Peeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviews

When is it best to do peeling in the salon or at home, in the summer, winter, spring or autumn. Which peeling is preferable for sensitive or problematic skin: median, deep or superficial. How to do peeling.

Peeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviewsPeeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviews

When is it best to do peeling in the salon or at home. Table

Depth peeling

When is better to do and why

Is it possible to (safely) do at other times of the year

Is it possible to do at home or better in the cabin

Deep peeling Recommended for winter. It is not safe to carry out deep peeling at other times of the year. It is carried out in a hospital of a cosmetic clinic.
Mid peeling Held in late autumn or winter. It is not advisable to do the procedure in the warm sunny seasons. Experts recommend doing only in the cabin.
Light (surface) peeling Some peels are carried out in any of the months of the year, after the procedures, a long stay in the sun is not recommended. The procedure can be carried out both at home and in the cabin. In salon conditions, surface peeling is more effective.

Professional peelings

Chemical peeling for the face The beginning of spring, through April, late autumn – from mid-October, in the winter. In the summer, a week before and a week after the procedures, do not be in the sun, do not visit the beach, solarium, saunas, baths. You can do at home with the use of ready-made compounds for these purposes.
Almond face peeling Early spring, late autumn, winter. It is possible to carry out procedures in the summer, followed by safety precautions. You can carry out the procedure at home.
Laser face peeling The best time is the beginning of winter. Late autumn, beginning of spring-April. It is carried out only in the salon, cosmetology clinic.
Gas-liquid face peeling Peeling is possible at any time of the year. Only in the cabin, this requires special equipment.
Retinol (yellow) peeling Autumn, winter time. In spring and summer, peeling can be done if necessary. After the procedure, it is not recommended to visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse, pool. Cream with a high UV protection index should be used. The procedure is available at home.
Peeling Calcium Chloride Facial During the whole year. Recommended at home.
Acid Peeling September to March. Not recommended in summer. Light acid peeling can be done at home.
Diamond face peeling Cool and non-sunny season, from late autumn to early spring. It can be done in the summer, but the skin should be protected from the sun, pigmentation may occur. It is carried out only in beauty salons.
Ultrasonic face peeling In any season. Ultrasonic peeling is available at home with an apparatus.
Carbon Facial Peeling The procedure can be done at any time of the year. The procedure is possible only in the salon / cosmetic clinic.
Glycolic face peeling The best time for glycolic peeling is fall / spring. It can be carried out in winter / summer, subject to the use of protective creams and emulsions. Perhaps at home, but the salon procedure is more effective.
Facial Peeling with Fruit Acids Peeling is possible at any time of the year, you should first consult a cosmetologist, at different times of the year, peels with fruit acids act differently. It is recommended to do at home. However, procedures in the salon are very effective.
Garra Rufa fish peeling Recommended in the warmer months. The procedure can be performed in any season of the year. Only in the cabin.
Enzymatic face peeling During a year. The procedure can be done at home.
Vacuum face peeling It is recommended to carry out in the period from autumn to spring. It can be carried out in the summer, but after the procedure, swelling and redness are possible, the use of protective equipment is necessary. It is possible to carry out the procedure a
t home with an apparatus.
Salicylic face peeling The procedure is shown during the autumn-spring period. It is not advisable to spend in the summer. You can do peeling at home using ready-made products.
Coral Face Peeling Peeling is done at any time of the year. Peeling at home is possible. It is recommended that the first procedure be carried out in a salon in order to find out how to correctly and in what sequence to perform manipulations.
Mechanical face peeling The best time for peeling is the cool season, from autumn to early spring. Can be carried out in the summer. In the hot season, experts advise doing superficial light peeling. Peeling can be done at home, using products without aggressive components. A deeper mechanical peeling is best done in a salon.
Oxygen Facial Peeling In any season. Peeling is carried out in the salon. At home, an alternative method of oxygen peeling is used using oxygenated vitamins.
Jessner Peeling It is recommended for holding at any time of the year. After peeling, avoid direct sunlight, use protective equipment. At home, the procedure is available. It is recommended that you consult a cosmetologist about skin type, post-peeling care and possible skin reactions to peeling.
Pink face peeling In any period of the year. The procedure is available at home.

Home Facial Peels

It is these formulations with vitamins and beneficial substances that are specifically designed for home use.
Facial milk peeling You can do the procedure at any time of the year.


In the summer after peeling, you should refrain from sunbathing, visiting tanning salons
Hilak Forte Facial Peeling
Facial Peeling
Salt Peeling for the face Peeling can be applied at any time of the year. It is recommended to do in the summer before visiting the beach, solariums.
Peeling soda for face Peeling is best done in the cool season, autumn-winter-spring. It is not advisable to do in the summer, on hot sunny days, it greatly dries the skin.
Whitening Lemon Facial Peeling Peeling is shown at any time of the year. In the summer, after peeling, creams with a high degree of UV protection should be used, refrain from sunbathing.
Grape Face Peeling Peeling can be applied in any of the seasons.
Facial Coffee Peeling Applicable at any time of the year.

Peeling – cosmetics

Peeling skating rink Beauticians recommend the use of peeling in the period from autumn to early spring. It is not advisable to spend in the summer.
Peeling facial scrub Recommended for use in autumn and winter. It can be carried out in early spring, not desirable in summer.
Facial Peeling Gel Recommended for use in autumn and winter. You can do it in early spring, in the summer after application, refrain from exposure to the sun, use creams with a high UV protection rating.
Black pearl oil face peeling The product is suitable for use at any time of the year. After applying the peeling, UV-protected products should be applied, it is not recommended to visit tanning salons, or to be in the sun.
Gel peeling for the face Planet Organics

Face peeling Natura Siberika

Tiande face peeling The same recommendations. The same recommendations.
Peeling roll for face Librederm with camomile
Shiseido Facial Peeling
Dewytree Facial Peeling
Vichy face peeling
Avon face peeling
Korean face peeling
Japanese face peeling
Facial Peeling Acid Poppy The tool is recommended for use in autumn, winter. Early spring, not recommended in summer. If it is necessary to use it in summer, choose cloudy days and evening for use. After peeling, use products with a high UV protection index.

How often can face peeling be done

Facial peeling is a cosmetic procedure designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Peeling will help get rid of pigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles , remove dead epidermal cells, which will contribute to rapid regeneration and improve skin tone.

Peeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviewsPeeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviews

According to the degree of impact, peels are divided into 3 types:

  • deep,
  • median,
  • surface.

By type of funds used:

  • chemical,
  • mechanical,
  • physical.

Beauticians recommend peeling:

  1. Deep – no more than once every 3-5 years, depending on the type and condition of the skin. After deep peeling, it takes time to restore the skin, from 3 to 6 months. After the procedure, the use of agents that accelerate the healing and restoration of the upper layer of the skin is recommended. Exfoliating and scrubbing products are contraindicated. Their use is recommended after complete skin regeneration in order to prolong the effect of peeling. The result of the procedure is stored for 3-4 years.
  2. Median – not more than once every 6-12 months. Facial skin recovery time takes less time, since the effect is not so deep, for a maximum of 2 weeks. The effect of the procedure lasts up to a year. Also, in order to prolong and maintain the effect of peeling, it is recommended to carry out light peelings once a month in the salon or at home. Median peeling is carried out in a salon. At home, it is possible to carry out such peeling with strict observance of the instructions for the use of peeling products and devices. If used improperly, burns, severe irritation, allergic reactions are possible.
  3. Superficial – regularly, depending on the type of skin. For dry skin type, not more often 1-2 times a month, for oily skin 2-3 times a month. The light peeling procedure can be carried out in the salon or at home.

For peelings, you can use ready-made mixtures or make them yourself.

Peeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviewsPeeling. When to do chemical, acid, deep, fruit, glycol, laser at home, photos, reviews
When doing peeling at home, all the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists should be considered.

Components can be purchased at the pharmacy, prepared from natural means:

  • dairy products
  • fruit
  • salt, sugar, soda, coffee grounds, oat groats.

Peelings at home using natural products can be done every 7-10 days. When using ready-made products with various acids, the surface peeling procedure can be done 1 time per month.

Beautician’s advice: before any peeling at home, you should check the skin reaction to its constituent components.

If allergic reactions occur, the component should be eliminated or replaced.

After peeling, funds should be used to protect the skin from insolation. After deep peelings, it is necessary to use products with a high sun protection index, to refrain from visiting bathhouses / saunas for a while.

Not recommended for next year:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Tan on the beach or in the solarium.

Table 2. Is it possible to do peeling in such cases

Situation, Event, Health Status

Is it possible

What to consider

Can I do peeling for acne and acne Yes, selectively, subject to certain conditions Previously, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of acne and acne. Peeling is recommended after acne has passed. Superficial peels for acne can be performed. In the presence of inflammation, ulcers and wounds, peeling is not carried out. Superficial and median peeling can be done with black dots and comedones.
Can face peeling be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding Yes, some types of peelings can be applied. During pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindicated: deep peeling, superficial and median chemical peeling.

As the hormonal background changes during pregnancy, chemicals can cause persistent pigmentation.

During lactation, deep and median peels are prohibited.

You can do: light (surface) physical peeling, peels using natural products.

Is it possible to peel after cleaning Undesirable After cleaning, the skin is injured, the appearance of undesirable allergic reactions, severe redness, rashes. After cleaning, peeling can be done only after complete restoration of the skin, depending on the type of skin after a maximum of 2-3 weeks.
Is it possible to do peeling with rosacea Yes, some types of peelings can be done. The use of deep and aggressive peels is not recommended. Suitable for use peels that do not cause severe irritation, hypoallergenic: almond, milk, lactobionic.

Showing hardware peelings: oxygen, gas-liquid, aquapilling.

Possible use: retinoic peeling, peeling with azelaic acid, phytic peeling, coral.

Is it possible to do peeling with sensitive skin Yes, some types of peelings can be done. Such skin is more susceptible to peeling than other types. It is recommended to do surface peelings. Since the skin responds to the slightest impact, it is necessary to choose the right procedure which is better and does not injure the skin. Acidic surface peels can be used. If you want to carry out the procedure at home, you should first consult a cosmetologist.
Is it possible to do facial peeling with demodicosis Yes, some types of peelings are shown to improve skin condition. For demodicosis, the following are indicated: laser peeling, chemical peeling with glycolic acid, chemical peeling with triacetic acid.

Chemical peels with acids in demodicosis help to improve the condition of the skin, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties that promote healing.

Laser peeling acting on the skin, promotes the healing and renewal of damaged skin areas.

Is it possible to do peeling during menstruation, before menstruation Contraindicated For the period of menstruation, it is best to refrain from peeling procedures. These days there is a change in the hormonal background of a woman, the reaction to peels is difficult to predict. Restructuring of the body begins a few days before the onset of menstruation, so the time immediately before menstruation is also not suitable for peeling.
Is it possible to do peeling when taking hormonal Yes, but subject to conditions When taking hormonal drugs, before conducting the procedure, you should visit your doctor and get advice. Depending on what disease is present and what means the doctor prescribed, some types of peelings may be contraindicated.
Is it possible to do peel ing before / after mesotherapy Yes Peelings are recommended before mesotherapy. In this combination, peeling – meso, mesotherapy contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin after peeling.

After a mesotherapy session, surface peels can be performed.

Is it possible to do peeling after Botox Yes Botox and chemical peeling work well together. Superficial peeling with acids is compatible on one day of both procedures. For a stronger peeling effect, after the introduction of botulinum toxin, cosmetologists advise to wait a month.
Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization Yes It is recommended to combine these two procedures in a complex to enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Is it possible to do peeling after fillers No After the introduction of fillers, peeling should not be used for two weeks. It is necessary to wait until the skin at the injection site heals. After healing within 1-2 months, only light peels are applicable. Median peeling can be used only after consultation with a cosmetologist, since it all depends on the condition of the skin.
Is it possible to do peeling after tanning Yes, some types of peeling It is recommended to carry out superficial peeling to restore rough skin after tanning.
Is it possible to do peeling after disport Yes A month after the use of disport, laser and chemical peeling can be done.
Is it possible to do peeling after threads, mesothreads Yes You can do peelings after 2 – 2.5 months.
Can I peel before / before eyebrow tattoo No Peeling in the eyebrow area is not recommended 10 days before and after applying the tattoo. The effects of acids on tattooed skin can affect the color of the tattoo.
Is it possible to do peeling before / after plasmolifting Yes It is recommended to carry out these two procedures in a complex to enhance the effect of rejuvenation. Plasmolifting after peeling will improve the condition of the skin, and enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Is it possible to do peeling after or before the solarium Deep peeling: before carrying out it is necessary to refuse sunbathing a month before the procedure; after completion of rehabilitation from sunbathing, visiting a bath, sauna should refrain for at least 6 months.

Median peeling: peeling is not recommended immediately after an active tan. This can damage the skin weakened by the sun. Peeling can be done in 10-14 days; when conducting a peeling course, it is highly undesirable to sunbathe between sessions; after peeling, sunbathing should be abstained for 2 weeks.

Light types of surface peeling are recommended before tanning, such as salt peeling.

Can peeling be done after hyaluronic acid Yes It is recommended that these 2 procedures be alternately performed in order to enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Is it possible to do peeling after microblading Yes, but over time After microblading, peeling is possible after 2-3 months, since the skin in the eyebrow area is very susceptible to injury. It is recommended not to apply funds close to the eyebrows during peeling.
Is it possible to do peeling after scrub Yes, but over time After scrub, the use of pilings is strongly not recommended. The scrub contains abrasive particles, after exposure to which microtraumas remain on the skin. Subsequent peeling can adversely affect. Before deep and middle peels, scrubs are prohibited.
Can peeling be done after mole removal No After removing moles, peeling is not advisable. It is possible to carry out superficial peeling 2-3 months after removal.
Is it possible to do peeling after shugaring Yes The use of peelings before and after shugaring is recommended. Peeling improves skin condition, with this combination of peeling-shugaring, the number of ingrown hairs is significantly reduced.
Is it possible to do peeling after lip augmentation Yes, over time The use of peelings is possible two weeks after lip augmentation.
Is it possible to do peeling after laser resurfacing No The rehabilitation period after the procedure can last up to a year. For this period, it is necessary to exclude the use of any peelings.
Can peeling be done after mechanical cleaning Yes, recommended over time Recommended surface peeling a week after mechanical cleaning. A deeper peeling effect is applicable after 3-4 weeks.
Is it possible to do peeling immediately after tooth extraction No After tooth extraction, cosmetic procedures should be postponed for 5-7 days. Extremely undesirable effects on the skin, especially physical ones.
Is it possible to do peeling after 50 years Yes Peeling is recommended. Deep in order to remove age-related pigmentation, fine wrinkles, an overall improvement in skin tone. Median peeling to maintain skin tone.

Since the skin becomes thinner with age, it is not recommended to abuse peeling.

Superficial peels at this age are ineffective.

When to do peeling: video

See how often peeling can be done in the video clip:

What peeling can be done in the summer, find out in the video clip:

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