What’s Love Got to Do With It?

By Contributing Writer, Bambi Moore

Unless you are blind, you may have noticed that modesty has disappeared. On the occasions that I am brave and venture to go out shopping with my teenage daughters, it’s obvious. Fashion designers have made sure that every clothing item for today’s teen girl is designed to provoke thoughts that are other than chaste.

Together, Hollywood image-makers and feminists influence women’s clothing choices from early on.  We open our closets and make decisions about the image we want to project.  The “effect” controls our choices.  How should we dress for this occasion? Do we want to project an image of sophistication?  Seduction?  Are we dressing to catch the eye of men?  Approval or envy of other women?

The answer is none of the above.  Christian women dress to please God.  As Christ changes our hearts, we respond to His voice above the noise of the others, including our own carnal one.  We respond to His voice above the clamoring of the fashion magazines, television and Hollywood trends.

Strength and dignity are her clothing…Proverbs 31:25

Where Do I Shop for Dignity?

Christian women are image bearers; that’s where our dignity comes from.  When we dress with strength and dignity , we reflect our created position and rank, as women of God.  God made us in his image; then He bought us.  Christ’s purchase of us made us His children and joint-heirs with him.  The woman clothed with strength and dignity will adorn herself and behave in a manner worthy of this honored position.  She carries herself with the assurance of who she is in Christ–not to impress or intimidate anyone, but to honor her Creator and Redeemer.

Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—  but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3: 3-4

Beauty such as this is deeply rooted in faith and trust in God.  It’s priceless–no matter how many credit cards you have you’ll never be able to purchase it.  It’s a beauty that grows as our hearts respond in ongoing surrender to God’s will.

Loving Our Brothers

Any man who lusts after a woman will give an account to God for that sin.  But any woman who cause a man to lust because of her sensual appearance will answer for that as well.  Ask yourself:  Are you in any way putting a stumbling block in front of your brother?  You may be as pure as new-fallen snow in your motives, but pure motives do not cancel the effect our appearance has on those around us.

Mrs. Al Mohler writes:

 Don’t blame the men around you who happen to be unfortunate enough to be within sight and say, ‘They need to get their minds out of the gutter.’ Proverbs 30:20 says, ‘This is the way of an adulterous woman. She eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.’

Ladies must remember what battles men face to stay pure as they are stimulated visually by women. They should never have it flaunted in their faces.

Love for Our Sisters…and Their Marriages

A woman who dresses seductively may not be thinking of seduction or adultery at all.  She might even be appalled at the suggestion.  Nevertheless, if she is dressing in a sexually provocative way, she is assaulting the integrity of marriage by tempting a married man to lust after her.  She is causing a man to look away from his wife, and toward her.  Many affairs have begun with a glance in the wrong direction.

Because of the value God places on marriage and fidelity, immodesty is no small sin.  It is not simply a silly form of self-display, but a snare and provocation to adultery.  A godly woman will do nothing to strengthen lust or weaken marriage.  She will instead dress and behave modestly in order to preserve the sanctity of marriage.

Love for God

We are to love the Lord our God will all our heart, will all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength.  He is not one love among many, but first and foremost.  Moreover, we are to love him more than fashion, jewelry and clothes. We are to love Him more than the applause or attention of the world.  We are to love Him more than our own vanity.

A woman seeking to live out her love for God will be more concerned to cultivate her soul, rather than captivate an audience.


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About Bambi Moore

Bambi is a simultaneous Saint and sinner, undeserving of God's mercy. She's been a helpmeet to her high school sweetheart for seventeen years now, and together with the Lord's help they are raising eight arrows, ages 16 to infant. Bambi spends her days homeschooling, keeping the pantry stocked, changing diapers to the glory of God, kissing boo-boos, reading storybooks in the rocking chair and a million other duties she wouldn't trade for the world. Bambi is passionate about being a keeper at home and shares about her journey of grace in marriage, motherhood and family discipleship on her blog In the Nursery of the Nation
View all posts by Bambi →


  1. Ann says:

    What a great and relevant post. Thank you

  2. Gretchen says:

    Beautifully written. Thank you for such a truthful and much needed article on modesty today. I too have noticed the crazy and immoral styles that seem to be “in fashion.” I’ve actually started thinking of buying my clothes online since its so hard to find modest clothing.
    Anyways, thank you once again for this article. God bless!

  3. Meghan Carver says:

    Excellent! Thanks!

  4. Chelsey S. says:

    Excellent post! Being modest seems like something of the past and it is appaling. The scripture you quoted and the words you wrote are beautifully true and I pray that more and more women will find the truth in them. Thank you!

  5. Linda says:

    I agree, I took my 18 yr.old daughter shopping for a church dress and we gave up. Dresses are hard enough to find, add in, wanting something modest – it’s almost impossible. I am so thankful that she wants to be modest.

    • stephanie says:

      Hi Linda! I make dresses for $30 each plus the fabric of your choice. For a size 8 you would need around 3 1/2 yeards of 45″ wide fabric. Walmart are best on prices I have found! I can send you a couple of pics of the styles I make if you would like. It is a wonderful thing to dress modestly as a result of responding to Gods holiness and as a way of showing our love for Him and His ways. Keep up the modesty ladies and please allow me to encourage you to seek Him diligently each day because the days are short. best wishes, Stephanie

  6. KT says:

    This is such a beautiful well written peaceful commentary on Godly modest dressing. Thank you for sharing inspiring truth to strengthen those of us willing to resist culture’s sinful lures.

  7. Stacey says:

    For those who are having trouble finding modest dresses/tops, have you ever seen half tees? They are just that, half a tee, to wear under immodest tops. You can find them at halftees.com I believe. I own 4 of them, in different colors (you can get them in different sleeve lengths) and I love them!