Left Behind…

Well, okay…it was only for the week end.

And Joe and the four older children weren’t raptured up to heaven…quite the contrary, they traveled north (as if we weren’t far enough north as it is…did you know it’s still winter here in Minnesota?) to cold, damp, Gooseberry Falls on a camping trip while I was happily and contentedly left behind with the four youngest children.  Friday night we had a wiggly dance party in the playroom, and Saturday we had tea.  Here are some pictures of the frivolity, er…civility.


Thank You Lord, for this tea party...

Ants on a Log. That's tea food, isn't it?

Every tea party has to have…tea.  The cozy was made by a real English woman.  You know…from England.  I thought that might make the tea taste better.

Vanilla yogurt parfait with dried blueberries...dried...in case they fall on the cream carpet...

Tea Sandwiches: Deviled Ham and Chocolate. Two separate sandwich types...in case you were wondering.

Tea cakes (Pecan Sandies)

Mom! It's a feast for a beast!

Can we do this everyday?

Big Sister left some surprises to cheer up those who would have rather been camping.

Crumpets with Cheese (saltines...see how easy this is?)

Big brother thought a picture of a dolphin was just the thing to make up for having to stay home from camping...

And the one gentleman in the group said, "Mmmmm...love those chocolate sandwiches. Would someone be so kind as to throw 5 more on my tray please?"

I'm partial to the Ants on a log...no, wait...I hate them. (We try to be civil over here...I won't tell you what she did next.)

By the by, what did you do on holiday?  (I said that in a British accent.)


A mother of nine, homemaker, business owner (Apple Valley Natural Soap), and most importantly, a Wemmick loved by the Woodcarver.

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One thought on “Left Behind…

  1. This is so you Natalie!

    How fun it must have been!!

    I hope the big kids and Joe all got home safe and sound!!
