Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

Baking soda has long occupied a place of honor in home cosmetology and is famous for its cleansing and abrasive properties. Thanks to the simple manufacture of the mask with soda attract owners of oily skin. They are used to combat blackheads and blackheads.

What is the use of masks with soda

Baking soda is essentially a soft alkali. With short-term exposure, it does not harm the skin, but is able to react with fatty acids and dissolve them in the pores of the face. At home, using soda, you can achieve a deep cleansing of the skin, comparable to the expensive services in a beauty salon. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

By adding additional components to soda, you can enhance or soften the cleansing effect, nourish and cure problem skin.  By drying oily skin and accelerating regeneration, soda can help fight acne and inflammation.

Application rules

Masks with soda, if the application rules are not followed, damage sensitive skin.

For safe use, adhere to the recommendations:

  • First you need to test for a skin reaction. It is enough to apply a little soda mask on the wrist and hold for several minutes. Please note that masks with soda are characterized by slight tingling. Normally, there should not be severe irritation, redness and burning.
  • To achieve a greater cleansing effect, the skin is steamed well before applying the mask. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use
  • The maximum time for exposure to masks with soda is 10 minutes. However, if the skin is not very oily, 5-6 minutes are enough,
  • When applying soda masks, it is better to avoid mixtures on the skin around the eyes and lips.
  • After soda masks, it is useful to rinse your face with warm infusion of herbs and nourish with night cream.
  • It is always necessary to check the expiration date of the product, stale soda loses its properties.


Including baking soda in the composition of the masks, one should take into account its alkaline properties, the pH of the soda solution is 9. For overdried, flaky face skin, a mask even with such a soft alkali may be too aggressive.

If during the test for skin reaction there was severe irritation and redness, then the use of soda masks is contraindicated.

What do dermatologists say

Dermatologists warn that the inclusion of baking soda in the composition of home cosmetics should be extremely balanced and careful. A positive effect of this alkali is possible only in the absence of an individual reaction of the body and the observance of time intervals.

When using soda masks for the first time, it is better to reduce the time to 3 minutes to check the reaction of the facial skin to this composition.

Homemade masks with soda

Mask with acne flour and soda

Flour helps soften soda abrasive properties. This mask will have a tonic effect on aging and tired skin. Wrinkles are smoothed and complexion improves.

Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use
Masks with soda are a great way to get rid of acne on your face.


  • In a dry bowl mix 2 tablespoon. flour and 1 teaspoons soda.
  • Then add a little stream of warm water and dilute the composition to a state of thick sour cream.
  • 7-8 minutes of action of such a mask are enough.
  • For additional nutrition and softening, you can supplement the composition with honey or egg yolk.

Black Dot Recipe

The abrasive properties of baking soda give a good result in the fight against black spots. Solid particles of carbonic acid help remove the top layer of the epidermis with fatty plugs in the pores. If you complement the composition with crushed activated carbon and egg white, you get the perfect remedy for black spots.

Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

By prescription you need:

  • in a bowl, beat egg white into a thick foam;
  • grind 2 tablets of activated carbon and mix with 1 teaspoons. soda;
  • combine protein with a carbon-soda mixture.

The procedure should not exceed 5-6 minutes.

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Wrinkle soda masks

Baking soda is successfully used to care for aging skin with a network of fine wrinkles. To do this, add nutritious fruit acids to the composition.

Recipe 1:

  • grind 2-3 strawberries and mix with 1 large tablespoons of cream;
  • sprinkled with a pinch of soda and applied to the face;
  • the duration of the procedure should not exceed 7-8 minutes. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

Recipe 2:

  • grind 1 kiwi and mix with 1 tablespoon. sour cream;
  • add 0.5 teaspoons. soda.

Recipe 3:

  • half of the average cucumber is ground and mixed with 2 tablespoon. kefir;
  • sprinkle the composition with a pinch of soda and immediately apply to the face.

Soda mask with lemon from age spots

Lemon juice has a positive effect on pigmented skin, evening complexion. During the reaction of the acid with the alkali of soda, the whitening effect is enhanced. To soften the effect of these components and nourish the skin with vitamins, honey is added to the mask. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • soda, lemon juice and honey are measured in 1 tablespoon. and stir;
  • the composition is immediately applied to the face;
  • The optimal duration of this mask is 6-7 minutes.

For a lasting face whitening effect, the mask is regularly repeated every 5-6 days.

For dry problem skin

For dry problem skin, all soda masks are supplemented with nourishing and softening components. Usually make masks with egg yolk, cosmetic oils, honey.

Mix in a bowl:

  • 2 tablespoon 30% cream;
  • egg yolk;
  • 1 teaspoons soda.

This composition cleans and moisturizes dry problem skin. The duration of the mask is bette
r not to increase more than 5 minutes.

For oily skin with clogged pores

Baking soda actively fights clogged pores, dissolving fatty acids and removing the upper layer of the epidermis. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

By prescription you need:

  • beat one squirrel in a bowl in a steep foam;
  • squeeze 1 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • sprinkle a pinch of soda on top;
  • stir and immediately apply the composition to the face;
  • the time of such a procedure should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Soda opens the pores for lemon juice and enhances its constricting effect. Egg white will soften the effect of the chemical reaction, additionally nourishes the skin with amino acids and helps to tighten the enlarged pores. Usually 3-4 procedures with an interval of 4-5 days are enough for a noticeable narrowing of the pores and removal of oily sheen.

Mask with soda and honey

Honey allows you to soften the alkaline effect of soda on the skin, additionally nourishing it with vitamins and minerals. Honey should be sufficiently liquid, if necessary, it can be melted. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

Preparation and use:

  • For one application, 2 tablespoon is enough. honey.
  • Soda is measured 0.5-1 teaspoons, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.
  • The composition is well mixed and applied to the face.
  • The duration of this mask is best limited to 6-7 minutes.

Owners of dry skin can be supplemented with a composition of 1 tablespoon. cream or egg yolk.

With soda and salt

This composition is the most aggressive in its action and can harm sensitive skin, but also cleanses well. This mask is recommended for owners of very oily skin requiring total cleansing. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

The prescription should:

  • mix in a bowl for 1 tablespoon. soda and salt;
  • with a sponge or brush, beat up a dense soapy foam (you can use shaving foam);
  • sprinkle foam on the palm with a mixture of salt and soda;
  • gently apply the composition on the face without rubbing movements.

The duration of the action is best limited to 5 minutes. It is useful to soothe cleansed skin with a decoction of calendula or chamomile after washing off the composition.

Yeast mask

Brewer’s yeast contains vitamins of the groups PP, B, H, E, D, minerals, essential amino acids, antioxidants and proteins in readily available form. Soda increases the penetrating ability of the skin, cleansing of excess sebaceous accumulations and opening the pores.

Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

Preparation and use:

  • mixed in a bowl soda and brewer’s yeast – measure 1 tablespoon. and 1 teaspoons lemon or onion juice;
  • knead a thick slurry, pouring warm water drop by drop and cover the face with this composition for no more than 6-7 minutes.

A yeast-based soda mask for face care for aging, tired skin. It nourishes, relieves irritation and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Hydrogen peroxide

Soda in combination with hydrogen peroxide deeply loosens and removes the upper dead layer of the epidermis. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • For one cleansing procedure, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon. soda and 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide.
  • Such a composition is applied with a sponge without rubbing movements for 5-6 minutes.

The mask can be done no more than once every two weeks, in action it can be compared to the peeling procedure in the beauty salon. After cleansing, it is useful to soothe the skin with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

With soda and aspirin

A mask based on soda and aspirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use

Preparation and use:

  • For one procedure, you need to mix 4 crushed aspirin tablets and 1 tablespoon. soda.
  • Then, with boiled water, the composition is brought to the consistency of gruel and applied to clean steamed face skin.

The procedure should not exceed 8-10 minutes. The mask gives the effect of soft peeling, relieves inflammation, evens complexion, removes greasy shine.

With soda and oatmeal

Oatmeal contains all the vitamins of group B, including biotin, which successfully fights dermatitis. Minerals are in readily available form. Soda helps cleanse the skin of the upper dead layer of cells, allowing beneficial substances to penetrate deep into open pores. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • A glass of oatmeal or oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder is mixed with 1 tablespoon. soda.
  • For one procedure, measure 1-2 tablespoon. mixtures and diluted with hot water to the state of thick slurry.
  • The skin is pre-prepared by steaming over hot water under a towel.

The composition is applied still warm for 5-10 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. The mask has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, well removes oily sheen and evens complexion.

Clay mask with soda

Clay has the ability to draw dirt and fat from the pores. They noticeably narrow, the complexion evens out. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • Mix soda and clay pharmacy in a ratio of 1: 1, usually enough for 1 tablespoon. each component.
  • Knead the gruel by adding warm water in a thin stream.
  • The skin is pre-prepared by steaming over hot water under a towel.
  • The face is covered with a mask
    for 5-6 minutes.

Clay in combination with soda creates a fairly aggressive environment. Abrasive particles of these components peel the top layer of the skin. For owners of sensitive skin prone to irritation, it is necessary to reduce the exposure time of the mask to 3-4 minutes or consider other formulations.

With shaving foam

The composition of shaving foam provides daily use. Manufacturers usually try to find components suitable for all skin types, including herbal ingredients and mineral oils. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • Squeeze foam into the hand the size of a large mandarin.
  • A pinch of soda is evenly sprinkled on top.
  • Apply a mask without rubbing movements.
  • The duration of the mask is 5-6 minutes.

Deep degreasing is recommended not more than once every 10-14 days.

A mask based on foam and soda has a deep cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.

With soda and soap

Laundry soap is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, paired with soda, these components have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on problem skin. Sebaceous accumulations are well washed out of pores, black spots and blackheads are removed. Mask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home useMask with soda for the face from wrinkles, acne, black spots, age spots. Recipes and home use


  • Laundry soap is rubbed on a fine grater.
  • Mix soap with soda in a ratio of 1: 3. In a dry, sealed jar, this mixture can be stored for more than a year.
  • A little soda-soap mixture is poured onto the wet sponge and a clean steamed face is wiped in the problem areas.
  • Wash your face with warm water.

Soap-soda face mask is used once a week before bedtime. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.

With sugar

The anti-inflammatory mask of sugar and soda has the properties of a scrub. To soften the effect, you can use powdered sugar.

Preparation or use:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon. sugar and 1 teaspoons, pour 2 tablespoon. vegetable oil (peach, olive will work well).
  • The duration of the mask is 6-7 minutes.
  • During rinsing, you can carefully massage the problem areas.
  • It is useful to soothe the skin after the procedure with a decoction of calendula or chamomile.

The mask is suitable for teenage problem skin, helps remove acne and remove greasy shine.

Masks with soda are effective against acne, however, due to their aggressiveness in use, you must adhere to the recommendations for application, in particular, do not exceed the exposure time specified in the recipe.

Video about masks with soda for face

How to make a homemade face mask with soda:

Soda based face mask:

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