Revitonics – face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face

Revitonics helps to cope with one of the most exciting problems associated with the aesthetics of the human body – aging, aging skin. To slow down this process, various masks, creams, massage have always been used, and now revitonics.

  1. Fitness facial revitonics – what is it
  2. What gives revitonika
  3. Revitonics system (Natalya Osminina)
  4. Revitonics: types of gymnastics for the face
  5. Sculptural Fitness
  6. Vacuum Fitness
  7. Liquid fitness – what is it
  8. Revitonika: reviews of doctors. Are there any negative
  9. Contraindications to practicing revitonics
  10. Revitonics – exercises for the face: examples
  11. Exercises for a group of muscles that affect the blood supply to skin cells with blood and oxygen
  12. Revitonika – Anastasia Dubinskaya
  13. Alena Rossoshinskaya – face fitness for the face
  14. The principle of action of face-building – gymnastics for muscles
  15. Face building for faces – exercises with pictures
  16. Facebuilding for the nose
  17. Facebuilding on the nasolabial folds
  18. Face Exercises with Cork
  19. Face exercises with a spoon
  20. Exercises for losing weight of the face, chin and cheeks – how to make a face thin
  21. How to make cheekbones on the face: exercises
  22. Exercises for facial rejuvenation, skin elasticity at home
  23. Oval Facelift Exercises
  24. Exercises to raise cheeks, from brylya on the face
  25. Second Chin Exercises
  26. Effective exercises for the muscles of the face and neck against wrinkles
  27. Facebuilding with Eugenia Baglyk: the most popular facial exercises
  28. Anastasia Burdyug – gymnastics for the face
  29. Facebook building Julia Sayfullina
  30. Facebuilding Effectiveness for a Face After 50 Years
  31. Carol Maggio Face Gym – Exercise: Video
  32. Elena Karkukuli – facial gymnastics: video
  33. Revitonika – exercises for the face: video tutorials
  34. Revitonika: photo before and after classes at home
  35. Facebook building before and after photos

Fitness facial revitonics – what is it

By revitonics is meant a specially developed technique, the main action of which is aimed at eliminating wrinkles, tightening the skin and improving the oval of the face. At the same time, work is underway on all facial muscles (since the functions and role of the muscles are different, an individual approach and special exercises for each muscle of the face are important).

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Revitonika – facial fitness

The founder of revitonics is Natalia Osminina.

What gives revitonika

This set of exercises for the neck and face helps to normalize the work of muscles, which includes:

  • improvement of blood flow in the vessels;
  • relieving muscle cramps;
  • “Creating” the correct posture of the neck;
  • directly working with different types of muscles (facial or chewing).

With regular revitonics, you can observe such improvements:

  • elimination of wrinkles (medium and small);
  • smoothness and tenderness of the skin (folds and irregularities disappear);
  • the skin becomes more elastic and toned;
  • beautiful oval of the face (clear chin, cheekbones, forehead);
  • inflammatory processes on the skin decrease or disappear.
Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Revitonics Improvements

Revitonics system (Natalya Osminina)

Natalia Osminina developed a facial fitness system (revitonics) in the first half of the 90s. Then it was a completely new phenomenon in cosmetology (both in Western and Eastern countries).

According to Natalia, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles, aging and withering of the skin is not age, but, first of all, disturbances in the functioning of muscle tissues. As a result of such violations, less essential nutrients enter the cells and, over time, tone is lost.

Another reason contributing to the deterioration of the skin is fluid congestion.

Because of this, lethargy, flabbiness, saggy, bruises under the eyes, swelling may appear. The system of Natalia Osminina is aimed at eliminating these problems, in addition, it is effective for muscle spasms.

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face

The founder of the methodology has formed its basic course, which includes 10 basic exercises. Each of them is aimed at the work of a specific facial muscle, the elimination of specific problems.

Revitonics: types of gymnastics for the face

In revitonics, two types of gymnastics are distinguished:

  • vacuum;
  • sculptural.

These varieties can be used both individually and in combination. Often, specialists use two types at the same time to achieve the best result.

Sculptural Fitness

This type of fitness for the face is used to restore the proper functioning of the muscles of the face and neck – normalization of tension between the muscles. It consists of a system of exercises, the action of which is aimed at:

  • elimination of muscle cramps;
  • improved neck posture;
  • improved blood flow;
  • elimination of swelling and edema;
  • normalization of the work of the group of masticatory muscles;
  • the launch of lymph drainage in the skin of the face, neck;
  • elimination of inflammation.
Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Sculptural Fitness

Carrying out sculptural fitness is based on several principles. Among them:

  1. Many exercises are based on the principle of 30 seconds. This principle is that the effect on a tense muscle lasts for half a minute. During this time, the body copes with muscle spasm.
  2. Another rule of this fitness is stretching. It happens slowly and accurately. Stretching is necessary so that the muscle resumes its structure (length) after a spasm.
  3. The next stage is pretension. This stage is preparatory. With pretension, the muscles are slightly stretched towards each other or in different directions. Duration – until the muscles begin to relax.
  4. Next is fixation. When fixing, the muscle is held in position for 5 to 7 seconds. This is necessary so that the muscle “remembers” the new position.
  5. The last stage is the load. The pressing force at load is minimal. Its weight is not more than 10 grams.

When conducting exercises, you should adhere to the correct technique:

  • Do not press on the skin, do not stretch it, do not pull. All movements should be smooth, accurate, unhurried.
  • In this case, the penetration of fingers into the skin is deep (in order to act on the desired muscle). It is necessary to hold your fingers for a few seconds at the starting point on the skin, and then gradually “immerse” the fingers “inside the tissues”.

As a result of gymnastic exercises, the skin becomes smoother, acquires a healthy appearance (due to better blood flow, oxygen saturation of cells).

Vacuum Fitness

This type of revitonics helps with skin problems: wrinkles of small and medium, sluggish and saggy skin. For procedures, special vacuum jars of different sizes are used.

After just a few “exercises”, the skin condition improves markedly – wrinkles in the forehead and mouth disappear or decrease, the skin becomes smooth and silky, in addition, the shape of the eyebrows and eyes becomes more clear and beautiful.

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Vacuum Fitness

The size of the jars used varies depending on the type of cosmetic problem:

  • small ones are necessary when processing small areas on the face (nose, lips, near the eyes);
  • medium size – with problems with the skin on the cheekbones, near the mouth;
  • large are used in the presence of wrinkles, the processing of large muscles.

Vacuum revitonics are effective:

  • with problems with blood circulation (improves the flow of blood and oxygen into the blood vessels);
  • lethargy and sagging skin (produces more collagen and elastin).

Liquid fitness – what is it

For carrying out liquid fitness procedures, cosmetologists use special creams. They are applied using a mesoscooter with gentle massage movements on the surface of the skin of the face and neck.

Thanks to massage, beneficial substances from creams penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

As a result, tender, moisturized skin, without irritation and inflammation.

Revitonika: reviews of doctors. Are there any negative

Reviews of doctors about this procedure are positive. Specialists from various fields of medicine – neurology, plastic surgery, note the good effect of revitonics both in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (and often such diseases are associated with impaired functioning of the facial and cervical muscles) and during plastic surgery in the postoperative period.

Most experts agree that the basis of revitonics is quite scientific, and its effect on slowing down the aging process, restoring normal skin condition, and muscle function is obvious.

Some doctors say that revitonics helps only completely healthy people who do not suffer from any diseases. In such cases, facial fitness will be effective. And for those who have swelling, inflammation, spasms of the facial muscles caused by diseases of internal organs or systems, revitonics will be useless.

Contraindications to practicing revitonics

Revitonics is effective not only as a treatment for obvious problems, but also has proven itself as a preventive method (against the appearance of the first wrinkles, deterioration of the skin).

Fitness for the facial and neck muscles is recommended for women of any age.

At the same time, it does not matter what type of skin.

Revitonics is not desirable for girls under 16 years of age (at this time hormonal changes occur in the body, which often affect the skin condition; but over time, such changes on the skin go on their own, without procedures).

You can not do the revitonics procedure for those women who have:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system (brain);
  • congenital malformations of the neck;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Before deciding on fitness for the face, a consultation with a specialist is mandatory (regarding possible contraindications, individual characteristics of the body).

Do not miss the most popular article in the rubric:
Facial massage according to the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

Revitonics – exercises for the face: examples

Fitness for the face includes several basic techniques. They last no more than 30 seconds – this time is enough to tone the muscle, and then relax.

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Face exercises

Exercises for a group of muscles that affect the blood supply to skin cells with blood and oxygen

For trapezius muscles:

  • The shoulder should be raised and taken back (towards the spine).
  • The head is turned the other way.
  • They are held in this position for 30 seconds and relax.

For the occipital:

  • Shoulders laid back.
  • The hands are locked in a lock, while the shoulder blades are brought together.
  • Inhale deeply, while raising the shoulders up (so that the head is between the shoulders).
  • They linger for half a minute and relax the muscles.

With transverse wrinkles on the neck, the following exercise is used:

  • Starting position – hands on the chest.
  • The chin is down and pressed to the chest.
  • Hands “pull” the skin up, and the chin is “pulled” to the hands.
  • After 30 seconds, they relax.

With wrinkles between the eyebrows, this exercise helps:

  • Thumbs are under the eyebrows (at the beginning).
  • Index – 1. 2 – 0’8 inch higher than large.
  • Fingers must be squeezed and held for 20-30 seconds.

To give the lips a more beautiful color, shape and fullness, you can use this technique:

  • Index fingers above the upper lip – in the middle.
  • Gently stretch your fingers to the sides and linger for a few seconds.
  • Then they move their fingers from the center of the lips to the corners of the mouth.
  • Repeat the same with the lower lip.

Revitonika – Anastasia Dubinskaya

Anastasia Dubinskaya is a representative in USA of well-known American and Japanese companies engaged in wellness equipment. In 2010, she met with the founder of face and neck fitness, Natalia Osminina. This meeting was crucial.

Anastasia was so inspired by the principles and ideas of the development of revitonics that she offered Natalya joint cooperation. As a result, his development of such fitness began to take place at a very fast pace, revitonics became increasingly popular not only in USA, but also in many countries of Europe and the world.

Today, Anastasia Dubinskaya is a co-owner of the Revitonika company.

Alena Rossoshinskaya – face fitness for the face

Alena Rossoshinskaya is a well-known face-fitness instructor. In her lessons, she not only shows exercises for the facial and cervical muscles, but also supplements them with special relaxation, massage, and meditative techniques.

The course of Alena Rossoshinskaya is divided into lessons of 13 minutes.

In a separate lesson, a separate part of the face or neck is studied, classes are also provided to improve posture.

In addition to the usual exercises, the instructor suggests combining the study of problem areas on the neck and face with muscle training of other parts of the body (thighs and the inside of th
e legs, arms).

Key recommendations from the instructor:

  • if something does not suit you in appearance – you can begin to engage in revitonics as problems arise (for example, the first wrinkles and withering of the skin);
  • at a younger age, the result will be visible sooner, at the older – in 2-3 months;
  • need a positive psychological attitude.

Alena, in addition to practical exercises, has published several books – “The Age of Happiness”, “Face Culture”, “Home Face Fitness”.

The principle of action of face-building – gymnastics for muscles

Facebuilding is a combination of massage and exercise for neck and face. Unlike other muscles in the human body, facial muscles are the basis of the muscle corset of the face. Therefore, any changes in their tone or tension are immediately visible (in the form of saggy skin, a second chin, shapeless cheeks, wrinkles on the forehead, near the mouth).

Over time, under the influence of various factors (age, bad habits, genetic predisposition), the muscles “acquire” hypotonus (weaken), hypertonicity (too stretched).

Facebook building helps to normalize these processes and give the muscles the right shape. As a result, the skin condition (color) improves, the oval of the face, wrinkles disappear. The main thing to achieve the desired result is to adhere to systematic and regular classes.

Face building for faces – exercises with pictures

Exercises for the face are divided into several types.

For eyes

  1. Before the main techniques, a warm-up is mandatory – you need to blink strongly and quickly (open and close your eyes wide, while the eyebrows should not move).
  2. The next exercise is to draw with your eyes the figure 8 horizontally and vertically.
  3. Then you should draw with your eyes as large circles as possible (clockwise and counterclockwise).
    Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
    Eye exercises
  4. Fingers – index and middle – need to be fixed on the corners of the eyes – first close your eyes with force, then open (look up).
  5. Another exercise is to look forward, with your eyes wide open.
  6. From crow’s feet, this exercise helps: ring fingers should be placed above the corners of the eye (above the eye socket) and slowly close your eyes.

The number of approaches for Facebook building is from 15 to 25 times.

For problems with the eyelids

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Eyelid Strengthening Exercises
  1. To remove the wrinkles of the lower and upper eyelids, you need to place one finger above the upper eyelid (above the eyebrow), the second – under the lower eyelid. The skin of the eyelids is pushed apart in different directions as widely as possible, the gaze is up.
  2. To strengthen the skin of the eyelids – the index finger is placed on the outer corner of the eye, the middle – on the inner. Gently push the fingers on the skin, but so that there are no wrinkles. They look up and squint their eyes. Relaxing.

To improve the shape of the lips

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Lip exercises
  1. Exercise – “slap your lips” (as if saying the letter “P”). Another popular trick is to stretch your lips into an oval (like a fish), linger for a few seconds and relax.
  2. They also lift the corners of the lips up, fix the place of raising with the fingers, then try to raise the corners even higher, overcoming the force of the fingers.
  3. For a clearer contour, you need to pout your lips, tap your finger on the center of the lips until you feel a burning sensation. Then you should move your finger in the middle of the lips 20 times up and down.
Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Face building for lips

Facebuilding for the nose

To adjust the nose, such exercises are suitable:

  1. Click on the tip of the nose with the index finger. The onslaught is small. In this case, the lower lip should be pulled down, and the tip of the nose should be bent. Hold the position for a few seconds and relax.
  2. To make the nose narrower, you need to wrinkle it, and maximize the nostrils. The fingertips are located on the inner corners of the eyes and the edges of the lips (on a straight line). Hold for a few seconds.
  3. For a beautiful nose shape, such an exercise is also suitable: the index finger is placed under the tip of the nose from below (onto the septum and is easily pressed, holding the onslaught for 10 seconds).
Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Nasal exercises

Facebuilding on the nasolabial folds

You can take a plastic bottle ( 0,1 gallon), fill it a third with water, tighten the cap. Then clamp with front teeth and hold for 15 to 20 seconds. If at first it will be difficult, then use an empty bottle, and for 2 – 3 occupation – filled.

To correct nasolabial folds, you should open your mouth so that the lips are folded in an oval shape. Next, place the fingertips on the nasolabial folds and move them 15 times alternately up and down.

Face Exercises with Cork

This kind of exercise is well suited for problems with nasolabial folds and an oval face. You need to take a cork (you can make wine), clamp it with your front teeth and try to say the simplest words – dad, mom, soap, lamp, frame, etc. Do 10 sets.

Face exercises with a spoon

The use of spoons is effective for problems with contours, oval face (ugly chin, mouth line). For exercise, you need to take a spoon with your lips (while the lips are “pulled inward”).

Gently raise the spoon up, helping the jaw. At the same time, the cheeks also rise up
. They linger for 6 seconds and relax the jaw, but the spoon still holds on to the lips. Repeat 15 times.

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Spoon Exercises

Exercises for losing weight of the face, chin and cheeks – how to make a face thin

These exercises help to make the face thinner, “fit” in a short time:

  1. They take a pencil or pen with their lips and write words in the air or draw figures.
  2. Pull lips into a tube and pronounce sounds (vowels).
  3. They sit down at the table, put their hand on the table, rest their chin on their fist. Then they forcefully press the chin with a fist, and the head, in turn, is lowered down with force.
    Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
    Face Slimming Exercises
  4. Grit your teeth and try to pull the lip (lower) down.
  5. Cheeks are inflated, palms are positioned so that the fingers are on the ears. Press on the cheeks with your hands, while it should feel that the muscles of the face are tense and resist the onslaught.
    Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
    Inflate cheeks
  6. The head is thrown back, the upper lip is clamped lower. Then – they open their mouth wide and stick out their tongues, linger in this position for several seconds. In the end, they close their mouth, grit their teeth and relax their muscles.

How to make cheekbones on the face: exercises

For beautiful cheekbones, such exercises are necessary:

  1. The mouth is extended into an oval. The fingers are located above the upper lip. Press with your fingers down – towards the lower lip. In this case, the lower jaw is not strained.
  2. The starting position is the same. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the cheekbones, lifting them to the eyes. The upper lip and corners of the mouth are motionless.
  3. They throw their heads back, clenching their teeth tightly. They pull their shoulders down with force to feel tension in the cheeks, chin, and cheekbones.

Exercises for facial rejuvenation, skin elasticity at home

These exercises will help in a short period of time to cope with facial wrinkles, give the skin smoothness, tenderness, beautiful complexion.

  1. Fingers will be connected to the lock on the forehead, pressing them firmly to the skin, little fingers should be above the eyebrows. It is necessary to raise eyebrows, while resisting with your fingers. Hold the eyebrows as high as possible for 5 seconds and relax.
  2. Palms – on the forehead. They try to frown, while holding the skin on the forehead with palms.
    Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
    Expression wrinkle exercises
  3. Put palms on the eyes (the area of the crow’s feet), do not press hard. Then they close their eyes (40-50 times).
  4. Apply fingers to the temples (lateral part of the orbits). Blink and close their eyes 5 times, firmly holding the skin with their fingers. Muscle strain should be felt.

Oval Facelift Exercises

The following exercises will help to make the face shape clearer and more beautiful:

  1. It is necessary to pronounce the letter “S” so that the muscle tension in the lower part of the face is felt. In this case, you should hold the lower jaw with your fingers (so that there is resistance). The number of times is 25.
    Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
    Oval Facelift Exercises
  2. Position – lips are elongated in an oval shape. The fingers are near the nose, pulling the skin down. You can also blink at the same time. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Firmly squeeze lips and try to smile (to feel the tension of the cheeks and chin).
  4. They make a semicircle with their head, leaning alternately to the left and right shoulder.

Exercises to raise cheeks, from brylya on the face

In order for the cheeks to retain their beauty and elasticity as long as possible, it is recommended to perform the following techniques:

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
  1. The fingers are placed on the tops of the cheeks. Holding them in this position, you need to strongly press your lips to your teeth. The cheeks are tense. Keeping such tension, they try to stretch their lips into an oval, and then smile.
  2. Make quick turns with your head and neck in different directions.

Second Chin Exercises

To get rid of the second chin, these exercises will help:

  1. Slowly move the lower jaw back and forth.
  2. Position – the mouth is open, the lower lip is “wrapped” over the lower teeth. You need to lower your head and at the same time close your mouth.
  3. Try to get the tip of the tongue to the nose.
    Chin exercises
  4. Turn the head to the left, strain the lower jaw (pull it forward a little) and the cheeks. So delayed for 10 seconds. Muscle relax. Repeat all the same on the other hand.
  5. They raise their heads up, tighten their lips and pull them out with a tube, so that they feel that the neck muscles are tense.

Effective exercises for the muscles of the face and neck against wrinkles

For a beautiful neck, you can perform these techniques:

  1. Pull down the lower lip. In this case, the teeth are exposed, and an unusual tension is felt in the neck.
  2. Open your mouth as wide as possible (there should be tension in the neck, face muscles). Tighten the muscles for 5 to 10 seconds. Then they relax. Do 20 sets.
  3. Make a surprised (elongated) face (mouth in the shape of the letter “O”, eyebrows raised).

Facebuilding with Eugenia Baglyk: the most popular facial exercises

The trainer and fitness instructor Evgenia Baglyk, while studying the problems of wrinkles and aging of the skin of the face and neck, analyzed in detail the structural features of the facial bones, muscles, and the location of nerve endings.

As a result, a personal set of exercises appeared, aimed at improving the work of muscles, skin color, facial contours, eliminating bruises, inflammations.

Basic exercises:

  • For a beautiful mouth shape and the elimination of wrinkles – clearly and abruptly (straining muscles) you need to pronounce alternately vowels.
  • For puffy lips – tightly tighten your lips, as if pronouncing the letter “P”.
  • For a beautiful oval of the face and elimination of the second chin – slightly “pull” the lower jaw forward.
  • For beautiful cheeks and the area near the mouth and nose – lips are inflated alternately.
  • To cheeks were tightened – inflate the cheeks (first one, then the other).
  • For the area near the eyes and nose – you need to bend your head forward, open your mouth wide; while blinking quickly.
  • To keep your gaze open, it is useful to open your eyes wide (bulge).

Each of these exercises to achieve the effect should be repeated 20-30 times.

Anastasia Burdyug – gymnastics for the face

Another famous facebuilding coach is Anastasia Burdyug. She is a follower of Carol Maggio. Given Maggio’s tricks, Anastasia developed her own complex for face and neck skin, based on 13 exercises aimed at working out problem areas.

To obtain the desired effect, they must be performed together and systematically.

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Gymnastics for the face

The following exercises are useful against wrinkles:

  • The fingers are above the eyebrows and firmly press the skin. Holding the onslaught with your fingers, they try to raise the eyebrows up. Hold tension for 6 seconds, then relax the muscles. Repeat 10 times.
  • Press the fingertips on the forehead (middle), pulling the skin up. Eyebrows at the same time down. Do 10 sets of 5-6 seconds each.
  • Put your palms on your forehead. They close their eyes. They make rotational movements with their eyes – first behind the clockwise, then against it (total – 10 circles).
  • Finger pads are placed on the outer edges of the eyebrows and press the skin, stretching it to the side. At the same time, eyebrows should be reduced to the bridge of the nose. The number of approaches is 10–15.
  • The lips are pulled with a tube and held in tension for 15 seconds.
  • Position – lips with a tube, tightly pressing lips to teeth, try to say the letter “O”. Do 15 times.
  • The index fingers are placed on the cheekbones, the lips are still stretched forward – the letters “U”, “O” are slowly pronouncing. In total – 10 times.
  • Mouth parted – lips pressed to the teeth. Fingers placed on cheekbones. They try to pronounce the letter “E”, then – “O”. In this case, the face stretches forward, and shoulders back, look up.
  • The upper lip is wrapped to the gum (you need to hold it with your finger), at the same time, tap with your finger in the middle of the lip (20-30 times). When a burning sensation appears, stop the exercise and slide your finger around the lips 20 times.
  • Gather as much air as possible in the mouth and squeeze the cheeks with the palms. Hold tension for 10 seconds, then relax the muscles.
  • They open their mouth a little, while their teeth are covered with lips. It is necessary to try to smile, but at the same time holding back a smile (until a burning sensation appears – then they relax).

For a beautiful shape of the nose and the area around the mouth:

  • Two fingers are placed on the nose bridge (near the tip of the nose), with one finger they pull the tip of the nose slightly to the top, and the upper lip is pulled down. Total approaches – 20–25.

For the neck:

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Neck exercises
  • Position – they sit down evenly, raise their heads up (they throw them back), put one hand on the neck, rest the other on the base. Then they smile, not opening their teeth, stick out their tongue, trying to get the tip of their nose. Another approach is to push your hand off the surface and sway.

Facebook building Julia Sayfullina

Julia is a well-known trainer, specialist in face-building, Japanese massage, the founder of the Academy of Beauty school.

Following the developed set of classes from Julia Sayfullina, in a week you can see positive results.

The trainer draws attention not only to exercises for the facial and cervical muscles (as revitonics suggests), but also pays attention to nutrition, drinking water, lifestyle influences, and cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances.

Facebuilding Effectiveness for a Face After 50 Years

For women after 50 years, facebuilding is also recommended. The techniques and special exercises developed by many well-known trainers can significantly improve the condition of the skin, cope with edema, bruising under the eyes, saggy skin and wrinkles as effectively as at a younger age.

The main thing to achieve the desired result is a correctly, individually selected set of exercises and patience. Usually the first results become visible after 2-3 months.

Carol Maggio Face Gym – Exercise: Video

Elena Karkukuli – facial gymnastics: video

Revitonika – exercises for the face: video tutorials

Revitonika: photo before and after classes at home

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Revitonics at home

Facebook building before and after photos

Revitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and faceRevitonics - face building, gymnastics for the face. Exercises, fitness against wrinkles, for elasticity of the skin, muscles of the neck and face
Photos before and after fitness classes for the face

Revitonics is a relatively new direction in the field of cosmetology, but has already managed to prove itself from the best side. Facial fitness exercises help to eliminate the most common and exciting aesthetic problems for all women: wrinkles, inflammation, poor color, saggy and puffy skin on the face.

The advantage of this direction is that revitonics is recommended and allowed for almost all women. There are different types of fitness for the face and neck, which allows you to most successfully eliminate an exciting problem.

Video interview with Natalia Osminina – the author of the revitonics technique

A set of exercises for the face for all muscle groups

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