Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

The instructions for use for Akriderm ointment indicate – this is a medicine that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antifungal and antipruritic effects. It is used to combat various skin problems, including chronic ones.


This medicine contains the active substance betamethasone. It is able to eliminate the epicenter of inflammation in various skin diseases.

Hormonal or not

Akriderm ointment is a hormonal drug. It contains glucocorticoids, which significantly affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the body. Thanks to hormones, the ointment quickly copes with the task.

Release form in the form of ointment

The drug is available in aluminum tubes of 15 mg or 1,01 fluid ounce. They are placed in a cardboard box. Each package contains 1 tube and instructions for use.

How is ointment different from cream

Akriderm is available in the form of ointment and in the form of a cream.

The active substance is the same, but still, as for the composition, there are differences:

  • ointment is released in 4 different types, and cream only in 3;
    Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues
    Acriderm ointment is 4 types.
  • the cream copes with wetting wounds more effectively, the use of ointment is indicated for drying of the skin and peeling;
  • what will be prescribed – cream or ointment – depends on the degree of damage and the amount of damage;
  • cream is used for acute forms of the disease, and ointment for chronic;
  • unlike ointments, the cream has many auxiliary components in the composition, namely petrolatum, liquid paraffin, disodium editate, distilled water and others;
  • the cream is less absorbed into the skin, its effect is mainly local. The ointment is deeply absorbed.

Drug properties

Dermatologists often prescribe Akriderm ointment to their patients, since it has a complex effect on the human epidermis. After the first use, changes for the better are visible.

Ointment has the following properties:

  • eliminates itching and irritation, soothing the skin;
  • resists all types of allergic reactions;
  • relieves swelling;
  • destroys bacteria and microbes located on the surface of the epidermis;
  • produces a drying effect (this is an important property for weeping dermatitis).

Indications for use

Akriderm ointment  (instructions for use is attached) has different indications for use , since, depending on the form of release, the compositions of the funds are also insignificant, but differ from each other.

Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

Akriderm GENTA:

  • itching
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • allergic and simple dermatitis, secondary infection;
  • radiation dermatitis;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • solar dermatitis;
  • eczema
  • chronic lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • diaper rash on the skin.

Akriderm GK:

  • dermatoses having complications of primary as well as secondary infection; Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues
  • neurodermatitis (diffuse and limited);
  • dermatomycosis of the feet;
  • inguinal dermatomycosis;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

Akriderm SK:

  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis (diffuse and limited);
  • eczema;
  • ichthyosis (simple);
  • ichthyiform changes;
  • lichen planus;
  • dyshidrotic dermatitis.


Akriderm ointment (instructions for use indicate a number of contraindications) are not prescribed if there is at least one coincidence with a number of diseases.

These include:

  • sensitivity to betamethasone or any of the components of the ointment;
  • skin cancer;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • xanthomas;
  • sarcoma;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • manifestation of tuberculosis of the skin;
  • syphilis on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • chickenpox;
  • melanomas;
  • nevi;
  • atheromas;
  • open wound surfaces;
  • skin reactions after vaccinations;
  • hemangioma.

With caution appoint:

  • children (exclusively after 1 year);
  • large doses;
  • prolonged use;
  • for facial skin;
  • with diabetes;
  • with glaucoma;
  • with cataracts.

Side effects

During treatment with Akriderm ointment, sometimes local reactions develop, such as:

  • dryness and irritation of the skin;
  • itchy skin; Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues
  • burning;
  • hypertrichosis
  • striae;
  • folliculitis;
  • sweating and other rashes;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • hypopigmentation.

If you use the ointment for too long or use occlusive dressings on top of the ointment, problems may develop.

Such as:

  • skin atrophy;
  • skin maceration;
  • purpura
  • telangiectasia;
  • local hersutism;
  • prickly heat;
  • secondary infection.

If ointment Akriderm lubricate too large areas of the skin or use to treat children, you may encounter such problems:

  • gastritis;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • glycosuria;
  • reversible oppression of the functions of the adrenal cortex;
  • Cushing’s syndrome (hypercorticism);
  • increase in intracranial pressure;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • decrease in growth hormone.

If you notice even a slight undesirable reaction during the use of Acriderm ointment, you should immediately consult a doctor. If hypersensitivity has developed and skin irritation has appeared, an alternative version of the ointment should be chosen.

Dosage and administration

The drug is used only externally. It is applied to small affected areas with a thin layer. The ointment should be applied with rubbing movements. So it will be more effectively absorbed into the skin and act faster. In most cases, the procedure is performed 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening. Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

The treated area of the skin should not be covered with a band-aid, bandage or other dressing. It is especially dangerous to apply airtight bandages. To accelerate the effect, the affected area should first be washed with warm distilled water.

The average treatment period is 14-30 days. On the face – up to 5 days.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes and the skin around the eyes.

With psoriasis

To treat psoriasis, the ointment is applied to the desired areas with a thin layer. The procedure should be carried out twice a day, but with a mild course of the disease, it is allowed to apply the agent once a day. The treatment period is from 14 to 30 days.

With depriving

Experts advise to treat flat red lichen with this ointment. Acriderm SK ointment is suitable, it contains, in addition to betamethasone, salicylic acid. She, in turn, helps to soften and subsequently remove keratinized areas. Due to this action of salicylic acid, the hormone contained in the ointment is easier to penetrate deep into the affected skin.

This makes the treatment process faster and more efficient. Apply the ointment 3 times a day with a thin layer. The treatment period is from 20 days to a month. If before the end of the course a full recovery has not occurred, then the doctor prolongs it, reducing the number of applications up to 2 times a day.

With thrush

Acriderm ointment is also used to treat thrush in men. During the course of treatment, it is important to adhere to the treatment regimen. If you stop using the ointment prematurely, the disease will return and prove itself with even greater force. For the treatment of thrush in women, Acriderm is used only if the disease manifests itself in a mild form, and the signs of the disease are localized on the outer skin.

Doctors recommend rinsing the affected area with warm water before starting the procedure, and then treating with a chlorhexidine solution (skin antiseptic). After complete drying, the area is lubricated with Akriderm ointment. The treatment period is 6-8 days.

With seborrheic dermatitis

Before applying the ointment, the areas to be processed must be cleaned of dirt and blotted with a paper towel. Then the drug is applied in a thin layer, rubbing slightly. The procedure is recommended to be carried out several times a day, with a course of no more than 3 weeks. The exact amount of ointment used and the number of applications can be determined only by the attending physician.

Important! Using Akriderm ointment for the treatment of dermatitis, moisturizers should be used intensively, since the ointment strongly overdries the skin.

With fungal diseases of the nails

In this case, you need to use Akriderm GK. Before use, thoroughly clean the nail plate of the nails. To do this, hold the nails in a warm bath with soap for at least 5-8 minutes. After the procedure, your fingers should be blotted with a clean towel. Then, with a thin layer, ointment is applied to the nail itself and to the skin around it. Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

Apply the drug twice a day. The treatment period is determined by the attending physician. The average treatment period is 2-3 weeks. If a fungal disease is started, then the application of the ointment should be combined with the intake of antimycotic drugs. If improvements do not occur, you should gradually stop using Acriderm ointment and review treatment.

Insect bites

This ointment is also used for insect bites that caused an allergic reaction.

If the bite site is lubricated for half an hour, then it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of such consequences as itching, burning, swelling and redness.

With eczema

Acriderm ointment contains hormones in the composition, so it is prescribed only if therapy with antihistamines and conventional ointments does not give a positive result. This usually happens with advanced cases of eczema.   Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer. Application is made 2 times a day. The treatment period should not exceed 30 days. If the desired effect after treatment is not observed, you should again take tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Consequences of an overdose

With prolonged or too frequent use of the ointment, a chronic overdose occurs. This is due to the high concentration of betamethasone, which is absorbed into the blood. It is accompanied by signs of hypercortisation: symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome, hyperglycemia, glycosuria.

In case of an overdose, symptomatic treatment is performed. The action of drugs is aimed at maintaining the functioning of vital organs. Ointment treatment is gradually canceled. If treatment must be continued, then reduce the dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

A negative effect from the interaction of ointments and creams of all types of Acriderm was not detected. This means that they can be used in conjunction with other drugs for external use.

special instructions

Doctors do not recommend using ointment on the face for a long time. Otherwise, there are risks of progression of rosacea, perioral dermatitis and acne. Ointment can not be used in ophthalmology. You should be careful not to get the product in your eyes. If this happens, problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, fungus and exacerbation of herpes may occur.

Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues
If acriderm ointment gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of water

Children after 1 year of age are prescribed Akriderm ointment only for strict indications. The course of treatment should be supervised by a specialist, because there is a high probability of side effects.

Using Acriderm for the treatment of children, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of warming the treated skin surface, dressings (both air-tight and gauze), as well as diapers. Ointment does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

Terms of sale, storage and shelf life

Akriderm ointment (instructions for use suggests that it should be stored at temperatures from 59 – 77°F) is required to be kept out of the reach of children.
The shelf life of the product is 4 years from the date of manufacture. The use of the drug after the expiration date is prohibited. The ointment is dispensed by pharmacies without a prescription.

Can I use during pregnancy

It is not proven whether the use of Acriderm ointment is safe for pregnant women. It is allowed to use it only in those situations in which the potential benefit to the pregnant woman is higher than the risks to the bearing fetus.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use drugs of th
is group in large doses and for a long time. During breastfeeding, the treatment with Akriderm is interrupted.


The cost of Akriderm ointment is from $ 1 – $ 9. It varies depending on the volume of the tube, city and pharmacy rating.

Akriderm GK – features

This type of Acriderm is a highly effective drug, the main active ingredient of which, like in other types of Acriderm, is betamethasone. It has an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and antiexudative effect.

Moreover, each type of these drugs is aimed at treating different diseases.

Akriderm HA is more expensive than other types, this is justified by the mechanism of action of the ointment. It contains an additional substance – clotrimazole. This is an antifungal substance that increases the effectiveness of treatment, providing a wide range of effects on the source of the disease.

Akriderm HA is contraindicated in pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, analogues are appointed in the early stages.

Akriderm Ghent – Features

Akriderm Ghent is an ointment that has an additional component in its composition – gentamicin. This is indicated in the instructions for use. Gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It effectively copes with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but is useless in the fight against viral infections and fungal diseases. Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

A positive effect will be visible with allergic diseases of the skin with or without inflammation.

This ointment is recommended for use only after reaching 12 years. If it is used before, then only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Akriderm SK – features

Akriderm ointment (instructions for use attached to the drug) with the prefix “SK” is characterized by the presence of salicylic acid. Thanks to her, Akriderm SK ointment has keratolytic properties, and this is especially important in the fight against psoriasis. Akriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analoguesAkriderm ointment. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

Ointment in a short time eases the patient’s condition, provided that all the recommendations of the doctor are followed (adhere to a diet, not in direct sunlight for too long, control the humidity in the room, and so on).
Ointment Akriderm SK is ineffective in the treatment of dermatitis.

Analogues of the drug

Below will be listed drugs similar in indications for use, composition and pharmacological action.

Analogs Akriderm GK:

Drug name Manufacturer country Release form average price Indications for use
Beloderm Croatia Cream 15 g From $ 1,63 Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, allergic and contact dermatitis, reaction to insect bites, lichen planus, atopic and coin-like eczema
Celestoderm-V Belgium Cream 15 g From $ 2,86 Eczema, anogenital itching, neurodermatitis, solar dermatitis, psoriasis, solar dermatitis, radiation dermatitis
Beloderm Express Croatia Spray 0,7 – 1,7 fluid ounce From $ 2,99 Eczema, psoriasis, photodermatosis, erythroderma, contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, discoid lupus erythematosus
Canison Plus India Cream 15 g From $ 7,38 Simple and allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dermatomycosis, simple chronic lichen
Triderm Portugal Cream and ointment 15, 30 g From $ 9,93 Eczema, dermatomycosis (especially with a lesion in the inguinal), atopic dermatitis, simple and allergic dermatitis
Diprospan Belgium Suspension for injection From $ 2,72 Psoriasis, extra-articular rheumatism, acute hepatitis, contact atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma

Analogs Akriderm SK:

Drug name Manufacturer country Release form average price Indications for use
Belosalik Croatia Lotion 20, 0,1 – 0,2 pint
Ointment 20, 30, 40 g
From $ 2,92 Urticaria, limited neurodermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, lichen, pathological dry skin
Diprosalik Belgium Ointment 30 g
From $ 7,55 Psoriasis, atopic chronic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, dyshidrosis, seborrheic dermatitis, ordinary ichthyosis
Rederm USA Ointment 15, 30 g From $ 1,7 Dyshidrotic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, li
Betasal Bosnia and Herzegovina Ointment 30 g From $ 3,06 Urticaria, dyshidrosis, psoriasis, chronic and acute eczema, lichen, pathological dry skin
Betaderm A Poland Cream 15 g From $ 2,96 Urticaria, erythema multiforme exudative, seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, dermatitis, lichen

Analogue Akriderm GENTA:

Drug name Manufacturer country Release form average price Indications for use
Belogent Croatia Cream 15, 20, 30 and 40 g From $ 2,72 Eczema, phleboderma, diffuse neuroderma, psoriasis, itching in the anogenital, seborrheic dermatitis
Betaderm Poland Ointment 15 g From $ 2,18 Atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, chronic lichen, eczema, psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis
Celestoderm Germany Ointments and cream for 15, 30 g. From $ 2,95 Eczema, toxicoderma, atopic, exfoliative and seborrheic dermatitis
Celederm B Belgium Cream 15 g From $ 3,25 Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, chronic lichen, pruritus, eczema, urticaria
Candide B India Cream 15 g From $ 5,85 Inguinal epidermophytosis, epidermophytosis of the feet, candidiasis, microsporia of smooth skin
Supirocin B India Cream 15 g From $ 7,21 Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, exfoliative dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis

The above description of Akriderm ointment is a simplified version of the original instructions for use and is intended to familiarize yourself with the drug. Before starting treatment with the drug or analogues, you should consult with a competent specialist. It is also necessary to read the annotation, which is placed in the package of the product.

Video about Akriderm ointment

Doctor’s opinion about the drug and its analogues:

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