Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym

Shoulder training will help women get rid of stoop, straighten their backs, lengthen their necks and raise their breasts. The muscle deltas that create the relief of the upper torso consist of 3 bundles, which should be loaded in pairs or in isolation. Basic shoulder exercises are not difficult to perform and will be a force for any girl.

Features of shoulder exercises

Basic shoulder exercises for girls and men do not have cardinal differences, since the structure of muscle groups is identical. Women will do less weight and more energetic classes. They are best combined with the study of the legs, as well as include the muscles of the chest or back.

Training should be without fanaticism, as the body needs time to recover. Before starting the main classes, you need to warm up: warm up the muscles and joints, which will reduce the risk of injury.

Warming complex:

  1. Mill. IP: standing, feet are firmly on the floor. Raise and lower hands alternately: one forward and one back. Perform 60 seconds. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  2. Jumping IP: standing, feet close, hands on the sides. Jump, legs spread apart, and raise your hands up. Jump – return to a standing position. The lead time is 1-2 minutes.
  3. Mahi. IP: Standing straight, crouch slightly, keeping your back straight. To spread your arms to the sides, straightening and bringing the shoulder blades, then return to the chest. Repeat 2 minutes.

These exercises can be supplemented by jumping rope, running in place, turning the shoulders forward and backward. Exercising in the gym optimally 3-4 times a week, giving it from 40 to 60 minutes. It is enough to perform 4-5 exercises on the shoulders, in 2-3 approaches with the number of repetitions up to 15 times.

Gym Shoulder Exercises

Exercising with a barbell is the main way to build shoulders in the gym. The weight of the projectile should increase gradually, simultaneously with progress.

Basic shoulder exercises for girls are performed 2-3 times a week:

  1. Bench press in the position from the chest. The training is aimed at working out the front, middle deltas and triceps. IP: stand straight, legs at shoulder width apart. Take a direct grip on the neck, raise the bar to the collarbone. Squeeze the projectile up, straightening your elbows. Return your hands to eye level and lower them down. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  2. Standing barbell lift. The anterior and middle deltoid muscles are included in the work. IP: standing, feet firmly pressed to the floor, body weight distributed evenly. Raise the bar to the chest. Push the shell up in one motion. Gently lower the bar to the chest, and then again squeeze up. Hold the bar firmly, stand straight, not bending in the back. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  3. Bench press sitting. The lesson is aimed at the development of deltoid muscles. IP: sitting on a bench, back straight. Lower the bar in front of you to the level of the chin or slightly lower. After exhaling, raise the projectile vertically upward, not fully straightening the elbows.

The duration of the classes is 15 minutes, the interval between repetitions is 60-90 seconds, and then proceed with new performances. Quantity: 2 sets of 5-10 times.

Basic exercises with dumbbells standing, sitting, lying

Dumbbells are one of the most affordable ways to workout in the gym and at home. A wide variety of weights allows you to vary the difficulty of classes depending on the training.

Basic exercises for pumping shoulders for girls:

  1. Dumbbell bench press (sitting). IP: Stand up, body weight is distributed evenly. Take dumbbells of comfortable weight. Press your elbows to your sides, bring your hands to your shoulders. Gently lift the shells up and lower them back. If you perform the exercise while sitting, the body will not be included in the work, the body will maintain balance and jerking will be excluded. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  2. Lifting dumbbells. IP: Stand firmly on your feet, arms along the body, turn your hands back. Raise the shells upward while maintaining the elbow tension, and return them down. The load is received by the front muscle deltas and the upper back. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Lifting dumbbells to the sides. IP: stand steadily, arms spread out through the sides and raise up. Then bring it back. Triceps and middle muscle deltas are trained here.

Before a workout, do a warm-up. The duration of the classes is 10-15 minutes, then a respite of 60 seconds and a new approach. Quantity: 3 circles 10 times.

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Kettlebell Exercises

The weight has a displaced center of gravity, due to which, the exercises in which it participates, work out the whole body. Using this equipment you can burn more than 500 kcal in one hour, it contributes to weight loss, develops endurance. You can deal with the projectile up to 3-4 times a week for an hour or supplement the main workout with a 10-minute complex.

  1. Lifting weights to the belt. Loaded trapezoid and back. IP: Need support – a sofa or bench. Lean with one hand and knee on the support, the other leg rests on the floor. Take the shell in your left hand, pulling your elbow back, and pull it to the belt. Try to reduce the shoulder blades, keeping the back straight, the supporting leg does not come off the floor. Work the kettlebell steadily, avoiding sudden movements. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Bench press with one hand. Connected front and middle deltas, triceps. IP: Legs spread slightly wider than shoulders. Take the weight in the right hand, lift it to the shoulder, leaving the elbow bent. Exhale sharply and squeeze up. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Mahi weight
    IP: Stand up straight, lift the projectile in front of you, holding it with both hands. Next, sit down a little and bend down in the lower back, swing the projectile – the trajectory is from top to bottom, so that it is between both legs.

Warm up well before working with heavy weight. The duration of the main training is a quarter of an hour, then a respite of 2 minutes and a new approach. Quantity: 2 circles 5-10 times.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle

The expander is an effective assistant, not at all losing to simulators. It will eliminate excess body fat, relieve stoop, help work out deep and small muscles, develop muscles, increase joint mobility, and lose weight. The level of tension should be commensurate with physical fitness.

Basic shoulder exercises with an expander for girls:

  1. Bench in a sitting position.  IP: sit on the floor, stretch your legs, back straight. Throw the cord of the expander by the feet, holding the handles, palms up. Tighten the ends of the projectile to the belt on inspiration, on exhalation, return to its original position.
  1. Bench, standing with a change of hands. IP: Standing upright, measure one third of the distance of the tube and put your foot on this point. One hand remains near the hips, and the other pulls the elastic up. Hands alternately stretch the expander in an upward motion. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Back Delta Exercise. IP: To stand with one foot in the middle of the expander, and put the other back, with the opposite hand to grasp the projectile, monitor the position of the back, make a slight inclination of the body forward. Exhale and raise your hand across the side to parallel with the floor, return it back. Then change arm and leg.

Training should be carried out 3 times a week for a duration of 15 minutes. Exercise is done 10-15 times, in 3 circles. First do a warm up.

A set of exercises for the shoulders with elastic tape

Exercises with elastic tape are aimed at working out the muscles of the abs, back and shoulders. The advantage of a sports apparatus is that it gives a load, excluding the use of heavy weight. Tension varies independently. Classes with tape allow you to develop flexibility, increase endurance, lose weight and tone muscles.

Basic exercises:

  1. Stretching to the sides. The rear delta is loaded. IP: Stand in the middle of the tape, pinch the ends in fists. As you exhale, slowly bring your arms to your shoulders, elbows slightly bent. Keep tension as long as possible, return to the starting position. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Climb in front of you. IP: Standing in the middle of the tape, the ends are clamped in the hands. Raise outstretched arms forward to the level of the nose. Measure how much strength is enough, return.
  2. Breeding in the slope. IP: Stand on the center of the tape, lean forward, keeping your back flat. Stretch your arms toward the floor, palms facing each other. Slowly part the ends of the tape to the sides, linger in this position until you feel a burning sensation, return.

Start the workout with a warm-up, paying particular attention to the joints of the shoulders. Exercises do 15-20 times, with a break of 60 – 90 seconds in 2 circles.

Shoulder exercises without weighting

Training with your own weight is no less effective than using sports equipment.

The most effective include:

  1. Push-ups are one of the best exercises. They can be performed from the floor, bench, parallel bars or from the knees. IP: to accept an emphasis lying, the body is extended in one horizontal line. Hands are shoulder width apart. Slowly lower to the floor, bending your elbows at right angles, return up. Do 10 push ups, 60 seconds rest and repeat. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. Burpy. An excellent lesson, which includes all the muscles in the work, loads the upper body. Works biceps and triceps. IP: Sit down, arms bent at the elbows and are on the chest line. Take a jump back, taking the push-up position, push out and jumping, go back. Then, jump up and down to your feet. This is an intense activity that is performed at an accelerated pace, at the maximum of physical abilities. Ideally, do it 15 times. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  1. The bar uses the whole body. Standing in this position, the hands receive a high load, blood circulation increases. IP: to accept an emphasis lying, elbows rest against a floor under shoulders, a body – an equal line. Retract the stomach, tighten the buttocks. Make sure that the back is not rounded, and the stomach does not sag. Legs are tense, heels stretch back. Measure in this position for 1-2 minutes. The body will tremble – this is normal, progressing – the trembling will go away, and the muscles will grow stronger.
  1. Prayer – the exercise is aimed at working out the biceps and triceps, strengthens the pectoral muscles. IP: standing, palms pressed to each other at chest level. The elbows are bent and spread apart. After applying force, press on the palm for 2 minutes, then loosen the pressure for a few seconds and repeat. Do 10 times.

The program for the development of the shoulder girdle in the gym: 2 times a week

A two-time workout in the gym is suitable for beginners. First, warm up for 15 minutes, during which the muscles thoroughly warm up. This can be a rotation of the shoulders, swings, running on the spot, jumping. Then the main training.

First day:

  1. Alternating bending of the arms with a weighting agent.
  2. Bench press in the supine position.
  3. Push ups from the bench. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  4. Extension of arms with dumbbells in an inclination.
  5. The bench press is sitting from the chest.

Second day:

  1. Squat with lifting dumbbells forward.
  2. Bench press from the chest. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  3. Back push-ups (focus on the hands to do behind).
  4. Lifting dumbbells in a prone position.

Beginners perform 8-10 times in 3 circles, more trained 10
-12 times. Tasks can be alternated. Rest between sets of 60 to 90 seconds.

The program for the development of the shoulder girdle in the gym: 3 times a week

The best option for exercising in the fitness center is 3 times a week.

First day.

  1. Pulling the upper block to the chest.
  2. Bending the arms with a barbell. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
    Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  3. Pulling on the horizontal bar with alternating hand grabs.
  4. Lifting the bar on a tilt bench simulator.

Second day.

  1. Breeding dumbbells through the sides up, with their return to the chest.
  2. Thrust of the upper block to the chest (hand grip – wide).
  3. Lifting dumbbells in an incline to the level of the abdomen.
  4. Reduction of arms on the butterfly simulator.
  5. Push-ups from the floor or bench.

The third day.

  1. Lifting dumbbells in front of you to chest level.
  2. Burpy.
  3. Push-ups from bars or knees.
    Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
    The pull of the neck to the chin is a basic shoulder exercise for girls
  4. Neck pull to the chin.
  5. Stretching the expander up, standing in its center with both legs.

Exercise to perform 10-15 times in 3 circles. The weight of dumbbells and barbells is commensurate with physical fitness. Heavy shells will not allow to complete the entire lesson. Tasks can be alternated. Rest between sets of 60 to 90 seconds.

Optimally, to maintain physical fitness to engage in 3 days a week, from 40 minutes to an hour, working out all the muscles . Between workouts you need to rest for a day or two.

The program for the development of the shoulder girdle in the gym: 4 times a week

Exercising in the gym 4 times a week is suitable for people who want to build muscle, develop stamina. This is no longer for beginners. Dumbbells and barbells of greater weight are used.

First day.

  1. Breeding the forearm with rubber tape.
  2. Bench press from the chest with arms raised up. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  3. Raising arms with dumbbells in front of you.
  4. Push-ups from the floor, from the bench.
  5. Mahi kettlebell with alternate change of hands.

Second day.

  1. Simultaneous lifting of arms with dumbbells in front of you.
  2. Lifting dumbbells in a sitting position. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  3. Bench press with a wide grip from the chest up.
  4. Swing dumbbells / weights to the sides.

The third day.

  1. Burpie exercise.
  2. Rod pull to chin level.
  3. Dumbbell bench press forward from the chest.
  4. Bench press from a prone position.
  5. Pulling on the horizontal bar.

Fourth day.

  1. Lifting dumbbells to the level of the abdomen with alternating hands.
  2. Arm curl on the butterfly simulator.
  3. Extension of arms on the horizontal bar.
  4. Breeding shells (dumbbells, pancakes) to the sides and forward.
  5. Reverse push-ups from the bench.

Exercise to perform 10-15 times in 3 circles. Physical fitness allows the use of heavier weights. Rest between sets of 60 to 90 seconds.

The program for the development of the shoulder girdle in the gym: 5 times a week

First day.

  1. Push-ups from the floor.
  2. Lifting the barbell from the chest.
  3. Arnold’s bench press. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  4. Lifting dumbbells to the sides.
  5. Pulling on the horizontal bar, with alternate change of grip.

Second day.

  1. Dumbbell pull in a standing position with alternating hands.
  2. Bench press while sitting on Smith’s simulator.
  3. Swing with dumbbells. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  4. Plank on the elbows.
  5. Mahi dumbbells.

The third day.

  1. Pushups in a gravitron. Basic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gymBasic exercises for girls on their shoulders with their own weight, dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, at home and in the gym
  2. Breeding dumbbells through the sides up.
  3. The classic barbell lift while lying down.
  4. Squat with a barbell.
  5. T-bar bench press with one hand.

Fourth day.

  1. Plank on the elbows.
  2. Bench press in sitting position from behind the head.
  3. Push ups from the bench.
  4. The reduction of hands in the simulator “butterfly”.
  5. Bench press from the chest with arms raised up.

Fifth day.

  1. Pulling forward and reverse grip.
  2. Lifting dumbbells in a sitting position.
  3. Push-ups from the bars.
  4. Bench press standing behind the head.
  5. Lifting dumbbells to the level of the chin.

Exercise to perform 10-15 times in 3 circles. Tasks can be changed. A respite between sets of 1-2 minutes.

Tips from professionals: how to increase the effectiveness of shoulder exercises

  1. Basic exercises for the development of shoulders for girls are enough, depending on physical fitness, you can choose any.
  2. The shoulder muscles are easily injured, so weight gain should be gradual.
  3. Deltas grow best by pulling the bar to the chin
  4. Mach dumbbells are aimed at warming up the muscles, or at the end of the workout. Bench presses work on the front bundles of the deltas, and traction develop the rear.
  5. Regularly performing sets of training on the shoulders, you can get rid of migraines, muscle stiffness caused by a long stay at the computer.
  6. Muscle tension is important, not actually weight gain. The larger the mass of the projectile, the less will be the amplitude of the movements and the number of executions.

Beginners should increase the load gradually, without overloading the muscles. If the body does not have time to rest between repetitions, then the weight of the shells must be reduced. The total training duration is approximately an hour.

You need to start with a warm-up, and at the end of the stretching, thanks to this, the next day the muscles will hurt less, and recovery will be faster. When working on the body, you should adhere to a heart rate of up to 140 bpm. If it is less, then the training will not bring a fat-burning effect. Strength training should be replaced by aerobic.

Girls and men, basic exercises on the shoulders must be supplemented with training and other parts of the body, so you need to include legs, back or sides in the work.

Video: basic shoulder exercises for girls

TOP 5 shoulder exercises for girls:

Trainer Ekaterina Usmanova will talk about the basic shoulder exercises for girls:

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