Having Children is About Transforming the World!

The following is taken from Doug Phillip’s blog:

Over the years we have received many tens of thousands of correspondences. The majority of them are precious letters of encouragement, testimonials, and honest questions, but we are not without our critics. Often, their letters are filled with spectacularly creative expressions of hatred and bigotry. Even these letters sometimes provide special opportunities, like this one taken by my dear bride Beall. Since we are focusing this week on the issue of demographic winter and the blessing of children, I thought it might be helpful to republish this response:

[Mr. Phillips] Your poor wife must be sick of popping out kids? Stop overpopulation! Use birthcontrol for (expletive deleted)! Pitiful. Stop adding “freaks” to our society. Abstain. God would want you to (sic).

Beall offered these thoughts in reply:

Dear _, God bless you. This is Doug’s “poor” wife here writing to assure you that “popping out” kids, though challenging, is among the most glorious gifts that the Lord bestows upon a redeemed woman. Prolific mothers are not “baby machines” (as both Margaret Sanger and some very confused professing Christians), but blessed vessels of life from which the Lord brings eternal souls into this earth and fulfills his own command that man “be fruitful and multiply.”

For a Christian, having babies is not about birthing pains, changing diapers or baking cookies (though it includes all of these). Having babies is about transforming the world forever. This investment will last, not for thirty years, not for my lifetime, but f-o-r-e-v-e-r. The investment is realized on earth and pays dividends for eternity. On earth, we pray that these children will advance the very kingdom of God. But in heaven, the souls of every redeemed child will stand with me throughout eternity before the Lord Jesus. The pressures of today (be they financial, physical, etc.) that taunt Christians to self-consciously distort God’s fruitful purpose for the womb, and to separate life from love, will seem infinitesimally small as we look back upon this whisper of a life with our children beside us in eternity.

My children can have more far-reaching implications for society and posterity than anything else I can do. Having babies and training children for Jesus Christ means my life work will last forever. I hurt for you and those sad, misguided souls who would think of prolific motherhood as reducing women to the status of “baby machine.” I refuse to accept the minimizing, selfish, materialistic, and limited vision of womanhood dispensed by the apostles of modernity and relevancy in this generation. My dream is far greater. I reject the options which the world offers. I want something bigger.

Though I have been blessed with seven children who are the delight of my soul, Doug and I fervently pray for more. While I am not sure what you mean by “freaks,” I can assure you it is my goal to populate the world with “fools for Christ” who view children as a blessing, the womb as sacred, and the calling of helpmeet and mother as holy before our Lord Jesus.

I understand that you and I disagree on these points, but I want to let you know that I am glad that your mother gave you life. I don’t know you, but I would never wish that you were not born, nor would I presume that the world would be a better place without you. In fact, I would be happy if perhaps someday we can meet unified in Christ and as friends. And yes, with more babies on our laps.

Sincerely Yours, Beall Phillips

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About Wemmick Girl Saved by Grace

Natalie Klejwa is a child of the King, wife of 20 years to Joe, and mother to 8 children plus one in the “cooker”! She loves reading, writing, music, sewing, and educating her children in their home.

Natalie is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap, which gives her children an opportunity to earn money at home and expand their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Passionately believing in the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Scripture for all of life, she has rejected the Wemmick culture box and prefers the ancient paths found in the Word of God. Natalie taught high school English when she was single and has been discipling women for 25 years through full time campus ministry, personal mentoring, writing, and Bible studies.
More recently, she is the founder of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings in the Twin Cities area, which began almost five years ago, and she is also the administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog and author of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings, A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens. You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program.


  1. halmars says:


    Thank you so much for putting this on your blog. I read it a couple of years ago and it states so sucinctly and lovingly the wonders, joys, and blessings of children. Thank you for re-blessing me with this article!


  2. ladyofvirtue says:

    I just discovered your blog and have been enjoying!


  3. Visionary Womanhood says:

    Thank you for linking to this blog! I noticed how you have on your sidebar the most recent posts of the blogs you’re linked to. How do you do that? It’s a great idea…I’ve not seen that before! Have you seen the prayer challenge on my sidebar? We’d love to have you join us as we pray in a very concentrated way for our country every Monday in 2009! You can let your readers know about the challenge by grabbing the icon and placing it in your sidebar!
    God’s blessings to you!