Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

Yohimbine hydrochloride is recommended for people who are watching their figure (losing weight or building muscle). The instructions also describe its positive effect on erection in men. At first, the drug was aimed at improving potency. Later, its other properties were also identified.

What is yohimbine hydrochloride

This is an alkaloid that has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. He is able to enhance blood flow to the genital organ, thereby improving potency and enhancing orgasm. Accelerates the process of burning fat in the body.

Get it:

  • from the bark of the White Kwehabro tree;
  • from yohimbe tree;
  • from the bush rauwolfia snake.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

Taking the drug also removes the negative and improves mood. Affects the quality of sleep. It becomes strong and bright. If the dosage is exceeded, then it can cause nightmares. The second name of the drug yohimbine is Quebrachin. Although it is less common than the official name. Depends on which tree the alkaloid is extracted from.

Release form

The drug is released in the form of tablets for oral use. Permissible color: white or slightly yellow.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

Packed pills in plastic containers. They can contain from 25 to 250 tablets. Or in plates, they contain 10 tablets.


The tablet contains 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

To improve absorption, auxiliary substances were added:

  • potato starch;
  • lactose monohydrate (milk sugar);
  • calcium stearate;
  • mixture (cellulose, lactose and hypromellose).
  • The drug is also available in the form of tea. Consists of a mixture of dried herbs.

The yohimbine tea mix includes:

  • yohimbine tree bark;
  • ginseng root;
  • ginger;
  • green tea oolong
  • strawberry berries;
  • hibiscus;
  • Damiana.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

Tea contains substances that enhance the effect of weight loss, so it is recommended to drink it to speed up the result. Tea is more harmless than pills.

Indications for use

Yohimbine hydrochloride, whose instruction describes the composition of the drug and indications for its use, has a wide spectrum of action.

It is prescribed for the following violations in the body:

  • With a decrease in erection. It improves blood circulation in the pelvis and genital area. Helps to overcome erectile dysfunction during stress or nervous strain.
    Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
    According to the instructions for use and scientific research, yohimbine hydrochloride increases libido
  • Weak orgasm. Helps fight hypexuality.
  • Depression. Balances the nervous system.
  • Dehydration
  • Pressure problems. Depending on the dosage, yohimbine may increase or decrease pressure.
  • Excess weight. The drug not only helps to get rid of fat deposits, but also, removing them, releases additional energy.
  • Chronic fatigue. It is the energy released from fats that increases stamina and adds strength.
  • Enuresis.
  • Male menopause.
  • Circulatory problems in the brain. It improves blood circulation and simultaneously fights fear. Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

The main purpose of yohimbine is to improve sexual life and rid the body of excess weight.

It is for these properties that the drug gained its popularity.


The drug is considered safe, but there are a number of limitations. Before taking a consultation with a specialist.

For what diseases is the drug prohibited:

  • increased or decreased pressure. The doctor must determine the dosage so that the drug has the right effect and does not worsen the condition of the body;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
  • adrenergic agonist along with yohimbine is not recommended;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • with vision problems;
  • with psychological diseases.

Taking the drug is allowed if there are no contraindications.

Yohimbina hydrochloride: instructions for use for men and women

Yohimbine hydrochloride, the instruction of which is described below, is drunk to eliminate problems with erection and during sports. The drug is forbidden to be taken in conjunction with alcoholic products, a diet is mandatory. Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

What is it used for
Number of pills How many times a day What time Reception course (weeks)
To improve an erection 12 13 While eating 3 – 5
When doing sports 12 13 Half an hour before playing sports 3 to 4

The tablets are taken without chewing, and washed down with plenty of water. The dose should not exceed 6 tablets per day. It is not recommended to be taken later than 2 hours before bedtime. The time of elimination of the drug from the body is about 6 hours.

It is important not to exceed the daily dosage.

Drink with water, coffee or juice is allowed (although water is a priority).  If you take yohimbe in the form of tea, there are no strong restrictions. You can drink up to 5-6 mugs per day. Steam for 5-10 minutes 10 g of dry tea per 6,76 fluid ounce of water. It is advisable not to use sugar.

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How to take for weight loss

The drug is recommended to be taken separately from meals. Food destroys the ability of yohimbine to fight body fat. All fatty foods are also removed from the diet. Coffee enhances the process of losing weight, so it is recommended that they drink pills.

Weight loss when taking yohimbine occurs due to the blocking of hormones that are responsible for the deposition of fat in problem areas. In this case, a large amount of energy is generated. The drug is taken not only for weight loss, but also for sports.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

The beneficial properties of yohimbine for weight loss are as follows:

  • blood flow to tissues and organs increases;
  • fat deposits break down with the release of heat and energy;
  • increases motor activity;
  • increases stamina when playing sports.

The greatest effect of the drug is observed with a morning dose. The daily dose is divided into 3 parts and taken on an empty stomach, 3 hours before the main meal. The course can last up to 2.5 months.

At the beginning of use, it is advised to start with small doses. Best with 1 tablet taken in the morning. Next, you can increase the dose, but not more than the daily dose (depending on weight).

Those wishing to lose weight (especially women) are recommended to drink yohimbine in the form of tea. It is more harmless to the body and there are no strict rules for its use.

To make a drink you will need:

  • 10-20 g of yohimbine in dry form dissolved in l of water:
  • Next, the drink is heated, but not boiled;
  • You need to drink tea on an empty stomach.

Tea creates a feeling of satiety, so there will be no excess calories in the body. His taste is pleasant and refreshing. Tea is a success in the hot season as a soft drink.

The average single dose of the drug may vary depending on weight:

Weight Amount in (mg) per day
60 12
80 16
100 20
120 24

If you have more weight, yohimbine can be taken only after consulting a physician and cardiologist. Since the heart and so there is a big load due to overweight.

Yohimbine helps get rid of fat cells precisely in problem areas and thereby it perfectly corrects the figure. Because of this, drugs containing yohimbine have gained great popularity among women who monitor their weight.

To take yohimbine, to reduce body weight, it is also recommended because it has a number of positive effects on the body.

Why it is still useful to take yohimbine to losing weight people:

  • balances the nervous system (with diets, it suffers in the first place);
  • struggles with a depressive state, improves mood;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic, thereby reducing fat deposits, and the skin condition is significantly improved;
  • as you know, people with good sleep gain less weight, yohimbine speeds up the process of falling asleep and improves sleep (stronger and brighter than dreams);
  • energy released from fat deposits has a positive effect on working capacity, there is no desire to lie and eat weight;
  • strengthens the immune system. Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

If you only take yohimbine, without physical exertion, then the result will not be so noticeable. When taking the drug, be sure to follow a diet, do not mix it with food. Otherwise, the result will be 0.

How to take when doing bodybuilding

Yohimbine hydrochloride is recommended for muscle building. Instructions for use are different from instructions for weight loss.

First you need to calculate the daily dose of the drug, depending on body weight. To do this, take 0.2 mg per 2 pounds of weight. The received daily dose is divided into 3 parts. They start taking yohimbine in the morning on an empty stomach. Then in the afternoon, 1 hour before training. And in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
To obtain the positive effect of using yohimbine hydrochloride without harm to health, it is important to take the drug with recommended doses strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Yohimbine can be taken, both in pure form, and dietary supplements with its content. The drug itself helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat. Thus, the result is achieved – the athlete’s ideal muscular relief. It is necessary to conduct special classes.

Be sure to follow a diet, fatty foods are completely excluded. Carbohydrates in food remain at a minimum, and proteins at a maximum. The duration of the drug lasts at least 21 days, but no more than 10 weeks.

If a drug containing yohimbine is taken to gain muscle mass, then it is recommended to drink it only before going to the gym.

Coffee enhances the effect of the drug. It should be borne in mind that the drink gives a strong load on the heart. It is not worth it to abuse the combined use of coffee and yohimbine. You can plant a heart.

It is not recommended to combine yohimbine with such drugs:

  • agents that enhance the burning of fats and their breakdown. The body may not withstand such a load and malfunction. In addition, fat cells must be present in the body, otherwise there will be severe depletion;
  • antidepressants (especially those that block norepinephrine);
  • alcohol is eliminated completely, even a small dose can distort the desired result.

Additional bodybuilder tips for using yohimbine:

  • Be sure to choose the appropriate load for building in a particular area of muscle mass. Without training, the maximum that can be achieved is a decrease in body weight.
  • You can not use 3 drugs together (yohimbine, ephedrine and coffee). This exorbitant load on the heart. But individually, such as ephedrine and yohimbine, do not combine well.
  • Be sure to verify the authenticity of the products. Do not buy at unverified points or on suspicious sites.

Yohimbine in sports nutrition for bodybuilders:

Side effects

They are extremely rare and often due to non-compliance with the dosage.

It is expressed:

  • the occurrence of insomnia and an increase in feelings of anxiety;
  • problems with pressure (increase or decrease), increased heart rate;
  • severe headache and dizziness;
  • digestive tract problems: lack of appetite, nausea, pain in the stomach;
  • loose stools;
  • allergic reaction, redness of the skin;
  • excessive sweating;
  • hands are shaking;
  • the appearance of an erection without sexual arousal;
  • decrease in the amount of daily dose of urine.

In this case, the drug is immediately stopped. You can resume only after consulting a therapist.

special instructions

  • Yohimbine hydrochloride, the instruction of which describes special instructions for taking the drug, it is important to take, observing the dosage;
  • The drug is prohibited for people who have problems with the absorption of lactase and lactose. In case of gastrointestinal diseases, psychological disorders and vision problems, take with extreme caution;
  • If there are problems with pressure and heart, then control your health with a cardiologist. Consult a physician if medications are taken; Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
  • Since the drug can cause tremors and feelings of anxiety, this should be taken into account so that the effect of the drug does not affect working capacity;
  • For women, the drug is not recommended. Although it helps to quickly and effectively get rid of body fat in problem areas (buttocks, hips). The best option for women, teas containing yohimbine;
  • Be sure to observe which drugs yohimbine does not combine with and when to take with extreme caution. Do not eat before bedtime.


With an overdose of the drug, the symptoms described in the side effects are manifested, only more pronounced. Several may appear at once.

It could be:

  • sudden onset of feelings of anxiety, fear;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in pressure;
  • severe dizziness migraine;
  • vomiting, sharp pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong tremor in the hands.

Symptoms of an overdose occur 30-45 minutes after taking the drug. Before the ambulance arrives, start gastric lavage. It is not recommended to take drugs that eliminate the effect of yohimbine. Only doctors can do this.


Yohimbine is not recommended to be taken together with the following drugs / drinks:

  • clonidine. It neutralizes the effect of yohimbine;
  • clopiramine. The medicine increases the concentration of yohimbine in the blood;
  • antidepressants . May increase side effects;
  • coffee. Enhances the effect of the drug, but also exerts an excessive load on the heart;
  • tranquilizers . They lose their properties.

If a decision is made in favor of taking yohimbine, then the above drugs are canceled. Or the exact dosage recommended by the general practitioner is followed.

Analogs Yohimbine hcl

There are not many analogs of yohimbine and they do not completely repeat all the useful properties of the drug. The main analogues are drugs to improve potency. Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy


  1. SPIEGEL. The composition of the product includes: yohimbine, starch, talc, gum arabic. The main purpose, increased potency.
  2. Eroton. The main
    active ingredient is sildenafil. Auxiliary components: starch (potato), magnesium stearate, cellulose. To improve potency.
  3. Levitra. The basis is – vardenafil hydrochloride trihydrate. There are also auxiliary components. Helps improve potency.
  4. Viagra. Composition: sildenafil, cellulose, magnesium stearate and auxiliary components. The drug is intended to improve potency.
  5. Yohimbe forte Evalar . The composition of the drug: yohimbine, zinc, selenium, ginseng extract. Helps to get rid of drug addiction, craving for smoking and alcohol, strengthens the immune system.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy
Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacyYohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride. Instructions for use in bodybuilding, for weight loss, the price in a pharmacy

Analogs do not completely replace yohimbe, and their prices are much higher.

Terms and conditions of storage

Yohimbine hydrochloride, whose instructions are described above, must be stored correctly, otherwise it will lose its properties:

  1. The drug is considered suitable for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
  2. It can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the medicine cabinet.
  3. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees above 0.
  4. Lack of access to the drug for children.

Price in pharmacies in New York, Los Angeles, (make a table)

The price category of the drug varies depending on the company that produces the drug, and on the city (since delivery is added to the cost). Even on the Internet there is no single digit.

Below are the prices in 10 cities:

Name of the city Price in usd per tablet
50 100 150 200 250  1
New York 200 – 260 400 – 500 450 – 550 600 – 780 650 – 920 3 – 5
Los Angeles 240 – 300 450 – 550 490 – 670 630 – 800 700 – 960 3 – 6
Atlanta 250 – 300 440 – 560  500 – 650 640 – 810 730 – 970 3 – 6
Houston 190 – 230 370 – 460 430 – 510 570 – 740 700 – 850 2.5 – 4
  San diego 190 – 250 380 – 490 430 – 520 580 – 750 630 – 880 2,5 – 5
Washington 200 – 250 390 – 480 440 – 530 590 – 770 640 – 900 2,5 – 5
Seattle 210 – 240 400 – 480 450 – 490 600 – 750 650 – 880 2,5 – 5
Seattle 210 – 260 400 – 500 450 – 560 610 – 780 650 – 910 3 – 5
San Francisco 200 – 290 410 – 530  450 – 600 620 – 800 650 – 970 4
San Francisco 200 – 260 400 – 480 460 – 560 600 – 790 650 – 930 3 – 5

You can order the drug cheaper on the Internet, but first verify the authenticity of the product.

Reviews of doctors about the safety of funds

Doctors (urologists, sexologists and therapists) praise the drug. First and foremost, yohimbine gained trust with its natural composition. Its harm to the body is minimal. And it manifests itself in rare cases, usually with non-compliance with the dosage or the patient’s diseases were not taken into account.

Positive points:

  • The drug does not harm the liver and kidneys (they are responsible for the withdrawal of drugs from the body);
  • The drug has a positive effect on erection, the result is guaranteed;
  • Helps during sports to “dry” the body (eliminate unnecessary fats).
  • Increases Stamina.

In general, only the positive effect of the drug on the whole body is noted.

Customer feedback on performance

  • When analyzing reviews from taking the drug among buyers, there are more positive or neutral statements. Negatives come from people who simply did not familiarize themselves with the instructions and were waiting for a miracle from one tablet.
  • The male sex notes a significant improvement in erection, even in people of a fairly mature age. Ease of taking pills. There is only one caveat, tablets should not be chewed and be sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Balanced nervous system, increased energy in the body (chronic fatigue disappears). The quality of sleep improves, there are no problems with insomnia.
  • Although women are not very recommended the drug, but with the right intake (preferably under the supervision of a therapist) there is a decrease in body weight, especially in problem areas. The main thing to remember here is that yohimbine should not be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • The drug is easily absorbed, does not carry a strong load on the digestive system. A positive effect of yohimbine in a depressed state was noted.

But even with such positive reviews, it is recommended that you take the advice of a therapist and other doctors (if there are chronic diseases) before taking the drug . Yohimbine hydrochloride should be used only strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, the result will be completely different from what was expected.

Video on the topic: Yohimbine (Yohimbine) hydrochloride, instructions for use

Yohimbina hydrochloride: release form:

Yohimbine: instruction:

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