Does a Fish Know He’s Wet?

Filed in Visionary CD Reviews, Visionary Worldview by on January 6, 2012

The first time I heard that question, I was listening to the message, How to Think Like a Christian, by Douglas Phillips.  I remember how this CD rocked my world at the time.  It was one of my first introductions to the idea that Christians, including myself, really didn’t think like Christians.  Why?  We were drowning in the “wetness” of our cultural immersion.  How could we KNOW we were wet?  We were fish.

I wanted out.  I knew this meant discovering and painfully admitting all the ways I was thinking and living like an evolutionary humanist.  It meant recognizing how I had one foot in the Bible and one foot in my surrounding culture.  It meant looking at the Word of God in a whole new way…and questioning all the traditions and norms that I had grown up accepting as part of life.  It meant finding out about the wetness.  And it was uncomfortable and exciting all at the same time.

I began exposing myself to Greg Bahnsen’s presuppositional apologetics and teachings on God’s law as our standard for all of life.  I read Assumptions that Affect our Lives by Christian Overmann, and Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey.

All the cultural problems that plague our country are due to the sad fact that Christians are no longer salt or light.  We are part of the surrounding darkness, taking our cues from our 12 year stint of secular humanist indoctrination as children.

We do not have a Biblical worldview.  As a result, we have surrendered our country’s former Christian culture for paganism.  We’ve made the mistake of believing that culture is neutral.  The question has never been, “is our culture religious?”  All of culture is religious.  The question is, what worldview belief system reigns supreme?  What is our culture’s standard for morality and ethics?

This month, the Visionary Womanhood gatherings will be listening to this message in homes across America.  They will discover six foundations for our lives that are unchanging and unfailing.  They will be introduced to the idea of the sacred/secular split which is simply modern day gnosticism that has infiltrated the Christian church.  They will hear dozens of examples from current events and culture that illustrate how we have lost our bearings as the Church of Jesus Christ.

And they will discover new ways of thinking and doing things that will enable their posterity to change the course of history and lift high the Name of Jesus Christ, making His Ways known to the nations of the world.

If you have never heard this message, I encourage you to do so!  It could change your life…the way it changed mine.

May God continue to use it in ways that will set wet fish…FREE.

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About the Contributor

Natalie Klejwa is a Wemmick, loved by the Woodcarver, wife of 21 years to Joe, and mother to 9 Wemmicks ages 1-19. She is a business owner (Apple Valley Natural Soap), founder and administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog, publisher and contributing author of Three Decades of Fertility, and a contributing author of The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking and You Can Do It Too: 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories. You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program. Follow Natalie on Facebook, Pinterest, and Google +. View all posts by Natalie →

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