How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

Hair, as an element of female beauty, needs constant care. Using natural ingredients in the form of shampoos will make your hair healthier and more beautiful. Home-made shampoo will give them a well-groomed look.

Benefits of Homemade Shampoo

The main advantage of shampoo prepared at home is naturalness. Such shampoos do not contain parabens, silicone, preservatives, formaldehyde and surfactants. In addition to the main function – cleansing, these shampoos, thanks to the presence of useful, natural ingredients in them, nourish the scalp and hair.

The benefits of natural shampoos:

  1. They include safe components.
  2. They have a preventive and therapeutic effect.
  3. Effective and fast application result.
  4. Economical, in comparison, with shampoos of industrial origin.
    How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes
    How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

But when using them, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Due to the lack of preservatives, the maximum shelf life can be no more than a week, some only a few days. Mostly cook before use.
  2. It is important to observe the storage temperature. The optimum temperature is 2-5 degrees.
  3. Before use, an allergy test must be done. Anoint the back of the arm or elbow with some. Here the skin is softer, and the reaction will appear in a quarter of an hour. If itching or redness is absent, the composition is suitable for use.
  4. Components should be suitable for hair.
  5. If the hair is poorly washed, the result of use is not visible, change the tool.

Yeast shampoo

The use of yeast as masks is known. The yeast in the basis of home-made shampoo was widely used. Do it yourself is not difficult, because there is yeast in any household. This component dissolves fat and has a beneficial effect.

For cooking, you need: 25 g of yeast, eggs (2 pcs.), Honey.

  1. Stir yeast and honey as the dough rises to add eggs.
  2. Coat your head and hold for a quarter of an hour. If possible, put a plastic bag over your head. This will maximize the achievement of a positive result.
  3. After application, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Dandruff Shampoo with alcohol

Shampoo is prepared by the following principle. It is necessary to steam several pieces of pulp of brown bread with water, wait until swelling. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs: oak decoction, from chamomile, burdock root. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

After cooling, add 0,34 fluid ounce of alcohol. You can use herbal tinctures for alcohol: birch tincture, tincture of calendula or nettle. The resulting mass usd hair and head. Stand for half an hour.

Coffee shampoo

The recipe for making coffee shampoo is pretty simple. Mix coffee, egg, cognac (tincture of oak bark is allowed). Apply to hair and massage your head, wrap in a plastic bag. Soak for half an hour and rinse. It is not recommended for fair hair, it will change color and give a dark shade. To soften, it is advisable to rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Henna Shampoo

Colorless henna, for those who do not want to change the color of their hair. She visually adds volume. It is necessary to breed henna with kefir, a herbal decoction of your choice. Apply the composition to the head and hair. Application is allowed up to half an hour. This shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it is prone to drying.

Homemade Soap Shampoo

For shampoo, you need to take natural-made soap, baby soap, glycerin, or pharmacy soap mixtures. Add herbal infusions and / or oils to the soap. Steaming grass and insist. To prepare the base, grate the soap, add oil to the chips. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

Mix the infusion and soap chips, soak until the soap chips dissolve. After using this shampoo, it is advisable to rinse your head with lemon or vinegar water. The term of use is about a week.

White clay shampoo

How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home from white clay. It will take half a glass of clay and as much warm water, mixing to achieve the consistency of sour cream. This is the basis. As a liquid for diluting clay, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, birch, jasmine petals.

Aromatic or essential oils are allowed. Massage the scalp with the resulting composition. Soak for a while and wash. To soften by rinsing with lemon or vinegar water.

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Soda Based Composition

Due to its alkaline properties, soda will perfectly and efficiently wash your hair, removing greasy film and accumulated dirt. It is enough for average hair to dissolve a quarter cup in water. Soda solution should be near a glass. To dilute soda powder, the use of herbal infusions is allowed. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

In combination with oak infusion, infusion of burdock root, chamomile broth, this remedy will perform a nutritional function in addition to cleansing. Lubricate wet hair by massaging the roots to get rid of grease. Rinse off. It is advisable to rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with mustard for hair growth

Shampoo with mustard, can be used as a hair mask that stimulates growth. Such a tool is suitable for oily hair. Dilute a third cup of mustard powder in half a gallon of liquid. To dilute the powder, you can use herbal decoctions of birch leaves or buds, burdock root, chamomile, sage.

Add aloe juice (optional). Massage the skin, hair and wash with a solution. The fact of burning indicates an improvement in blood circulation of the hair roots; accordingly, growth is stimulated . You can dilute sour cream to a density, use as a solution. After application, rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water.

Gelatin composition

This shampoo has no restriction on the type of hair. Required: 0,5 gallon quickly soluble gelatin, herbs for infusion, honey, aloe juice (optional), oils, soap base or baby shampoo. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesSteam grass, strain, place gelatin until swelling. Heat a little to dissolve. Add soap, honey and oil to th
e mixture. Rinse with lemon water after use.

Yolk Shampoo

Stir the yolk with liquid (1: 1), grease the hair, froth and wash. The liquid can be replaced with infusions of herbs, but at the same time take into account the type of hair.

Tansy Shampoo

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of tansy. Take one spoonful of flowers, steam (1 cup), stand for about 3 hours. Brew effectively in a thermos. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesThe infusion will cook faster and be richer. Strain and use preferably two days later.

Nettle shampoo

Similarly with other herbal shampoos, you must first prepare a decoction: steam 30 g of dry grass gallon of liquid. Insist, decant and pour 3,38 fluid ounce of vinegar. Ready to use.

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Fashionable haircut for medium hair. Photo, front and rear view.

Banana shampoo

To obtain a banana shampoo, you must: peel the banana, add the egg and lemon juice and bring to uniformity. If desired, add drops of cosmetic oils, oil vitamins. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesApply the resulting composition, grind, stand for about half an hour. Wash and rinse with chamomile or nettle decoction, depending on the color of the hair.

Kefir shampoo

Kefir, with any percentage of fat content, dilute with water and wash your hair with this liquid. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water. Dark bread is allowed in kefir. Cooking will take about an hour. Mix the pulp of bread with kefir, leave it to swell the bread. Beat the mass until smooth. Store for about a day, since the bread in kefir will ferment.

Rye shampoo

Soak a piece of rye crumb in a liquid. Insist until swelling. It will turn out gruel, it is better to strain it, crumbs are difficult to wash. With a mass, smear hair, grind. Soak for 10 minutes, wash. This is a way to get rid of dandruff.  How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

Cooking from rye flour will take about half an hour. Pour in warm milk or an aqueous solution of herbs. Allow to swell. Strain the resulting mass. We get the so-called rye milk (infusion). It is used in this form, but the addition of additional components is allowed: honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, oily vitamins.

Apply to dampened hair. Ideally, put a plastic bag on and stand for half an hour, the hair will absorb nutrients. The composition is washed off perfectly. After application, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Jasmine Shampoo with Honey

Main property: moisturizes and nourishes hair. It is being prepared on soap. Grate soap (baby or pharmacy soap), add a decoction of jasmine petals and honey. Stir until the soap chips dissolve. Apply to a moistened head, massage and wash. Storage for up to a week.

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Fashionable bangs of the new season for medium, short, long hair. Photo.

Castor Oil Composition

Castor oil shampoo is designed to nourish dry hair. It is prepared on a soap basis. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesDissolve grated soap in a decoction of herbs of your choice, add oil and egg. Smear a wet head, grind and wash.

Cognac Shampoo

Cognac shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it eliminates unaesthetic shine. It is necessary to mix cognac and egg. Bring the components to uniformity, apply to a damp head, usd and wash.

Composition with oak bark

Oak bark, with constant use, will help eliminate dandruff. Pour crushed bark with liquid, boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. Aromatic oils can be added to the broth if desired. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

Means to apply 2 months. It is worth considering that such a shampoo will give dark shades to light hair.

Sour milk as a shampoo

Kefir is not the only sour-milk component of shampoo that you can do with your own hands at home. Like kefir, the farm always has sour milk or yogurt.

Lactic acids provide a protective film from the negative effects of the external environment. Apply milk to hair, usd into scalp, cover with a plastic bag. Soak for half an hour, wash and rinse with water with lemon or vinegar water.

Soap dish broth as a shampoo

Mylnianka is a herbaceous plant. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesDue to the huge content in the root of substances called saponins, it has the ability to foam.

You can prepare several types of shampoo:

  1. Half a glass of ground root and a glass of liquid, cook for a quarter of an hour. The cooled solution is decanted, add oil at the discretion. The resulting shampoo can be used for a week.
  2. Ground root, lemon verbena, mint – boil, cook for a quarter of an hour. Cool. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes
  3. Ground root + herb: chamomile (light), rosemary (dark), lavender (bold), marshmallow (dry). Make a decoction and use for a week.

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Fashionable bangs of the new season for medium, short, long hair. Photo.

Dry shampoo with corn starch

Dry shampoo is a godsend for those who do not have time to wash the
ir hair.
Dry starch-based shampoo can easily do this. It is necessary to sprinkle the hair with dry starch, beat and shake them, shake out the starch, if necessary, remove the residues with a dry towel. Comb your hair with a thick comb.

Shampoo with healthy oils

Depending on the result, hair will suit: burdock, castor, sage, rose, jojoba, etc. It is necessary to mix the yolks, alcohol (vodka), sage and rose oil solution into a homogeneous mass. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesThe composition eliminates peeling and itchy skin sensation. Rub, thoroughly massage and rinse. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Beer shampoo

The secret to this remedy is simple. Moisten your hair with a beer and rinse off after a few minutes. The components of the beer make up the skin.

Salt shampoo for deep cleansing

An effective and inexpensive way of deep cleaning is a common salt. On average, 30 g is necessary. Dilute the salt in liquid or kefir. To dilute salt, you can use herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, birch. Moisten the hair with the resulting solution and massage the skin. Rinse with water, reuse is recommended after half a month.

Birch shampoo

There are several options for how to make a birch shampoo with your own hands at home. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesBirch leaves or birch buds are taken as the basic component. Prepare the infusion according to the standard scheme and use every 3 days.

Pomegranate shampoo

The tool is suitable for oily hair, since pomegranate peels have an astringent, tanning effect. Required: pour liquid ( 0,3 gallon) of pomegranate crust (20 g), boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. You can brew pomegranate crusts in a thermos and leave overnight. Cool, apply every 3 days. How to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipesHow to make a shampoo with your own hands at home. Nettle, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa recipes

How and in what way to make hair attractive will depend on shampoo made at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the selected components are applicable to the type of hair and ensure their health and a spectacular look.

 Video on how to make shampoo with your own hands at home

How to make shampoo at home:

Do it yourself shampoo:

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