How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

The recognized beauties of our time demonstrate sharply defined high cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks. Although the owners of round cheeks are very nice, often a week before a responsible exit, I want to remove the excessive puffiness. You can achieve this or a similar shape of the cheeks by following the tips described below.

Causes of Round Cheeks

In addition to the natural shape of the face inherited from birth, round cheeks can occur for the following reasons:

  • Heredity;
  • Excess weight;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Excessive salt intake How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics
  • Health problems causing swelling.

Normalization of water balance in the body

Influence on the configuration of the cheeks has a water balance. This is the ratio between the amount consumed and the amount of fluid excreted from the body during a certain period, most often days. This takes into account not only the drunk water or drinks, but also the liquid that is found in fruits, soups, vegetables, etc. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Puffiness, expressed in excessive puffiness of the cheeks, is a sign of a violation of the water balance, moreover, water deficiency, and not just excess.

To normalize the water balance, you must first adjust the fluid intake. The famous formula for 0,5 gallon. water per day is not suitable for everyone. Nutritionists recommend drinking the amount in gallon of water corresponding to 3% of a person’s body weight in pounds. It is worth remembering that water enters the body with food.

Salt retains water in the body, so you need to limit the intake of salt and foods containing sodium: milk, seafood, legumes. Normalization of sleep also has a positive effect on water balance.

Herbal cosmetic ice for facial skin tone

Cosmetic ice improves skin tone, both due to light massage and exposure to low temperature, thereby helping to remove cheeks in combination with other procedures. It’s better to prepare cosmetic ice for a week or more.

For this, decoctions of medicinal herbs are frozen, but juice and slices of fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, cucumbers, watermelons, strawberries, and also finely chopped fresh parsley can also be frozen. For sensitive skin, chamomile is suitable, for oily and prone to irritation – sage, green tea or mint. Linden color moisturizes and rejuvenates dry skin. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

To make cosmetic ice from dry herbs, a tablespoon of dry matter should be poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and left for half an hour. Then strain the broth, pour into ice molds and freeze. You need to wipe the face along the massage lines, after washing. After wiping your face, you need to rinse it with cool water, allow it to dry without wiping, and apply cream.

Do not miss the most popular article in the rubric:
Facial massage according to the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

Manual massage against roundness of the cheeks

The task of massage against the roundness of the cheeks is the effect on the oval of the face. Before massage, it is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics from the face, apply cream to the face, be sure to wash your hands with soap. To begin with, light movements must be carried out several times from the wings of the nose to the temples. Then, with your thumbs, you need to make circular movements along the contour of the face, moving from the middle of the chin up to the temples. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

After this, also from the chin towards the temples you need to move with pinching movements. The massage ends with a light shaking of the cheeks under the cheekbones with your fingertips. A good effect is given by honey massage. 1 tablespoon honey should be slightly warmed in a water bath. With your fingertips, apply honey on your cheeks and start a light pounding massage. Honey should stick slightly.

Do massage for at least 30 seconds. Rinse the honey with warm water.

Massage devices

To remove cheeks at home, it is possible to do both manual massage and massage using simple devices. The cosmetology industry offers a variety of facial massagers.

The main varieties of these devices are as follows:

  • mechanical;
  • vacuum;
  • ultrasound
  • laser;
  • galvanic;
  • microcurrent;
  • radio waves.

Depending on the principle of action, massage devices act on the upper layers of the skin, but can also stimulate blood circulation and improve muscle tone, thereby tightening the skin and oval of the face.

Among the popular devices that allow you to tighten the oval of the face and reduce the cheeks, there are several:

  1. The Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner PRO vacuum device is equipped with 4 nozzles with which you can clean the skin of black spots, narrow pores, and enhance the effect of cosmetics. Also, using this apparatus, you can do lymphatic drainage massage of the skin. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics
  2. The Perfect Photo Poration device works in the mode of a light beam of LED (infrared, red and blue radiation) and electroporation. The combination of these modes allows you to accelerate the metabolism in the skin and activate muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the oval of the face.
  3. With the help of galvanic currents, the Gezaton Beauty Iris m708 apparatus strengthens small vessels, due to which blood circulation is stimulated, pores are cleaned, muscles are tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Facebuilding for face oval lift

Tighten the muscles of the face and remove the cheeks with exercise. With regular classes, both in the morning and in the evening, the effect will be achieved in a week. It is important to choose the right exercises.

Cheeks can be reduced by exercises to strengthen the oval of the face and highlight the cheekbones:

  • Vowels . Need to sit up, straightening your back. Then, in turn, in the indicated sequence, vowels are pronounced: “A”, “O”, “U”, “S”, “I”, “E”. It is important at the same time to strain all the muscles of the face, almost exaggerating. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics
  • A balloon . Tightly closing your lips, you need to gain air so that your cheeks are puffed up and feel tension. Hold your breath, hold in this state for 10 seconds, let out air. Repeat at least 5 times with a break of 5 seconds.
  • Rinse . In the mouth you need to draw air or water. Next, you need to slowly roll the contents from one side to the other at least 20 times.
  • Pencil . Grip the tip of the pencil with your teeth. Within 3 minutes pencil in the air, drawing shapes, letters, words.
  • General strengthening of the facial muscles . You need to open your mouth wide and wrap your lips, and the upper and lower teeth. Muscles must be tight. In this position, count to 20, relax your face. Repeat 5 times, resting between sets for 10 seconds.

Rationalization of nutrition. Diet Principles, Permitted and Prohibited Products

Food rationalization is one of the key ways to resolve the issue of how to remove cheeks in a week. Proper nutrition allows not only overweight, but also to balance the water-salt balance, getting rid of excessive puffiness.

The desired result can be achieved by the following diet:

  • Fractional nutrition – every 2-3 hours in small portions;
  • A decrease in the amount of salt in the diet;
  • Decrease in sodium-containing foods
  • Refusal of salted and smoked meats;
  • Reducing the use of flour products and sweets;
  • Refusal of alcohol.

Will be useful:

  • Dietary boiled meat (chicken breast, turkey);
  • Low-fat fish;
  • Vegetable salads;
    How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics
    Proper nutrition is the most effective way to clean your cheeks in a week.
  • Bran;
  • Products containing a large amount of calcium: milk, cottage cheese, broccoli, cabbage, beans.

Sample menu for every day of the week

Although express diets and mono diets are widely popular, as allow you to quickly lose a few pounds, nutritionists do not recommend abusing them. It is much more useful to eat tasty and varied, but with simple rules.

A sample menu for a week in this mode looks like this:


Breakfast Boiled oatmeal porridge, tea without sugar
Lunch Dried apricots and prunes 150 g.
Dinner Vegetable soup (without cream), boiled tongue with green peas, rosehip broth
High tea Whole grain bread sandwich with lettuce, cottage cheese and sliced tomato
Dinner Vegetable salad, liver fried with sour apples, tea without sugar
Tuesday Breakfast Fat-free cottage cheese with grated apple, unsweetened tea
Lunch Grapefruit
Dinner Ear, cod baked with vegetables, dried fruit compote
High tea Cheesecakes, a rosehip broth
Dinner Zucchini casserole with low-fat cheese and egg white, kefir
Wednesday Breakfast Boiled egg, half grapefruit or a small orange, tea without sugar
Lunch Cottage cheese casserole
Dinner Vegetarian borscht, boiled chicken breast with boiled broccoli, fresh apple compote
High tea Salad of Fresh Cabbage, Carrots and Apple
Dinner Stewed vegetables (without potatoes)
Thursday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with skim milk, tea without sugar
Lunch An Apple
Dinner Cabbage soup, vegetable stew with cauliflower, herbal tea with honey
High tea Dates
Dinner Beef steaks, vegetable salad, fruit drink
Friday Breakfast Boiled egg, bread, unsweetened tea
Lunch Almonds and dried apricots
Dinner Chicken broth soup, marinated meat stew
High tea Boiled beets with feta cheese, carrot fresh
Dinner Baked beans,
Saturday Breakfast Oatmea
l in skim milk with berries, tea without sugar
Lunch Natural Yogurt with Fresh Berries
Dinner Pumpkin Soup with Carrots and Bell Peppers
High tea Kefir Fruit Smoothie
Dinner Souffle meat, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday Breakfast Omelet, coffee without sugar, can be with milk
Lunch Grated carrots with 1 teaspoons. cream
Dinner Bean soup, grilled fish, vegetable salad
High tea Natural Yogurt with Fresh Fruits
Dinner Vegetable stew with mushrooms, kefir

Masks for slimming cheeks

For weight loss, cheeks are perfect masks with a slight lifting effect. Chicken egg masks work well.

Yolk with honey


  • olive oil – 0,68 fluid ounce.
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • honey – 30 gr. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Beat the yolk with butter and honey until smooth. Apply on face and neck for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask is very useful for dry skin. Egg white is also a recognized means of improving skin tone. For the mask, egg white must be beaten with a fork and applied to the skin for 30 minutes before drying. Wash off with warm water.

If you add grated fresh cucumber to the protein, then the mask will have a slight whitening effect.

This requires:

  • olive oil – 0,68 fluid ounce.
  • egg white – 1 pc.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.

Cucumber must be peeled, grated and mixed with olive oil and whipped protein. Apply on face and lie down, relaxing, for 50 min. Wash off the mask with warm water. Apply every two days. Very effective for reducing cheeks masks made from oatmeal or flour.

Mask with oat milk


  • oat flour or cereal – 50 gr.
  • milk or cream – 1,35 fluid ounce.

The ingredients need to be mixed until the cream is thick, put the mixture only on the cheeks, wait about an hour. Washed off with cool water.

Dill oat mask


  • Oatmeal or flour – 30 gr.
  • Fresh dill – 20 gr.
  • Vegetable oil: almond, olive, corn – 1,01 fluid ounce. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Fresh dill should be finely chopped, mixed with butter and oatmeal or flour. The mask is applied to the cheeks. After 1.5 hours, you need to remove the mask with a napkin and wash it with cool water. Apply once a week for 2-3 months. Mask tightens the skin with the addition of blue clay. Clay can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Blue clay mask


  • blue clay – 50 gr.
  • fresh grape juice – 1,01 fluid ounce.
  • Vegetable oil: almond, olive, corn – 0,68 fluid ounce.

Clay is mixed with warm water, oil and juice to the consistency of sour cream, applied to the cheeks, washed off after 30 minutes. Apply weekly

Cheek Reduction Lotions

Lotions help reduce cheeks by moisturizing and toning the skin. As components, you need to choose herbs that positively affect blood circulation, improve skin tone. It must be remembered that lotions will give an effect only under the condition of daily use and in combination with other means.

Chamomile Lotion


  • pharmacy chamomile – 50 gr.
  • Yarrow – 20 gr. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Herbs need to pour a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Strain, pour into a container of dark glass, store in a cool place. It is recommended to apply the lotion daily in the morning and evening.

Peppermint Lotion


  • mint – 20 gr.
  • Rosemary 15 gr.
  • rose essential oil – 5 drops

Herbs need to pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain, add essential oil, pour into a dark container, store in a cool dark place for no more than 2 weeks.

Herbal compresses against round cheeks

The main task of compresses against round cheeks is to improve the tone of the skin and facial muscles. Compresses are hot and cold. To increase the tone and reduce the roundness of the cheeks, contrast compresses and compresses from mineral water will give the best effect. Hot compresses are good for relieving puffiness. For herbal compresses, decoctions of herbs are used. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Compresses can be made from any herbs, focusing primarily on the type of skin. For oily skin, calendula, yarrow, plantain, St. John’s wort, succession, birch buds, nettle are suitable. Dry and normal skin will benefit from mint, lavender, dill, parsley leaves, sage, dill, rosemary. First you need to prepare a decoction of the selected herbs at the rate of 1 tablespoon. dry grass in a glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the grass, insist for half an hour. It should be noted that for a contrasting compress, two containers with cold and hot broth will be required. For a cold or hot compress, you need only one container with a decoction of the desired temperature. Before the procedure, the decoction for the hot compress must be heated to a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees so that there is no burn.

With a contrasting compress, start with the hot part, finish the cold . A terry towel should be moistened in a decoction and squeezed. Next, you need to wrap their head so that the neck, chin, cheeks and forehead are under the fabric. The compress should be kept for 10-15 minutes. If a contrast compress is made, then the towel should be moistened with the cold part of the decoction, wrung out and left on the face for another 10 minutes.

A noticeable effect will be achieved if compresses are made 3-4 times a week.

It is important to remember that with inflammation of the skin of the face, rosacea, rosacea or h
ypertension, compresses should not be done.

Contrast face shower

An effective way to remove cheeks in a week is a contrast shower for the face. A contrast shower is actually an analogue of gymnastics. Alternating exposure to water at different temperatures improves muscle tone, blood supply, thereby improving complexion and increasing skin elasticity. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Contrast washing is recommended in the mornings , as they are very invigorating, therefore, if you do the procedure in the evening, there may be problems with sleep. During contrast wash, only water is used. Soap, lotions, tonics, etc. not applicable. First, the face must be rinsed several times with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature to hot.

Then the water temperature should drop sharply. If the procedures are carried out for the first time, the water should be cool, if the experience of a contrast shower is already there, icy. Washing with cold water should not last longer than 30 seconds. You need to start from shorter intervals. Then the water switches back to hot.

Washing with hot water should last on average 2-3 times less than cold.

In total, in order not to harm the skin, it is necessary to make 3 temperature changes, not more. It is always necessary to start with warm or hot water, and finish washing with cold. After the procedure, you need to usd your face with a towel, observing the massage lines. You need to apply cream on the skin and do not go outside for an hour.

Lipolitics – as a means of combating roundness

One of the radical means of combating roundness is lipolytics. These are substances that help in breaking down fats. The main component of lipolytics is lecithin. Lipolytics are injected into problem areas . How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Immediately after administration, the drug activates the breakdown of fats, stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, thereby helping to reduce the roundness of the cheeks. The procedure is very effective, but painful. Perform this procedure can only beautician. Before deciding to introduce a lipolytic, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and consult a doctor.

Beauty treatments

Bio-reinforcement by introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin allows you to maintain the water balance of the skin and helps to increase its elasticity. Thermolifting consists in deep heating of the facial tissues to subcutaneous fat. Heating leads to protein denaturation and a change in collagen filaments. The restoration of collagen increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, contributes to its tightening. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Sculptural face lifting massage can only be performed by a specialist cosmetologist. It is much more intensive than home self-massage and is a very effective procedure.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery will not give an answer how to remove the cheeks in a week, since the recovery period lasts 2-3 weeks. You can contact the surgeons only after the problem of excess weight is solved, but you still want to fix the cheeks. One of the causes of swollen cheeks is the so-called Bisha lumps – fatty deposits characteristic of infants. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

In some adults, they also remain. In this case, plastic surgery is possible under local anesthesia. Cheeks from the inside cut and remove excess fat. Liposuction – this operation is that using a probe from the cheeks, subcutaneous fat is pumped out through small incisions.

If cheek puffiness is caused by bulky masticatory muscles rather than fat, then Botox can also help. Injections can reduce the excessive tone of the masticatory muscles and reduce their volume.

Beautiful cheekbones with makeup to visually reduce cheeks

Visually reducing the cheeks and highlighting the cheekbones is possible not only through procedures, but also through decorative cosmetics. The main rule of correction using makeup is that a darker shade is applied to what needs to be removed, the area that needs to be highlighted is highlighted. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Highlight cheekbones with blush :

  • To correct the face, you need to choose a blush of a neutral shade that matches the color type of appearance.
  • First of all, you need to apply a light shade foundation on your face. On it, blush will look especially expressive.
  • Blush should be applied to the cheekbones from the middle of the cheeks to the temples along the zygomatic bone line. It is always parallel to the lower jaw.
  • Then you need to pull the cheeks and put a darker blush or bronzer on the hollows.
  • Blush should be applied with light movements so that they do not look like spots.

Instead of blush, you can use eye shadow . Similarly, dark shades are applied to the hollows and cheekbones from the middle of the cheeks to the temples. The area above the cheekbones can be highlighted with highlighter or bright shadows with brilliance. When working with shadows, it is very important to shade them carefully, masking the transitions between shades.

You can correct the cheeks in the contouring technique:

  • The foundation is applied to the face: primer or moisturizer mixed with tonal. At the same time, foundation should be applied to the cheeks on a shade darker than its own, and on the nose and chin – a shade lighter.
  • According to the rules of contouring, the first is to put on a light highlighter and only on top of it a dark corrector.
  • Highlighter should be applied to the middle of the forehead, chin, cheekbones and back of the nose. Above the cheekbones with a light corrector, you need to draw a line towards the temples.
  • Next, a dark corrector is applied. To achieve maximum naturalness, the shade of the corrector should be similar to the shade of the shadow when retracting the cheeks.
  • For oily skin, dry products are recommended: blush or powder – for dry skin – cream.
  • The corrector is applied under the chin, along the hollows of the cheeks and along the hairline.
  • Now you need to shade the applied funds in order to achieve the effect of naturalness.

What hairstyles visually reduce cheeks

For visual correction of the face, a correctly selected hairstyle serves very well. To visually reduce chubby cheeks, stylists recommend refraining from lush hairstyles and volume. It is not recommended to do a direct parting exactly in the center of th
e forehead. But the cascade and classic bean are very good. The fringe can be straight and oblique, but should not cover the entire forehead. How to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolyticsHow to remove cheeks in a week with cosmetics, makeup, diet, Facebook, massage, face plastic, lipolytics

Long hair can be styled in high rollers. It is important that the vertical dominates the hairstyle.

If you want cheekbones to be like movie stars, and your cheeks are not so puffy, you need to remove harmful foods from the diet, do gymnastics and facial procedures, and adjust your makeup. And then the first results will be visible in a week.

Video: how to remove cheeks in a week

How to make Hollywood cheekbones, find out in the video clip:

How to reduce cheeks with makeup, see the video clip:

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