Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

Strengthen muscles, put in order a figure, replenish the body’s energy reserves and reduce stress levels, physical activity helps. One of the most affordable is running in the morning. Jogging in the fresh air has not only advantages, but also disadvantages that can not be ignored when planning future training.

What is the use of running in the morning

Thanks to the morning run:

  • the cardiovascular system strengthens, blood circulates actively, tissues and organs are better supplied with oxygen;
  • defenses increase, physical endurance increases;
  • body fat is burned;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • the nervous system becomes more stable;
  • the body gets used to the early rises, more energy appears, the mood improves.

Can running be harmful

Running has contraindications.

It is forbidden to run people who:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • glaucoma; Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  • serious pathologies of internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart);
  • asthma;
  • individual characteristics – for example, reduced activity of the body in the first half of the day, sleep problems (for such people running training after lunch or in the evening is suitable);
  • colds, viral diseases.

Another contraindication is pregnancy.

So that the results of training do not disappoint, you must follow some rules:

  • jogging, not greatly accelerating;
  • engage in no more than 50 minutes per day (in the warm season);
  • do warm-up before jogging;
  • drink a glass of water in the morning before exercise;
  • if classes take place in the afternoon or in the evening, meals should be taken 2 hours before the start of the run.

Who should be careful

Long and exhausting workouts for the average morning runner will do more harm than good. And they will negatively affect the work of the heart muscle – it wears out faster in such conditions, a large load falls on the joints. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

Experts do not recommend bringing oneself to a state where everything hurts, and one wants to fall from fatigue. This problem also concerns beginners, who, due to lack of experience, cannot rationally distribute their forces.

How to strengthen the cardiovascular system with morning run

Morning jogging exercises are good for the heart – they strengthen the heart muscle, make it hardy. Running in the morning, the pros and cons of which were listed above, should start slowly, without a sharp jerk. The cardiovascular system has not yet recovered from sleep, so you first need to walk a little step, and then go on a slow run. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

And right after the run you can’t stop moving abruptly – for a few minutes walk you will calm your breathing and begin to restore the pulse.

Running to maintain muscle tone

Regular jogging allows you to keep your muscles in good shape: while running, the calf muscles, buttocks and hips are actively worked out. Part of the load falls on the back, stomach and arms. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

To stretch the upper body and improve posture, during the run the arms are bent at the elbows and moved by them, the shoulders are lowered down, bringing the shoulder blades closer to the spine. The calf muscles strengthen when running from heel to toe, and to strengthen the buttocks, they move from sock to heel.

Running for problems with the bronchopulmonary system

Running in the morning, the pros and cons of which should be taken into account by people with various diseases, is allowed for certain problems with the respiratory system. But in each case, before starting training, you should get a doctor’s permission.

Jogging doesn’t have to be tedious or long. Active movements alternate with calm walking, while ensuring that breathing is not lost. You need to focus on your own health.

It is contraindicated to run to people suffering from bronchial asthma and pulmonary insufficiency.

Running as a weight loss method

Often, those who want to put their figure in order and get rid of extra pounds begin to train – running helps to achieve these goals. It is believed that for weight loss it is better to run in the evening. But if this is not possible, then you can do it in the morning.

Interval loads will help to lose excess weight – the alternation of slow and very fast running, the transition from running to walking and vice versa.

But it’s advised to introduce interval running into your workouts for people who have been practicing for at least 6 months . At the end of the lesson they do breathing exercises. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

Duration of training: from 40 to 60 minutes. It is believed that the process of burning fat begins after 30 minutes. heavy traffic. Do not forget about nutrition: physical activity will not work if the diet is not adjusted.

Interval Running Technique

Interval running will help to lose extra pounds faster, activates the heart, strengthens the muscles. Recommended number of lessons per week: 3-4 times. Some experienced runners train 5-6 times. But you do not need to overload yourself, especially in the absence of accumulated sports experience.

Intervals can be counted not only in time (using a stopwatch), but also in distance. The first option is more convenient and more accurate, for the second you will need special treadmills with markings applied to them. If they are not, calculate the distance yourself.

Approximate intervals for beginners: 492’1 foot – jogging, 164 foot – accelerated movement.

If you are guided by time, then 1/3 of the total number of training minutes should take acceleration, and 2/3 remain for a leisurely run.

Or, load balancing during a standard 40-minute run might look like this:



Start of workout (min)
Mid (min.) The final part (min.) Walking after workout
Calm 6 6 6 4 minutes
With acceleration 3 6 3
Calm 6

How to start practicing

Preparation for running begins with the purchase of sportswear and shoes (sneakers). Before going for a run, they always do a warm-up to warm up the muscles. At first, training should last no more than 15 minutes. Duration will increase gradually, as will the workload. During the first week they run slowly, when fatigue appears, it is recommended to go on a step.

Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesIt is necessary to breathe correctly: while running, the inhalation and exhalation must be deep, the exhalation is longer than the inhalation.
The number of workouts per week varies from 3 to 5. For relaxation and recovery, it is enough to allocate 2-3 days. If the goal is to lose weight, after the first months you can run 5-6 days a week – so excess weight will go away faster.

To increase endurance, you need to regularly increase the distance and run it without rushing.

When is the best time to start training

Running in the morning, the pros and cons of which should be taken into account in advance, are advised to start in the warm and dry season – in late spring or summer. Early autumn is also suitable if there is no rain. You should not immediately run away to wake up for training – the body needs time to finally wake up. After 40 minutes You can go out and engage.

Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
Running in the morning has its pros and cons. It is important to adhere to the correct technique and not give the body excessive loads.

The time interval suitable for morning running (taking into account standard biorhythms): from 6-30 to 7-30.

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Schedule classes for women

To accomplish the tasks and to track the results, you can create your own schedule of running training. It directly depends on the goals pursued, physical fitness and general health.

Sample schedule for beginners in the first 2 months of classes:

A week

Running Duration (min.)

 Walking Duration (min.)


(how many times per workout)

Total training duration

1 1 2 6 18
2 2 2 5 20
3 3 2 5 20
4 4 2 3 18
5 5
4 24
6 7 1 3 24
7 8 1 3 27
8 10 1 2 22

Warm up before jogging.

The warm-up for beginners includes:

  • fast walking in place;
  • swings of arms and legs;
  • body twists;
  • slopes Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  • Squats
  • stretching exercises of the back muscles;
  • jumping rope (optional).

Determining the route, mileage

The sports route is determined in advance. For running, stadiums and places with even coverage, remote froms and roads — parks, squares — are suitable.
Beginners begin training, overcoming distances of 1 – 2 mile, gradually the length of the route increases. There are special programs for determining mileage.

Rules and techniques for running for beginners

Running in the morning, the pros and cons of which are described earlier, implies the implementation of certain rules:

  • you can not overexert – the load increases in stages;
  • preliminary heating of the muscles is required;
  • You can run only in equipment suitable for these purposes;
  • first runs should not last longer than 20 minutes.

Training will be effective and high quality, if you follow the running technique:

  1. The shoulders are lowered, the back and neck are straight, the chest is straightened, the pelvis is motionless. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  2. Arms bent at the elbows are close to the body – rhythmically retracted back to the beat of the steps.
  3. The fingers are loosely assembled into fists.
  4. During the run, steps should not be either too wide or too short.
  5. When jogging, the gaze is directed forward.
  6. The knees are towards the feet.
  7. It is more convenient to land on the middle and forefoot, but you can land on the heel, and then roll onto the toe.

There are 3 ways to land on your feet:

  • from heel to toe;
  • completely on the foot;
  • on the toe.

Landing from heels to toes is a standard method, suitable for continuous running on hard surfaces. It is characterized by increased load on the knees, but the likelihood of injury in this setting is minimized. Landing on the entire surface of the foot (with a barely noticeable roll from heel to toe) is convenient when running on uneven surfaces. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

Landing on a sock is the most difficult way. After mastering the two previous techniques, you can proceed to it. This landing is used for fast running.
Whichever landing method is chosen, before using it, you need to stretch the ankle muscles well.

Beginner Mistakes

Violations of the running technique are found not only in beginners, but also in experienced runners, just beginners make mistakes more often.

The most common ones are:

  1. Uneven pace, “in fits and starts” – with this manner of running, breathing is immediately lost.
  2. The body is not fixed in the upright position, because of which it is swinging in different directions.
  3. Running with the body leaning forward, which threatens with improper load distribution and a sudden loss of balance. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  4. Lowered head and neck, raised shoulders.
  5. Sudden stop or transition from high speed per step;
  6. Turns of the pelvis.

Running control

In the process of training, it is important to track sensations, monitor well-being, control the pulse (the norm is 120 beats / min.) And breathing. An increased pulse negatively affects the work of the heart.

If there are pain or an unpleasant feeling of discomfort, they move from a run to a step. If the pain persists, the session is stopped until the condition is completely normalized.

How to finish the training

The running lesson smoothly ends with walking, which should last from 3 to 5 minutes. If the run was fast, the speed is reduced gradually and only then move on to the step.
Then stretching exercises are performed to reduce pain in the muscles after training.

How to avoid muscle fever after running

After a run, especially at first, muscle pain will appear. These painful sensations are called krepatura. Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules

There are 3 types of muscle pain:

  • natural;
  • retarded;
  • pain caused by trauma.

Natural pain is ubiquitous after physical exertion. It is caused by microscopic tears in the muscles and the accumulation of lactic acid. Disappears in 3 days.

Delayed pain does not appear immed
iately, but a few days after the load, inhibits muscle contraction. For beginner athletes, it can last 5-7 days.

To alleviate the condition will help:

  • massage; Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  • special ointments;
  • foods rich in vitamins C, A and E, water, green tea;
  • sauna, hot tub;
  • full sleep;
  • charging.

But if the pain persists after a week, this may indicate injuries or sprains, which requires immediate medical attention.

Should I do winter

In the morning you should not refuse to run after the onset of cold weather. But you need to remember that winter training has its pros and cons.

Sports activities in winter have several advantages:

  • easier to breathe; Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  • it’s more difficult to run – physical activity increases and endurance increases;
  • the body is tempered, withstands temperature extremes;
  • skin condition improves;
  • the process of burning excess fat is accelerated.

But for winter running, as well as for summer running, there are contraindications and warnings:

  1. Beginners are not recommended to start running training in the cold, because you need to get used to the exercises at low temperatures gradually. It is better to start sports jogging in the fall, so that in winter the body has managed to get stronger and adapt.
  2. Running in the cold, you need to learn how to breathe properly so as not to harm the lungs.
  3. Remember safety – do not run in ice.
  4. Do not wear clothing (down jacket) that is unsuitable for physical exertion and shoes.

Winter running will not be harmful if you follow the simple rules:

  • think over the route in advance so that classes take place on a flat surface;
  • to get comfortable sportswear that “breathes” and does not accumulate moisture inside, do not forget about a hat, gloves and special shoes;
  • Before going for a run, a short warm-up is required – to warm up the joints and muscles.

The ideal set of equipment for winter training consists of:

  • thermal underwear or breathable cotton underwear; Running in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rulesRunning in the morning for weight loss. Pros and cons, when is the best way to get started. Results, schedule, rules
  • designed for increased load sneakers with grooved soles;
  • regular (not woolen) socks;
  • sports jacket (without down filler or fur lining);
  • fleece hats;
  • single-layer gloves in which it is not very hot;
  • comfortable pants with fleece lining.

Suitable weather for running – no precipitation, dry. Temperature: not lower than 5°F. Proper breathing: inhale with the nose (if the nose does not breathe, you cannot run), exhale with the mouth.

Duration of winter training: no more than 35 minutes.

What results can be achieved in a week, month, year

The approximate results of regular jogging are shown in the table:

Period results
Week 1 After the first week of training, it’s too early to talk about tangible results. The body begins to get used to physical activity, pain in the muscles gradually passes, endurance increases. Possible slight weight loss.
1 month Stamina increases markedly. From 15 -22 pounds of excess weight is lost.
1 year The body is able to withstand increased loads, overcome long distances. The muscles are in good shape. Immunity becomes stronger. The weight is normalized.

Despite the indicated disadvantages, running in the mornings remains a useful and economical way of healing. It gives energy and vitality to the body, and this is another undoubted plus.

Morning Run Video

Broadcast about the benefits of running in the morning:

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