Fishers of Little Men

By Contributing Writer, Kim Doebler

My husband and son are going fishing in Canada for a week. Todd has prepared the perfect devotional for a father/son fishing adventure.  It is also a great illustration of the importance of us being salt and light in this world. Even if you have very little interest in fishing, I think you will get the point.

He plans to start the time by asking two questions. To the person that answers the first question correctly, he is going to give a brand new fishing lure. To the second correct answer, he plans to toss another brand new lure–minus the hook. As the recipient realizes the hook is missing, Todd will point out that a lure without its hooks is nothing to be feared, nor is it effective in any way.

The hook of a lure is its “salt”–it keeps the fish connected to the bait allowing it to be reeled in. A lure also has a blade that catches light and reflects that light to attract fish. This reflecting of light (Jesus is the light) is what we are to be to the world. In order to be a successful lure, it must be both salt and light.

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (Matthew 5: 13)

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (Matthew 5:15)

 As believers, wives, mothers and even friends, we must be attractive by reflecting Jesus and keeping sharp and dependable, through God’s Word, in order to connect others with Jesus.

 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4: 19 )

Let’s reel this example in–specifically for motherhood. Jesus has called us to be fishers of little men. I see mothers as the lure, with Jesus being the One holding the pole and reel. In order for me to catch my children for my Master, I must attract them and then hold them, so He can reel them into Himself.

Obviously, this isn’t a perfect illustration, because Jesus does not need me to call these children unto Him, yet, mothers are one of God’s most used baits to draw little children to Himself.

Perhaps being salt and light seems like it should be more widespread. Mother do not be deceived! Our influence with our children will be greatly multiplied. Abraham gave birth to one son of promise, yet is referred to as the father of nations. His descendants are as numerous as the stars in the sky!

He took him and said, ‘Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.’ Abram believed the Lord, and He credited to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:5-6)

Think big, think forward! These children that you are showing Jesus to every hour of every day will also go out to be fishers of men. Believe God is working and He will credit that to you as righteousness.

We must guard against losing our light and saltiness. The greatest gift we can give our children is the example of a vibrant growing relationship with our Savior. Nothing is more attractive than Jesus being real to us.

A friend asked her adult daughter what most impacted her growing up in their home. The daughter said, “The thing that impacted me most was seeing you in your room reading the Bible and praying each morning.”

Our children need to see and hear us seek the Lord. We must show them a living relationship, not just talk about God to them. Children know if we are faking our relationship with Christ. The greatest gift we can give our children is to walk humbly with our Lord.

A friend just shared with me how some “really good” parents only had one out of six adult children walking with the Lord. My friend couldn’t figure out what happened. Then she admitted that the mom had recently recanted her faith in God too. Of course I don’t know the whole story, but with the information given, I would guess these children saw their mother’s lack of faith. She could fool her friends, but she couldn’t fool them.

We cannot be salt and light on our own. Jesus must be our source. Just as a lure is no good sitting on its side in the tackle box, so we are no good just looking like a Christian. It is only when the lure is maneuvered by the fisherman that it has any success. Jesus brings life to our lives. When we allow Him to cast us wherever He pleases, to move us fast or slow, and to lead us through light waters or dark, that is when we will be effective.

Our home is the fishing pond that God is casting us in today. Allow Him to maneuver you to be most successful in catching all those little ones for Him. Reflect His light and always be prepared to give an account for the hope that is within you, so those little fish will be hooked eternally to Jesus.

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About Kim Doebler

Kim has been married to Todd Doebler for twenty-five years. We have often said we had an arranged marriage because we met one Thanksgiving when our parents decided to celebrate the holiday together. Four amazing children have rounded out our family. Samantha is sixteen, a scholar. Megan is fourteen, with a missionary's heart. JT is twelve, a dependable worker. Andrea is eleven, a faithful friend.

After sixteen years of big city living in the Minneapolis area we moved to the woods of northern Wisconsin. Our family loves the woods and the life that comes with it: cutting down trees; hauling, chopping and stacking the wood; hunting; fishing; trapping; gardening; swimming; snowmobiling; pets; and space.

What gets me excited? Loving my husband, sharing life with him, and resting in his leadership of our family. Raising four souls for Jesus drives me. Encouraging other moms and seeing it make a difference thrill me. And having company, opening our home and life to others warms me.

Kim is the author of ESP Character Training: Explain, Show, Practice

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  1. jennie herbranson says:

    This was a simple, heartwarming way to share the God-given joy and responsibility of training our own children to love the Lord. Thank you, Kim

    • Kim says:

      Well Mrs. Herbranson, since you are Natalie”s mother, all of us being encouraged by Visionary Womanhood are your stars in the sky. Thank you for your faithfulness is raising your girls. Kim

  2. Marci Ferrell says:

    Beautiful post Kim and such a sweet reminder of the importance that our children see our love for the Lord Jesus of primary importance in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing :)

    • Kim says:

      You are welcome; it is always great to know other moms are stirred to show their children Jesus by living for Him before them.

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