Exercises for straightening the back for girls, men at home
Surgeons and therapists recommend that people of all ages regularly perform complex simple exercises to straighten their backs . You can engage in light physical activity at home, using a minimum amount of sports equipment.
Compliance with the technique of performing exercises will not only help improve posture, but also strengthen the muscular corset of the back, thus minimizing the risk of developing diseases of the spine.
Exercises for straightening the back, depending on the age and health of a particular person, are selected by the attending physician or fitness trainer, who is responsible for creating the program for the gym clients.
For women
For women, the most effective back loads are:
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Approach perfectly flat stable vertical surface.
Lean against the support with your back pressed to it as much as possible. The shoulders should be straightened and flattened by slightly extending the rib cage forward. Raise the chin.
The heels and calf muscles should be attached to the vertical support.
Lock position for 2 minutes.
To increase the time spent in the described position, it is recommended to increase gradually (2 minutes – 2 minutes – 4 minutes – 4 minutes – 5 minutes and so on).
Spread a gymnastic mat or small piece of dense fabric on the floor.
Take a 4-foot position. There should be no deflection in the back. Look to the floor.
As you exhale, bend your back as much as possible. To look at the ceiling.
Lock position for 20 seconds.
With a breath, bend in the opposite direction, bringing the spine as close as possible to the ceiling. Sight to direct for yourself.
Remain in this position for 20 seconds.
Lie on the floor. Press your back to the support as strong as possible; legs stretch and close; hands should be placed in a free position at the seams.
Raise your legs above the floor by 2 – 3’9 inch.
At an average pace, alternately breed and lower the lower limbs, without changing their original position.
Legs back
After having preliminarily placed a foam gymnastic mat under your knees, sit on all fours on the floor.
The back should be as straight as possible, the gaze directed downward.
With an exhalation, bend your back and pull back your right right leg. Having reached the highest position of the lower limb above the floor, fix the position for 20 seconds.
Slowly bring the foot back into place, while bending the back in the opposite direction.
Repeat steps 3 – 4, using the left leg.
For men
Exercises for men, considered the most effective and safe, look like this:
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Mahi hands
Stand up straight; Arms and legs should be in a free position.
Without bending your back in the lumbar, swing your arms forward. In parallel with the lifting of the upper limbs, tear off the heels from the floor and take the position “on toes”.
Put your heels on the floor. Hands slowly let go along the body, while minimizing the scapula.
Mixing of blades
Stand up straight; look in front of you. Bend your hands and place your fingers in the shoulder area; lower your elbows to the floor.
With an exhale, dilute the elbows to the ribs, while minimizing the shoulder blades, squeezing the muscles of the thoracic spine.
When the body is in tension, stretch the back of the head toward the ceiling. Remain in this position for 20 seconds.
Slowly relax the muscles.
“Broken boat”
Lie on your stomach, sitting on the floor. Bend your arms, and press them to the chest area. Look to the floor.
As you exhale, raise your upper body above the floor, using only your back muscles.
Save position for 30 seconds.
Slowly return to starting position.
Stand up straight; limbs should be placed in a free position. Straighten your back.
Tilt the housing forward by 45 – 50 degrees. Bend the arms at the elbows, and then press the hands to the chest. The back of the palms must be directed to the floor.
Dilute the upper limbs to the sides. Pull them back while retracting your head.
Fix a position for as long as possible.
Slowly put your hands back in place, and then repeat the described exercise as many times as necessary.
A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick
Exercises for straightening the back in some cases involve the use of simple sports equipment. It is recommended to use a gymnastic stick for people who have osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, are obese, or whose physical activity is limited due to the age-related characteristics of the body.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Stick turns over head
Stand up straight; place the brushes on the edges of the gymnastic stick, turning the back of the palms away from you.
Extend your arms with a sports equipment over your head.
Slowly turn the upper part of the body to the right – to the left, leaving the lower part stationary.
Make turns for 1 min, after which, avoiding jerking, return to the original position.
Stand up straight; Gymnastics stick position vertically in front of you.
Lean forward, clasping the upper part of the gymnastic apparatus with hands. The back should be straight; legs do not bend
Perform 5 springy downward movements with the body.
Gently return the torso to its original position.
Lie on the floor, pressing your back as hard as possible to the supporting surface.
Raise the lower limbs to an angle of 90 degrees, without bending them at the same time.
Tear off the lower back, and stand in a rack on the shoulder blades.
Leave your hands on the floor holding the gym stick.
Legs slightly shift back, stretching the back muscles due to the displacement of support on the hands.
Save position for 20 seconds.
Gently lower your legs into place, bringing the sports equipment over you.
Leaning forward
Take a vertical position; take the gymnastic stick in your hands with a wide grip, and then take it back.
Tilt forward without bending your back. Simultaneously with the tilt, bring straight arms with the stick up.
Perform 5 springy slopes, avoiding the formation of deflections in the spine.
Slowly return to the original stance.
With a ball
Exercises aimed at improving posture, not only straighten the athlete’s back, but also strengthen the muscle corset, normalize the work of the heart muscle and respiratory system, and also stabilizes blood pressure.
The article provides sets of exercises for straightening the back.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Body raises
Lie on your fitball belly down. Stretch the legs and place them on the toes, firmly resting on the floor. Hands pressed to the chest.
With an exhale, lift the torso, thus forming a straight line in the back.
Save position for 10-25 seconds.
Slowly lower the upper body to the floor, and then perform the required number of repetitions of the exercise in question.
Lie on your fitball belly down. Arms and legs should be placed in a free, natural position for them, gaze should be lowered to the floor.
With an exhale, extend the right arm and left leg in the usual direction, while maintaining balance.
Stay on the stand for 10 seconds, and then gradually put the limbs in place.
Repeat steps 2 – 3, using the left hand and right foot.
Rolling the ball
Sit horizontally, placing the lower part of the legs (to the knees) on the fitball. Hands rest on the floor; straighten your back; belly retract.
With an exhale, push the ball away from you, using only the muscles of the back and lower abdomen. Legs remain lying on a sports equipment. The back should be straight.
Without stopping, without jerking, pull your legs into place, while moving the fitball.
Roll the fitball left and right
Lie on your back, sitting on the floor. Put the lower part of the legs (to the knees) on the fitball. Hands straighten and spread apart.
Avoiding sudden movements, move your legs to the right and left, as if trying to touch the floor. The torso remains stationary during exercise. Twisting of the spine occurs exclusively in its lumbar.
With dumbbells
Exercises on the back with dumbbells (at least the first 2-3 classes) are recommended to be performed under the supervision of a professional fitness trainer. The specialist will not only correctly select the working weight of the weights, but also will monitor the compliance of the athlete with the equipment. This will help to avoid injuries of the back and spine of a different nature.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Leaning forward
Arrange vertically; feet to set apart from each other by a distance equal to the width of the shoulders; bend your legs at the knees; in hands to fix dumbbells of working weight.
Taking a breath, slowly lean forward, avoiding the formation of sagging in the spine. The shoulder blades should be interconnected, and the shoulders turned back.
When the hands with dumbbells reach the level of the knees, slowly return to the original stance.
Weight Link
Take dumbbells in hand; legs slightly set apart from each other by a distance equal to the width of the shoulders; tilt the housing forward to form an angle of 45 degrees. Do not bend the upper limbs, placing them below in front of you.
Bend your arms in your hands, pulling the dumbbells to the ribs. When the weights are in the upper position, reduce the shoulder blades and fill the chest with air.
Without stopping, lower your hands, avoiding jerks and sudden movements.
Dumbbell Lift
Take a sitting position on one knee in a lunge.
Body forward; take dumbbells in hand; straighten your back.
Lower your arms with weighting materials along the body.
With an exhale, raise the dumbbells until a parallel is formed between the arms and the floor.
Without pausing, return to the original stance.
Dumbbell abduction
Lie on the floor; with both hands take 1 dumbbell; bend your legs at the knees, and firmly press your feet to the floor.
Withdraw arms above the chest.
With exhalation, take the weighting back, without changing the position of the remaining parts of the body.
Without stopping in this position, return the hands to their original position.
On the horizontal bar
Exercises for straightening the back can also be performed on horizontal bars, which, depending on the variety, can be placed even at home.
Such loads are suitable for people with
good physical training, practicing strength training.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Vis on the horizontal bar
Grasp the upper horizontal bar of the horizontal bar with brushes, placing them with the back of your hand to yourself. Leave your feet free. The muscles of the body relax.
Remain in suspension for as long as possible (at least 5 minutes).
The starting position exactly repeats the original stance of the previous exercise. The difference in the performance of the load lies only in the fact that in this case, the athlete needs to swing his body back and forth, while minimizing the involvement of the back muscles.
Hanging legs
Hang on the horizontal bar, clasping the upper part of the structure with tassels.
Raise the legs without bending to form a parallel with respect to the supporting surface.
With an exhale, turn the lower limbs left and right, bringing up the right and left legs alternately.
Hanging legs
Hang on the horizontal bar, clasping the upper crossbar with tassels.
Straighten your legs and press them tightly together.
After taking a deep breath, slowly raise both lower limbs up to the formation of a parallel between the back surface of the legs and the supporting surface.
Without stopping at the upper point, slowly return the lower limbs to their original stance.
Static hanging on one hand
Grasp the upper horizontal bar with your hands. Stretch your legs in the usual position. The muscles of the whole body relax.
Lower the right hand and place it along the body, leaving only the left limb on the horizontal bar.
Hold in this position for 10 seconds.
Swap hands.
Maintain a position for 10 seconds.
Depending on the number of required repetitions of the exercise, perform the required number of changes in the position of the limbs.
Near the wall
Exercises at the wall aimed at improving posture can be performed by people at any age, regardless of their state of health. The simplest loads are recommended for women and men, leading a sedentary lifestyle in connection with sedentary work. It is advisable to stretch the back at the vertical support every day for 2-3 approaches.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Hand lifts
Approach a flat wall. Lean on her back, while taking a position strictly perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your shoulders; legs set shoulder width apart; raise the chin; leave your hands free along the body.
With an exhalation, slowly raise straight arms, drawing them from the bottom to the head.
Touching the upper limbs of the wall, without jerking along a similar trajectory, return them to their place at the lower point.
Repeat the climb as many times as necessary, while ensuring that the body remains motionless during the exercise.
Hands apart
Take a starting position, leaning on a flat wall and avoiding the formation of deflections in the spine.
Bend your arms and flatten in front of you in the chest area.
Taking a deep breath, dilute the upper limbs to the sides as slowly as possible, while maintaining the original bending angle.
Touching the wall with the outer surfaces of the hands, return the limbs to their original position. The distance between the floor and the arm should be the same throughout the entire exercise.
Take a starting position, leaning on a flat wall and avoiding the formation of deflections in the spine. Leave hands free along the body; legs should be shoulder width apart.
As you exhale, slowly begin to twist the spine, leaning forward. The chin is pressed against the chest, after which the thoracic spine comes off the wall, and then the lumbar.
When the walls will touch only the buttocks and lower extremities, stop twisting the spine.
Taking a deep breath, start moving in the opposite direction, also gradually unbending and returning parts of the body to the wall.
On the chair
Exercises for straightening the back, sitting on a chair, can be performed not only at home, but also during the working day in the office. Regular warm-ups for the spine will strengthen the spinal muscles, and also support the speed of the lymph flow and blood flow in the body.
Back straightening exercise
Execution technique
Deflection forward
Sitting on a chair, lean a straight back against the back of the furniture structure. Bend your arms at your elbows and hook together between your heads.
As you exhale, bend the spine in the thoracic as far as possible.
Hold in this position for 30 seconds.
Avoid abrupt movements, take the original stance.
Shoulder movements
Sit on the edge of the chair so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed in the knee joint. Straighten your back, put your hands on your knees, relaxing your muscles as much as possible.
With an exhale, raise your shoulders as high as possible, without changing the position of other parts of the body.
After 30 seconds, lower your shoulders into place.
After repeating the exercise the required number of times, proceed with the rotational movements of the shoulder joints. Every 10 rotations, the direction of movement should be changed.
Body turns
Sit on the edge of the chair. Straighten your back, firmly press the feet to the floor; bend your arms and grip each other over your head.
With an exhale, turn the body to the right, without changing the position of the lower body.
Pause for at least 30 seconds.
Slowly return to the original position.
Turn left.
After 30 seconds, take the starting position.
It is not necessary to regularly visit the gym and practice strength training to straighten your back and prevent the development of diseases of the spine.
To improve posture and get rid of overstrain of the spinal muscles, it is enough to perform the simplest exercises at home daily, according to the generally accepted technique. With correctly selected loads, the first result of this type of training will be noticeable after 1.5 – 2 months of regular training at home.
Back Exercise Video
Gymnastics for posture and strengthening the back: