Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Modern sprays fulfill a protective role, facilitate combing, and prevent hair from tangling. Cosmetic brands produce hair protection products with different principles of action. You can make a spray similar to a purchase yourself at home.

What is a hair spray

Spray is a special liquid poured into bottles with a dispenser. The difference between a hair spray and other caring products is ease of application. The spray is sprayed directly onto dry hair and does not need to be washed off.

Hair sprays at home should be used regularly. Caring liquid instantly moisturizes dehydrated hair and thereby facilitates combing.

Almost all sprays, regardless of the method of manufacture, are water-based and exude a pleasant aroma.

Benefits of Home-Made Sprays

Self-made sprays have several advantages.

These include:

  • completely natural composition;
  • high performance;
    Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
    Hair spray made from natural ingredients will give hair elasticity and obedience
  • ease of preparation;
  • A complex approach;
  • speed of action.

A home-made hair spray contains inexpensive ingredients that are easy to find in a pharmacy or store. Self-prepared care product allows you to get rid of several hair problems at the same time.

Disadvantages of Home Sprays

Despite all the benefits of aerosols for hair, the spray has several disadvantages.

Home-made products can:

  • when applied to curls cause “the effect of a dirty head”; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • quickly spent;
  • if applied excessively, tangles of curls.

In order to prevent hair tangles, the aerosol must be poured into convenient bottles with a spray. This will allow you to evenly distribute the product in strands.

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Fashionable hair colors this year. Photos and trends of hairdressing.

Indications for the use of hair spray

In addition to cosmetic use, aerosols have certain indications for use.

These include:

  • dehydration of hair;
  • split ends; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • damage after heat treatment;
  • lack of volume;
  • tangled curls;

In the cold season, hair is under a hat. As a result of this, the curls are strongly electrified and lose their healthy appearance. In this case, regular use of aerosol is necessary.


Using a hair spray at home has some contraindications.

You can not use sprays in the following cases:

  • children’s age (up to 14 years);
  • advanced age (over 65 years old);
  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance;
  • tendency to allergic reactions; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • dermatitis of the head;
  • damage to the scalp.

It is good to know that it is not recommended to use the spray on newly dyed hair. Fresh dye, reacting with the components of the aerosol, can lead to an allergic reaction.

Hair Growth Spray

Aerosols for hair growth are prepared on the basis of decoctions of herbs.

Necessary components:

  • burdock. The roots of the plant strengthen the hair follicles;
  • nettle. Stops loss, helps eliminate dandruff; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • air. Rhizomes are used for cooking. Moisturizes the scalp, strengthens the hair;
  • calendula. Eliminates greasy plaque;
  • horsetail. Starts regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  • cinnamon . Normalizes blood circulation, gives the product a pleasant smell.

Method of application: 15 gr. Pour each kind of grass into a container and mix. Herbs pour half a gallon of water. The broth should be infused and cool. After an hour, the infusion must be decanted, poured into bottles and put in the refrigerator.

Home-made hair spray can be used once every two days. The spray is sprayed onto dry hair from a short distance.

Hair styling spray

The preparation of a natural aerosol is not expensive.

Essential Ingredients:

  • water at room temperature ( 8,45 fluid ounce);
  • sea salt (10 g);
  • lemon juice ( 1,01 fluid ounce). Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Method of preparation: mix all ingredients in one container. After the salt has completely dissolved, the mixture must be poured into a spray bottle. The liquid must be sprayed directly on the curls, after dividing them into strands: from the tips to the roots.

Hair Shine Spray

The product is prepared on the basis of plant herbs.

For cooking, you need to take in equal shares:

  • chamomile;
  • burdock root;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • St. John’s wort

It is good to know that all ingredients are freely sold in the pharmacy. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Cooking method. Pre-dried components are recommended to fill with boiling water in an amount of 10,14 fluid ounce. The container with inf
usion tightly cork and insist about 2 hours. After the set amount of time, the infusion must be decanted. The product must be applied to cleanly washed hair before styling.

Hair spray

The following components are required for the preparation of a thermal protective aerosol:

  • green tea;
  • nettle;
  • orange essential oil; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • chamomile;
  • burdock oil.

Preparation: parts of medicinal plants taken in equal proportions, it is recommended to pour a glass of boiling water. Keep a small pot with broth for a couple of 12-15 minutes. After the liquid has completely cooled, pour 2-3 drops of burdock and orange oils. Pour the filtered broth into the sprayer and apply if necessary before laying.

Spray for hair density

A tool that increases the density of hair can be prepared in your own kitchen.

Necessary components:

  • succession;
  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • essential oil (optional).

The scheme for preparing the decoction is described above. It is recommended to pour 5-6 drops of oil into the cooled mixture. The product must be applied every 2-3 days to slightly damp hair.

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Fashionable bob haircut for medium hair. Photo, front and rear view.

Hair spray

For intensive nutrition of hair and scalp, a preparation is prepared, which includes:

  • cognac;
  • lemon zest;
  • grapefruit zest;
  • buckwheat honey.

Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing In 3,38 fluid ounce of brandy, pour the crushed citrus zest. The mixture is recommended to infuse 24 hours. Then add a quarter teaspoon of melted honey to the cognac-citrus mass. Mix the infusion thoroughly. Spray directly onto the hair roots, gradually descending to the tips.

Hair moisturizing spray

Moisturizing hair spray is prepared from the following components:

  • mineral water;
  • lemon juice;
  • tangerine oil. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

3,38 fluid ounce of mineral water mixed with 1,01 fluid ounce of lemon juice. Add 5 drops of tangerine oil to the mixture. Shake everything thoroughly and apply to dry hair in the morning.

Dry tip spray

It is not necessary to apply a spray for the entire length of the hair, so you need to prepare an aerosol in small quantities.

The composition of the tool includes:

  • orange oil;
  • lemon juice; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • water at room temperature.

For 1,69 fluid ounce of water you need 1 teaspoons. citrus juice and 7 drops of orange oil. Mix the ingredients and apply exclusively to the ends of the hair.

Hair Strengthening Spray

The composition of the strengthening agent includes:

  • apple vinegar; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • St. John’s wort
  • warm water.

Add 6,76 fluid ounce of apple cider vinegar to 6,76 fluid ounce of warm water. Pour pre-dried aerial parts of St. John’s wort (20 gr.). It is recommended to warm the container up to room temperature. After an hour, filter the infused and cooled broth. The tool is approved for daily use.

Spray to restore damaged hair

Damaged hair can be repaired with a special spray.

Essential Ingredients:

  • hops (cones); Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • birch leaves;
  • water.

30 gr hop cones pour warm water. Add 5-6 birch leaves to the mixture. Put the pot with broth on a slow fire and warm for 30 minutes. Cool and filter the liquid. Apply to hair once every 2 days, avoiding contact with hair roots.

Spray for easy combing

Easy combing is facilitated by the use of floral oil sprays.

Necessary components:

  • rose petals (fresh);
  • mineral water;
  • burdock oil. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Method of preparation: crush the rose petals (5 gr.) In a mortar. Pour a glass of mineral water into the mixture and add 10 drops of burdock oil. Shake the liquid. Apply to wet hair, starting from the roots.

Hair loss spray

Against hair loss, it is best to use sprays that include medicinal plants.

Essential Ingredients:

  • succession;
  • calamus; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • ground pepper (red).

Method of preparation: medicinal plants, taken in equal proportions (30 gr.), Pour half a gallon of hot water. Close the pan with the composition with a lid and put on a slow fire. Strain for 3 minutes. In hot broth add ground pepper on the tip of the knife. Apply to the hair in a warm form no more than 1 time per day.

Spray for dry and brittle hair

Aerosols against brittle and dry hair contain fruit or wine vinegar. In combination with herbs, the spray eliminates brittleness in 14 days.


  • wine vinegar;
  • cilantro; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • tarragon;
  • water.

Wine vinegar ( 1,69 fluid ounce.) Mix with water ( 3,38 fluid ounce.) At the rate of 1: 2. The dried parts of the plant (15 gr.) Pour the mixture. Heat the container with infusion in a water bath. Insist 3 days. Apply daily, apply to strands that have dried up after washing.

Good to know: after spraying the aerosol, a characteristic smell of vinegar can come from the hair, therefore it is recommended to use the product before bedtime.

Oil Recipe

To prepare the oil spray, you must take:

  • thyme oil;
  • sage oil;
  • fir oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • water.

Method of preparation: pour 10 drops of oil into room temperature water. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to heat the finished mixture in a water bath. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Spray can be used daily, but not more than 1 time per day. The tool facilitates combing, gives a natural shine to the hair.

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Fashionable bob cut for short hair. Photo, front and rear view.

Chamomile Recipe

To prepare a chamomile spray you will need:

  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • linseed oil. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • water.

From herbs, you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, add chamomile and calendula (15 g each) with boiling water ( 8,45 fluid ounce.) And heat over low heat. Bring to a boil, cool and filter. Bring the volume of the broth to 10,14 fluid ounce with warm water. and pour 7 drops of linseed oil.

Experts recommend using an aerosol once every 2 days with increased fragility and dryness of hair.

Herbal Prescription

Medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair. Herb-based aerosol eliminates dandruff, dullness and brittle hair.

Essential Ingredients:

  • oregano;
  • Oak bark; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • immortelle;
  • dope;
  • essential oil (optional);
  • water.

Preparation of the broth occurs according to the standard scheme. After decanting, pour 0,17 fluid ounce of cosmetic oil into the cooled broth. Apply in the morning to dry hair.

The recipe for thermal spray

Thermal-protective aerosol carefully preserves the health of hair and scalp when styling curls with a hairdryer, irons and curling irons.

To prepare the product you need to take:

  • boric alcohol;
  • lemon juice; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • green tea;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile.

From medicinal plants it is necessary to prepare a decoction. Add 10 drops of boric alcohol and freshly squeezed lemon juice ( 1,01 fluid ounce.) To the prepared, cooled and expressed mixture. Add pure water and bring the broth to a volume of 11,83 fluid ounce. Spray aerosol immediately before heat treatment. Let the hair dry.

Salt Recipe

Salt spray can restore hair elasticity, strengthen hair follicles and get rid of dandruff.

Components in the composition of the aerosol:

  • sea salt;
    Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
    Homemade hair sprays with the addition of sea salt strengthen and heal curls
  • hair balm;
  • warm water.

1 teaspoons finely ground sea salt mixed with 1 teaspoons. hair balm (optional). Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Mix the finished mixture with 5,07 fluid ounce. warm water. Mix the components, apply to hair slightly dried after washing.

Coconut Oil Recipe

Coconut oil intensively nourishes brittle dry hair. Means based on this component allow you to restore the water balance of the hair at the cellular level, restore shine and strength to the hair.

Essential Ingredients:

  • lavender oil; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • Coconut oil;
  • water.

1,01 fluid ounce mix coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil. 5,07 fluid ounce should be added to the finished solution. warm water. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply aerosol before going to bed on slightly dried hair.

Flax Seed Recipe

Flax seeds have a firming effect on the hair and scalp. Flax seed healing sprays restore healthy shine to weakened hair, reduce the number of split ends.

Components for cooking:

  • flax seeds; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • water;
  • essential oil.

15 gr flax seeds must be poured with hot water ( 8,45 fluid ounce.). Heat the mixture with the mixture over low heat for 3 minutes. Let the broth cool. Filter the product, and add a few drops of cosmetic aromatic oil. Spray directly onto the hair, starting from the roots. Can be used daily.

Vitamin Recipe

Vitaminized hair spray helps to normalize hair growth, awaken dormant hair follicles, restore a healthy look.

The product contains:

  • Vitamin B6;
  • Vitamin B12; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • still mineral water.

Pour 1 ampoule of B vitamins into 3,38 fluid ounce of mineral water. Mix all components thoroughly. Use the product no more than 1 time per day.

Recipe with Olive and Burdock Oil

Firming aerosol with olive oil and burdock oil helps restore brittle and weakened hair after dyeing.


  • chicken yolks;
  • Burr oil;
  • olive oil;
  • water. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

Yolks (2 pcs.) Mixed with oils ( 2,03 fluid ounce). Pour 3,38 fluid ounce into the mixture. water at room temperature and shake well. Apply to wet hair before bedtime.

Nicotinic Acid Recipe

Niacin, along with herbal decoction, have a double restorative effect on weakened hair. The tool gives a healthy shine and radiance to the hair.

Components in the composition of the tool:

  • herbal decoction (depending on the type of hair);
  • essential oil;
  • nicotinic acid. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

In 3,38 fluid ounce of herbal decoction, add 5 drops of essential oil and 0,17 fluid ounce of nicotinic acid (1 pharmacy ampoule). Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Spray liquid onto dried hair in the morning.

Lemon Recipe

Lemon Spray will eliminate oily sheen. To prepare the product, you need to mix the juice of a whole lemon, 5,07 fluid ounce of mineral water and 5 drops of orange oil. Apply twice a day to wet hair, morning and evening.

Lemon juice in combination with aloe juice gives healthy hair a shine, reduces the number of split ends.

Essential Ingredients:

  • lemon juice;
  • aloe juice; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • water;
  • orange oil.

Mix the juice of half a lemon (3 tablespoons) with aloe juice (1 teaspoons). Add warm water ( 6,76 fluid ounce) and 7 drops of oil to the resulting mixture. Shake the liquid intensively for 1-2 minutes. Spray every 2 days on completely dry hair.

Recipe with Vodka

Aerosol strengthens hair roots, awakens dormant bulbs and stimulates hair growth.


  • vodka;
  • water;
  • lemon juice;
  • essential oil.

In 5,07 fluid ounce. liquid at room temperature pour 1,01 fluid ounce. vodka and 1,69 fluid ounce. lemon juice. Mix all components thoroughly and add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Clean in a dark place for 24 hours. Apply to dry hair before bedtime.

Mustard Recipe

The tool helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the elimination of oily sheen.

For cooking, you need to take:

  • cognac;
  • mustard powder;
  • egg yolks;
  • water. Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing

1,01 fluid ounce of cognac mixed with mustard powder (10 g). Add whipped yolks there. Add 6,76 fluid ounce of room temperature water to the resulting mixture. Shake and refrigerate for 6 hours. Apply to clean hair every 2 days.

Fresh nettle and burdock recipe

The tool significantly reduces the number of split ends, eliminates dullness and greasy shine.

Necessary components:

  • nettle leaves;
  • burdock leaves; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • vodka;
  • water.

Pour freshly chopped fresh plant leaves (20 g) with vodka ( 3,38 fluid ounce). The resulting mixture is placed in a container with a hermetically sealed stopper and put in the refrigerator for 14 days. On day 15 add water ( 1,69 fluid ounce) to the infusion and shake. Apply to dry hair every 2 days.

Rosemary Recipe

Rosemary oil can accelerate hair growth, eliminate brittleness and dullness. To prepare the aerosol, add 10 drops of rosemary oil in 5,07 fluid ounce of mineral water. Spray daily, starting from the roots of the hair. There is a second way to prepare an aerosol from rosemary.

To do this, you will need:

  • fresh rosemary; Spray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combingSpray for hair. Which is better to use, how to apply, how to do it yourself at home with sea salt, moisturizing, thermo-protective, for dry hair and easy combing
  • water;
  • ylang-ylang oil.

Finely chop the fresh branches of rosemary (30 g). Pour parts of the plant with boiled water ( 5,07 fluid ounce). The liquid must be heated for a couple of 15 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, decant and add 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil to it.

Aloe Recipe

The tool helps to moisturize and nourish the skin and strengthen the hair follicles.


  • aloe juice;
  • boiled water;
  • Eucalyptus oil.

1,01 fluid ounce of aloe vera juice mixed with water ( 5,07 fluid ounce) and eucalyptus oil (5 drops). Stir the ingredients. Spray aerosol on dry hair 3 times a week.

Expert Advice

Beauticians recommend that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product in order to avoid negative consequences. Some components in aerosols can cause allergies.

Some tips for using home aerosols:

  • spray applied to clean hair;
  • the product can not be washed off;
  • nettle sprays are not recommended for blond hair. The plant has a coloring effect;
  • to achieve maximum effect, aerosols must be used for at least 2 months;
  • spray must be suitable for the type of hair.

Experts recommend using aerosols for hair no more than once a day. Otherwise, home-made sprays can make your already damaged hair heavier.

Video about hair sprays at home

How to prepare a moisturizing hair spray at home:

Firming hair spray with chamomile and linseed oil:

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