Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

Almost any woman who decides to work out in the gym, the question arises of choosing a workout program. To compile an effective set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of future training, health status, as well as whether there is experience in training on simulators and with weighting.

Weight loss programs and weight gain differ in the selection of exercises, the intensity and volume of aerobic exercise.

Subtleties of female physiology

The hormonal background of a woman affects the result of classes in the gym. The female body has low testosterone, so muscle gain is slow.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

With menopause, women are prohibited from strict diets that interfere with testosterone production.

Excess estrogen disrupts fat metabolism towards weight gain and reduces the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Active cardiotraining, leading to a significant loss of body fat, can disrupt the flow of menstruation. If they are accompanied by pain, classes in the hall should be temporarily discontinued.

Warm up

Any workout begins with a set of exercises to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for physical activity. The warm-up includes a light aerobic load on the treadmill or exercise bike.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

To increase the mobility of the joints and the spine, tilts and turns of the body, swings or circular movements of the arms and legs are performed . An effective warm-up complex raises body temperature and heart rate. The last stage of the warm-up is stretching the muscles and ligaments.

Stretching exercises

To warm up the pectoral muscles, coupled behind the back, the arms are extended and raised to the ceiling. To stretch your back muscles you need to grab hold of the support with your hand, bend, and take your pelvis back, straightening your legs.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

If you raise your hand up, and then bend and pull the elbow to the opposite shoulder, the triceps will get a good stretch. Bending to touch the floor with brushes stretches the biceps of the thigh, lower back and buttocks. To warm the thigh muscles, you need to bend the leg at the knee so that the heel looks up, and then with a free hand pull it up and towards you.

Features of training for beginners

For women who are first engaged in the gym, exercise programs should be included in the training program. The main goal of the first classes is to develop the right equipment for the safe execution of exercises.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

The muscles of beginners do not know how to contract effectively, therefore, exercises with an exhausting load and the use of significant weights are not allowed. To perform basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells, a woman should learn to consciously hold the muscles of the pelvic floor in tension, especially when the load on the body in an upright position.

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Features of training for women after 40 years

The training program in the gym for women should take into account the physiological changes that occur in the body after 40 years. To maintain muscle mass, two classes a week are enough, in each you need to perform 4 to 8 exercises, trying to use all muscle groups.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

Training intensity should be limited due to poor elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Age-related changes affect the accuracy of the movements, so they use block simulators, dumbbells and fitness equipment in the classroom. It is advisable to update the training program every month so that the body does not get used to the same movements and load.

Does a woman need exercises with a barbell and dumbbells

It must be remembered that well-developed muscles are responsible for correct posture, elegant gait and overall appearance. Only by working with a barbell and dumbbells of moderate weight will a woman build up and achieve muscle elasticity, for example, of the buttocks.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

A properly selected load during exercises with free weights has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as on the relief of the body. Multi-joint exercises with a barbell and dumbbells allow you to maintain muscle tone, doing at home.

Do not be afraid of a significant increase in body weight when working with large weights, a low level of testosterone in the female body protects against this problem.

First workouts for women: losing weight

Based on the principle of “do no harm”, the program of training for weight loss should be adapted to the physical and age characteristics of the body. To do this, in the first classes give a test load.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

If it is difficult to complete the planned number of repetitions, you need to reduce one approach in the whole complex or in those exercises that are especially difficult to cope with.

In the first month of training, aerobic exercise should be given after performing exercises on simulators.

In this case, it is necessary to control so that the pulse does not leave the fat-burning zone. To calculate the lower and upper boundary of the zone, you need to subtract age from 220, after which calculate 60 and 70%.

First workouts for women: gaining muscle mass

The main task of the first trainings during weight gain is to master the correct technique for performing exercises, and to involve a complex of small muscle stabilizers in the work. Therefore, you cannot immediately lift heavy barbells and dumbbells, the working weights of the shells need to be increased in subsequent training.

In the initial classes, it is enough to perform exercises on simulators with a moderate load, 2-3 approaches each. In the warm-up set, more repetitions are performed with less weight, the load increases with each subsequent approach. The duration of the session varies from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the physical c
apabilities of the woman.

The best exercises in the gym

Training programs for men and women are significantly different. In the gym, ladies, as a rule, strengthen their muscles, giving them a beautiful appearance, so basic and isolated exercises should be included in the training complex.

On the back

Lever pull in the simulator significantly loads not only the broadest, but also the trapezius muscles of the back. This simulator will successfully replace the draft of the barbell or dumbbell to the stomach.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

The upper of the back is effectively worked out by pull-ups and vertical thrusts to the chest on a block simulator. To study the lower back, it is customary to perform a deadlift with a barbell, the alternative of which is hyperextension, especially for problems with the spine.

On legs

Classical squats with a barbell is one of the most effective exercises for working out the entire complex of leg muscles. Women with weak backs or spinal problems should be squatted in a hack machine, as well as doing leg presses in the simulator.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

To increase the tone and increase the volume of the gluteal muscles, you need to regularly do lunges with dumbbells, as well as leg breeding in the simulator. Women should not forget to load the calf muscles, performing lifts on toes while standing.

On hand

Extending the arm from behind the head with a dumbbell and push-ups are popular exercises on the extensor muscles of the shoulder. If triceps is a problem zone, then they are additionally worked out, unbending arms on the block simulator and making the bar presses with a narrow grip.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

A beautiful shape and volume of the biceps will provide bending of the arms with a barbell while standing . Dumbbells make it possible to load the biceps of the shoulder in a sitting position at an angle, and flexions on the biceps machine increase the intensity of training on the arms.

To the press

A woman should initially perform normal and reverse twisting, lying on a bench, in order to prepare the abs muscles to work in a more difficult mode. The intensity of the training is increased by working on a press machine and twisting on a block simulator.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises
For women who are first engaged in the gym, exercise programs should be included in the training program.

The fat layer in the lower abdomen is reduced by lifting the bent legs in the simulator, which has stops for the elbows. The muscles of the press, which are responsible for the slimness of the waist, work out the torso machine and the body turns with the body bar well.

Gym workout table for women

Gym Workout Program

No pp

Exercise name

The approaches


Workout 1 (for muscle tone)

Warm up: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes
1 Lever pull in the simulator 3 10-12
2 Vertical traction on the block simulator 3 15
3 Press on the chest in the simulator 3 10-12
4 Breeding hands with dumbbells lying on a bench 3 15
5 Leg Press 3 10-12
6 Leg information on the simulator 3 15
7 Bending the legs in the simulator lying 3 15
8 Extension of arms on a block simulator 3 12-15
9 Ordinary twisting 3 20
10 Body turns with bodybar 3 50
11 Walking uphill on a treadmill 30 minutes

Workout 2 (round robin)

Warm up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Horizontal traction on the block simulator 3 15
2 Dumbbell bench press lying on a bench 3 15
3 Bending arms with dumbbells standing 3 15
4 Extension of arms on a block simulator 3 15
5 Leg extensions on the simulator 3 15
6 Leg information on the simulator 3 15
7 Lifting bent legs on the simulator 3 15
8 Orbitrek 30 minutes

Day of rest

Training 3 (power)

Warm up: exercise bike 5 minutes
1 Bench press 4 10
2 Squats 4 12
3 Waist barbell pull 4 10
4 Bending arms with a barbell standing 4 10
5 Extending arms with dumbbell up 4 10
6 Deadlift with barbell 4 12
7 Reverse twisting 3 15

Day of rest

Training 4 (study of problem areas)

Warm up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Dumbbell Lunges 3 15
2 “Buttock bridge” 3 20
3 Leg breeding on the simulator 3 20
4 Bench push-ups 3 15
5 Bending an arm with a dumbbell 3 15
6 Extension of arms on a block simulator with a rope handle 3 15
7 Oblique twisting lying on the floor 3 20
8 Body turns with bodybar 3 50
9 Lateral torso 3 20
10 Exercise bike 20 minutes

Cardio Training (60 minutes)

1 Warm up: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes
2 Orbitrek 15 minutes < /td>
3 Treadmill Interval Walking 35 min
4 Exercise bike 10 minutes
5 Hitch: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes

Day of rest

Circular training

A circular training program in the gym is used by women to reduce weight without losing muscle mass. A circular training consists of 6-10 exercises covering the entire musculature of the body, sometimes the muscles work out locally on different days.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

In each approach, exercises are performed alternately for 10-15 repetitions, at a fast pace and without interruption. To obtain a tangible result, you can not engage to failure, and you must follow the technique and have experience.

Cardio training

Cardio training involves any aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate, and is aimed at burning the subcutaneous fat layer.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

A well-equipped fitness club offers a wide selection of equipment for aerobic exercise:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bikes
  • orbit tracks
  • rowing simulators.

Cardio training is long in time, you should start with walking, which gradually increases the load on the heart. For classes use one or more simulators, with different working hours for them.

Split training

The essence of the method is to separately train muscle groups for a week. So on Monday, load the biceps and back muscles, on Wednesday – quadriceps, calves and shoulders, and on Friday leave the pectoral muscles and triceps. The lesson consists of several exercises for each muscle group, the number of approaches and repetitions determines the ultimate goal of the training program.

Split training is effective for gaining weight or body shaping , and when reducing weight – for the focused study of problem areas. The system of separate training is not suitable for those who have just started training or often miss classes.

Power training

For women, the strength training program in the gym is made up of basic exercises, taking into account the physique and age characteristics. The main part of the training includes 5-6 exercises performed on 3 approaches.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

Exercising muscles for 8-10 repetitions, with interruptions of not more than 90 seconds, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which stimulates the subsequent increase in body weight. Weight weights should allow you to perform the planned number of repetitions without violating the correct technique. If the next day you feel muscle tightness, at the next training session you need to slightly reduce working weights.

Proper nutrition during active workouts

The calorie content and composition of the daily diet should be consistent with the goals of training in the gym. When training to reduce weight, you can not allow a strong reduction in caloric intake, so as not to disrupt the metabolism in the body.

When gaining weight, protein is consumed at the rate of 2.5 grams per pounds of “clean” body weight, that is, without taking into account the weight of fat. Most of the daily protein needs to be eaten after exercise and in the evening.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, as well as an important component of muscle growth, so they account for up to 50% of the daily calorie intake. The diet includes slowly digestible carbohydrates and fruits, which are eaten before noon and an hour before class.

Fats cannot be excluded from the diet , but they should not be abused, so as not to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. All the main components of nutrition are divided into 3 main meals and two low-calorie snacks.

Does a woman need proteins and gainers

A woman who wants to gain weight or lose weight aesthetically should supplement the diet with sports supplements. Nutrient mixtures consisting of protein at 50% or more, called proteins, are added during training for muscle growth and during strict diets.

Protein shakes are easily absorbed, help to cope with hunger and provide the body with essential amino acids for the growth and preservation of muscle fibers.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

A gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture that fully restores after exercise, but is not advisable for problems with fast weight gain. For women with a thin physique, or who are not able to eat regularly, the daily ration must be balanced by a gainer.

Important: protein when used improperly is harmful to health, therefore, when choosing a sports supplement, you need to consult a professional instructor or doctor.

Sample 3-day menu for women

On the day of strength training, nutrition takes into account the body’s need for protein and carbohydrates to work with increased intensity. An important meal is a snack 30-60 minutes before training.

It is advisable to divide the morning snack into two meals, and dinner includes slow carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen:

  • Breakfast – an omelet from a pair of eggs and oatmeal in milk.
  • Snack – a glass of fruit juice.
  • Snack – a small apple or mandarin.
  • Lunch – a portion of boiled fish with ri
    ce and vegetables.
  • Snack – cottage cheese or drinking yogurt.
  • Before training, a small banana.
  • After class – a gainer or protein shake, depending on the time of training.
  • Dinner – poultry, vegetable salad with broccoli, a piece of bread with cereals.

On the day of rest, the diet should provide full recovery and growth of muscle mass:

  • Breakfast – bake pasta in the microwave with cheese and eggs.
  • Snack is a juicy fruit.
  • Snack – green tea with dried apricots or dates.
  • Lunch – beef chop, buckwheat, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Snack – 30 g muesli with yogurt.
  • Dinner – lean meat, vegetable stew.
  • Before going to bed – low-fat kefir and 1/2 teaspoon of bran.

Eating on the day of cardio workout creates the conditions for achieving maximum fat burning. Before and within an hour after class, you can not eat any foods.

Only slowly digestible carbohydrates should be included in the menu, and protein foods for dinner:

  • Breakfast – rice with vegetable salad.
  • Snack – vegetable salad.
  • Lunch – lean meat, some buckwheat and fresh vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – unsweetened yogurt with 1/2 tea bran.
  • Dinner – quizzical casserole and unsweetened yogurt, as an option – a protein shake.

When to wait for the first results

An excellent result of a month of persistent strength training is about 400 g of new muscle mass. By building no more than 100 g of muscle per week, women should not expect a quick visual effect when gaining weight.

The effect of daily exercise on increasing tone becomes noticeable after two weeks.

The muscles, maintained in constant tension, look voluminous and more prominent.

The first results in the gym are most quickly achieved by women who want to lose weight. To do this, you need a training program that combines power and aerobic exercise, and compliance with proper nutrition.

A visible result appears after several regular classes . Reducing daily calories and high intensity workouts allow you to lose up to 2 pounds of excess weight per week.

Training program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercisesTraining program in the gym for women. Fitness in the gym for beginners, first training, exercises

The training program in the gym should correspond to the goal that the woman sets for herself. The intensity of the classes is selected taking into account the age characteristics of the physiology and physical capabilities of women.

So that the first results of training do not take long to wait, you must carefully compile and strictly follow a diet. Expert advice will help prevent nutritional errors and choose the right sports supplements.

Women’s Gym Workout Program: Video

Training program for beginners, see the video clip:

3-day split program, see video:

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