Beth Moore
Beloved Disciple (Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press, 2002), Introduction
Beloved Disciple (Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press, 2002), Introduction
Perhaps like no other disciple, John understood that relationship is the point. Every command of Christ and call to obedience is to enhance relationship and place the recipient in a posture the Giver can bless. All else is law.
This study is about finding our way to the heart of Jesus and reclining so closely that our pulse begins to throb in tandem, loving what He loves and hating what He hates.
If John were here, I believe he would tell us, above all, to sell out to love. Legalists tend to get a little nervous when we talk about surrendering to love over service, but Scripture proves that those who loved most lavishly served most sacrificially.
Affection will forever be the most efficient energy a believer can burn in her labors.”
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