What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost

Veneers for teeth – although not a new technology, but rapidly gaining momentum in dentistry, which allows you to get rid of the natural defects of teeth and in a short time become the owner of a beautiful and natural smile. How much does it cost and are there any contraindications About all this – later in the article.

What are veneers

Veneers are special tooth pads that help correct the flaws of a smile and make it truly Hollywood. They vary in color, installation method, material and thickness.

The first veneers were created in the 30s of the last century in California by Charles Pincus. They were a ceramic plate, which was attached to the tooth using a special powder. Such records were a temporary measure and were used in those cases when a Hollywood star needed to shoot close-ups or go on the red carpet.

Since then, technology has taken a significant step forward. Modern linings are subtle, and at the same time they are very durable. In addition, their service life has increased significantly – today the minimum wearing period is 5 years, and the maximum is 25-30 years. What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost   Usually veneers are placed on the front teeth – in the so-called “smile zone”.

Types of veneers on teeth

Dental veneers are made from a wide variety of materials.

Therefore, the very first classification of pads is based on the material from which they are made:

  • in the manufacture of composite veneers, photopolymer, polymer and composite materials are used. The advantages of this type include ease of installation and low price. Their service life lasts from 3 to 8 years;
  • for the manufacture of ceramic veneers use various types of ceramics. The main advantages of such pads include high resistance to physical, chemical and mechanical stresses and an attractive appearance for 10-20 years after installation:
  • in the manufacture of zirconium veneers, light liquid metal is used – zirconium dioxide for the frame and porcelain for the outside. This combination allows you to get the most reliable tooth pads – their service life can last from 20 to 25 years; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • in the manufacture of porcelain veneers, dental porcelain is used. There are several advantages to this material. Due to the similarity with enamel, you can give it a color close to the color of the teeth. It is hard and resistant to stains from food and drinks. Porcelain linings can last from 10 to 15 years;
  • A more advanced form of veneers is lumineers, which are made from fine porcelain. The main difference from the rest of the species is that when they are installed, tooth grinding is not required; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • ultniri – a kind of lumineers. The main difference from other species is that their thickness does not exceed 0/32 inch, while for lumineers it varies between 0/32 – 1/32 inch, and for veneers – up to 2/32 inch.

Of all the types of veneers presented, the most safe, according to experts, are lumineers and ultniri. The reason is that they do not require tooth grinding and can be removed at any time without the need to restore the tooth surface. Due to their qualities, they are also considered the most expensive linings in the price segment.

Varieties of veneers by installation method

Installation of veneers can be direct and indirect:

  • with direct installation, the procedure resembles the installation of a filling, since the doctor makes veneers directly in the patient’s oral cavity from a composite material resembling a filling material. After solidification of the material, the dentist grinds the edges, giving it an anatomical shape; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • Indirect installation of veneers takes longer and is divided into several stages. In general, the procedure can take from 7 to 20 days.

What happens to teeth under the veneers

With proper installation of veneers, the joint between the tooth and the overlay should be smoothed and tight. In this case, the teeth with regular visits to the dentist and proper care, the condition of the teeth will not change.


  • plaque and caries appear at the junction of veneer and tooth;
  • food intake may be accompanied by pain due to the fact that the plate has broken off or has left;
  • high tooth sensitivity may appear.

The cause of sensitivity can be aggressive tooth processing under the veneer, that is, when the doctor removes more tooth enamel than necessary. Such a phenomenon is a violation of the technology for installing veneers and an indicator of low qualification of a specialist. In this case, dentists recommend removing the nerve and the problem disappears. What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost

If pain has appeared after installing the veneer, then it may be due to the fact that the veneer has moved or a piece has broken off from it. In the first case, the patch must be re-glued, and in the second – replaced, since a broken microprosthesis cannot be repaired.

In the case of plaque and caries, not only the violation of the installation rules, but also the improper care is to blame. It includes daily thorough brushing and a visit to the hygienist twice a year.

Pros and Cons of Vining

Veneers for teeth have a number of significant advantages:

  • installation of linings takes 2-3 weeks;
  • there is no need to completely grind a tooth;
  • the high service life of veneers allows you to get a beautiful smile for a long time.

Despite the significant advantages, the overlays have a number of disadvantages:

  • to install veneers it is necessary to grind enamel;
  • after installing the linings will have to wear them all my life;
  • improper installation may increase tooth sensitivity;
  • if something happens to the pad, then it will have to be replaced, and the price of one veneer is very high;
  • in case of refusal of the pads will have to restore the enamel.

In addition to well-known disadvantages, there are individual contraindications, which will become a decisive point if you want to install veneers.

Indications for installation

Dental veneers are a great way to get rid of a number of problems that do not allow the world to smile broadly.

Dentists recommend installing pads if the patient has:

  • large gaps between the teeth;
  • darkening of the filling material;
  • discoloration of tooth enamel;
  • individual contraindications to tooth whitening or, conversely, if the color of the enamel cannot be restored with whitening; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • anatomically irregularly shaped teeth, cracks, chips;
  • noticeable fillings;
  • worn enamel after wearing braces.

Contraindications to installation

Such an easy, albeit expensive way to become the owner of a beautiful smile could not help but gain a large number of comers. But this method, even with material possibilities, is not accessible to everyone.

The dentist will not perform the procedure if the patient:

  • the tooth is sealed by more than 50%;
  • tooth is destroyed by more than 50%;
  • no more than 6 chewing teeth;
  • irregular bite; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • bad habits that lead to the destruction of veneers;
  • dangerous kind of activity that can deform the jaw (boxing, fights without rules, martial arts).

Veneer Colors

Veneers will look beautiful on the teeth, if they do not differ from the rest of the teeth in color. Therefore, when choosing the material of the future lining, you should carefully choose the shade of the future smile.

To make the choice easy and accurate, dentists have developed a special scale for the color of veneers – Vita. It includes 2 color options – hue (category A, B, C and D) and brightness (1,2,3,4). The dentist selects one value from each category and issues a two-digit code to the dental laboratory. For example, A2.

What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
The color scale allows you to choose veneers for teeth in full accordance with the shade of native teeth

In order for the veneer shade to be correct, a specialist must observe several conditions:

  • the natural color should be evaluated in daylight or if there are installations in the cabinet that allow bringing lighting closer to ideal conditions;
  • so that the color perception is not distorted, the selection of the shade should take place in conditions where there are no bright colors, that is, they should not be in the interior and on the clothes of the doctor and patient;
  • Before choosing a color, you must also get rid of the bright colors on the patients’ faces and moisten the enamel, since dry and wet enamel and bright colors on the face can distort the perception of color due to different reflective properties.

After all the conditions are met, the dentist, using a scale with samples of veneers, selects the shade and brightness of the future lining.

How to put veneers

Installation of veneers takes from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth and consists of the following steps:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity. Veneers can only be placed on healthy teeth, so before installing them, the dentist carries out treatment to remove caries, plaque, bleeding gums and replace old fillings with new ones.
  2. Preparation (or grinding) of tooth enamel. The procedure is painless. What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  3. Installation of temporary overlays at the request of the patient.
  4. Cast Veneers are made in the dental laboratory, based on the anatomical features of the patient. Therefore, the dentist first takes a cast of the patient’s teeth and passes them to the laboratory. Depending on the capabilities of the clinic and the individual characteristics of the patient, pads can be made from 1 to 14 days.
  5. Fixation. Depending on the number of veneers, the installation procedure may take no more than 1 hour.

How to remove veneers

Veneers on teeth can not only be worn, but also removed. It is not only impossible to do this on your own, but it is also impossible, since when removing the lining special dental procedures such as laser removal and cutting are used.

The removal procedure is as follows:

  • during laser removal, a beam passes through the veneers, which destroys the cement that attaches the pad to the tooth, and it falls off by itself.
  • sawing is used if the veneer is dense and the beam does not pass through it. In this case, the doctor, using a diamond bur, cuts off the patch and cement. With a highly qualified specialist, the procedure for removing veneers is painless and safe.

Due to the fact that the tooth is prepared before installing the cover, the enamel must be protected after its removal.

To do this, use:

  • higher quality veneers, for example, porcelain instead of composite;
  • crowns.

Dentists do not recommend removing pads, suggesting instead to replace the veneer.

But there are times when the removal of veneer is required:

  • the patient experiences discomfort, since the pad is selected or installed incorrectly;
  • improper care of veneers and the oral cavity has caused caries under them, and requires a long and complex treatment, which is impossible to carry out with overlays; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • the veneer is worn or damaged. In the first case, the patient may be disturbed by the ugly appearance of the veneer. In the second, in addition to aesthetics, pain appears due to the high sensitivity of the teeth.

How many veneers serve

The veneers on the teeth have different lifespan. It directly depends not only on proper care, but also on the material of which the pad is made.

Veneers from:

  • composite materials will last from 3 to 8 years;
  • ceramics will last longer – from 10 to 20 years;
  • Zirconium is stronger than the above materials – their service life ranges from 20 to 25 years;
  • porcelain is considered the most noble in dentistry, thanks to its material. But their service life does not exceed zirconium – from 10 to 15 years.

Which veneers to choose

For a person who is first faced with a vinification procedure, it is quite difficult to immediately decide which linings to choose. In order for the veneers to please you later, it is important to ask the specialist all questions of interest during the consultation. It is he who will advise which is better to put the lining, based on individual characteristics.

Here’s what experts recommend paying attention to:

  • cost.
    Any type of procedure comes primarily from the material capabilities of the patient. If funds are limited, then it is worth stopping at composite veneers, which are the most budgetary in the line of dental overlays. The most expensive ones include lumineers and ultranirs;
  • installation method . A direct view of the installation will save time, as the veneer can be installed immediately, without grinding and other stages of veneering. On the other hand, an indirect installation will allow you to get better work, as it will undergo preliminary dental treatment;
  • form of veneer. It may be incomplete, in the form of a plate, which is attached to the tooth with dental glue and complete, similar in shape to the crown.

Dental Care with Veneers

In order for the veneers to please the owner with their beauty for a long time, it is important to properly care for them. These rules are simple and do not require any additional means, skills and abilities.

It is necessary:

  • reduce or refuse to eat food that can stain the linings. These products include berries, beets, strong teas and coffee;
  • refuse tobacco, because after 6-10 months the snow-white color of the veneer will change to yellow;
  • in no case to gnaw solid food – nuts, carrots, hard candies;
  • try to chew food with your teeth where there are no veneers;
  • twice a day to brush your teeth with an ordinary brush with paste without abrasives and twice a year from a professional who will remove plaque even in the most inaccessible area.

In addition, it is imperative to visit a specialist if there is a gap or roughness at the place of attachment of the veneer. Another reason to visit a specialist is soreness, redness and bleeding of the gums.

Where can veneers be installed

Veneers for teeth should be installed by a professional with deep knowledge and high qualifications in the field of dentistry. On the other hand, this process requires time, material investment from the patient.

Therefore, it is important when choosing a specialist to carefully approach his choice:

  • the clinic in which the installation of veneers will take place must be equipped with a CAD / CAM system, and the dentist himself must have at least 5 years of experience in installing overlays;
  • the main focus of the doctor should be aesthetic restoration, and he himself must provide a portfolio where the work is placed before and after the installation of veneers;
  • Important when choosing a clinic is the guarantee – the specialist must give it on the pads and on the installation process.

How much does veneer installation cost

The final cost of veneer is influenced by factors such as:

  • the material from which it is made . For example, composite pads will cost less than porcelain or lumineers;
  • manufacturing method . For indirect installation of veneer, the place where the lining is made plays an important role. If the clinic has its own dental laboratory, then this option will be more budget-friendly than custom-made;
  • the need for prior treatment. Good dental health will save significantly on treatment before installing veneers.

The location and popularity of the clinic also plays an important role – the closer to the center, the more expensive. The same goes for fame. But there are exceptions to any rule – sometimes even clinics with an expensive price list carry out various promotions and lower prices in order to attract customers.

In the table below you can see and compare prices for various types of veneers in New York and the, prices are in usd for one veneer.






lumineers and ultniri
New York 7000 15000 20000 15000 40000
Los Angeles 7000 16000 19000 14500 60000
Las Vegas 3000 9000 12000 10000 45000
Atlanta 3000 7000 16000 12000 20000
Chicago 6000 8000 15000 13000 22000
Seattle 7000 10000 17000 150000 20000

Prices are indicative and may be lower or higher depending on the above factors. Some clinics offer installment or credit veneering.

Which is better: veneers or crowns

lists note that veneers and crowns, despite being prostheses, solve different problems. Therefore, only after a face-to-face consultation can you decide what is suitable for the patient. What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost

The fact is that veneers have an aesthetic function, as they are designed to correct an anatomically ugly smile to an attractive one. Crowns, in addition to the aesthetic function, restore the destroyed tooth base. Experts recommend choosing crowns if the tooth is damaged by more than 30%.

Unlike veneers, crowns:

  • can be installed on any tooth, and not just on the front;
  • close the tooth not only in front, but from all sides;
  • require tooth preparation and nerve removal;
  • install cheaper than veneers;
  • are made longer than overlays;
  • require the installation of intracultural tabs for reliable fixation;
  • may cause more discomfort and inflammation in the gums than veneers.

The rest of the veneers and crowns are similar – both types of prosthesis are made of the same materials (ceramics, zircon, much less metal) and using the same technology (using a mold of a tooth in a dental laboratory). The installation process is also similar.

Veneers or braces

As in the case of crowns, veneers and braces cannot replace each other, as they perform different functions.

The doctor will definitely advise you to install braces if the patient:

  • malocclusion;
  • progressive dentofacial anomalies;
  • wide interdental fissure. What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost

Braces are made of metal, ceramics, plastic and artificial sapphires. The design can be installed both in front of the dentition and behind. In the second case, it will be less noticeable to others. In order to get the right bite, you need to wear braces for 1-2 years. After that, you can install veneers that will make the smile truly Hollywood.

Unlike veneers, braces need special care:

  • teeth should be brushed after each meal, paying particular attention to areas around the structure;
  • in addition to a toothbrush, you must buy a dental floss and clean out the remnants of food after each meal;
  • rods are attached to the structure, the purpose of which is to level the bite. They need to be removed at night.

Despite the fact that the installation of braces is a long process, it is completely painless. But the procedure may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations that pass after installation.

In general, bite correction with braces includes:

  • diagnostics;
  • preparation for the installation procedure;
  • fixing elements;
  • home care and routine monitoring by a specialist;
  • eat and treat teeth.

Veneers or composite restoration

Dental restoration implies restoration of the anatomical shape of a tooth or teeth if the shape, structure or color was damaged due to any injuries.

Restoration may be:

  • direct , in which, with the help of composite material, the specialist increases the missing part of the tooth; What are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. CostWhat are veneers, how are they put on the teeth, the pros and cons, indications. Cost
  • indirect , in which the doctor uses a microprosthesis, crown or tab.

The reducing material is usually composite, plastic or ceramic. The main function of restoration, like braces and crowns, is to restore the basic function of the teeth and only then aesthetics.

This procedure differs from veneering in that:

  • the material used during restoration requires correction after 5-12 years (depends on the material);
  • the procedure does not require preparation or removal of the nerve;
  • building can not solve all the aesthetic problems that solve overlays.

After the procedure, the teeth should also be carefully taken care of, as with veneering, wearing braces or setting crowns. This means that you need to eat solid foods with caution, give up foods with a high coloring effect, do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Veneers on the teeth are a great opportunity to find a beautiful smile quickly and almost painlessly.

This service, although it belongs to the category of “luxury”, is quite accessible to people with average incomes, as dental clinics offer various promotions or installment payment and credit. Therefore, the dream of a “Hollywood” smile can become a reality with the right choice of clinic and experienced specialist.

Video about veneers on teeth

Correction of the shape and color of teeth using veneers:

What are veneers and why they are installed:

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