Pressure therapy – what is it, indications, contraindications, devices for home pressure therapy. Reviews, photos before and after
Not only with the help of diets and special training you can achieve a beautiful body. Cellulite will not clean on its own. To combat it, as well as extra pounds, pressotherapy is used, which has positive reviews, as it accelerates the process of losing weight.
Pressotherapy is a way to combat cellulite and excess weight. For 40-45 minutes, the patient relaxes on a special couch. Before you lie down on her, a special inflatable suit is put on a person. The action of clothes is aimed at problem areas that need to be improved.
The costume itself includes 15 sections, which are filled with compressed air. Due to alternating pressure and pause, the suit helps to stabilize metabolic processes in the body and improve blood flow and outflow. Thanks to this action, extra pounds go away more readily, and the skin acquires a beautiful appearance. The faster the blood moves through the vessels, the earlier and more active the weight loss begins.
To improve the effect of the procedure, it is combined with infrared heating. The temperature rises, and an active flow of blood begins. Infrared heating also actively causes sweating, which helps to remove harmful substances from the body. Together with the procedure, for better weight loss, it is recommended to eat right and do exercises.
The complex not only helps to fight excess weight, but also has a beneficial effect on edema, improves the condition of joints during inflammation, and also fights adhesions. The skin becomes smooth, clean and fresh.
The benefits of pressure therapy
The benefits of the procedure are as follows:
skin elasticity increases;
stretch marks disappear;
blood circulates more actively through the vessels;
toxins and decay products are removed;
water balance stabilizes;
swelling decreases;
weight is reduced;
eliminated cellulite from the hips and priests;
body volumes are reduced;
metabolism is accelerated;
Helps fight muscle tension
relaxes and relieves fatigue;
tissue tone is restored.
Pros and cons of the procedure
Although pressure therapy is highly effective in losing weight, it is far from the safest way. To fully assess whether the procedure is suitable for a particular person, you need to consider all its pros and cons.
Pressotherapy at home will help to quickly deal with unnecessary subcutaneous fat.
Pressure therapy reviews are positive, thanks to the following advantages:
you can work with individual parts of the body, for example, only with the legs, to rid them of cellulite and at the same time prevent the development of varicose veins;
affordable cost per course;
cellulite elimination in several sessions;
the effectiveness of the procedure in the initial stages of obesity;
disappearance of edema;
improvement of mood and psychoemotional state;
no pain, only pleasant sensations;
rest for the whole body, relaxation of each muscle;
benefits to the nervous system.
possible side effects that can ruin all the benefits of the procedure;
many contraindications;
the vibrating effect is not pleasant for everyone;
it is impossible to achieve a beautiful figure without maintaining a diet and training.
the presence of pain in the lower extremities, cramping in them;
elevated edema;
the presence of excess weight;
varicose veins;
headaches associated with a problem in the tension of the muscles of the neck and back;
sagging skin, lack of elasticity;
low immunity;
constant tiredness of the legs, especially if a person spends all day on his feet;
postoperative rehabilitation;
adhesions in the abdominal cavity.
You will have to refuse the procedure if there is:
pregnancy at any time;
any skin diseases;
kidney disease
heavy menstruation;
high blood pressure;
fever and any fever;
period of breastfeeding;
injuries and fractures;
malignant tumors;
heart failure.
Before starting a course of pressure therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination and identify the presence of contraindications.
Types of pressure therapy programs
There are 2 main types of procedure:
A special suit is put on a person, very similar to a spacesuit. Thus, it becomes possible to simultaneously affect the entire body. This program is especially often resorted to if the main goal is general weight loss.
Using special cuffs that are worn on a specific area of the body. This option is most convenient if you want to work out any one part of the body, for example, arms or legs. The element acts under a certain pressure, which is constantly pumped with air.
When using the second program, you need to separately consider what effect the procedure has on the body:
Hands . Cuff sleeves are used for this procedure. The program is effective if there is saggy skin on the hands as a result of an aging person or after spontaneous weight loss.
Lower limbs. The program is prescribed not only for cosmetic purposes, for example, to reduce the volume, but also for medical reasons – in the presence of varicose veins, fatigue of the lower extremities.
Loin. A special belt comes to the rescue, which acts in the same way as the costume as a whole, that is, it is pumped with air under a certain pressure. The program is indicated for use in osteochondrosis, neuralgia, after injuries (rehabilitation process, after complete healing), arthritis.
Hips, stomach. The program is aimed at improving forms, eliminating excess fat and cellulite, as well as improving skin elasticity.
Before the procedure, you need to prepare as follows:
do not eat 2-3 hours before the start of the program if pressure is put on the stomach (when putting on a whole suit);
empty the bladder;
pre-clean the skin that will come in contact with parts of the suit.
A person is fully dressed in a special suit, which is a cuff for each part of the body. If the procedure is carried out, for example, only for the legs, then the cuffs are worn only on them. The patient is then given some time to relax on the couch.
During the process, you can not only just relax, but also read and watch TV.
During pressure therapy, you can read books, play a computer or watch TV
Each part of the costume has a separate special section filled with air. During the procedure, the cuffs are alternately compressed and filled with air, which creates pressure on the problem areas. In this case, the patient does not feel absolutely no discomfort.
The average time for pressotherapy varies from 30 to 45 minutes. The maximum time for a program is 1 hour. After the procedure, it is recommended not to eat food for 2 hours.
Infrared Pressotherapy
Pressotherapy, reviews of which are mostly positive, can be performed using infrared rays. They improve the effect of the procedure on body fat and fight them with a vengeance.
The method consists in heating body parts with infrared sources. They are completely harmless and have only a positive effect on the body, help improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolism.
In one session, you can immediately get rid of 0’6 – 1 inch in volume. To strengthen and consolidate the effect, an average of 10 to 15 procedures is recommended. Sessions are recommended to be carried out 1 time in 3-4 days, since the action lasts 2 days.
Vacuum Pressotherapy
Vacuum pressotherapy is a systematic stimulation of muscles. In fact, this is lymphatic drainage, which helps get rid of harmful substances in the body, by removing them from it. By filling the cuffs of a special suit with air, a specific massage takes place . Immediately you can act on 8 parts of the body, which allows to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
How many procedures are needed
Pressotherapy, which customer reviews are impressive and talk about rapid weight loss, eliminates cellulite and strengthens the immune system. In order to see the effect of the procedure, just a couple of sessions. However, to achieve significant results, you need from 10 to 15 sessions.
Between each procedure, you need to take 2-3 days off. The doctor can determine the optimal time for 1 session. It can vary from 20 minutes to 1 hour. To consolidate the effect after the course, it is required to carry out another set of procedures after 6 months.
Apparatus for home pressure therapy
It is necessary to choose an apparatus for the procedure at home, relying on what parts of the body it is necessary for. If a person wants to lose weight in general, then he needs a whole suit. If the stomach is a problem place, then only a belt is needed.
For home use, you can purchase an inexpensive model of the apparatus for pressure therapy. It must be borne in mind that such options cannot work continuously. For beauty salons, it is necessary to select more reliable devices that, if necessary, can work hour after hour.
The device can be in various forms, the following are most known:
cuffs in the form of boots for legs;
belts to form a thin waist and eliminate a sagging abdomen;
long or short shorts, they are used to fight excess fat and cellulite;
arm ruffles;
jumpsuit for working with all parts of the body.
The cost for the device is different, but on average varies from $ 1088 – $ 3400. for a whole suit. Cuffs for individual parts of the body have a cost of $ 136 – $ 476.
Where to buy and how to choose a device for home pressure therapy
The device is purchased only in specialized medical stores or in online stores. When buying on the Internet, you can significantly save on cost, but the device can’t be verified. In this regard, if a person decided to buy a model in an online store, then he should well check the seller and buy goods only from reliable suppliers.
When choosing a model for home use or for a beauty salon, you must act in accordance with the following rules:
Carefully inspect the suit and see if it works. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the material, the isolation of the valves, since it is these details that indicate the durability of the suit.
Carefully inspect the air vents. If they are thin and made of plastic, then the device is not reliable and can quickly fail.
Explore the possibilities of the costume, its main programs.
Check with the seller what the valves are made of.
Check the device for yourself by following the procedure. That is what will make it possible to decide whether a person needs this particular model, whether it is convenient in it, or whether to abandon its purchase.
The most popular models of pressure therapy devices are:
Pulstar. Production – France. Allows to give impulses in a wave-like fashion. This allows the patient to provide comfort and efficiency from the procedure. The kit includes a special system unit, which has convenient keys for control. The device consists of a special mattress for the back, cuffs for the legs and a belt for the abdomen. Warranty is 1 year. The approximate cost varies from $ 2448 – $ 3400.
Air-Press C1T. Production – China. It consists of a control unit and
the costume itself. It is possible to enable or disable a specific section. The model has 3 vacuum pressure intensity programs. Hours – 1 hour. Warranty – 18 months. Price: from $ 816.
After the course of the procedure, you can expect the following effect:
volume reduction by eliminating excess subcutaneous fat;
muscle relaxation;
removal of edema;
increase skin elasticity;
getting rid of cellulite;
metabolic acceleration;
improvement of immunity;
thrombosis prophylaxis;
improvement of vascular tone;
retardation of aging.
To consolidate these results, the procedure is recommended to be repeated with an interval of 6 months.
Side effects
Any procedure usually has its own side effects, and if a person is assured that pressure therapy does not have them, then you should not believe this.
Any procedure has its own side effects, so the following discomfort can be expected from pressure therapy:
Diuretic effect. This point can also be attributed to a positive effect, because frequent going to the toilet indicates a running mechanism of action of the procedure. After removing the suit, the effect of pressure therapy occurs for another 48 hours.
Bruises. They are formed due to increased pressure on some parts of the body. To reduce the likelihood of redness or bruising, you should wear suitable clothing.
Complications of chronic diseases if a person neglected contraindications and still underwent the procedure.
Pressure increase.
Painful sensations in places of pressure apparatus. When they appear, it is recommended to inform the specialist conducting the procedure so that he reduces the pressure and changes the regime.
What is combined with
At its core, the visible result of pressure therapy is possible only in combination with other measures. To enhance the effect of pressure therapy, it can be combined with massage of the area where the procedure is performed. Such a complex is especially effective for eliminating cellulite and forming a beautiful waist.
In addition to massage, the procedure can be combined with ultrasound therapy, electromyomulation, body wraps and others.
Where to do the procedure
Pressotherapy is carried out in beauty salons, private clinics, as well as in some fitness centers.
The cost of the procedure varies from $ 7 – $ 27, depending on the where the institution is located and the part of the body that is affected. If the procedure is carried out on a special subscription, then often there are considerable discounts on it.
Doctors reviews
Pressotherapy reviews by doctors is quite positive. They claim that a course of procedures can replace up to 20 massage sessions.
In addition, experts say that she:
reduces swelling;
helps speed up metabolism;
helps to normalize weight;
the skin is smoothed and becomes more elastic;
increased immunity;
restores water balance.
Doctors’ opinions about the procedure are positive, but experts recommend that contraindications be not neglected so as not to aggravate health problems.
Patient Reviews
Reviews of pressotherapy clients of beauty salons leave a variety of, from positive to negative. Some argue that with this procedure, they were able to lose weight and acquire smooth, beautiful skin. They note that the course helped them find ease.
Others, on the contrary, say that after the course of procedures nothing has changed, and they regret the money spent. Some clients note such a lack of procedure as a strong squeezing of the body, as well as bruises after the sessions.
Which is better: pressotherapy or myostimulation
Miostimulation can improve the functioning of the internal organs of a person due to the special effect on them by current pulses. Miostimulation is used even in cardiology and is a kind of electroshock, only less strong.
With arthritis, diseases of the spine, problems with the nervous system, myostimulation helps to rehabilitate and get in shape. However, it is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.
It helps to fight excess weight, corrects the figure, helps to get rid of sagging skin. The action of the procedure will be positive only if, together with it, start to eat right and at least sometimes engage in physical exercises.
Miostimulation as well as pressure therapy has its contraindications:
kidney disease
mental illness;
tumors of various types;
injuries, fractures;
installed pacemaker;
inflammatory skin diseases and the presence of pustules;
heart diseases.
Thus, a person must have excellent health and not be too sensitive to impulse current.
Pressotherapy is a massage effect on a person, only with the help of a special suit that is filled with air.
What exactly to choose, pressotherapy or myostimulation, can only be decided by the person himself. The only thing to remember when choosing a procedure is the presence of contraindications to it.
Pressotherapy has both positive and negative reviews. However, if you use it in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity, then, after a course of procedures, the appearance will be significantly transformed, cellulite will disappear, the skin will be smoothed, and immunity will improve.