Why I’m Taking a Writing Break (And My Dream for All of Us)


Remember the story of Odysseus from your Greek mythology class? At one point on his journey home after fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus had to maneuver his ship between a narrow passage. On one side was a monster, Charybdis, who created a whirlpool three times a day that would suck a ship under and destroy it. On the other side was another monster, Scylla, who posed an equal threat to any ship that dared to attempt passage. If the ship avoided Charybdis, it would surely run into Scylla. Either way, it probably wouldn’t have a positive outcome.

What I’m Thinking, Doing, Reading, and Writing – March 2016

When things fell apart, Elisabeth Elliot’s motto was “do the next thing.” That’s what I’ve been doing this month. Keeping my head down, shoulder to the plow, inching forward to the next thing, then the next, then the next. Some days I have to triage the various fires that flare up and threaten to overwhelm […]

What I’m Reading, Doing, and Thinking


I’m sorry it’s been in fits and starts lately. I’m actually going to on purpose take a blogging break for a couple of months. I’ve got so much on my plate, and I’m not giving my best to any one thing. Not healthy. But I thought I’d check in with you and tell you what […]

Get a Free Downloadable PDF of Deal Breakers to Share (And other stuff I’m writing and reading about.)


I’ve disappeared again! I know! Here’s why: This is my company’s busiest time of the year, so I’m working more hours on that. We are having our first ever open house at the end of November, so if you live near the Twin Cities area and want to stop in to say “hi” – I’d […]

My List of Boundaries


This is the beginning of a new day. As I shared in my recent post, I am going to just show up on my blog and write. Nothing fancy. No “ten steps to This” or “five easy ways to That.” I’ve got you pictured in my head, and I’m writing to You. Nobody else. Just You. Get your coffee (I’ve got mine) and let’s go.