Everyday exercises for a perfect figure. Video training at home
To create the perfect figure, professional fitness instructors recommend every day to perform a complex of simple exercises . Training, in duration, usually not exceeding 10 – 20 minutes, will allow you to evenly work out the muscles of the whole body, locally reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat in problem areas.
Everyday exercises for a perfect figure at home
Knowledge of the technique of performing loads of this type will avoid injuries and make classes as effective as possible.
Every day exercises for an ideal figure should be simple, but able to bring the first visible result after a few weeks of regular training. This is the only way an athlete, doing at home, will be able to maintain his motivation and engage until he reaches his original goal.
For arms and shoulders
In order to work out the muscles of the arms and shoulders at home, it is recommended to perform exercises that involve using both your own weight and additional sports equipment, such as dumbbells.
Before training, it is necessary not only to warm up the body, preparing it for the upcoming load, but also to set the pace of the cardiovascular system.
The technique of its implementation
Circular rotations with weights
In the hands, fix the dumbbells of the working mass (in the absence of the usual sports equipment, you can use water bottles with a volume of a gallon and a half, or books convenient for sports, as weighting materials); breast forward; legs should be placed at shoulder distance; raise the chin.
Raise the upper limbs to the sides, without changing the position of the body at the same time.
Controlling the frequency of breathing, perform 10 circular rotations of the hands clockwise, avoiding sudden movements. In the exercise, only the lower parts of the upper extremities to the elbow joint (hand and forearm) work.
Change the direction of rotation and perform 10 circular movements counterclockwise.
Take a deep breath and, releasing the air drawn into the lungs, slowly lower your hands, thus assuming the starting position (PI).
Lift weights through the sides
Stand up straight; feet should be separated from each other at a distance of 5’9 – 7’9 inch; slightly bend your back forward in the thoracic spine; pick up weights.
On the exhale, raise your arms to the sides until a right angle is formed between the upper limbs and the body.
Lock the position for 5-7 seconds.
Lower your arms as slowly as possible to their original position.
Without pausing in the lower position, perform the required number of repetitions of the hand swings to the sides.
Shoulder rotation
Take a stable upright position; straighten your back; neck slightly lengthen; legs should be placed at a distance equal to the space between the shoulders; pick up working weighting materials.
Raise the upper limbs to the sides until right angles form in the armpits.
Perform 10 clockwise rotations of the hands, using the entire limb fully (the movable part is the shoulder joint).
Perform 10 rotational movements counterclockwise.
Repeat step 3-4 as many times as necessary.
Push ups
Lie on the floor, evenly distributing the total body weight between the hands, resting on the floor with the back of the palms and the tips of the toes of the straight legs.
Retract the abdomen and make sure that all the main muscle groups of the body are in tension.
On exhalation, bend your arms and bring the body as close as possible to the support, avoiding the manifestation of bends in the lower back or thoracic spine.
Without stopping, slowly return to SP.
Weighting Bench Up
Lie on the supporting surface with your back down.
Take weighting agents in your hands and press them to the chest area.
On the exhale, straighten the upper limbs, moving the weighting agents in this way to a position above the body.
Breathe your arms in and breathe back into the PI.
For breast
Every day exercises for an ideal figure involve working out the muscles of the chest, the tightness of which is important for both women and men. It is possible to tighten the pectoral muscles with the help of basic loads.
The technique of its implementation
Take a vertical position; put the feet as close to each other as possible; straighten your back, raise your chin.
Bend your arms at the elbows and bring them together in the chest area, placing the back of the palms together.
Inhaling deeply and abruptly releasing air from the lungs with a powerful jet, squeeze your palms as hard as possible, as if trying to move your arms from their original position. At the moment of tension, only the muscles of the chest should be involved.
Fix state for 20 sec.
Slowly relax the upper limbs for 10 sec.
Repeat step 3-4 as many times as necessary.
Wall breeding
Get in the doorway; legs should be placed in an arbitrary position; straighten your back; look straight ahead; move your hands to the sides, fixing the back of the palms on the sides of the opening.
As you exhale, tighten your pectoral muscles, as if trying to push the walls to the sides, expanding the door arch.
Fix the position for 20 seconds and then pause for a maximum of 5 seconds.
Repeat step 2-3 as many times as necessary.
Breeding of weights from a prone position
Lie on a horizontal surface; press the lower back to the support; bend your legs at the knees and rest against the floor with your feet; fix dumbbells or improvised weighting agents in your hands.
On exhalation, without bending, spread your arms to the sides, directing the back of the palms with an additional burden up.
Return the upper limbs to their original position and, without stopping, repeat step 2 the required number of times.
Breeding of weights from a standing position
Stand up straight; feet to set apart from each other at a distance equal to the width of the shoulders; pick up weights; breast forward.
Tilt the body forward, slightly bending your knees and pushing your buttocks back. Leave hands free below.
On the exhale, spread your arms to the sides, without changing the inclined position of the body.
Weighting Bench Press on Fitball
Lie on the fitball with your back down (the fulcrum should be in the chest area); bend your legs at the knees and rest against the floor with your feet; hold one load with both hands.
At the same time as you exhale, “squeeze” the muscles by moving the dumbbell over yourself.
Return your hands to the IP, trying not to change the position of the body, constantly balancing on the fitball.
For abdominal muscles
Every day exercises for a perfect figure will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as accelerate blood circulation and lymph flow in the pelvic area. This contributes not only to the external transformation of the athlete’s body, but also to the improvement of his health.
The technique of its implementation
Twisting or crunching
Lie on a solid supporting surface; to press the lower back; bend your legs at the knees and rest against the floor with your feet; place your arms behind your head or cross your chest.
Tear off the upper part of the body from the support (to the shoulder blades), as if trying to reach the knees with the chin (on the exhale).
Lower your back to the floor (while inhaling) and at a moderate pace, perform the required number of crunches, controlling the frequency of your breathing.
Lie down on the floor; arms and legs stretch up and down, respectively; look to the ceiling.
After another inhalation, making an effort with the abdominal muscles, raise the upper and lower limbs, bringing them together at a point forming a perpendicular in relation to the athlete’s body.
Without resting, return to the PI, and then perform as many repetitions of the specified press exercise as possible.
Strip with alternate knee rotation
Lie down on the floor with your stomach.
Tear off the body from the supporting surface, distributing the weight evenly between the hands standing on the elbows and toes.
Feel the ultimate tension of all the muscles of the body.
On exhalation, without changing the initial distance of the body from the floor, bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the chest, while unfolding the knee in the corresponding direction.
Return to IP.
Perform step 4, using the other leg.
Full body press lifts
Lie down on the floor; cross your arms in the chest area or straighten them and bring them straight ahead; stretch the legs in a natural position, fixing it additionally from above (for example, the front of the foot can be placed under the sofa).
On the exhale, take a sitting position, without bending your back, and while lifting, use only the abdominal muscles.
Return to PI avoiding abrupt changes in the position of the body or limbs.
During this exercise, care must be taken that the neck and lower back are relaxed. Otherwise, such a load can provoke an overstrain of muscles, which contributes to the occurrence of pain in the athlete’s body in the post-training period.
Rock climber
Take a horizontal position belly down, choosing the supporting surface of the floor.
Tear off the body from the support, distributing the mass between straight arms, standing on the back of the palms, and toes of straight legs.
Tighten the muscles of the whole body as much as possible.
Alternately pull the lower limbs to the chest, bending them for this in the knee. The pace of the exercise is moderate.
For hips and buttocks
Every day exercises for an ideal figure, aimed at working out the lower body, are especially relevant for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
To bring the buttocks and hips into tone will help the basic loads, which can be performed even at home or during a break at work, as they do not require a large amount of energy.
The technique of its implementation
Bending the legs in the knee joint
Take a vertical position; feet to set apart from each other by a distance equal to the width of the shoulders; slightly bend your back in the thoracic and lumbar spine; straighten your arms and bring out in front of you, lifting them to chest level.
As you exhale, bend your knees and bring your buttocks closer to the floor until a parallel forms between the floor and the back of the thigh. At the time of the squat, it is important to ensure that most of the athlete’s weight falls on the heels, and the knees do not go beyond the visual boundaries of the feet.
Straighten the lower limbs and return to the PI.
Weighted lunges forward
Stand up straight; put the feet close to each other; place your hands on the belt; raise the chin; straighten your shoulders.
At the same time as you exhale, take a step forward with your left foot, bend it at the knee and perform a squat. When at a lower point, body weight must be distributed evenly between two limbs.
Having fixed the position for 2-3 seconds, take the initial position.
Gluteus bridge
Lie on a hard surface with your back down; bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the floor; hands should be placed in a free position along the body; look up; belly retract.
Leaning on the feet, tear the buttocks off the floor, lifting them straight up as high as possible.
Lock the position for as long as possible.
When the mus
cles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh begin to tremble, perform several pushing movements with the hips up, as if “clogging” the muscles.
Slowly return the lower body to the PI.
Legs back
To get into a “all fours” position; straighten your back; look to the floor so that the neck is a continuation of the body.
Take your right foot back and, without bending, bring it up.
Lock position for 3 sec.
Return the lower limb to its original position and do the same with the other leg.
Raise your legs to the side from a prone position
Lie on your left side, choosing the floor as a supporting surface; legs straighten; Stomach and buttocks as much as possible; minimize sagging in the back.
As you exhale, raise your right leg as high as possible.
Without lingering at the top point, return to the IP.
Repeat the above steps at a fast pace as many times as necessary.
Turn over to the right side and, observing points 1 – 4, work out the lateral surface of the left thigh.
For legs
To maintain the figure in perfect shape, it is recommended to complete the daily exercise complex with a load on the lower body – legs. Such training helps to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, increase the stamina and strength of the athlete.
The technique of its implementation
Sumo Squats
Take a vertical position, with the feet as wide apart as possible; place your hands on the belt or fix the weight in the hands; turn the feet in the opposite position.
On exhalation, bend the legs at the knees, and lower the buttocks to the floor until straight lines form at the hips. If it is necessary to increase the load, squats below the specified level are allowed.
Without pausing, slowly return to the FE, leaving your legs slightly bent.
Abduction of the lower extremities
To stand near the wall, turning to face it; the back of the palms in front of you; put the feet as close as possible.
Alternately, at an average pace, take the lower limbs back, lifting them as high as possible from the floor.
Pause for 5-10 seconds.
Turn to the wall with your right side and with the same leads of your legs up, work out the left limb as many times as necessary.
Turn to the wall with your left side and repeat the described steps as many times as necessary.
Jumping from a low point
Stand up straight; legs should be placed from each other at a distance equal to the space between the shoulders of the athlete; put your hands on your belt.
Squat down, bending your knees and pressing the buttocks to the calves as much as possible.
On the exhale, jump from the lower point, rising above the floor as high as possible.
Without lingering in a neutral position, after the jump again crouch down.
Perform the required number of jumps, and then return to the IP.
Steps in place
Take a vertical position; feet to move away from each other at a distance of 7’9 – 11’8 inch; put your hands on your belt; straighten your back.
Squat, slightly bending the lower limbs in the knee joints, and move the body forward.
Set the right foot to the side, straightening “at the exit”.
Return the leg to the IP.
Repeat steps 3-4 at a fast pace as many times as necessary.
Set aside the left leg and do the same on the other side.
Castle squats
The principle of this exercise is as similar as possible to classic squats. The only difference is that in this case, throughout the work with the leg muscles, it is necessary to keep them as close to each other as possible.
10-minute set of exercises to tighten the whole body
To begin a set of exercises for tightening the whole body should be from a warm-up, and complete it with a hitch.
The time spent on such stages is not taken into account when calculating the total duration of an express training:
Running at a place with high hips – 2 min.
Lunges forward with weighting agents – 3 * 10.
Push-ups from the knees – 10 repetitions.
The bar with alternating knees – 3 * 5.
Twisting from a lying position – 30 repetitions.
Leaving legs to the sides and back – 15 for each direction.
Jumping from the bottom – 2 min.
To achieve a visible result from express trainings, it is necessary to perform them daily, gradually increasing the load and the number of repetitions.
As a physical activity for every day, it is not recommended to choose a long-term complex consisting of more than 10 exercises for different muscle groups. You can achieve the perfect figure with the help of basic training, able to work out the muscles of the whole body without spending a large amount of physical and emotional resources of the athlete.
Knowledge of the technique of implementation, as well as the principles of compatibility of exercises, will allow you to independently create a training program even for a person who is far from the world of sports.