Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

Sweating is a natural process, which is accompanied by the secretion of a small amount of secretory fluid by sweat glands. In a normal state, sweat glands are able to excrete up to 0,3 gallon of sweat per day, depending on the level of human activity. In the case when the armpits sweat heavily, you need to find out the reason, and only then decide what to do about it.

Causes of heavy sweating

Diseases leading to excessive secretory fluid secretion:

  • endocrine system diseases;
  • damage to the autonomic nervous system;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • infectious diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis.

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

Abundant secretion of fluid contribute to not only disease, but also external factors:

  • excessive emotional stress;
  • wearing clothes not in size and out of season;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • malnutrition;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • smoking;
  • high caffeinated drinks.


Excessive secretion of fluid is called hyperhidrosis. If discharge is observed throughout the body, then this is general hyperhidrosis. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesIf abundant discharge is observed in certain places, then local. All of the above reasons contribute to this diagnosis.

Why sweat fast

Sweat secretion is a normal body reaction to changes in body temperature. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesThe generated sweat helps cool the body, therefore, during elevated ambient temperatures, sweat glands begin to work more actively so that the body does not overheat.

Why sweat constantly

Under stressful situations or during emotional stress, hormones of adrenaline and cortisone are released, which provoke sweat glands to more active work.

With various diseases, for example, with neurological or infectious diseases, the sweat glands malfunction, which leads to excessive sweating. During exercise, sweat glands secrete sweat much more actively.

At night, at normal room temperature, appropriate nightwear, a person is relaxed, all metabolic processes slow down, so a person should not sweat. If sweating occurs at night, then this is a clear sign of some kind of infectious or viral disease.

Armpits sweat in women

The causes of severe sweating in women are often reduced to the following:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • stressful situations; Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • malnutrition.

What can be done to get rid of the problem

When armpits sweat heavily, what do endocrinologists and dermatologists advise first of all. First you need to contact these specialists to determine the cause of severe sweating, since heavy sweating is often associated with internal causes.

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
Many people suffer from excessive sweating. How to get rid of this unpleasant feature of the body The image above answers the question “what to do if armpits sweat heavily”

Regardless of the presence or absence of diseases, it is important to observe the principles:

  • Hygiene. Be sure to take a shower after heavy sweating in order to wash away all the remnants of the microorganisms living on the human body from the body. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
  • Proper nutrition . It is necessary to negate the presence in the diet of smoked, spicy and too salty foods. Alcohol also promotes profuse sweating.
  • Wearing clothes made from natural fabrics. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, a greenhouse effect is created under clothes.

Surgical method

The usual conservative methods of overcoming the situation when the armpits sweat heavily, help only for a short time, to solve the problem radically, resort to radical methods.

With the surgical method of treating profuse sweating, they can do sympathectomy or local surgery:

  • When applying sympathyctomy, the doctor makes an incision on the neck or in the chest area in order to block the sweat function of the sympathetic nerve. The operation may be endoscopic. This type of operation is the safest and least traumatic, but it is used when sweating palms or redness of the face. Punctures are made in the armpits. With the help of an input endoscope and a camera, the doctor pinches the nerve channel, which is responsible for sweating. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
  • In a local operation, removal by vacuuming the adipose tissue in the armpit, curettage, which removes the sweat glands, or resection of the skin along with the sweat glands, can be performed. In the latter case, scars remain, so this method is practically not used.

Botox in the armpits

Another relatively safe, but short-lived method of treating profuse sweating is the introduction of a botulinum toxin syringe into the armpit. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesWhen ingested, the toxin affects the nerve endings and prevents the passage of nerve impulses.

It is very important to comply with the dosage of botulinum to be administered, so this treatment should be carried out by an experienced doctor in a professional clinic.

Pharmacy products

Many do not want to use a radical way to eliminate the situation when armpits sweat heavily. When wondering what to do, one should not forget about no less effective, affordable and painless methods, such as medicines that can be bought at a pharmacy. They are safe, but their constant use is required.

Pasta Teymurova

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

The paste contains substances such as lead, glycerin, formaldehyde, talc, zinc oxide and acid.

As an antiseptic it shows itself perfectly, gives a drying effect and prevents excessive secretion.

It is evenly applied to pre-cleaned and dried skin. This procedure is used for 4 days. The drug is prohibited for women who are expecting a baby and nursing mothers.

Pasta lassara

It has disinfecting properties and is used in situations where armpits sweat heavily. The product contains zinc oxide, starch and petroleum jelly. It is recommended to apply a little to the skin. The course of treatment: 1 month. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
For women expecting a baby and nursing mothers, this drug is contraindicated.


A disinfectant and disinfectant that inhibits the secretion of sweat glands . Its effect lasts for one and a half weeks: the skin remains dry, and the unpleasant odor does not bother. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesBut since the main active component of this drug is the toxic component of formaldehyde, allergic manifestations on the skin are not excluded.

Salicylic Zinc Ointment

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

This tool fights well with the problem of sweating armpits. The main substances that make up the ointment: salicylic acid and zinc oxide.

These substances have disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties, and also dry the skin.

To use this drug during pregnancy, with diseases such as anemia, poor blood coagulation, gastric ulcer, experts do not advise.

Sweating Pills

Hyperhidrosis pills help relieve symptoms. But do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary dosage and indicate the period of use of the medicine.

Vegetable-based tablets : the composition of drugs for hyperhidrosis contains mainly belladonna or belladonna extract, which allows you to solve the problem of excessive sweating and is not addictive.

The most used drugs:

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

  • Bellaspon – gives a calming effect, relieves the excretory function of sweat glands. It is recommended to use 1 tab. 3 times a day after meals. For diseases of the organs of vision, diseases associated with the liver and kidneys, the drug is not prescribed.
  • Belloid – is prescribed in the case when the cause of excessive sweating is the pathology of the thyroid gland or the nervous system. Pills relieve irritation, relieve insomnia. It is recommended that the daily intake be divided into 3 times 1-2 tablets. The drug is not prescribed in the third trimester of pregnancy and with existing problems with the prostate gland. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
  • Bellataminal relaxes the central nervous system, reduces sweating, relieves insomnia. Pills are effective if the cause of excessive sweating are nervous and stressful conditions. It is not recommended to use this drug for persons under the age of majority, pregnant and lactating women, with existing diseases of the organs of vision and the cardiovascular system.

If excessive sweating appears due to a depressed mood, excessive sensitivity, nervousness, doctors prescribe stronger drugs. They are more effective than herbal preparations, but addictive with prolonged treatment.

A doctor may recommend the following medications for hyperhidrosis:

  • Diazepam – recommended with a clearly defined diagnosis of neurosis or depression. It has a relaxing effect, relieves stress, eliminates insomnia, nervous itching. 
    Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies
    The drug is used for no more than 14 days. With a longer course of treatment, visual impairment can be observed.
  • Oxazepam – prescribed for excessive sweating caused by poor sleep, depression, neurosis. The drug helps to eliminate the feeling of fear, relieves tension. The maximum dosage per day should not exceed 120 mg.
  • Phenazepam also suppresses nervous conditions, which are usually accompanied by severe sweating of the body. The maximum dosage per day does not exceed 0003 g.

Deodorants and antiperspirants

Dry Dry Deodorant

The product is a liquid that has no color or odor. It has pore-tightening properties, allowing you to keep axillary areas dry for a long time. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesDeodorant is applied to dried and cleaned skin before bedtime. It leaves no wet traces and lasts up to 7 days.

Purax Spray

The spray is used to eliminate excessive sweating of the palms. It contains substances that inhibit sweating and care for the skin. The sweating of the palms is reduced to a natural level. In addition, the spray has disinfecting properties, eliminates bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Infrared sauna

Warming up has a healing effect, improves blood circulation, metabolism, helps to cleanse the body, relax, reduce irritability and stress. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesAll this can help reduce excessive sweating in all parts of the body.

How to eliminate odor

To ensure that the unpleasant odor does not cause problems, it is important to observe hygiene, in particular, apply deodorants or antiperspirants. But this will not be enough if there are more significant reasons for excessive sweating. Deodorants only hide the smell of sweat, but do not eliminate the root cause. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

Due to the fact that antiperspirants contain various medicinal c
omponents in their composition, they prevent excessive sweating. The use of antiperspirants is advisable only after washing.

Folk remedies

Laundry soap

When armpits sweat heavily, laundry soap is considered a very effective and effective tool. It is not only used for washing, but masks are made for medicinal purposes, using as an antiseptic. The soap is moistened with water and the armpit area is wiped, so that a soap film forms, which effectively copes with excessive sweating and an unpleasant odor.

Camomile tea

Chamomile is also an effective tool, disinfects and relieves inflammation. To treat hyperhidrosis, a decoction is used, which is used to wipe certain parts of the body that are most prone to sweating. In addition, the broth is used to prepare therapeutic baths.

Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

To prepare the tincture, you need 6 tablespoon. Chamomile pour a gallon of hot water and insist one hour. The infusion should be filtered and wiped the armpit area after the bath procedures.

Oak bark

Oak bark is a natural antiseptic that perfectly coordinates the work of sweat glands . With the prepared composition, you can wipe the skin, make lotions, take therapeutic baths.

For cooking, you need lemon juice, 1 teaspoons. bark and 1 tablespoon. hot water. Oak bark should be poured 1 tablespoon. hot water and cook in a water bath for half an hour, then the broth should be insisted for a couple of hours. After add juice 1/4 of lemon. Wipe the armpits with this compound regularly.

Coniferous broth

Pine branches contain many essential oils, known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, as well as their ability to reduce perspiration. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remedies

When armpits sweat heavily, coniferous broth is used for medicinal baths . Prepare it in the following way: 1 tablespoon. needles need to be poured into 0,5 gallon of hot water and simmer for about 2 hours. After which, the broth should be filtered and added to the bath. The procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. You can also make lotions from the resulting broth.

Boron Lotion

Boric acid has broad antiseptic and antifungal properties. To prepare the lotion you will need equal parts of a 2% alcohol solution of boric acid, vinegar, cologne or perfume. All components should be mixed and applied to the armpits with a cotton pad after showering.

Horsetail tincture

This tincture gives a powerful antimicrobial effect, and also regulates the work of sweat glands. 1 part of horsetail must be filled with 10 parts of vodka and insist 1 hour. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesIt is recommended to wipe the armpits with the prepared tincture in the morning and in the evening.

Body cleansing

Excessive sweating occurs in the case of infection of the body with helminths. Treatment in this case consists in cleansing the entire body of parasites. For cleansing use absorbent preparations. They absorb the vital products of parasites, remove toxins and poisons and the body.

Be sure to take antiparasitic drugs that kill all available parasites. This procedure ends with symptomatic treatment aimed at restoring the body and normalizing sweating.


Hygienic liners for the armpit area, capable of absorbing excess secretions, adhere to the inside of the garment. They are very thin, so they are not felt at all. Causes and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesCauses and treatment of severe armpit sweating in women. How to eliminate sweating folk remediesEarbuds containing silver ions are very popular because they do not allow an unpleasant odor to appear.

Cold and hot shower

This procedure is recommended to be done regularly, when performing hygiene measures in the morning and in the evening, which will reduce the level of perspiration. It is recommended to direct the water stream around the armpits, alternating warm water (about 40 degrees) with cold (at least 20 degrees) for 2-3 minutes.

What if nothing helps

To prevent the situation when the armpits sweat heavily, even if it seems that nothing helps, you can try the following:

  • review the daily routine;
  • take a shower 2 times a day, and if physical activity is added, then every time after them;
  • review food: completely eliminate fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods;
  • include foods containing iron, phosphorus and calcium in the diet;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • increase the amount of clean water consumed.

Excessive sweating can simply cause inconvenience, and can signal the development of pathological conditions. It is important to diagnose the cause of heavy sweating in time and, along with the symptoms, treat the underlying disease.

Video on what to do if armpits sweat heavily

Simple and affordable ways to get rid of sweating in the armpits:

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