Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

One of the most popular cosmetic methods that allows you to permanently get rid of excess vegetation on the face and body is electrolysis . Despite the high efficiency of the procedure, before the session, you must make sure that there are no contraindications that, if neglected, can cause significant harm to beauty and health.

The essence and methodology of the procedure

Electrolysis (contraindications for the procedure are given below in the article) – is a technique for removing excess vegetation from the body using direct or alternating electric current. The procedure is carried out by an electric epilator, with various nozzles capable of supplying a current of various strengths.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects
Electrolysis is one of the most popular hair removal techniques.

Using electrolysis, you can permanently get rid of hair on any part of the body, regardless of its color and length.

Electrodepilation methods: 

Name Method Description Sensations accompanying depilation Where can I spend


A procedure in which a high-frequency alternating current is passed through the hair, heating the root, thereby destroying its structure. The technique is painful, can cause burns. Not recommended on sensitive skin.
Electrolysis A direct current and 2 electrodes are used, destroying the hair with converted sodium ions. A painless and quick method recommended in all parts of the body. On the whole face and body skin.
Blend The combination of thermolysis and electrolysis, in which high-frequency and alternating current can be used simultaneously. A painful method that makes it difficult to remove rounded follicles. Careful handling can cause burns. It is not advisable to use in the bikini area and in the armpits.
Sequential Blend A kind of blend method that allows the use of current with low pulses.
Flash A high-frequency current is used, passed only through the hair root. Less painful than thermolysis and blend. Approved for use on the whole body.
Sequential flash The fastest type of thermolysis, which has a detrimental effect on any structure of the hairline.

Method effectiveness

Electrolysis (contraindications to the procedure, the client must inform the doctor before the session) allows you to permanently get rid of excess vegetation on the face and body of both women and men.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

The processing procedure for the 1st zone takes from 30 minutes. up to 10 hours and requires alternate work with each hair. For the convenience of the client, each session can be divided into several parts, allowing to process each inch of the body in turn.

You can completely remove excess vegetation only after 4-10 sessions, since only 10-15% of the hair in the active phase of growth is removed in one procedure. After 2-3 weeks, electrolysis on the treated area is repeated, destroying new, awakened follicles.

The required number of sessions:

Zone Number of sessions
Eyebrows 2-3
Cheeks 3-5
The chin 4-6
Dark hair located above the upper lip 4-5
Armpits 5-8
Legs hips 8-10
Back and lower back 8-9
Bikini 7-20

Men need a longer time to get rid of excess vegetation, since the hair on their bodies is more dense.

Types of electrolysis

There are 2 types of electrolysis: 

  • Tweezers. During the session, a device with a nozzle resembling tweezers in shape captures hair by passing an electric current through it. The technique is almost painless, suitable for treating sensitive skin in the armpits and bikinis, but it
    takes a very long time.
    Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects
  • Needle room. A disposable needle made of a specific alloy is inserted into the hair follicle, heats the root and destroys the bulb. For this depilation, several types of needles are used:
    • typhlon are used to treat sensitive areas of the body;
    • gold – are used if there is a tendency to allergies;
    • with metal alloy needles the area of the face is treated.


Electrolysis (contraindications is important to clarify before starting hair removal using electric current) is prohibited for people suffering from: 

  • Vulgar acne. Aggressive effects of electric current in case of skin damage can provoke tissue infection.
  • Herpes virus, eczema. Processing is allowed only in the remission stage.
  • Fungal skin lesions. Requires prior treatment to prevent dangerous side effects.
  • Sunburn. In case of redness of the skin under the influence of UV rays, electrolysis is delayed until the inflammatory process is removed.
  • The presence of birthmarks, moles, warts directly in the place of treatment. The supply of electric current can injure papillomas and provoke malignant degeneration of cells.
  • Scars and cuts. The procedure is carried out only on clean skin. From the moment of scar formation, at least 1 year must pass.
  • Hepatitis, HIV infection. Electrolysis requires increased precautions and is permissible only after obtaining the consent of the patient.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (especially malformation, arrhythmia, ischemia, increased blood pressure). It provokes serious health problems.
  • Asthma. Permission required by a pulmonologist.
  • Varicose veins. Depilation is prohibited only in the damaged area.
  • Hemophilia, due to the high probability of bleeding.
  • Diabetes mellitus . Any skin injury can cause infection and suppuration in people suffering from high levels of dextrose in the blood.
  • Mental disorders, since painful sensations can cause increased psychological discomfort and cause an exacerbation of the disorder.
  • Oncology. Electrolysis can worsen the general condition of the patient.
  • Epilepsy, in connection with the provocation of the progression of the disease.

Do not carry out electrolysis: 

  • Expectant mothers, since painful sensations provoke the appearance of a uterine tone.
  • Women who are breastfeeding newborns are at risk of harming the health of their mother and baby.
  • In the case of metal parts, on the treated areas of the body. Under the influence of heat, the piercing heats up, causing skin burns.
  • Persons wearing pacemakers.

Precautions and features of the procedure during pregnancy

Electrolysis is considered a relatively safe procedure that allows you to permanently get rid of excess vegetation on the face and body.

Despite the desire of a young mother to always remain attractive, cosmetology clinics in the American Federation refuse to conduct it, since American gynecologists consider pregnancy to be one of the main contraindications to the use of a nursing procedure.

Gynecologists of foreign countries and USA have a different attitude to the problem of applying a procedure by a woman during a period of expectation of a child. Based on sociological studies, European and American obstetricians claim that thermolysis is considered absolutely safe for pregnant women, and electrolysis is not desirable for depilation of the bikini area from the 3rd semester.

Electric waves can adversely affect fetal development. Unpleasant sensations from the procedure can provoke an increased uterine tone.

American practices are less liberal in this matter, prohibiting the use of electrolysis in the fight against excess vegetation in the entire period of expectation of the baby and further, during breastfeeding. This is motivated by the fact that during pregnancy, the woman’s hormonal background changes and any, even previously familiar exposure, can cause an unusual reaction.

Electrolysis in different zones

Electrolysis helps to remove excess vegetation in all parts of the body for up to 5 years. After this time, the appearance of new, soft single hair is possible, but the entire hair cover will not be able to recover.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

Most often, electrolysis is used to eliminate the dark “antennae” that forms in women above the upper lip and corrects eyebrows. Carrying out a procedure to clean the axillary hollows or bikini area requires special care because of the very risk of injury to lymph nodes located close to the skin.

Bikini and armpits

Using electrolysis are performed: 

  • axillary area treatment;
  • classic, medium, deep and Brazilian bikinis.

Carrying out electrolysis in this zone is accompanied by unpleasant sensations arising from the high sensitivity of the skin, and requires additional use of anesthetics.

Preparing for a session in 2-3 months, it is necessary to stop using any depilation methods (except for a razor). Elimination of traumatic bulb procedures is necessary to restore hair follicles and their rapid destruction by electric current.

During preparation, 2 days before the session should: 

  • Do not visit the solarium;
  • refuse to shave hair;
  • stop taking contraceptives and blood thinners.

Procedure progress: 

  1. Treatment of a bikini or armpit area with a cleansing gel and anesthetic.
  2. Anesthesia Depending on the client’s sensitivity threshold, painkillers, ultra-cain sprays or subcutaneous injections may be needed.
  3. Conducting processing. The client sits on the couch and picks up a neutral electrode. The doctor connects the device and begins to gradually cleanse the body of the interfering hair. To completely eliminate excess vegetation in the bikini zone, up to 10 hours is necessary. The full treatment, as a rule, is divided into zones that take 3-5 hours. The armpits are cleaned in 1-2 hours.
  4. Lubrication of the dilated area with an antiseptic.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

For 1 session, it is possible to remove 15% of all vegetation in the phase of growth or death. To completely clean the bikini area, you will need from 10 to 20 procedures carried out with an interval of 30 days. Armpits are processed in 2-3 sessions, 1-2 hours each. A break be
tween procedures 2-3 weeks.

On the face

Electrolysis allows you to permanently get rid of vegetation on the cheeks, forehead, antennae above the lips. The technique can also be used to correct eyebrows.

The procedure: 

  1. Cleaning the treated area with tonic or spray.
  2. Anesthetizing gel or anesthesia.
  3. Placement of the client on a couch with a neutral electrode in his hand.
  4. Hair Treatment On the face, the procedure takes 15-40 minutes.
  5. Application of a disinfecting lotion.

For complete cleansing of the face, 2 to 4 sessions are required, carried out with a difference of several days.

Region Number of sessions Duration of one treatment, min.
Forehead 3-4 20-40
Eyebrows 1-2 15
Antennae over the upper lip 4-5 25
The chin 4-6 40

Possible consequences and complications

Electrolysis (contraindications of the client, taken into account before the procedure, will help to avoid unpleasant health problems and a difficult rehabilitation period) should be carried out only in the salon or blade by an experienced craftsman using disposable materials. The following symptoms may bother the client for several days after the session.


The desire to comb the treated area is the most common problem that patients turn to a specialist. The appearance of itching is associated with the use of an electric current that causes skin irritation. On its own, the problem disappears after 1-2 days and in case of occurrence it easily stops after taking soothing and antihistamines.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

To help prevent itching: 

  1. Treatment of the diluted area with chlorhexidine and a solution of calendula with trichopolum.
  2. The exclusion of water on injured skin within 3 days after depilation.
  3. Weekly refusal to take baths, visits to saunas and pools. Allowed only to take a contrast shower.
  4. A break in sports training.
  5. 2 week avoidance of sunlight.

In no case can you comb the treated area because of the danger of infection and the formation of bleeding wounds. 


Epilation is a very painful procedure, requiring the use of pain medications during and after the session. Within 2-4 days, from the moment the treatment is completed, the pain sensations completely disappear, and until the disappearance they are stopped by the use of painkillers, sprays or antispasmodics.

Spot hemorrhage

At the place of hair removal after the procedure, small blood clots appear, caused by the reaction of tissues to aggressive effects. A particularly severe side effect is noticeable on sensitive skin in the bikini and armpits.

Puncture sites should be treated with disinfectants to help prevent infection: lubricate with Panthenol or Bepanten ointment, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Pigmentation change

Small pigment spots in the defined area occur in case of violation of the recommended rules after procedural care or prolonged exposure to UV rays.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

The second cause of pigmentation becomes self-tearing of crusts from healing wounds.


Scarring of the tissue is possible if the doctor violates the technique of the procedure or may appear as a skin reaction to combing the dilated area.

Ingrown hair

Folliculitis is a common side effect after electrolysis, resulting from the destruction of the bulb by current. Thinning hair twists and grows in the skin layer, provoking an inflammatory process.


Infection of the treated area is possible in the case of: 

  • use during depilation of non-sterile instruments;
  • neglect of the stage of skin cleansing before the procedure;
  • violation of the rules of rehabilitation care.

To avoid infection, in particular, it is forbidden to comb the propped area and strip off the resulting crusts.

Redness and swelling

The appearance of redness and swelling after electrolysis is considered a normal reaction of the body to the removal of hair. Independently unpleasant symptoms disappear 1-2 days after the procedure.

Care after electrolysis  

The appearance of side effects can be avoided by observing the rules of rehabilitation care.

Electrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effectsElectrolysis. How often can you do contraindications, effects, side effects

So, after electrolysis, it is forbidden: 

  • To be in the sun. You can not sunbathe for 2 weeks before and after the procedure to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation. In the case of electric depilation on the face for 14 days, you should lubricate the treated area with a sunscreen with a high SPF factor.
  • Combing the skin because of the danger of causing an infection, provoking scarring and bleeding.
  • Use alcohol-containing lotions for body care. Such products are very dry skin and harmful to damaged tissues.
  • Visit saunas, baths, pools for 2 weeks after depilation.

Washing is allowed on the 3rd day from the moment of electrolysis, but only in the shower and without the use of detergents.  Damaged skin should be washed daily with a disinfectant solution at least 3 times, and then panthenol ointment or moisturizer should be applied to the skin. To quickly remove edema, it is allowed to apply ice to sore places.

It is strictly forbidden to remove or c
omb the crusts formed at the site of the bruising. Otherwise, it is possible to provoke scarring or infection.

Despite an extensive list of contraindications, electrolysis is considered one of the most effective modern methods to permanently solve the problem of excess vegetation. The correct approach to the procedure, compliance with all the rules of rehabilitation care will help to give the skin smoothness, and the body well-groomed and seductive.

Video about the results of electrolysis

How to care for skin after electrolysis:

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