy;
  • very sensitive skin;
  • rosacea – vessels close to the surface of the epidermis;
  • serious diseases of the skin.

Rules for the use of thick at home

General recommendations:

  • The recipe is selected based on the type of skin. Coffee grounds are mixed with the necessary ingredients, gently massage the skin with the mixture, rinse with warm water;
  • Before applying the product, the skin must be steamed. If you are doing a procedure for the body, it is important to take a warm bath, for the face – pour hot water or a decoction of herbs into a bowl, bend over it, cover with a towel from above. As a result, the skin will steam up and be ready for further procedures; Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo
  • Any of the recipes is used in a course of 10-15 procedures, after which the skin is allowed to rest for several months, then the recipe is changed. It is forbidden to make a coffee scrub daily, this can make the skin too thin and worsen its condition. For dry skin, the face is done once every 2 weeks, normal once a week, oily twice a week.

Coffee grounds scrub recipes

Facial Coffee Peeling

Any skin type requires deep cleansing, so coffee peeling will suit everyone. This procedure is done to rejuvenate the skin, improve blood circulation, and even out face tone. Peeling exfoliates dead skin particles without injuring it. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

To make coffee peeling at home, you need to use sleeping coffee. It is important to choose the finest degree of grinding. A popular recipe for coffee scrub with apricots.

Preparation and use:

  1. The pulp of 3 fruits is crushed with a blender, 3 small tablespoons of coffee mass and 0,34 fluid ounce of liquid cream are added.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied along the massage lines.
  3. When the peeling begins to dry, it must be thoroughly washed off.

Apricots can be replaced with bananas, strawberries, raspberries. Peeling is done maximum once a week. Do not appear in the sun for 12 hours after the procedure. Direct sunlight can cause age spots.

Coffee and Honey Scrub Recipe

A universal recipe for coffee scrub with honey and blue clay is suitable for absolutely any type of skin. After the procedure, the pores will be cleaned, blood circulation will improve, the skin will tighten. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. The dormant coffee mass (2 tablespoon) should be combined with blue clay (1 tablespoon), gradually pouring hot water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. The components of the scrub should be mixed with honey (1 small spoon), massage the face, neck and decollete.
  3. The scrub should be washed off at the first sign of drying on the skin with room temperature water.

It is important to remember that honey is an allergen. Also, it is not recommended to use for the face with rosacea.

Coffee scrub with sour cream

This simple recipe deeply cleanses, as well as nourishes and nourishes the skin with vitamins. Sour cream is chosen depending on the type of skin: the drier it is, the more oily sour cream is needed. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. Thick, preferably homemade, sour cream (2 tablespoon) should be beaten with a blender, stir with coffee mass (2 tablespoon).
  2. Massaging the skin, the mixture must be distributed over the face.
  3. After drying, the scrub should be washed.

After applying this scrub, the skin will shine, as coffee will exfoliate dead particles from its surface, and sour cream will moisturize and enrich with vitamins.


Coffee grounds scrub at home actively fights black dots, improves blood circulation. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. Cinnamon (1 small spoon) should be mixed with a sleeping coffee grounds (1 large spoon).
  2. Melted honey (1 small spoon) should be combined with sea buckthorn oil (1 small spoon).
  3. Thoroughly stirring the ingredients, you need to distribute the mixture over the face with massage movements.
  4. After waiting for the scrub to dry on the face, you should not wash it with hot water.

Cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction. If itching or burning appears after application, the scrub must be washed off immediately.

With gelatin

Gelatin contains collagen, so a scrub according to this recipe not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates the skin. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. Gelatin (1 large tablespoons) should be poured with water (3 large tablespoons) and left until it swells.
  2. The mixture must be heated until the grains of gel
    atin are completely dissolved.
  3. The resulting mass should be combined with thick sleeping coffee (1 large spoon).
  4. Massaging the face, the scrub should be distributed on the skin of the face, and then wash.

It is necessary to warm the gelatin mixture gently: if the gelatin boils, it will lose its useful qualities.

With egg

Coffee grounds scrub at home will relieve fine lines and smooth deep creases. To achieve the best effect, you need to try the recipe from coffee, rye flour and yolk. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. Rye flour (1 large tablespoons) must be mixed with coffee mass (1 large tablespoons), pour in the yolk, stir.
  2. Gently massaging the face, you need to distribute the scrub over the skin.
  3. Once the mixture dries, you need to wash and apply a nourishing cream.

When the skin is too dry, the scrub should be diluted with nutritious oil – jojoba, argan, peach or apricot kernel (1 small spoon).

Prescription Oil Slimming Prescription

Coffee grounds scrub will help burn fat. Using the product at home, you can lose 4 -7 pounds. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Preparation and use:

  1. The dormant coffee mass (5 tablespoon) should be mixed with peach seed oil (3 tablespoon).
  2. Thick solid honey (1 large spoon) must be put in a water bath to make it liquid.
  3. After you need to connect all the components of the scrub.
  4. Massaging the skin, it is necessary to distribute the mixture throughout the body, carefully usd the buttocks, hips, stomach.
  5. After the massage, you need to take a shower and apply a nourishing cream to the steamed skin.

To achieve maximum results, scrub should be applied with a course of 10 procedures.

Mask of salt and coffee from cellulite

This simple scrub improves blood circulation in tissues. For cooking, it is recommended to take coarse Dead Sea salt.

Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo
Coffee grounds scrub with salt – one of the effective remedies for cellulite

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix salt with drank coffee (1: 1).
  2. Then add shower gel (1 small spoon) for ease of application.
  3. In the absence of allergies, add orange essential oil (5 drops).
  4. You need to steam the body, carefully massage it with the scrub obtained, take a shower.

To get rid of cellulite, you need to make a salt scrub with coffee, exercise regularly and eat right.

Recipes for aging skin

Coffee grounds scrub at home is most beneficial for aging skin. Natural antioxidants in the composition of the product rejuvenate the skin.

With cottage cheese

Preparation and use:

  1. After drinking coffee, the mass should be combined with cottage cheese of medium fat content (1: 1).
  2. For ease of application, milk (1 tablespoon) should be added to the mass.
  3. Scrub to gently massage your face.
  4. After 5 minutes, when the scrub begins to dry, you need to wash. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Curd-coffee scrub will make the skin radiant and toned.

With rice flour

Preparation and use:

  1. Rice flour should be mixed with the grounds after drinking a cup of coffee (1 large spoonful).
  2. Hot milk should be added to the coffee-rice mixture until a sour cream consistency is obtained.
  3. The resulting scrub should be neatly distributed over the face.
  4. After keeping the product for several minutes, you need to wash.

Rice flour has a strong anti-aging effect, is widely used in Japan.

Nutrients for dry skin

Overdried facial skin needs nutritional components that you need to add to the recipe of your choice (yolk, butter or sour cream). It is a misconception that deep cleansing is required only for oily or combination skin.

With oatmeal


  1. Oatmeal (1 tablespoon) should be steamed with milk (2 tablespoon), leave to infuse for 3 minutes.
  2. Steamed oatmeal must be mixed with a dormant coffee mass (1 large spoon).
  3. The scrub should be gently massaged on the skin and left on the face until the first signs of the mixture drying out.
  4. After you need to wash it, not with hot water. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Oatmeal not only nourishes the skin, but also enhances the cleaning effect of coffee.

With nuts and sour cream


  1. Walnuts (1 large tablespoons) need to be chopped in a mortar or in any other way.
  2. Sleeping coffee grounds (1 large tablespoons) should be combined with nut crumbs.
  3. Homemade sour cream (1 tablespoon) is desirable to beat with a blender.
  4. After it is necessary to connect all the components of the scrub, apply with gentle movements along the massage lines.
  5. When the mixture dries, you need to wash it with water at room temperature. Coffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrub for the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

Such a scrub deeply but gently cleanses the skin and nourishes it.

Oily skin scrub

Egg white is responsible for the fat balance of the skin in this scrub. Applying a scrub weekly can make the skin more matte.

Preparation and use:

  1. The coffee mass after drinking coffee (1 tablespoon) is mixed with sea salt (1 teaspoons).
  2. Beat the egg white to a fluffy white mass, combine with coffee and salt.
  3. The resulting air mass should be applied with massage movements, gently massage the T-zone.
  4. It is necessary to wait until the scrub dries, and then wash. Coffee grounds scrubfor the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. PhotoCoffee grounds scrubfor the body. The recipe for making a coffee scrub with your own hands from cellulite. Photo

If the skin is inflamed, it has wounds, salt should not be added.

Coffee scalp scrub

Coffee grounds scrub at home will deeply clean your scalp. This procedure should be performed weekly. With the help of coffee grounds, the hair will become slower to get dirty, begin to grow faster, a root volume will appear.

Preparation and use:

  1. Sleeping coffee mass (3 tablespoon) needs to be combined with almond oil (1 tablespoon).
  2. In the resulting mass, add cinnamon essential oil (2-3 drops).
  3. Uncleaned hair needs to be wetted, blotted with a towel from excess moisture, and distribute the scrub in partings.
  4. The scalp must be massaged for 5 minutes.
  5. The product must be kept on the hair for 10 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

If the hair is too oily, add 1 large spoonful of blue clay diluted with hot water to the recipe. It should be remembered that in the presence of wounds on the scalp or other injuries, a scrub can not be done.

Reviews about coffee scrubs, before and after photos

Coffee scrub has helped many women get rid of wrinkles, make their face tone even, and their color healthy.

But not everyone notes its effectiveness. Like any other cosmetic product, coffee scrub is not suitable for every girl. If it helps some to improve the condition of the skin, then for others it may be useless. In rare cases, coffee grounds can have a negative effect.

Women note that before the first use, the scrub needs to be tested on a small area of the skin , for example, on the bend of the elbow, wrist. The absence of burning, itching, redness means that there is no allergic reaction, and the tool can be used.

But this does not mean that it will bring the desired effect. It is important to choose a prescription for the type of skin and follow the instructions for use. If your skin is dry, with peels and scrubs from coffee grounds or any other components you need to be extremely careful.

Nevertheless, those women who correctly chose the recipe, speak about the high effectiveness of the remedy. If you do the procedures with a course, you can achieve a significant effect – get rid of cellulite, even lose a few inch in the volumes of the hips, abdomen.

Especially many positive reviews received coffee peeling and facial scrub. Women note that this is an affordable tool that is always at hand, can replace expensive cosmetic products. At home, making a scrub from coffee grounds is not difficult. The result of using this universal tool will be immediately noticeable.

To achieve the maximum effect, any of the procedures should not be one-time, but a course of 10-15 procedures.

Video on the topic: coffee grounds scrub at home

How to make a scrub from coffee grounds:

How to separate the grounds from coffee at home:

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