How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator

Before starting sports training, it is important for girls to know how to squat correctly with a barbell to evenly distribute the load on the muscles. Indeed, crouching is one of the difficult exercises that develop the muscles of the legs. In order for classes to benefit, it is necessary to study some of the nuances and rules.

Classical squats with a barbell or bar on shoulders

This type of exercise is basic.

In the process of execution, 4 muscle groups are involved:

  • leading;
  • gluteal;
  • quadriceps;
  • flatfish.

In addition to these major muscle groups, work also includes:

  • calf;
  • extensors of the spine;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • many other muscles of the whole body.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorTo start doing squats with a barbell, you need to prepare for some time, giving the body a minimal load. Experienced trainers recommend regular squats without weighting for a week or two.

This is necessary in order to learn how to properly keep your back when squatting, get used to this kind of load a little, strengthen your hip muscles, learn how to accurately distribute the weight of your own body.

The right technique for doing squats with a barbell

It is important to know how to squat correctly with the barbell, because the final result, as well as health, depends on this. After all, non-compliance with the execution technique can lead to serious injuries.

  • Firstly, before starting a workout, you need to warm up, stretch the muscles. Naturally, exercises for the legs need to be given special attention.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorTrainers recommend tilting up to the floor to the left and right leg in turn.

A good exercise for stretching are tilts from a sitting position with straightened legs to the toe of each leg. It is also better to do stretching exercises for the abs, back and arms.

  • Secondly , before squats, you should install the barbell at the optimum height, 3’9 inch below the level of the upper limb belt.
  • Thirdly , it is necessary to wear tight-fitting clothes in order to increase the sensitivity of the body. How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator
  • Fourth , on the neck, hands should be positioned with the top closed grip at a distance slightly wider than the shoulders. Then try to flatten the shoulder blades and bend slightly in the back.

Next, you need to make a dive under the bar, while taking your shoulders back. On the resulting muscle pillow you need to put a barbell. After this, the chest should be bent forward and pulled up. This position helps to remove the bar without difficulty and to control its location with the elbows lowered down.

When doing squats, the chest should be pulled up. With classic squats, the feet are approximately shoulder width apart, but squats with legs wide apart are common. The normal depth of the squat is the depth at which the back remains flat without undue stress. How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator

When performing the exercise, try to control and maintain the extended position of the knees. After the squat follows the rise: the pelvis straightens first, then the knees and after the whole body. At the end of the exercise, you must either exhale sharply or shout out, this helps to take the starting position.

Are squats good for girls

Squats are useful for girls. This type of load helps to strengthen muscles and build muscle in the lower body, that is, thighs, buttocks, quadriceps. And also strengthen the muscles of the back, especially the lower back. In addition to muscle growth, squats train the heart, strengthen joints, train coordination in space and develop proper posture. How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator

The main types of squats

  1. Classic squats.  Performed with a bar located on the shoulders. When performing this exercise, the legs are shoulder width apart, and the toes are slightly turned outward. Stops do not need to be torn off the floor. And bending at the knees is done until the line of the hips becomes parallel to the line of the floor. How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator
  1. Half squats.  In a semi-squat, squat with a bar should be the same as in a classic squat, but do not bend your knees to the end. For the correct exercise, try to control the depth of the squat and not overstrain your knees.
  1. Powerlifting Squats  These squats are designed to lift more weight. The technique is similar to the classic squats, but the feet are wide, sometimes at maximum width.
  1. Squats in Smith’s simulator.  These squats differ in that they significantly reduce the risks of injury to the knees and other joints. General body position is the same as with classic squats. You can separately work out problem areas by changing the turn of the toes. Toes to the outside – elaboration of the inner part of the thigh, toes forward – the creation of a minimum load on the lower back and a decrease in the load on the quadriceps.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator

  1. Squats with a barbell on the chest.  The exercise is aimed at developing the front muscles of the hips. It is much more difficult than classic squats, because when placing the bar in front, it is quite difficult to keep your back in a straight position.
    How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator
    Photo. How to squat with a barbell on your chest
  1. Lunges forward.  Exercise is effective for the development of gluteal muscles. The starting position is the same as with classic squats.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorFrom a standing position, a small step is taken, while the leg bends at the knees. Try to keep your back perfectly straight, without stooping or bending in the lower back.

Bench squats

A low bench is required to complete this exercise. Vulture rods set at shoulder level. The position when lifting the bar should be the same as with the classic squats.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorRaising the bar, you need to slightly move away from the rack and the feet slightly deploy to the sides. Then you should sit down gently, keeping your back straight. You need to crouch until the buttocks touch the bench, then slowly rise.

Front chest squats

It is important to understand the technique of how to correctly perform frontal squats with a barbell, because this type of squat is one of the most difficult.

The main muscles involved in the exercise are the buttocks and muscles of the hips.

The bar must be set at shoulder height. Hands should be straightened forward and brought under the bar. Then remove the bar and straighten completely. Position the legs shoulder-width apart and tighten the abdominal muscle. After this, you should carefully and slowly sit down until the hips become parallel to the floor line. To rise, with an effort push off the heels and straighten up.

Overhead Squats

The kind of exercise is quite difficult. For its implementation, it is necessary to develop joints and the overall flexibility of the body.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorThe barbell is set in the same position as for classic squats. Next you need to sit down under the bar and take the bar with a wide grip. Then remove the bar from the rack and step back a step.

The bar should be held behind the head on outstretched arms and keep the lumbar curve of the spine. Then you need to carefully sit down to reach an angle of 90 ° in the knee. Squatting is better when breathing in, and rising as you exhale.

Deep squats on one leg

This type of squats is considered quite complicated. To perform a squat, you need to place a bench or step platform behind. The bar should be placed on the floor, not mounted on a stand. Position your legs shoulder-width apart, crouch down and take the barbell with a wide grip.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorThen you need to raise the bar above your head and put it on your shoulders. Next, you need to bend one leg at the knee and put it on the bench with the toe down. Squats should be performed from this position.  When performing the back, it is necessary to keep even, maintain a normal breathing rate. Squat until the thigh is parallel to the floor line.

Smith exercise machine

The indisputable advantages of the exercises in Smith’s simulator is that this simulator allows you to reduce the risk of injuries, ease squats with weights, reduce the load on the spine.

Technique of execution:

  • position the bar at the optimum height (the athlete should touch the bar bar with trapezius muscles);
  • remove the bar from the rack and, taking a breath, start to squat;
  • the back should be kept even, the shoulder blades brought together, the pelvis – a little back; How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulator
  • it should be lowered until the thigh becomes parallel to the floor;
  • then rise slowly.

How to breathe when you squat

Novice athletes are often interested in how to breathe properly when doing squats with a barbell. Breathing really plays a significant role in muscle training and muscle building.

The process of muscle enlargement is called the anabolic process, and respiration is the opposite catabolic process.

There are two types of breathing: chest and abdominal. It is abdominal breathing that is suitable for squats. You should breathe through your nose, but you can exhale through your mouth. You should not hold your breath only so that their number per minute corresponds to the norm.

Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to take a deep breath. And you need to repeat deep breaths before each approach.

What weight to start with and how to properly increase it

Usually fitness instructors recommend starting to squat with an empty bar. This is required in order to develop a technique: learn to hold your back, put your legs correctly, lower yourself to the right level, and also to get used to the exercise.

How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorAfter several workouts with an empty neck, you can increase weight by adding pancakes to the lowest possible weight.
It is recommended to increase the weight of the barbell every 3-4 workouts, but not more than 20% from the previous one. Moreover, with an increase in weight, the number of repetitions should be reduced by 1-2 squats, if the athlete increases the weight of the bar during one workout.

How many sets and approaches are needed

On average, it is recommended to perform 8-10 sets of 3-4 approaches. But you can use the method of multiple reps. How to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorHow to squat with a barbell for girls to pump up the buttocks. Use, performance technique, squats on the simulatorThis method consists in starting with 30 squats. This technique is recommended for those who want to gain muscle mass in the shortest possible time, and is most often used in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

30-Day Butt Squat Kit

The complex assumes a gradual increase in the number of repetitions, but the number of approaches remains unchanged, equal to 4. Days of rest are the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th, 28th days. This complex is designed specifically for building the muscles of the buttocks and hips.

Day Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3 Approach 4 Total number
1 15 10 10 10 50
2 15 13 13 11 55
3 15 15 15 13 60
5 20 15 15 15 70
6 20 18 18 16 75
7 20 20 20 18 80
9 25 25 25 25 100
10 26 26 26 25 105
11 28 27 27 25 110
13 33 32 32 30 130
14 35 33 33 30 135
15 35 35 35 30 140
17 37 37 37 33 150
18 38 38 38 34 155
19 40 38 38 36 160
21 45 44 44 41 180
22 47 44 44 42 185
23 48 45 45 42 190
25 55 52 52 48 220
26 57 53 53 45 225
27 60 54 54 46 230
29th 62 55 55 48 240
30 70 55 55 50 250

How long can I build beautiful buttocks with squats

With regular training, subject to nutrition, activity and rest, the buttocks increase by 0’8 – 2 inch in 2 months. The growth rate of muscle mass largely depends on the fitness of the muscles. If the buttocks have never been subjected to heavy loads, then the result will beg
in to manifest itself after a longer time.

How not to swing big legs

So that the legs are not too muscular, after squats it is recommended to perform a set of stretching exercises, aerobic exercises, alternating protein and carbohydrate foods.

The best stretching exercise is twine. You can perform both transverse and longitudinal. It is also good to use yoga assans. Simple tilts to the toes from a standing position and from a sitting position with legs extended forward are also quite effective.

Among aerobic loads, swimming, running, simple brisk walking and active games in the fresh air are worth highlighting.

In order for the calves to not increase from squats, it is recommended to add vegetable salads and fruits to the diet on training days with squats.

How to avoid injury

Not a single athlete is insured against the risk of injury.

For weight training, this is especially true, therefore it is necessary:

  1. Follow the technique of the exercise and listen to the recommendations of the trainer.
  2. In the presence of varicose veins, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, hernias, diseases of the heart muscle and joints, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the possibility of performing squats. And if you can do squats, it is better to ask the coach to develop an individual program.
  3. In order to protect your knees, it is imperative to stretch and warm up your squats with an empty bar every time before starting classes.
  4. Correctly and gradually increase the weight of the bar.

Whatever kind of barbell squats are chosen, the main condition is the correctness of the exercises. It is by observing the technique that one can achieve brilliant results in a short time.

Video: how to squat with a barbell

How to squat girls:

How to do squats with a barbell:

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