Introducing Ann Dunagan with an Important Christmas Focus: God’s Home (Plus a Giveaway at the End!)

Filed in Visionary Ministry by on December 5, 2011

I’d like to introduce you all to Ann Dunagan, our newest contributor here at Visionary Womanhood.  Her passion is missions, and you will find her and her lovely family to be an inspiration for your souls.

Be sure to read all the way down!  Ann is giving away free copies of her two fabulous books for families!  Read my review of The Mission Minded Family and The Mission Minded Child to find out more!

Hello Sisters!!!

I’m excited and honored that Natalie has invited me to write for you at Visionary Womanhood and to encourage you and your family. My heart is glorify God, and to see His love extend to the ends of the earth.

I grew up in a wonderful Christian home, and surrendered my life to Jesus as a little girl. When I was eight-years-old, I had a special prayer time all by myself, out in the woods at a family camp. During this quiet time, the Lord “spoke” to my heart through a few Bible verses that practically “jumped off the page” of my children’s Bible and into my heart. Through Jeremiah 1:4-8, I felt like the Lord “called” me to world missions, and gave me a desire to share His love with others.

Right out of high school, I met a handsome young man, who came to speak at our youth group about “Daring to be Different” and “Living a Life of No-Compromise” which was a message that changed my life (in more ways than one!!!). Two years later, we were married (at the mature ages of 19 and 20, which seems even younger now that we have kids at those ages!!!), and immediately after college and Bible school, we stepped-out into full-time evangelism, founding an international missions outreach in 1987, called Harvest Ministry.

God has blessed our family with seven children (currently ages 11 to 25, all homeschooled K-12, with four high school grads and three college grads so far). We’ve always lived in the United States, but God has given our entire family a fervent heart for the world. Over the years, we’ve collectively ministered and traveled to over 70 nations all across the globe, and to all seven continents (including Antarctica). We especially have a heart to share the Gospel in unreached areas, and in areas that are “ripe” for harvest (which is often just after war-times, or in national times of transition and unrest).

For over 25 years, our family has totally trusted God for His safety, His complete provision, and His direction . . . and it’s been a blast. We’ve helped to pioneer several hundred churches in remote areas (currently we’re directly overseeing 450 village pastors), and we’ve established three orphanage ministries (currently fully providing for over 700 orphan children in East Africa and in S.E. India).

After 21 years in the homeschooling movement, our family has seen all kinds of trends and passions come to the surface; and I have personally sensed a longing and a desire to bring a world-missions perspective to Christian families.

One of my favorite quotes, by Hudson Taylor (a missionary to China) says, “The Great Commission is not an option to consider; it is a command to obey.” And something we say is, “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all.”

As Christian families, we need to guard against being overly comfortable and “safe” in the security of our own salvation. God has called us to be His light in this dark world, and we’re called to share His salvation with the lost.

Okay. That’s enough for now. I do want to share a little encouragement about Christmas, and how to bring a mission-mindset into your home.

At the end of the article, I have a simple question for your response, and I’m going to be offering a FREE set of my books (The Mission-Minded Child and The Mission-Minded Family) in a random drawing.

Remembering God’s Home at Christmastime

Jesus surrendered everything when He came to earth and as He went to the cross. As families, we too need to surrender our lives and our families to Him — not in a bad way, sacrificing our children on the altar of missions, but in a good way, surrendering our preferences and dreams to God, for His will to be done, and His kingdom to come.

We all know the clichés, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” and “Wise men still seek Him”; but have you and your family ever considered your willingness to surrender to God’s mission-minded purpose for Christmas, in every nitty-gritty area?


Focusing on GOD’S HOME!

“I’ll be Home for Christmas” is an awesome song, with a heart-tugging theme. With four of our children now “grown-up” and living on their own, it’s a momma-dream I can relate to . . . sprinkled with annual hopes and anticipation. Christmas-at-home brings to mind favorite traditions, thoughts of yummy delicacies, memories of siblings laughing together and playing games, and of course, snow and mistletoe.

However, as a surrendered mission-minded believer, I’ve come to understand that my lovely “Home-Sweet-Home” Christmas-dream isn’t necessarily a guaranteed “momma-right” I should expect or think I “deserve.”

So, here’s a question to stir some thoughts about surrendering every area to the Lord: Where is your family going to spend Christmas this year . . . and how do you feel about that decision?

For many families, where to spend Christmas is at best, a yearly dilemma; for others, it’s an all-out annual battle, with heated discussions and terribly hurt feelings.

Quite a while back, an informal “counseling” question with a newlywed bride turned into a delightful yet passionate discussion about world missions and family life. This God-loving friend and her new husband were having a common early-marriage struggle about where to spend their first Christmas. Since they were already living near his family and relatives, wasn’t it “right” that they celebrate Christmastime with her family?

As I talked with my newlywed friend, and encouraged her to surrender her “rights” and expectations to God, I shared this inspiring true-life Christmas story about a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators:


I’ll be Home for Christmas?

It was only a few days before Christmas as Bernie May, a pilot for Wycliffe Bible Translators successfully delivered emergency medical supplies to the isolated Amazon village. Now he eagerly anticipated being back with his wife and children in their South American home-away-from-home. Yet as the evening grew dark, he knew he would not be able to fly out until the morning.

With his pontoon plane waiting on the river, Bernie arranged for temporary protection for the night. But then . . . it began to rain. The rain continued, even up until Christmas Eve, the missionary felt increasingly depressed by his misfortune. His wife, Nancy, and their boys were six hours away; and by this time, they would have received his radio message: he would not be home for Christmas.

As a family, they had prepared their hearts to be separated from their loved ones and friends, but it was Christmas Eve . . . and they were now separated even from each other.

Back in Pennsylvania, everyone would be coming home from church-to the sounds of caroling, the smell of roasting turkey, and the sight of falling snow. But where was God’s missionary? Here he was . . . stuck in a remote jungle . . . in a makeshift shelter . . . in the pouring rain . . . alone.


In Ruth Tucker’s book From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, Bernie May tells of his experience:


“Oh God,” I moaned, “I’m in the wrong place.” . . . But that night, under my mosquito net, I had a visitation from God-something like those shepherds must have had on the hills of Bethlehem.

There were no angels, and no bright lights. But as I lay there in my hammock, desperately homesick, I felt I heard God say, “My son, this is what Christmas is all about. Jesus left heaven and on Christmas morning He woke up in the ‘wrong place’-a stable in Bethlehem. Christmas means leaving home, not going home. My only begotten Son did not come home for Christmas–He left home to be with you.”


(Excerpted from The Mission-Minded Family: Releasing Your Family to God’s Destiny, by Ann Dunagan– Click here for a FREE Sample)



Christmas, and everything about Bible-believing Christianity, is all about God and His Greatness (including His Great Commandment — to love God and love others: Matthew 22:36-40, and His Great Commission — to go into all the world to share God’s love with others: Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15).

As your family decides where to spend Christmas this year, remember to keep the big picture in your heart. Christmas is not just about our home, our family, and our “rights.” The true meaning of Christmas centers on the reality of GOD’S HOME in heaven (because that’s why Jesus came), loving people into GOD’S family, and surrendering our “rights” to GOD, so others can know Him too!

Mission-Minded Christmas Give-Away!!!

FREE drawing for my Mission-Minded book set: The Mission-Minded Child & The Mission-Minded Family.

How to enter: Pick your favorite missionary quote from this 100 missions-motto page, and paste it here, as a comment. Also, for extra submissions, you can link this article to your facebook, twitter, or blog, and each link will give you an extra entry (up to four entries per person, just submit each link as a separate comment).

One winner will be randomly selected and announced on December 12th.

As we celebrate our Lord’s birth, may God bless you with a Mission-Minded Christmas.  I look forward to getting to know you more.

In His Love and Service,

Ann Dunagan

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About the Contributor

Ann Dunagan is a longtime homeschooling mother of 7 (ages 12 to 26, with 4 graduates), an international speaker with Harvest Ministry, co-founder of an orphan ministry (caring for 700+ children), and author of several books such as The Mission Minded Family and The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus (with her husband, Jon Dunagan), and an E-course, Daring Daughters. With a passion for the Lord and the lost, Ann motivates families for world missions. View all posts by Ann →

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  1. Mission-Minded Families: Articles & Links | Harvest Ministry | December 6, 2011
  1. Tricia Canfield says:

    10. Go, send, or disobey.
    - John Piper

  2. Jennifer White says:

    Christ alone can save the world, but Christ cannot save the world alone.
    - David Livingstone

  3. Melissa Duey says:

    15. He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
    - Jim Elliot

  4. heart for missions says:

    Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.
    - William Carey

  5. Daring Daughters says:

    “You must go, or send a substitute.” –Oswald J. Smith

  6. Susie Phillips says:

    If God’s love is for anybody anywhere, it’s for everybody everywhere.
    - Edward Lawlor, Nazarene General Superintendent

  7. heart for missions says:

    Shared on our facebook page

  8. Erica says:

    The light that shines farthest shines brightest nearest home.
    - C. T. Studd

    Thank you for stirring up in people an outward focus, Ann. I do believe this is important. As with all things, balance is required!

    I have come from a church in my past where missions and serving God were very man-centered and driven. It is all too easy for this to be so, and the results of that are not good fruit. God must be the one leading and moving, or the fruit is a bitter one. I say this not to stir up controversy, but simply to express a side of Christian life that can be harmful.

    A God-centered focus is so important, and sometimes, this can take a backseat to what “we” can do. Am I making any sense?! Anyway, again, thank you for this post, and I’ll look forward to reading more from you.

    • ann says:

      Hello Erica!

      I really appreciate your comment and input!!! Your thoughts about avoiding man-driven self-effort is so true. I totally agree that we need to be directed by the Lord’s leading, and not try to “strive” in the flesh to merely try to DO something “big and important” for God; but to be obedient to His leading. Especially as moms, often God will move us forward through little “baby” steps of obedience and surrender and building of character. I’ve written quite a bit about learning to BALANCE God’s callings of motherhood and ministry to others. I believe it’s not a one-size-fits-all, or a one-time solution; instead, I see it as a daily “tuning” of each string of our life-instrument (each day, each child, each commitment), so we can worship God through our lives, with a beautiful sound that pleases the ear of God.

      I love how missionary Hudson Taylor said,: “Do not have your concert first and tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with God.”

      And Jesus said in John 15:5, “Without Me, you can do nothing.” This is so true! Without God’s grace and help and anointing and leading, we can do nothing of eternal significance and value. The key is simply abiding with Christ, allowing Him to lead and direct our lives, step-by-step, and following His daily leading and direction with complete obedience.

      Thanks again for your great feedback!!!

  9. Bethmarie says:

    12. God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.
    - Hudson Taylor

  10. Louise Hudson says:

    If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small.
    - Pat Morley

  11. Louise Hudson says:

    I shared this article link on my facebook page.

  12. Daring Daughters says:

    Shared this link on twitter

  13. Daring Daughters says:

    Also shared this link on my Daring Daughters facebook page.

  14. heart for missions says:

    shared the link on twitter

  15. God's girl says:

    Lord, I give up
    All my own plans and purposes,
    All my own desires and hopes
    And accept Thy will for my life.
    I give myself, my life, my all,
    Utterly to Thee
    To be Thine forever.
    Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit.
    Use me as Thou wilt,
    Send me where Thou wilt,
    Work out Thy whole will in my life
    At any cost,
    Now and forever.

    - Betty Scott Stam
    (Martyred in China, in the 1930s)

  16. Jenni says:

    From the website, I like this one:
    80. The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity.
    - Mike Stachura

    But I also love the words of David Platt in Radical:
    “The danger in our lives will always increase in proportion to the depth of our relationship with Christ.”

    • ann says:

      Jenni —

      Thank you so much for adding this quote from David Platt. I really appreciate the message he shares in Radical, and highly recommend that book. That quote is quite thought provoking. It’s like there is a balance between “safety” and being “comfortable” — compared to a radical trust and faith and surrender to God. I’m thinking right now about the story of the rich young ruler, who was not willing to obey the words of Jesus to give up everything. He lost his opportunity to be a chosen follower of Jesus . . . and went away sad.

  17. Tina says:

    15. He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
    - Jim Elliot

  18. Tina says:

    shared on my FB page also:)

  19. stacey says:

    33. If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small.
    - Pat Morley

    Thankyou for your minsitry, Ann. I downloaded your homeschool curriculum about three years ago, and just this last month have been certain that this coming academic year is the right one to be using it (I’m in the Southern Hemisphere – our school year begins in February). In God’s perfect timing there is a newly released Operation World manual, and I’ve been able to find all of your essential texts online.


    • ann says:

      Awesome Stacey!!!

      For those who are reading these comments, here’s a link to what Stacey is referring to — It’s our Two-Volume one-year homeschooling curriculum (with over 500 pages!!!), called Teaching With God’s Heart for the World. TWGHW is a one-year unit study curriculum, especially geared for upper elementary age kids, giving a whirl-wind overview all-through-history, and all-across-the globe, of world missions. It can be used for a week, or a month, or for the whole year. NOW available totally FREE as individual downloadable PDF files (but not available any more in hard copy, other than a few used copies of Volume I only, on Amazon).

  20. Hannah Stoddard says:

    Great post! My favorite quote of those listed:

    “If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?”
    - David Livingstone

    Do you have a copy of the “100 Mission Quotes” with each quote’s reference?


    • ann says:


      The quotes are also listed on the last few pages of this PDF file (it’s our FREE small group study about Mission-Minded Families).

  21. Ginger says:

    . God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.
    - Hudson Taylor

    Thank you for sharing this eternal perspective of Home. It helps with the recent loss (gain for heaven) of a loved one.

    • ann says:

      Dear Ginger,

      I love how you wrote that phrase, “gain for heaven.” May the Lord, our Prince of Peace, give you His Comfort during this Christmas season, with grace for each day . . . and each moment that brings to mind memories of your loved one; and may He give you His garment of praise for any spirit of heaviness.

      I appreciate the quote you chose; I recently was feeling very weak and inadequate, and that Hudson Taylor phrase was an inspiration to me.

      GRACE to you, sister!!!

  22. Kim says:

    85. To know Him and to make Him known. It really sums it all up. But how to live it out is the challenge.

  23. B says:

    God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.
    - Hudson Taylor

    We gave our son the middle name Hudson somewhat as a tribute to Hudson Taylor. What amazing passion he had for reaching the lost in China! Thank you Ann for a great article.

  24. Yvette H. says:

    Oh, that I could spend every moment of my life to God’s glory!
    – David Brainerd

  25. Jenn B says:

    98. You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.
    - Oswald J. Smith

  26. Kristina B says:

    Loved reading your post…thank you for this eye-opening and convicting perspective on Christ’s birth.

    Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the list of 100:
    “You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.”
    – Amy Carmichael
    It seems very fitting for this time of year! Thanks again!


    • ann says:


      I’ve been inspired for many years by the example and writings of Amy Carmichael. She had this one powerful dream (or vision) she entitled Thy Brother’s Blood Crieth. This compelling plea for lost souls has been a powerful encouragement to my husband and to me for over 25 years. Some people think it’s overly condemning, but I believe it was a dream given by the Lord, and I can’t tell you how deeply these few paragraphs have ministered to my heart. The reality of the “lost-ness” of the lost is very real. There’s a real heaven, and a real hell . . . and Jesus is really the ONLY WAY of salvation (with no other “back-up-plan” or “ignorance-exemption-for-those-who-haven’t-heard” — and there’s “NO PLAN B” as David Platt wrote in Radical — to make us feel more “complacent” in our protected Christianity).

      This need has compelled our family to make huge sacrifices to reach those who do not yet know Jesus. If you want to be challenged, I encourage you to read it . . . and to think for a while about people who are lost. As Amy said, “. . . you cannot love without giving.” Just think about how much Jesus loves us, and how much He sacrificed by coming to this earth, and by dying on the cross for our sins.

      Oh my. I don’t want to get too “heavy” on here. But I’m serious sisters, we really need to get an eternal perspective about people who need Jesus . . . and our family priorities!!!

      As we’re preparing for Christmas, and thinking about God’s love for the world (John 3:16), let’s ask God how we can give.

    • Wemmick Girl Saved by Grace says:

      Oh my. I don’t want to get too “heavy” on here. But I’m serious sisters, we really need to get an eternal perspective about people who need Jesus . . . and our family priorities!!!

      Ann…feel free to “get heavy” anytime you want to on this blog! : ) It’s great to splash in the shallows by the shore…but it’s divine to swim in the depths too. I hope we are all inspired to dive down and discover some new riches in the character of our Great God…and in the truths of His Living Word. You are such an encouragement to me Ann…I’m SO excited to have you in this mix!

  27. Heather says:

    You have one business in life. To save souls.–John wesley

  28. Val Thompson says:

    The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.
    - Carl F. H. Henry

  29. Leah Mick says:

    Christ not only died for all: He died for each.
    - Billy Graham

    So many great quotes. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  30. Leah Mick says:
    posted it on facebook

  31. Urailak @Living for God says:

    Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice, before everyone has heard it once?
    -Oswald J. Smith

    My husband said something similar, “It is unjust to share the Gospel of Jesus repeatedly to people who have already heard when there are those who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus even once.”

    Our family takes the Great Commission seriously and has a passion to reach the unreached with the Gospel. “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known.” (Romans 15:20a) Thanks for sharing this post. I totally agree with you. May our everyday be Christ-centered and mission-minded!

  32. Urailak @Living for God says:

    I shared the link to this post on Facebook.

  33. Urailak @Living for God says:

    I also shared the link to this post on Twitter.