Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews

A complex aesthetic operation to change the structure of the nose is called rhinoplasty. The procedure affects the tissue and bone, due to which this process is considered quite time-consuming and difficult. Because of this, a plastic surgeon must have a sufficiently high qualification.

What is rhinoplasty

A surgical procedure called rhinoplasty corrects congenital and acquired defects of the nose and, if necessary, builds up the missing areas. The doctor during the intervention corrects the shape of the organ, invading its bone-cartilage system.

Types of Rhinoplasty

There are several options for rhinoplasty, which depend on the methods of access to the nose.


With this operation, the nose is cut from the inside, as a result of which the resulting scars become invisible. With closed rhinoplasty, damage to the arteries that feed the tip of the respiratory organ does not occur. Thanks to this, the nose heals and recovers faster. But besides these advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
Rhinoplasty of the nose is of various types. In the photo, the principle of open and closed technology.

Closed rhinoplasty is unpredictable, since during it it is very difficult to observe the stages of the operation. Only an experienced plastic surgeon can perform this operation correctly. Intervention can last from 20 minutes. up to 2 hours.

Closed rhinoplasty is performed for:

  • local intervention on the back of the nose;
  • correction of the nasal septum;
  • Underwing areas, without change of a nasal back;
  • symmetrical intervention, through cartilage.


With this method, in the middle of the nose, underneath, the cut skin is disconnected and lifted. Then they begin to correct the exposed cartilage. The duration of such an operation is 0.5-4 hours. Although open rhinoplasty is more accurate, after it the face still swells violently and hematomas occur.


For this option, a laser beam is used instead of a scalpel.

Such a non-scattering light beam:

  • cautiously affects soft tissues and blood vessels of the nose;
  • disinfects;
  • softens cartilage;
  • stimulates cell recovery.

Laser rhinoplasty is superficial and open. In the first, the existing shape of the nose is corrected without tissue incisions, and in the second, a complete modeling of the new organ takes place.

Injection with fillers

This technique is also called nose contouring. With it, without surgery, special drugs (calcium hydroxyapatite or hyaluronic acid) are administered, which dissolve over time.

Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews

However, the procedure using fillers does not eliminate the curvature of the septum and does not change the shape of the nose.

With the use of adjuvants

The process is accompanied by hormonal drugs administered in the nose, which must be corrected. In order to avoid deterioration and complications, the dose and distribution of funds must be very correctly calculated.

With Aptos threads

Such devices are threaded through punctures and tighten their nose (threads).

But this type of rhinoplasty is not particularly popular among surgeons because of:

  • possible breakage of threads;
  • unaesthetic appearance of the nose from punctured points;
  • the likelihood of scar formation.


Surgical intervention of this kind eliminates the displacement of bones and cartilage of the nose, which not only spoil the appearance, but also interfere with breathing.

The following types of septoplasty are distinguished:

  • classic;
  • endoscopic;
  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • ultrasound.

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Pros and Cons of Rhinoplasty

These criteria are listed below in tabular form:

Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Disadvantages of Rhinoplasty
Availability and Efficiency Impossibility of nasal breathing immediately after surgery
The ability to correct the shape of the nostrils The need to wear a facial sponge or gypsum
Breath improvement Bruising and swelling
The acquisition of harmonious facial contours Bleeding after surgery
The appearance of self-satisfaction Deteriorating sense of smell and decreased sensitivity
Possibility of infection
Result after 9-12 months

Indications for nose correction

Rhinoplasty of the nose is a surgical intervention that is performed for medical or aesthetic reasons. The operation is designed to get rid of various shortcomings. The process is also not cosmetic, since anesthesia is used during it.

Nasal bridge thickening

The defect, which is very distracting from the eyes, is easily amenable to rhinoplasty. The thickened nose bridge is mostly congenital.

Plastic surgeons correct this defect by:

  • osteotomy, in which the nasal bones break and pull together;
  • cartilage transplantation, changing the configuration of the nose;
  • Augmentation rhinoplasty, more suitable for the Negroid form of the organ;
  • cumulative techniques.

Lateral curvature

This shift appears after birth and other injuries.

Lateral curvature can only be corrected by complex surgical intervention, in which:

  • perform an osteotomy;
  • align the side walls;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • adjust the height of the nasal back.

Disproportionately large no

The shape of such a nose is usually correct, but inharmonious due to too large an organ. In this case, with plastic correction, the bone-cartilage section is changed. To create new contours of the nose, the installation of grafts is used, as well as redistribute or remove tissue.

A long nose

This problem is solved both with local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The length of the nose is adjusted by applying a resection of the lateral cartilage or by removing part of the cartilage of the septum. At the end of the operation, the released skin is pulled with notches inside the olfactory organ.

Irregular tip shape

Rhinoplasty of the nose is a correction that can also be applied to its tip. Such an operation is considered the most difficult. She, moreover, is not shown to everyone. So, for example, the plastic of the tip of the nose is not made pregnant. Modeling of this part of the organ can be either open or closed. At the tip of the nose, septoplasty is also possible, or the non-surgical method is applicable.

Inharmonic form of wings and nostrils

This fairly common phenomenon also lends itself to rhinoplasty. After the operation, the face regains its former attractiveness and harmony. The nostrils are reduced by moving the skin on the nose.

When rhinoplasty is needed

The procedure allows you to remove acquired imperfections after primary rhinoplasty. It is also acceptable when the result for one surgical intervention was not achieved. The skin of the nose with repeated rhinoplasty is separated and the previous actions are corrected. Then it is installed back and pulled to create a new frame. The incisions are then sutured.


Plastic nose correction is not performed for those who have:

  • cardiac ischemia;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • diabetes;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hypertension of the 3rd stage;
  • heart defects;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • immune or infectious diseases;
  • viral hepatitis and other liver problems;
  • oncology;
  • bronchial disease;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • mental disorders.

Temporary or relative contraindications to rhinoplasty are:

  • rhinitis;
  • rotaviruses;
  • typhoid fever;
  • ARI;
  • flu
  • ARVI;
  • skin inflammations;
  • menstruation or pregnancy.

Nasal repair is not recommended for people under the age of 18. The upper threshold of this operation is the age of 50 years. But such restrictions on rhinoplasty are considered only conditional. Each case should be considered individually by the surgeon.


Plastic surgery of the nose is carried out only after the preparatory process, which is previously instructed by a specialist. This is followed by a determination of the choice of anesthesia through laboratory blood tests. After anesthesia, the nose correction itself is carried out directly. The final stage of rhinoplasty will be rehabilitation.


Before the operation to correct the nose, examinations are carried out:

  • ECG;
  • fluorography or chest x-ray;
  • nasal shot.

14 days before rhinoplasty, blood thinners are stopped. The week before, surgeons advised not to smoke or drink alcohol. The day before the intervention, they eat light food, and before the operation they don’t drink anything and starve. The patient will still have to talk with the anesthetist so that he can determine the exact anesthesia.

Along with this, two weeks before nose correction, they pass urine and examine the blood for:

  • PB;
  • HCV and HBS;
  • HIV

Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews

3 months before the plastic surgery, blood tests such as:

  • on factor and rhesus;
  • per group;
  • on a coagulogram;
  • on electrolytes;
  • biochemical and general.


Rhinoplasty is usually done with:

  • mask or inhalation anesthesia;
  • general intravenous;
  • local anesthesia.

Correction Steps

The following phases of operation are distinguished:

  1. Introduction to drug sleep.
  2. Cutting the nose and raising soft tissues.
  3. Modeling the structure and shape of an organ using cartilage.
  4. Straightening the septum if it is curved.
  5. Moving the skin and tissues to their original position and stitching the incisions.
  6. Results and recovery after surgery.


Rhinoplasty of the nose is a rather painful operation. To prevent the patient from feeling such sensations, surgeons resort to anesthesia. Before anesthesia, the doctor may still prescribe some necessary medicines.


At the 1st stage of recovery after nasal plastic surgery, which lasts a week, they wear plaster or a bandage. The first two days will be painful. Eye squirrels turn out to be red, and the face is swollen. In the first week, it is necessary to very carefully get rid of the discharge from the nostrils. At the 2nd rehabilitation stage, which lasts 3 weeks, somewhere around 10 days after rhinoplasty, splints and a bandage are removed.

During this phase also:

  • eliminate the main non-absorbable sutures;
  • washed nose, removing clots from it;
  • the surgeon checks the condition and shape of the organ;
  • swelling and bruising will go away a bit.

Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews

The 3rd stage lasting from the 4th to the 12th week will bring with it:

  • decline in puffiness;
  • the disappearance of bruises;
  • restoration of the shape of the nose;
  • final disposal of all sutures and healing of their location.

At the last, 4th, recovery phase, which will last about a year, the following will happen:

  • roughness or roughness will disappear or appear;
  • the results are fully manifested;
  • it will be possible to discuss reoperation, if necessary.

Recommendations before and after surgery

Before rhinoplasty, it’s better not to eat anything in the last 12 hours. Two days before this, it is not recommended to drink energy
and coffee. A person in the preoperative period should be completely put in order, getting rid of inflammation and irritation. After nose correction, longuet should be worn for 7-14 days. Bruises can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments prescribed by your doctor.

To prevent repeated bleeding, the head can be washed only 3 days after rhinoplasty.

While splints are in the nose, patients should not lean forward. The first 7 days after surgery, they sleep half-sitting or on a stiff high pillow. The mattress must be orthopedic. In a dream, you can’t toss and turn from side to side and stick your nose into the pillow. You will have to sleep on your back for 3 weeks. After that it is allowed to turn over carefully.

It will be possible to sleep on the stomach only after 6-10 months, when the healing is completely over. Washing in the rehabilitation period is allowed only with micellar water and cleansing tonics, since bending and soaking gypsum is prohibited. After the face is freed from everything, washing should be very careful.

Food after surgery should not be salty. Alcohol can be drunk only after 3 weeks.

A whole month after nasal plastic surgery you can’t:

  • strain your face;
  • swim and play sports;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • eat hot and spicy food.

Food during recovery should be healthy and warm, so that the body can easily absorb it. This is the only way to avoid constipation, bringing excessive stress. Alcohol during rehabilitation is strictly prohibited. Wine is allowed to drink in small quantities a month after rhinoplasty, and beer and champagne after 5-6 months. The same applies to energy and low-alcohol drinks.

Possible complications after surgery

After nose surgery, some problems may occur:

  • severe bleeding during the operation itself;
  • bone damage after osteotomy, due to which rhinoplasty will have to be repeated;
  • damage to cartilage and skin from a careless doctor;
  • scarring and adhesion formation.

During rhinoplasty, complications in the form of:

  • skin tears;
  • deformations of the mucous and cartilaginous tissues;
  • burns from the coagulator;
  • bone fracture;
  • perinasal lesions;

In the postoperative period are sometimes observed:

  • impaired breathing;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • ocular ischemia;
  • anaphylaxis.

During healing, the following may occur:

  • impaired sense of smell;
  • necrotic conditions of cartilage or bones;
  • necrosis of the skin;
  • long-term edema;
  • scarring due to seams
  • the appearance of a hematoma on the septum;
  • bleeding
  • bacterial infections.

Deferred complications of rhinoplasty are:

  • implant rejection;
  • unsatisfactory result;
  • bone inflammation called osteogranuloma;
  • cyst of the nasal back;
  • relapsing meningitis;
  • narrowed nasal passages;
  • perforated partition;
  • commissures;
  • the development of hypertrophic scars.


Nasal rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can be successful or unsuccessful. If the outcome of the operation is justified by the patient’s expectations, then its outcome is considered quite satisfactory. The unsuccessful result of the corrective process always entails certain complications.

Unsuccessful rhinoplasty is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • twisted nose and drooping of its tip;
  • impaired respiratory function;
  • not swelling, after 6 months, swelling;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • bleeding
  • skin pigmentation;
  • the appearance of scars and scars;
  • partial or complete disappearance of the sense of smell for more than 3 months;
  • prolonged pain on the operated area.

The aesthetics of the results become noticeable only after a year. The results can be completely unpredictable. An unsatisfactory outcome of rhinoplasty is considered either a complication or a medical error. Those who decide to have rhinoplasty need to choose only reliable specialists.

Unscrupulous or inexperienced surgeons can cause:

  • poor solution to the patient’s problem;
  • deterioration of the shape of the nose;
  • tissue damage;
  • extensive swelling of the face.

Can the size and shape of the nose change in the future

The condition of the nose after correction in the future will completely depend on the chosen medical institution and plastic surgeon. A good specialist will always observe the patient, monitor his condition, even after the rehabilitation period. Conscientious doctors will always tell you if the client needs a second correction or the help of another surgeon.

How long can I go to work

It is already possible to return to work after rhinoplasty after 2-3 weeks, when the sutures and gypsum are removed. At the same time, swelling and bruising go away. But do not forget that physical activity is still contraindicated.

Operation cost

Prices for rhinoplasty vary widely in different clinics.

The total cost of the operation depends on:

  • difficulty of the problem;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • the number of days spent in the hospital;
  • surgeon qualifications;
  • type of anesthesia;
  • accompanying medications;
  • implants and supplies;
  • equipment and location of the institution;
  • depreciation of used tools and equipment;
  • additional services during the operation.

An expensive clinic is appropriate for selection only when the services in it are reasonably regarded.

Good centers differ:

  • well-known and reliable surgeons;
  • modern technical equipment;
  • impeccable reputation.

Depending on the nature of the work, rhinoplasty in New York will cost approximately:

  • 17-220 thousand usd. – septoplasty;
  • 5-190 thousand usd – correction of wings;
  • 13-250 th
    ousand usd. – hump plastic;
  • 14-250 thousand usd. – correction of the tip of the nose;
  • 20-295 thousand usd – reduction in length;
  • 80-400 thousand usd. – comprehensive nose correction.

Simple types of nasal correction always cost less than complex ones. After all, such rhinoplasty is performed faster, and it does not require the use of expensive drugs. The use of implants involving the nasal skeleton has always been evaluated and costs significantly more.

Additional services for rhinoplasty are:

  • preconsultation;
    Rhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviewsRhinoplasty of the nose: closed, open, reconstructive, injection, laser. Price and reviews
  • computer modelling;
  • testing;
  • care and maintenance of the inpatient ward after surgery.

The more experienced the surgeon, the higher the price of nose surgery. Insufficiently qualified specialists and less well-known clinics take much less for their work. However, their quality and service will be appropriate.

Rhinoplasty is a necessary operation, both for aesthetic and medical reasons. All the same, the patients themselves should decide on the correction of the nose. But before that, they need to carefully think through everything.

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