Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

The biolamination procedure will help give weakened hair a healthy look and strength. This result is achieved by coating the hair with a special tool that changes the structure of the hair shaft.

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What is biolamination of hair

Biolamination of hair is a restorative procedure that contributes to the return of a healthy shine, elasticity, and strength of curls.

What is the difference between biolamination and hair lamination

The processes of biolamination and lamination have many common features, due to the fact that they are restorative procedures. This coating is a thin layer of protective film of the hair surface.

The only difference is that the “bio” uses natural, biological raw materials, which are the basis of the reducing agent (therefore, the price for this procedure is higher than conventional lamination). Commonly used cellulose with the addition of dandelion oils, avocados and so on.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

Especially these funds are well suited for people with thin, brittle, damaged, dry hair. Thanks to the natural components, restorative agents act much softer on the locks and on the scalp of a person without causing allergic reactions.

This method has virtually no contraindications and contributes to:

  • giving your hair a healthy look;
  • increase in hair volume;
  • environmental protection.

The effect after the procedure lasts 4-7 weeks.

Who is suitable for biolamination hair

This method of repairing damaged curls is suitable for almost all types of hair.

Especially for people who often resort to bleaching, dyeing strands, as well as those who:

  • constantly uses a hair dryer, irons and other electrical appliances that promote hair styling;
  • has long, curly; brittle, dry hair;
  • has strongly split ends;
  • carried out a perm;
  • watching the first gray hair;
  • has stiff, naughty, forever tangled hair.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

The recovery effect is as follows:

  1. during the procedure in the salon, the master applies a special tool with biological components, which covers the hair with a thin layer of a protective film (cellulose);
  2. cellulose further contributes to the maximum reduction of harm arising from:
  • direct sunlight;
  • mechanical damage by combing;
  • damage from a sharp change in climatic conditions (heat, cold, sea water).


Contrary to established beliefs that biolamination is a safe procedure, it still has a number of certain contraindications.


  • Alopecia (a condition of the scalp in which significant hair loss is characteristic).
  • Thin, brittle hair.
  • Dry scalp.
  • Diseases of the scalp.
  • Injuries, damage to the epidermis of the head.

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Pros and Cons of Biolamination

Biolamination of hair – this action, like any other, has pros and cons.

First, you should list the advantages of the procedure:

  • Awesome transformation of curls. After the end of the manipulations, the hair acquires a 3-dimensional shape, elasticity, amazing shine, silkiness.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

  • Preservation of natural hair color. A film on curls will help preserve the saturation of the shade of hair.
  • This recovery process will significantly facilitate any installation and keep a presentable look for longer.
  • The substance covering the curls has the property of protecting against the harmful effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • Lack of contraindications for most people. Associated with this is the composition of the above-mentioned special reducing agents having no artificial substances. Due to this fact, biolamination is well distributed among pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Cellulose forms such a thin film that air freely circulates through it, and breathing of the hairline is practically not disturbed. But you can not resort to this procedure more than 1 time in 2-3 months.
  • The duration of the result. An excellent result after the “bio” procedure lasts 4-7 weeks, which is 1 week more than after the usual lamination procedure.
  • The result becomes noticeable after the first procedure.


  • High price.
  • On severely damaged curls, the result may not be particularly noticeable.
  • With the frequent implementation of this procedure, the condition of the curls, due to a lack of oxygen, worsens.
  • Often there is a weighting effect, which also leads to disastrous consequences.

What effect should be expected

The “bio” recovery procedure is of great benefit because it acts simultaneously in different directions. The composition of the applied product separately covers each hair, eliminating bumps, filling the cavity. As a result, damaged curls undergo natural restoration, which positively affects the appearance of the hair.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

Curls become smooth, shiny, and split ends come to an end. Cellulose, which is part of biolaminate, protects and prevents the negative effects of the outside world, aggressive manipulations. This film visually gives an additional, quite tangible volume, about 15-20%.

The bio-laminate covering the human head has amazing properties that allow the film to reflect light. As a result, curls acquire shine and shimmer in the daytime.

At the end of the recovery process, the curls become obedient, easy to comb, and the owners of such hair can forget about fixing means.

Dyed hair, after the procedure, will be able to maintain durability, brightness and color saturation, for a longer time period. Since the cellulose film will greatly interfere with the leaching of paint from the hair structure.

Means for biolaminating hair: overview and prices

An important aspect of the beauty of any woman is her hair. Therefore, manufacturers have developed a large number of different “rescue equipment.”

Lineaire home

Thanks to the base of innovative biotechnology, the drug gives the strands softness, smoothness, silkiness, shine. These biotechnologies eliminate the effect of fluffiness, straightening curls. The tool is used before straightening strands, curling and lightening.

This is a drug aimed at care, hair restoration. Developed by Lineaire home in Canada. The average cost of the drug is: $

Lebel Cosmetics Tuner Jell

Thanks to a unique complex of substances, vitamins B, PP in the composition, the product seals the flakes of each individual hair, making them straight, shiny. This tool also provides softness and obedience to the hair, as well as protection from the adverse effects of the external environment.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

This drug is aimed at care, hair restoration. Designed by Lebel Cosmetics Tuner Jell by a Japanese company. Average price: $ 34.

Sebastian Laminates Cellophanes

Due to the unique property of vegetable oil, the drug provides protein hair restoration, gives volume, healthy shine, strength. Paint pigments envelop the structure of the hair without harm. The product protects hair from environmental hazards.

This drug is also aimed at caring for hair restoration. Developed by Sebastian Laminates Cellophanes in the USA. The average cost is: $ 45.

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Fashionable bob cut for short hair. Photo, front and rear view.

Is biolamination preparation necessary

Hair biolamination is a procedure that is carried out by specially trained masters in a beauty salon, you do not need to prepare for it in advance.

But before carrying out the procedure at home, you should:

1. Prepare the necessary things in advance, for convenience:

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

  • special cellophane shower cap;
  • set of special tools;
  • clock;
  • hairbrush;
  • brush;
  • hair dryer;
  • shampoo;
  • water;
  • moisture absorbent towel.

2. Carefully read the instructions for use of the product.

Failure to comply with the rules prescribed in the instructions can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to do biolamination at home: a step-by-step guide

Biolamination of hair is a procedure that can be carried out at home.

It is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Washing head.  You need to wash it with shampoo $ 0,03., Until complete, deep cleaning, after the procedure, the head should be dried to a slightly wet state.
  2. Hot part (using a hairdryer). The biolamination agent is applied in a uniform, thin layer on the epidermis of the head and the hair surface along the entire length, then wait about 20 minutes, but the head should be under a hat or dressing from a plastic bag, warming up with a hairdryer. At the end, the composition is washed off with running water.
  3. Means of the cold part . The substance is applied along the length of the strands, with the exception of the basal part. Keep the composition for about 10 minutes, then the composition is washed off with warm water.
  4. Mask for recovery . The mask should be applied along the hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm, running water. This procedure is approximately 1-1.5 hours.

People who do not have the means to purchase biolaminate can make the composition on their own at home in some ways.

Method 1 – Gelatin

For cooking, you need 1 packet of gelatin, full 3 tablespoon of water, half a spoon of any balm. The ingredients are mixed, brought to a thick, homogeneous mass in the form of sour cream. You need to heat the strands treated with the hair dryer for about half an hour, plus after processing, keep another 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm running water.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

Gelatin is good for hair. It increases the volume thanks to the natural collagen that is part of gelatin. In addition, gelatin has nutritious, moisturizing substances that favorably affect the internal structure of hair.

Method 2 – Juices

The product of their previous recipe is mixed with juice to get a slightly changed shade, to increase the smoothness of hair. For girls with blonde hair color, water replacement with lemon extract is suitable. And for girls with a dark shade of hair, carrot juice is suitable. Aloe, burdock extract gives hair strength, strength accelerates growth.

Method 3 – Chicken Egg

To prepare the mixture using chicken eggs you will need: 1 chicken egg, 1 packet of gelatin, running water and mustard powder. This composition prevents dandruff due to fatty acids, restores damaged hair due to lecithin, and achieves smoothness, silkiness due to the presence of vitamin E.

Method 4 – fermented milk products

To prepare this mixture, you need to mix an egg, castor oil, kefir / yogurt (without sugar) with mayonnaise. Keep the product on your head for 1 hour.

This tool, in addition to all of the above advantages from other recipes, perfectly moisturizes hair.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

People purchasing the product in the store should choose carefully, given the popularity, brand reputation, quality of the product itself.

Color Biolamination Instruction

Biolamination in color technology is a regenerative procedure that allows you to change the shade of the hair. The cellulose covering the surface of the head, the curl does not allow the paint to quickly leave the hair. Thanks to this effect, the new color lasts for a rather long time.

The result is:

  • color change (the hue has saturation, brightness; lasts a long time);
  • correction of previous unsuccessful staining;
  • hair is easy to comb;
  • hair volume increases noticeably by about 15%;
  • hair will gain a natural shine.

This procedure is best carried out in a beauty salon, since biolaminate products have a certain number of shades. And the necessary tone will turn out, with competent mixing of the available shades of colors. And only a professional will be able to choose the right shades and get the intended color. But such a manipulation may be carried out at home, on their own.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

Color biolamination procedure in the salon The procedure for conducting color biolamination at home
To carry out this
procedure, the wizard follows the following algorithm:

1. Make a thorough shampoo with a special shampoo. Cleaning the client’s head, the master removes dead cells and impurities, thereby increasing the permeability of the hair structure, which will greatly enhance the effect.

2. Prepare biolaminate.

3. Apply the composition to curls, evenly distributed over the surface with a thin layer.

4. Put a special hat on the client’s head.

5. After sustaining a certain time, biolaminate is washed off with warm, running water.

6. In conclusion, the master, at his discretion, can apply any care product (mask / conditioner).

But conducting this procedure at home, you need to remember the following rules:

1.Before you begin, you must prepare all the necessary tools indicated earlier.

2. In order to avoid mistakes when using color biolamination, carefully read the instructions on the packaging.

3. The composition should be distributed evenly, gently and with a very thin layer over the entire surface of the hair, but it is advisable to avoid contact with the scalp.

4. Do not exceed the exposure time prescribed by the instructions.

5. Do not forget to wear a special shower cap.

6. Heat only with a hair dryer, without removing the cap.

Hair care after color biolamination

In order to maintain a stable, saturated and bright color after the color biolamination procedure, the following rules should be followed.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews
Color biolamination of hair looks very beautiful and they are in good shape.


  • Do not wash your hair for the first few days after the aforementioned procedure.
  • In no case should you use special tools for deep cleaning of the head.
  • Get a low or neutral acidity shampoo.
  • It is better only in very rare cases to resort to the use of a hair dryer, curling iron or tongs.

Features biolamination on curly hair

With the fair sex, having curly, curly curls, the matter becomes much more complicated. Easier, of course, for those whose hair is only slightly curled. For such people, “bio”, lamination or simple straightening, is one and the same.

But for those people whose hair is curled quite strongly, biolamination will not be able to make the curls absolutely even.

But in a natural state, natural twisting hairs form spirals, while violating their natural elasticity curl. As a result, the hair structure and curls cannot be fully protected.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

In nature, such hair more than others needs additional nutrition and special, thorough care.

Therefore, for girls with fluffy, curly hair, biolamination is not just a useful procedure, but a necessity.

Indeed, such hair is much more important aspects such as:

  • Prevention and recovery.
  • Getting rid of split ends.
  • Natural volume and healthy shine.
  • Fortification.
  • Preservation of a bright, saturated and natural color.

As a result, the hair looks more well-groomed and neat, which catches the admiring glances of others.

How to care for hair after biolamination

In order for the effect after the recovery procedure to be longer, the following rules should be followed:

  • The first few days, after the subsequent manipulation, it is better not to wash your hair, or visit places associated with water procedures (pool, sea and so on).
  • Shampoos with deep cleansing should be discarded.
  • Caring for hair after a subsequent manipulation, it is necessary to turn on oils, conditioners or balms.

Biolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviewsBiolamination of hair. What is it, photos, tools, how is it done, price and results, reviews

  • It is best to abandon the hair dryer, curling iron and other electronic devices that damage the hair.
  • And last, you do not need to repeat the procedure more often than 1 time in 2-3 months. Hair needs a “rest.”

How long does the effect last

Biolamination of hair is not only a noticeably improved appearance of curls, but also well-groomed, smooth hair, shine, lightness, silkiness, elasticity, strength, appearance of volume and fewer split ends.

Usually, the effect after such a procedure lasts from 3 to 6 weeks, but with proper and careful care, a satisfactory result can last about 7-8 weeks.

The cost of biolamination in New York, Los Angeles

 The cost of biolamination in beauty salons in any city, in particular in New York and Los Angeles, depends on 3 factors:

  • salon image;

  • length and thickness of the client’s hair;
  • territorial affiliation.

On average, the cost of such a procedure will vary from about $ 27 – $ 82. In New York and Los Angeles, the cost of the “bio” recovery procedure will be much higher than in remote corners of USA.

So, for example, in New York the cost of such a procedure will be equal:

  • short hair – $ 27 – $ 34 .;
  • long hair – $ 41 – $ 45;
  • very long hair – $ 61 – $ 82.

In beauty salons in Los Angeles, prices are the same as in New York. Despite the very high cost, this biolamination is not only suitable, but even a useful procedure for all types of hair.

Video about biolaminating hair

Technology for the proper biolamination of hair:

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