Big Change at Visionary Womanhood: Please Read!

Close up view of fish bowl isolated on white

After over two years of operating Visionary Womanhood as a contributor blog where several wonderful friends have come together and collaborated around monthly themes…

I have decided to fly solo.

There are several reasons for this decision. First of all, our family has experienced some upheaval this year that is taking most of my emotional and spiritual energy. I’m finding it difficult to manage all the contributors, articles, themes, and other logistics that go into running a contributor blog.

In light of that, I did not actively pursue finding new contributors when old ones dropped off, and I let go of my responsibilities to put deadlines on articles and ensure that we were getting enough material for each month. But lo and behold, I discovered that most people work better with deadlines and article guidelines! When I let the “rules” get loose – the articles stopped coming in, and I found myself scrambling for material at the last minute.

After mulling the whole thing over it came down to a decision to either let the blog go—sort of like letting your front lawn grass grow without mowing it—knowing the blog would die a slow, ugly death. OR I could kill the blog with one press of the delete button.

OR—I could take this baby and raise it myself.

I guess that’s what I’ve decided to do. This means it’s gonna be little-old-you and little-old-me from now on, and I’m looking forward to connecting with you in a more personal way. I can write about whatever I feel like writing about—whenever I have the gumption to do it.

Articles may not be regular, and topics may be all over the place.  If that’s your cup of tea, then stick around and have some with me.

I want to thank the ladies who have contributed regularly and faithfully to this blog. It has been a privilege and a deep joy and blessing to work side by side. You’ve made me laugh, stretched my thinking, held me accountable, encouraged my socks off—and become such sweet, sweet friends. My dream of being with all of you in one room will come true one day—you’ll see!! We’ll have that group hug and shed some happy tears.

Kelly Crawford of Generation Cedar (Kelly was the first real blogger to befriend and believe in me enough to join me over here when her blog was BIG and mine was tiny. I’m still shaking my head over that.)

Marci Ferrell of Thankful Homemaker

Jeannette Paulson of Sparrow’s Rest

Molly Evert of Counter-Cultural Mom

Terry Covey of A Mom’s Many Lessons

Marcia Wilwerding of eHomebody

Tyanne of Lamp on a Stand

Bambi Moore of In the Nursery of the Nation

Yvonne Harink

They all have an open invitation to guest post here any time they want to, and we WILL be collaborating on the Just Ask the Wemmicks series each month—so stay tuned for some Wemmicky wisdom.

A mother of nine, homemaker, business owner (Apple Valley Natural Soap), and most importantly, a Wemmick loved by the Woodcarver.

Follow Natalie on Facebook, Pinterest, and Google +.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

29 thoughts on “Big Change at Visionary Womanhood: Please Read!

  1. Good for you, Natalie! I have been greatly blessed by the writings of your contributors but at the same time, I most look forward to your unique perspective and wisdom when a post appears in my email.

  2. Even if you don’t post regularly, I’m glad you are not leaving entirely. Your blog has been a big source of encouragement to me. This week has also challenged me greatly. I may not have commented, but it’s left me thinking long and hard. Also, shared it with my husband. I enjoy being challenged to think deeper on issues, to have vision in my life, and to continue to ask myself what the scripture says instead of what I want it to say.

    You have yourself stretched pretty thin. But, I’m hoping that you continue to find time to write for us.

  3. Natalie, I’m so glad that you decided to keep the blog up and running. The Lord has given you wisdom and boldness and it comes through in your timely and encouraging or challenging posts. Blessings on your “new” venture!

  4. Thank you for the encouragement, Friends. I’m just as riddled with insecurities as the next gal. One of my fears in thinking of doing this (I’ve been debating this for almost a year now) is that nobody will want to stick around. It’s probably really dorky (Wemmicky!), but I’ve always worried about that kind of thing. I’m determined to get better at letting the dots fall off when they get slapped on. (Remember that Wemmick story? Oh, how I do love the Wemmicks.) Anyway, I’m glad to know a few of us will still be drinking together (tea, that is) in the future. ;)

    • Funny. Because I always check to see who the author of the blog post is and get most excited when it’s you. :) YOU are the reason I began following this blog a couple of years ago.

  5. Natalie, count me in! I love reading your posts and am so glad that Visionary Womanhood has a future. Looking forward to it!

  6. Dear sister, Thanks so much for giving me the space (and deadlines) for writing. It has stretched me. God be with you as you fly solo.

  7. I am so thankful for you Natalie – you are my “Kelly” and I have learned so much from you. Thank you for allowing me to have this opportunity and work alongside so many incredible women. I love you sister and am waiting for that time we can have one big group hug too!!

  8. Natalie: I, and, it seems, many other readers, looked most forward to the Visionary Womanhood posts authored by you. You are an amazing woman, and friend, who has a genuine zeal for sharing your Biblical knowledge and wisdom with your fellow sisters in Christ. This has been true as long as I’ve known you, which dates back well before the inception of the blog. I’ve never known a writer quite as gifted as you are, in mixing Biblical truths and practicality, with equal amounts of humor and humility. It is a style I admire and enjoy. Around our house, you are often referred to as ‘Wonder Woman’–for obvious reasons. You are an amazing mother to nine children, while homeschooling, running a successful business, (which you may have noticed, I’m also a huge fan of ,0) , and you write a popular blog for Christian women. I am in absolute awe, that along with all of the above accomplishments, you also perform the many household responsibilities we all have. You do it all seamlessly and without missing a beat. And I, for one, am extremely impressed by the amazing love, joy, and dedication that shows in everything you do. So while I am elated that the blog will continue, I’m even more excited that you’ve taken some of the pressure off yourself and will now write when, and if, time permits. I want to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation, for all you do, and for all that you share, with your readers. Over the years, I’ve learned that dedication to excellence is a hallmark of your work, and again, I am so grateful for the many sacrifices you’ve made, in order to share your gift with all of us. Thank you so much, Natalie. I will be praying for your continued success, as you move forward, on the new path, on which The Lord has placed you.

  9. Sounds wonderful, and I appreciate the thought, prayer, and care that you have put into this decision.

    You are and will continue to serve as a blessing and inspiration to me and many others…

    God be with you as you abide in Him, my beautiful sister! xx

  10. Good for you, Natalie!
    Although those deadlines really challenged me, I will miss them (can you believe I just said that?!) along with the growth they afforded me. Thanks for taking me on and being my friend!
    Blessings in your newfound freedom.

  11. It looks like you’ll still have readers! =) Like many of the others have said, I too really enjoy reading your view on things (not that I don’t enjoy the other women’s views as well). You have a unique style that is hard to find anywhere else. I already regularly visit most of the other contributor’s blogs and am glad that you will keep this blog as your own. You are an encouragement to many women. =) Thank you.

    • You know what I really like about you, Sarah? You have the maturity and guts to disagree – and yet still “stay” and love. This last week was challenging. I appreciated having your voice in the discussion, and I admire that you didn’t stomp off in a huff. :) I admire all the ladies that participated in lively ways – and are still here drinking tea with the rest of us. Kudos to you all.

  12. Natalie,

    I will still keep coming back! How can I stay away! Does this mean more family life posts and pictures? Yay! I like those posts.


  13. Being a newbie and silent so far on your blog, I am excited for you as you step out in faith on what you believe God as for you. (Maybe holding your breath, and closing your eyes as you step, but still stepping.) I look forward to following you as you continue forward in whatever this amazing blog journey has for you and your family. I pray that God will strengthen you in this transition and with all that you are facing.

  14. Love you, Natalie!

    It’s exciting to hear of the new changes over here on Visionary Womanhood. You’ll do a great job flying solo, although I have enjoyed the other writers (and friends) you have had with you. Hopefully, these precious sisters will come back to add comments. When we get to heaven (if we don’t run into each other before then), I look forward to getting in on that contributor group-hug. I just love and appreciate you, so much, my dear friend and sister-in-Jesus!!! ~Ann

    • Oh Ann, I MISS YOU!!! YES to that group hug. And if anyone is left reading this, Ann ALSO contributed to VW for over a year, sharing many rich articles out of her experience in ministry and parenting. If you missed her, you will want to read her articles HERE.

  15. I found your blog in the last couple of months and have been so encouraged. I am so glad that you have decided to continue for the time being!

  16. Hey Natalie, I have a handful of blogs that I check almost daily without needing an email/ subscription to be reminded of. Yours is one of them!

    While I enjoyed reading your contributors’ post, sometimes it felt like your blog was being highjacked! :) I enjoy your sarcasm and the truth that oozes everywhere when you write.

    I have been tremendously blessed and helped by the information you have shared in your blog. Can anyone say VITEX??!!! :)

    Funny that you say that you are also insecure. I learned with you to embrace who I am and to follow my own journey instead of trying to copy other Wemmicks. I also found the Wemmicks on your blog. I am glad you are sticking around! You are such an inspiration. :)

  17. Another reader that is so glad you have decided to continue this blog. Looking forward to reading more articles by you.

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