Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

The sport is being given close attention. And not only to its various types, but also to classes in the gym. They do not require additional equipment, time consuming, but bring excellent results. The main thing is not to forget about the benefits of basic exercises. If the question arises, where to start classes, it is better to start basic exercises on the pectoral muscles.

Features of the exercises for the pectoral muscles

In pursuit of a beautiful abs and legs, athletes often forget about chest training. But they are necessary if you want to have a raised upper body and aesthetic proportions.

Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to warm up the pectoral muscles. Often this advice is neglected, believing that its implementation will not be useful, but it is not. Lack of warm-up can cause injuries and sprains.

Before starting training on the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to conduct a general and special warm-up:

  1. The total. It should take no more than 15 minutes and be aimed at increasing body temperature, activating muscles and accelerating metabolism. Depending on the preferences of the athlete, you can perform aerobic warm-up (running, brisk walking, cycling) or warming up exercises for the main muscle groups; Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. Special. This type involves the preparation of a separate muscle group, which will be emphasized during training. Warm up is performed with a projectile weight of 10-20% of the working weight. When warming up the pectoral muscles, the bench press or breeding in the simulator is most often performed.

The frequency of classes, including exercises on the chest, should not exceed 2 times a week, since it takes 2 days to rest between workouts. Since triceps is also involved in performing these exercises, it is important to set aside a separate day for its full-fledged workout.

The number of repetitions during the lesson depends on the desired result. If it is necessary to increase the mass of the pectoral muscles, 10-12 repetitions are performed. For the growth of strength and endurance – 6-8 times. The duration of the training is determined by the number of exercises and approaches, but does not exceed 1.5 hours, including a warm-up.

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Exercise for the pectoral muscles with a barbell in the gym

The main exercises for working out the muscles of the chest include various types of techniques, the most popular of which are exercises with a barbell.

  • Bench press in a prone position on a bench without tilting. Performing this exercise involves the pectoralis major muscle. Helps girls strengthen their breasts. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Proper technique:

  1. In the initial position, it is necessary to lie down on a bench, tightly fixing the lower back, arms with a shell spread apart at right angles, elbows directed to the floor.
  2. On inspiration, a pushing movement is made, the bar is brought up, the forearm is looking at the floor.
  3. When exhaling, you must return to the original position.

Performed approaches – 3, 15 repetitions with optimal weight.

  • Bench press in a lying position on a bench with an inclination. The involvement of the pectoral muscles complements the participation of triceps and delta. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Execution Method:

  1. In the initial position you should lie on a bench with a slope, legs pressed to the floor, hands on the projectile are shoulder width apart.
  2. The bar must be lowered below the chest line when inhaling, the elbows should not be taken away from the body.
  3. As you exhale, your hands fall back to their original width.

Approaches – 3, repetitions with a working weight of 15.

  • Bench press lying head down on Smith. A similar projectile allows you to work out the muscles of the lower chest. This will help girls tighten their breasts.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Bring a bench with a negative slope under the simulator so that the bar is parallel to the chest line.
  2. Lie down on a bench, pressing your lower back and buttocks tightly, and place your legs behind the rollers.
  3. On inspiration, remove the barbell and lower it to the chest, elbows look at the floor.
  4. On exhalation, take an initial position.

The number of repetitions can be increased to 20, since this technique eliminates free weight and is easier to do.

Basic exercises with dumbbells standing, sitting, lying on the pectoral muscles

Basic exercises on the pectoral muscles with dumbbells allow you to better feel the work of each muscle individually, and are also an excellent addition to exercises with a barbell.

  • Institution of a dumbbell behind the head. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Proper technique:

  • in the supine position, the head should be on the edge of the bench, hands with a shell overhead, slightly bent at the elbows;
  • when lowering the dumbbell back behind the head – inhale;
  • when raised, exhale.

When lowering, do not fully extend your arms . The institution is run 2-3 times for 6-8 repetitions. Simultaneous lifting of shells in front of you. With the correct execution technique, the upper pectoral muscle and delta work.

Execution Method:

  1. Standing, arms with a shell along the body, legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. When you inhale the hands reach the level of the chest, a short pause is made.
  3. On exhalation, they return to their initial position.

It is fundamentally important to bring your elbows slightly at the top. Exercise is performed for 15 repetitions, 3-5 times.

  • Dumbbell bench press in a sitting position. Many believe that with this exercise only shoulders work, but this is not so. With the right technique, all deltas, pectoral muscles, and also the back muscles are involved.

Execution Method:

  1. Sitting on a bench, hands with a shell fixed at shoulder level, elbows perpendicular to the floor.
  2. On inhalation, the arms are understood above the head, the dumbbells are brought together.
  3. As you exhale, your hands return to the starting point.

The exercise is performed 4 times, for 12 repetitions.

Exercises on the horizontal bar for the development of the pectoral muscles

Basic exercises in the gym must be diluted with outdoor activities. Oddly enough, but the most effective exercise on the horizontal bar is pull-ups.

There are s
everal ways to pull up:

  1. Pulls with a neutral grip. In this exercise, the load is distributed between the muscles of the back and chest. Hands on the horizontal bar in the hang are located shoulder-width apart. During pulling up, the chest touches the crossbar. Approaches will need 3 to 15 times. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. Narrow grip pull-ups. In this type of exercise, the chest muscles are well involved. In the initial position, the arms are already fixed shoulder width. Approaches required 3, 15 repetitions. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  3. Negative pull-ups. Such an exercise helps girls in the initial stages to better master the technique and feel muscle tension. To do this, grab the horizontal bar and jump. At the highest point, the chin rises beyond the crossbar. Sinking back should be slow. To start pulling up, it is recommended to perform 5 times.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

The expander is an excellent alternative to basic exercises for the pectoral muscles, as it creates a load of 66 -88 pounds. Execution is available both in the gym and at home.

  1. Expander Link For this exercise, the expander must be fixed to the wall or the simulator in the middle, take the handles. Take a place at a distance, while bending 90 degrees. It is necessary to pull the handle of the expander towards you, imitating skiing. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. Breeding hands. At the starting point, they extend their arms in front of them, holding the handles of the expander. Then it is necessary to take each arm back in turn, while bending at the elbow. A similar technique resembles archery. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  3. Expander pull up. To do this, you need to become both legs on the shell and with your hands pull it up and in until the shoulders reach a parallel with the floor.

Each method is subject to the implementation of 3 approaches, and repetitions 12.

Exercise for the pectoral muscles with self-weight

Classes without weights are also necessary, as well as working with weights. They help increase muscle fiber endurance and achieve excellent strength performance.

The most common are push-ups:

  1. Push-ups head down. This type of push-ups loads the middle part of the pectoral muscle, as well as all parts of the deltoid muscle. Such push-ups should be performed by setting the feet on a platform above body level. The wider the arms are placed on the apparatus, the more the chest muscles are involved. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. Push-ups on the uneven bars. These exercises are a great alternative to regular push ups. Lowering on the bars should be until the shoulders become parallel to the floor. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knees, and the head should not be lowered.
    Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
    The plank is part of the basic chest muscle exercise for women

A fairly effective exercise with its own weight is the bar. To do this, you need to lie on the mat, resting on it with your toes and forearms. The body is fixed parallel to the floor. Therefore, you need to hold out as long as possible. Exercise involves the abdominals, biceps, triceps, pectoralis major muscle and even gluteal.

The program for the pectoral muscles in the gym: 2 times a week

The program is ideal for beginners, because to start a few classes a week is enough.

First day:

  • bench press in a prone position on a bench without tilting. 3×12;
  • bench press on a bench with a positive slope – 3×8;
  • dumbbell bench press on an incline bench – 2×15;
  • breeding hands with dumbbells – 3×15. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Second day:

  • dumbbell bench press lying on the bench – 3×12;
  • bench press lying down in the simulator Smith – 3×12;
  • push-ups on the bars – the maximum number of times with your weight until complete failure;
  • roll-up in a crossover – 2×12. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Rest between sets is 3 minutes. The recommended number of executions and repetitions is taken from the calculation of the convenient weight of the projectile , that is, with which you can perform the specified number of repetitions.

The program for the pectoral muscles in the gym: 3 times a week

On the first day, basic exercises for the pectoral muscles are included, on the second and third – isolating, using insulating shells.

The first day includes:

  • bench press in a prone position on a bench without a bias: 4×8;
  • bench press using a bench with a positive slope: 3×8;
  • bench press on a bench with a negative slope: 3×12;
  • reduction of hands in the simulator: 3×12;
  • push ups: 4×15.

Second day:

  • dumbbell bench press lying on a bench without tilt: 3×12;
  • bench press in a hammer: 3×12; Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  • dumbbell bench press on an incline bench: 3×12.

The third day:

  • dumbbell bench press in a sitting position: 3×12;
  • draft of dumbbells for the head lying: 4×12;
  • push-ups on the bars – 2 sets, the number of repetitions to failure;
  • bar 1.5-2 minutes.

The program for the pectoral muscles in the gym: 4 times a week

This program is an alternation of days of basic and isolating exercises on the pectoral muscles.

First day:

  1. bench press lying on a bench without a bias. 3×8;
  2. bench press on a bench with a positive slope – 3×8;
  3. dumbbell bench press on a bench with a positive slope – 2×15;
  4. breeding hands with dumbbells – 3×15.

Second day:

  1. dumbbell bench press in a sitting position. 3 times in 12 repetitions;
  2. the institution of dumbbells for the head lying down – 4×15;
  3. push-ups on the bars – 2 sets, the number of repetitions to failure;
  4. bar 1.5-2 minutes. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight

Day Three:

  1. bench press on a bench with a negative slope – 3 sets of 15 reps;
  2. breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench. 4×12;
  3. reduction of hands in the simulator – 3×12;
  4. push-ups on the bars – 4 sets to complete failure.

Day 4:

  1. push-ups on the uneven bars – 4 sets, 15 times;
  2. push-ups – on the platform or regular – 4 sets, 15 times;
  3. pullover dumbbells for the head – 3 times, 12 repetitions; Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  4. bar – 1.5-2 minutes.

Program for the pectoral muscles in the gym: 5 times a week

The program is designed for experienced athletes. The duration of each workout does not exceed 30 minutes and the emphasis is on increasing muscle mass. Approaches are performed at intervals of 1-2 minutes.

The first day:

  1. bench press on a bench without a bias. 3 times in 8 repetitions;
  2. bench press on a bench with a positive slope – 3 times, 8 repetitions;
  3. dumbbell bench press on a bench with a negative slope – 2 times, 15 repetitions.

Second day:

  1. bench press on a bench with a negative slope: 3×15;
  2. breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench is performed 4×12;
  3. reduction of hands in the simulator – 3×15.

Day Three:

  1. bench press on an inclined bench head down: 3 times in 12 repetitions;
  2. reduction of hands in the simulator – 3×12;
  3. push-ups – 4×15.

Day 4:

  1. push-ups – on the platform or regular – 4×15;
  2. pullover dumbbells sitting behind your head – 3×12;
  3. bar – 1.5-2 minutes.

Fifth day:

  1. sitting dumbbell bench press. performed on 4 approaches, 12 repetitions; Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. pullover dumbbells for the head lying down – 4×15;
  3. push-ups on the bars – 2 sets, the number of repetitions to failure.

A set of exercises for the pectoral muscles for girls at home

If you don’t have time to visit the gym, but you want to have a raised and tightened chest, you can use the exercise system for the muscles of the chest at home.

An important condition for such a training is regularity. The lesson should be carried out 3-4 times a week. Each exercise is performed in 15 repetitions and 4 sets.

  1. Push ups. At home, it is possible to perform the classic version or push-ups on stools. To do this, the emphasis with your hands must be on any hill: chairs, a stack of books. The wider the arms are apart, the better the pectoral muscles work. Basic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weightBasic exercises for women on pectoral muscles with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell, expander, weight with own weight
  2. The load on the strength of the chest with the palms. This exercise is familiar to many. To do this, you need to fold your hands in front of you and press your palms together as tightly as possible for 15 seconds. Then relax and do at least 5 sets.
  3. Bench press at home. The press is the main load for the muscles of the chest, it can be done at home using improvised shells – the same water bottles, packets of sugar. It is necessary to lie on a flat surface, strongly press the lower back and feet, hands should be bent at the elbows, the projectile is pressed to the shoulders. On inhalation, it is necessary to extend arms upward, on exhalation, return to the initial position.

Tips from professionals: how to improve exercise performance

Athletes give several recommendations on the correct approach to training:

  1. No need to neglect the workout. When performing any load on the muscles of the chest, at first a light projectile is taken, through which the muscles prepare for more difficult work. Without a warm-up, performance can deteriorate significantly.
  2. The load should be increased gradually, no need to chase a quick result. First, simple exercises are performed, then you can move on to complex ones.
  3. It is important to monitor respiration and water balance.
  4. When training chest muscles, basic exercises are performed first, then additional or isolating ones.
  5. Be sure to devote 1-2 days to rest and recovery. Without this, the growth of the pectoral muscles is impossible.

Everyone can quickly pump up the pectoral muscles, it is only important to competently approach training and not to neglect the advice of athletes. Without basic exercises for the pectoral muscles, which form the basis of any training, it is impossible to achieve results.

Video: basic chest muscle exercises for women

5 basic exercises for the pectoral muscles:

Best pectoral muscle exercises for women:

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