Are You a Nag? Take the Quiz!

Filed in Visionary Wife by on November 19, 2012

By Contributing Writer, Bambi Moore

One of the first pieces of marital advice I received was, “Don’t be a nag!”


I had no idea what a nag was.  Until I became one.  Is there hope for a nag {like me}?

I asked google what the definition of nag was, and I got this:

Verb: to annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent faultfinding or continuous urging.

Noun: 1.) A person who nags someone  2.) A horse, especially one that is in poor health.

Although I may sometimes resemble Noun 2, I think I more often resemble Noun 1.  (What’s really bad is on the days I resemble them both)

So how does a blushing bride, who was so thrilled and happy with her husband and thought all his little habits and quirks were cute, end up in persistent faultfinding. You know…nagging her beloved?

The Lord want us to encourage our husbands.  He wants us to honor them in such a way that they are “known in the gates,” and also to help them by praying for them and being a crown to their heads! He wants us to speak to them with honor and reverence; not as little boys who need to be told how to behave.

I thought about some common areas of nagging.  Take the quiz (if you dare).  You might just be a nag.

1.) Do you tell your husband that he never helps you?  That he needs to pick up after himself??

2.) Do you “joke” and “tease” around your friends (or worse, his) that he isn’t Romeo when it comes to romance?

3.) Do you criticize his bad habits?

4.) Do you dislike his family and friends and make sure he knows just how much?

5.) Do you tell him you wish he was more involved with the children, or a stronger spiritual leader?

6.) Have you ever told him you wish he made more money?

7.) Do you force him to talk about things that are bothering him, even when he says he doesn’t want to?

8.) Do you stop him from eating or remind him not to eat certain foods?

9.) Do you contradict him in front of the children or your friends?

10.) Do you have the feeling that nothing would ever get done unless you constantly “reminded” him?


Well, how did you do?  Here’s how to score yourself:

0-3  Yes Answers

Although you fall off the wagon from time to time, you probably aren’t a nag.  Your husband is probably grateful for that and graciously overlooks your occasional slips of naggishness.

4-6 Yes Answers

You have room for improvement.  Do your man a favor and work on those areas you answered yes to before he rolls up his mat and heads to the rooftop.

7-10 Yes Answers

Sister, I hate to be the one to break it to you:  You’re a nag. Dripping like a faucet.

This was just for fun, of course.  I do believe we all struggle with nagging our husbands from time to time.  Nagging (remember the definition?  “Persistent fault-finding”) can easily be the means we use to tear down our houses (Proverbs 14:1).

May the Lord make us wives that are prudent, not reckless.  May he makes us wise to build our houses strong, while being faithful counselors to our men. May we have tongues that have the law of kindness dwelling there, and not the poison of asps. 


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About the Contributor

Bambi is a simultaneous Saint and sinner, undeserving of God's mercy. She's been a helpmeet to her high school sweetheart for seventeen years now, and together with the Lord's help they are raising eight arrows, ages 16 to infant. Bambi spends her days homeschooling, keeping the pantry stocked, changing diapers to the glory of God, kissing boo-boos, reading storybooks in the rocking chair and a million other duties she wouldn't trade for the world. Bambi is passionate about being a keeper at home and shares about her journey of grace in marriage, motherhood and family discipleship on her blog In the Nursery of the Nation View all posts by Bambi →

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  1. Good Stuff For You While I Snuggle With Baby | | July 8, 2013
  1. Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

    You always say it just right Bambi!! This was a great post, something to share indeed!!! <3

  2. Tehila says:

    Ouch! That hurt!!!

    But THANK YOU for lovingly pointing me in the right direction. I have soooo much growing to do! I’m grateful to my Savior who is leading me on… without Him, nagging would be my middle name!

    Appreciate this great post!