What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

Lipolytics is a natural supplement (soy), which is used to improve the general condition of the body, which contributes to weight loss, skin improvement. Such an additive is popular in various cosmetic procedures.

Lipolitics – what is it

A special natural supplement capable of splitting adipose tissue, which in turn contributes to a person’s weight loss, is called lipolytic.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

This method of weight loss is safe and natural for the body. They are also several types of injections used for cosmetic purposes to completely eliminate body fat in problem areas throughout the body.

In addition, the use of lipolytics significantly improves the condition of the skin and accelerates the metabolism in it, which in turn helps to maintain the result for a long time and prevents the return of weight.

After the course of these injections, you do not need to limit yourself to sweets, exercise, diet, or make constantly expensive weight loss cosmetic wraps. The metabolism restored after the use of lipolytics will support the desired result.

Lipolytics for weight loss

The female body contributes to the accumulation of fat cells in various places of the body, it depends on heredity, nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. In some women, the problem areas are the hips, someone has a stomach or legs, arms and forearms.

Of course, it is impossible to correct the figure with the help of diets and exercise, because such manipulations are aimed at the whole body, which will lead to loss of total weight. This will not remove the problem completely, it will become less noticeable, problem zones will still stand out against the background of a thinner figure.

Lipolitics: what is it – this is a way to create the figure of your dreams, naturally correct it and maintain the desired result for a long time. Thanks to innovative technologies, injections can be used in any part of the body, for example:

  • buttocks;
  • belly and sides;
  • the inside of the hips;
  • shoulders and forearms
  • hands, wrists;
  • neck;
  • face.

Lipolitics for the face

They are used to correct the oval and eliminate excess body fat in the neck, chin, cheeks, eyelids and extra folds under the eyes. The face noticeably loses weight, the color evens out, and the skin becomes healthy.

The patient is visually younger for several years. Such a procedure gives amazing results, it directly affects the problem area, removing shortcomings.

Lipolitics for the abdomen

One of the most common problem areas in women of all ages. Even with light weight, you can replace a bulging tummy and an extra layer on the sides.

In this case, the most relevant is the use of lipolytics. Such a decision will help to correct the stomach, give it the desired shape, which will positively affect the whole figure as a whole, regardless of the initial weight of the patient.

How do lipolytics

The action of lipolytics is aimed at the breakdown of fat cells. This process is called lipolysis. Immediately after the drug is introduced into the body, the active substances recognize adipose tissue and penetrate into it through the membrane.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

They successfully eliminate not only visible deposits of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, but also located deep between the muscle fibers, near the walls of blood vessels. The last action of the drug has a very positive effect on the body, eliminating the problem of blockage of blood vessels, preventing stagnation in them.

After the penetration of lipolytics into the fat cell through the membrane, the process of decay or cleavage starts inside it. The dense mass is transformed into a liquid emulsion, and then its complete destruction.

The resulting liquid is excreted from the body naturally, through nearby blood vessels, then through the urinary system. Decomposition products do not remain in the human body, but completely and safely leave it. The effect remains for a long time, thanks to the normalization of metabolism.

In other words, lipolytics – what is it:

  • it is a safe means by which the complete destruction of body fat is possible even in the most inaccessible places;
  • helps restore lipid balance and blood circulation;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • lose weight naturally, without the use of diets and physical activity.

What are direct lipolytics

These additives are divided into direct and indirect, between them there is a difference in exposure. The composition of direct lipolytics includes two active components, due to which the lipolysis process is more active.

Substances penetrate the subcutaneous tissue faster and more efficiently break down fat. The decomposition reaction proceeds more intensively.

The most effective direct lipolytics are:

  • Phosphatidylcholine;
  • Aqualix.
  • Sodium deoxycholate;
  • Dermastabilon;
  • Revital cellulform;
  • MPX lipolytic complex.

In addition to the main components, each contains excipients. These drugs are intended for radical weight loss, elimination of large weight.

What are indirect lipolytics

They are distinguished by a softer effect, they are suitable for body correction and elimination of problem areas with an unlimited area or mass. After the introduction of indirect lipolytics, the weight goes smoothly, and the skin as a whole improves.

These drugs are very effective in the fight against cellulite, “orange peel” (soften the skin, smooth it, restore a healthy tone) and cholesterol “tubercles”.

The most popular indirect lipolytics:

  • Alsatin;
  • Caffeine;
  • SlimBody
  • Artichoke Extract.

Lipolytic injections

Lipolitics: what it is – this is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, which has become popular in recent times. This injection program is carried out in a course that depends on the chosen drug, problem area and fat mass.

This procedure must be performed only in trusted clinics under the guidance of a qualified specialist. Self-manipulation at home is strictly prohibited. You should also follow all the doctor’s recommendations before and after.

Aqualix lipolytic: its characteristic

The active substance of this drug is 12-alpha-hydroxy-5-beta-24-deoxycholic acid sodium salt, it is a natural component of the body that is produced by the liver.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

It helps to actively break down enzymes, including fats, its use additionally very quickly and actively helps to get rid of extra pounds. The lipolysis process is safe.

Excipients – galactose polymer, which helps to retain the active ingredient in tissue cells. It is also completely excreted from the body with decay products.

Aqualis “works” for 20 days, during this time destroyin
g all unnecessary fatty deposits. For 21 days, the maximum result will be visible.

The price for an ampoule is $ 54400. Their number is used depending on the problem area:

  • face – 1-2 pcs;
  • body – 1 to 4 pcs.

Dermahil lipolytic: its characteristic

It is a broad-profile drug that breaks down not only excess fat, but also improves skin elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out tone and color, and returns freshness. It has regenerative properties, smooths scars, age spots.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

The composition includes the basic amino acids synthesized by the body, antioxidants, nucleic and hyaluronic acids, vitamins and trace elements. There are also contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Duration of use – 2 sessions, if necessary, increases to 4, takes up to 2 months. Cost – $ 122400 per session.

Lipolab (lipolab) lipolytic: its characteristic

An effective tool is used to break down fats in the abdomen, hips, knees, back, forearm, arms, neck. The composition includes phosphatidylcholine, benzyl alcohol, methylparaben, sodium deoxycholate and some other auxiliary components.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

For one application, a reduction in volumes of up to 2 inch is guaranteed. 3 courses are conducted with a break of 3 weeks. The number of injections is from 4 to 15.

Cost – $ 95200.

PHDC lipolytic: its characteristic

The combined product combines the qualities of direct and indirect action, the composition includes L-carnitine, melilot; phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate, caffeine. Acting on the membrane of fat cells, it quickly splits them, makes blood vessels more elastic and accelerates the excretion of decay products from the body, accelerates metabolism.

Contraindicated in any disease of the liver and gall bladder. Used as an injection to reduce body volume.

Application of 1 course in 14 days, from 4 to 6 injections. Cost – $ 13,46.

Slimody lipolytic: its characteristic

Indirect lipolytic, which includes green tea extract, L-carnitine, caffeine, organic silicon, sodium benzoate. It is used to correct the body and face, it is used as an anti-cellulite product, it has the effect of lifting and smoothing skin tone.

Sold in a package of 10 ampoules, the cost of 1 ampoule is $ 10,2. Conducted from 7 to 15 sessions, with an interval of 1 week.

PPC lipolytic: its characteristic

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

A safe drug with painless administration (injections are performed without local anesthesia), it allows you to get rid of excess sentiment, orange peel, cellulite, makes the skin more elastic and fresh.

The active substance is sodium deoxycholate.

It is used to correct the hips, abdomen, back, arms, forearm, neck. Cost – $ 7,75, 1 session is conducted every 3 weeks. The need for procedures from 7 to 15.

Lipolytic Fusion: Its Characteristic

Integrated lipolytic effectively fights local obesity of the whole body. The composition includes two active components Phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate. They allow you to quickly lose up to 3’9 inch. It is contraindicated for any diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

Price – $ 15 per ampoule, applied 1 time per week, course duration – up to 15 times.

Lipolytic MPH: its characteristic

It is a comprehensive tool for body and face correction, elimination of excess fat. The composition of the drug includes sodium deoxycholate, L-carnitine, as well as ice cream, which contributes to the painless administration.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

On average, the patient after the procedure loses up to 2 inch of adipose tissue, it is necessary to conduct up to 6 sessions, depending on the degree of obesity and the desired result.

The cost is $ 9,52.

Michelangelo lipolytic: its characteristic

The drug, intended for lipolysis of local obesity, helps to improve the circulatory system, speed up metabolism, restore skin tone. Effective for the fight against cellulite, completely eliminates fat deposits in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, arms, forearm and chin.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

From 4 to 6 injections with a break of 14 days. To consolidate the result, it is possible to reapply once every 6 months.

Cost – $ 20400 per ampoule.

Lipolytic Phosphatidylcholine: Its Characterization

Effectively eliminates excess fatty tissue, both on the body and on the face, it can be introduced into any area – this is a huge advantage over others. The result becomes noticeable after the 2nd injection. Good tolerance of its components by patients, the absence of an allergic reaction and its painless administration were noted.

Conducted from 7 to 14 sessions, with an interval of 3 weeks, the cost is $ 10,2.

Lipolitics Martineks: characteristic

The drug actively fights fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels, internal organs, muscle fibers, which means significant weight loss and extra pounds. This is a great way not only to lose weight, but also to conduct a course of cleansing the body from excess fluid and cholesterol plaques. Suitable for individuals with local obesity.

It is used to reduce the hips, abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms. Corrects the oval of the face, removes the double chin, cheeks and “bags” under the eyes.

The price per injection varies depending on the problem area:

  • person – $ 95;
  • body – $ 68.

The number of procedures depends on the desired result, usually from 3 to 10.

How is mesotherapy with lipolytics

Mesotherapy with lipolytics is such an innovative method that eliminates excess subcutaneous fat and cellulite in a short time, which guarantees maximum results. The complex also contains useful trace elements that restore skin elasticity.

The procedure is carried out by a doctor in a cli
nic, the drug is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body and the problem area.

Lipolitics under the eyes

The main objective of the injection is not only to break down fat cells, but to restore elasticity to the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and restore its healthy appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a drug containing nucleic, hyaluronic acids, they are capable of detoxification and regeneration at the intercellular level. This is guaranteed to return youth, correct the contours and remove age spots.

Injections are administered subcutaneously at 8/32 inch, pointwise, it is necessary to conduct from 2 to 6 sessions, depending on the drug. The procedure takes an average of 10 minutes.

Lipolitics on the cheeks

The injection is aimed at eliminating excess adipose tissue, improving blood circulation (returns a healthy complexion), increasing lymph outflow (relieves swelling and swelling), smoothes the skin and restores its elasticity.

The composition includes amino acids, vitamins, caffeine, nucleic acids, hyaluronic acids. The procedure is carried out by point injection subcutaneously with a depth of 8/32 inch. Course – from 2 to 6 sessions.

Lipolitics for the chin

They are aimed at burning excess fat, oval correction and facelift, should contain amino acids, caffeine, antioxidants, nicotinic and hyaluronic acids. Actively break down fat molecules, smooth wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, hide age spots.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

It is necessary to perform from 2 to 6 sessions, the drug is administered subcutaneously to a depth of 8/32 inch.

Lipolitics for the abdomen and sides

Active lipolytics are used to eliminate excess weight and correct problem areas. They are injected pointwise subcutaneously to a depth of 15/32 inch, depending on the drug, from 0,2 – 0,3 fluid ounce is used. The session is repeated from 1 to 3 weeks. The course is from 4 to 15 times.

The procedure takes from 15 to 20 minutes.

Lipolitics for the body

They are injected pointwise into problem areas subcutaneously, on clay up to 15/32 inch. Their action is aimed at accelerating metabolism, improving blood circulation, burning excess fatty tissue of subcutaneous tissue, muscle fibers and blood vessels.

The course depends on the chosen drug, takes from 4 to 15 sessions, with a break from 1 to 3 weeks.

Massage after lipolytics: how to conduct

Massage after using lipolytics helps tissues to break down fat more actively and restore skin after injections. It positively affects the whole body, namely:

  • prevents (or reduces) the formation of edema;
  • enhances blood supply;
  • this action of lipolytics accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, which contributes to the maximum result, and this will reduce the duration of the course;
  • improves immunity;
  • tightens muscles, restores skin tone;
  • faster removes the decay product from the tissues.

It is necessary to start the massage only 14 days after the procedure, it is carried out 1 time for 5 to 7 days.

Lymphatic drainage – helps to remove excess fluid, improves blood circulation. For the face: should be carried out with gentle movements on the skin, starting from the forehead to the temporal part. Under the eyes: starting from the nose moving to the temporal part. For cheeks: moving from the chin to the earlobe, from the upper lip to the earlobe.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy
What are lipolytics cosmetologists will tell

For the body: move with gentle movements from the ankle to the calf; then from knee to groin; abdomen – move clockwise from the navel to the sides.

Lipolitics: recommendations after the procedure

  1. It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse, take a hot bath, or stay in the sun for 3 days after the session.
  2. Avoid physical exertion.
  3. The first day you need to rest passively.

Lipolitics: effect after application

It differs depending on the drug, it usually becomes noticeable after 2 injections. The patient loses up to 2 inch per session in the body area.

What are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapyWhat are lipolytics for weight loss, face, body in mesotherapy

After injections on the face, the result is noticeable after 1 application, the volume of subcutaneous tissue decreases to 6/32 inch, the skin color improves, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

How often can lipolitics be injected

After the course, it is usually necessary to conduct 1 session every 6 months to consolidate the result.

In general, injections are carried out no more than 2 times a year.

Slimming lipolitics tablets

Lipolytics in tablets Lecithin is a drug whose action is aimed at burning fat cells and body shaping. To avoid subcutaneous injections, many women prefer it. The effect of the action may not be as maximum as the injection, it is prescribed to persons not suffering from local obesity.

It is applied inside in 3 doses of 2 g, the course is from a month to 3.

Lipolitics and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

It is strictly not recommended to combine the intake of alcohol and lipolytic. Alcohol-containing drinks dilate blood vessels, thereby adversely affecting the lipolysis process. Puffiness appears, and decay products are poorly excreted from the body.

The consequence will be a minimal effect from injections, as excess fluid forms, which is not completely excreted.

Lipolitics: contraindications

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Oncology.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Blood clotting disorder.
  9. CNS diseases.
  10. Kidney disease.
  11. Dermatoses.

Lipolitics: side effects

  1. An allergic reaction – redness, burning.
  2. Subcutaneous seals.
  3. Hematomas.
  4. Pigmentation disorder.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Temperature increase.
  7. The formation of ulcers at the injection site.

Lipolitics – the price of the procedure: New York and the

Title Price in New York, usd. Price in, usd.
Aqualix 9000 4000
Dermahil 15000 9000
Lipolab 9000 7000
PHDC 1800 990
Slimbody 1500 750
PPC 900 570
Fusion 1500 900
MPH 1100 700
Michelangelo 2500 1500
Phosphatidylcholine 1500 750
Martinex 9000-15000 5000-9000

Lipolitics: what is it – these are drugs that break down excess adipose tissue, correct the figure, and the oval of the face. They have a rejuvenating effect, making the skin more elastic and fresh. They are quick and effective compared to traditional weight loss products.

Author: Elena Petrova.

Lipoliptic videos

Lipoliptics – what is it like to remove excess fat. The author shares his experience:


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