Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air. Love notes are passed around. A lot of chocolate, too. Roses. Hearts. For women in destructive marriages, days like this are a reminder that they are not loved the way they dreamed when they were little girls. And it is a double edged sword; for if she shares her secret burden with another Christian woman, she will often be shut down and shamed. Good wives don’t say negative things about their husbands, so she suffers in isolation and silence.
These women need love just like anyone else. How do we love them the way Christ loves them? Would He look down on them? Would He gossip about them? Would He rejoice in their distress?
“Too often, a former victim leaves her home church because either the church has chosen sides (an abuser is wonderful at playing the devoted victim!) or because she does not have the heart to face a congregation when her family is falling apart. And she is tired.” Megan Cox, Give Her Wings
Believe her. Let her be angry. Love her. These are the three things Megan Cox recommends in her new book, Give Her Wings: Help and Healing After Abuse. (Check out the giveaway at the end of this post!) She writes three letters (pleas) explaining to anyone who is serious about helping exactly how they can do it. Here is an excerpt from each “plea.”
Believe Her
In C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, no one believes Lucy when she tells them she has found an entire new country through the back of the wardrobe. Perplexed, the other three children go to the professor about Lucy. After all, Lucy has always been honest. She has never displayed acts of manipulation or craziness. The children cannot understand why Lucy will not recant. They are stunned when the Professor asks them, “How do you know that your sister’s story is not true?” He then explains that there are only three logical possibilities: either Lucy is lying, she has gone mad, or she is telling the truth. Lucy was never a liar nor had she gone mad. Not only that, but the Professor asks them which one of the two children (Edmund or Lucy) was most likely to tell the truth. Lucy was more likely to tell the truth. A new perspective had developed.
This perspective is what is sadly missing in the lives of so many people surrounding abused women. I am at a loss as to why a perfectly sane, honest woman is all of a sudden a liar when it comes to the abuse she is suffering at the hands of her husband – behind closed doors – LISTEN – where no one else lives. I see this all the time now. A woman is respected, honored, looked up to by so many people in the church…until she admits to someone that her personal home life is a living hell. NOW she is doubted, questioned and treated like a squeaky, high-pitched crazy woman who is crying wolf. Where did this come from?
Friends, most of the women I know who have bravely left a man who was killing them on the inside emotionally and mentally are intelligent and loving human beings. Look at their track record. Look at their character. These women have had vibrant, living and active relationships with Christ for as long as you’ve known them. Why would you doubt them now, when they need you the most? Yes, their lives have not been easy, and their pasts may be marked by strange behavior, covering and hidden pain…but that RIGHT THERE should be the indication that something was very wrong in their private lives and, not only that, but that they have been dealing with it alone. She has been trying to honor her husband all those years; trying to respect him.
If a woman seems to suddenly leave a spouse, has the courage to admit what was going on, or runs for safety, don’t take it upon yourself to decide to judge her. You did not walk in her shoes. You were not there.
Let Her Be Angry
You cannot imagine what she has been through. Even she has yet to sort it all out. Listen, it is not going to last forever. Just let her be furious for a while. It is part of the grieving process and it is not sin to be angry. Whatever you do, do not tell her she is bitter and unforgiving. She absolutely needs to let loose of some of the rage. What was done to her was sinful. Unconscionable. She cannot quietly barely brush over that and move on like nothing happened! Your friend has been told to go back to her abuser over and over and then has been refused the privilege of being frustrated and exasperated. How can this be? She has been in a pressure cooker for years, and she is finally able to let some of the emotion out. Let her do it. The anger will eventually pass, if she belongs to Christ. The wrath in her soul and the sobs of her heart will be replaced with quiet determination, forgiveness, and a strength you have never seen in her before….If she is a believer and has shown a consistent walk with Christ, she will not take vengeance on her abuser. Give her a safe place to vent.
God will help to release her. Uphold her; love her; remind her over and over that she is a beloved child of God. And do not encourage her to go back to the abuser. Affirm her constantly. And if she is wavering and blaming herself, tell her the truth, that it was not her fault – that she did not deserve what he did to her. That you would also be angry if you had suffered what she has suffered. That anyone would.
Love Her
You have heard that a woman in your church left her husband. You have also heard that she is claiming he abused her. While you have never seen signs of this (he was such a great guy at church), it is her claim. You are baffled because she never told you while she was with him. You observe her in person…or on her blog or on Facebook. What makes things worse is that she seems to vacillate between this “hyper freedom cheer” and fear. She seems free…yet afraid…yet free…yet afraid. There are two paths you can take.
On one hand you could put her on trial. You could even contact her abuser and ask him whether or not he “really did it.” You could shake your head about the pain divorce causes. You could kind of stay away for a while because it is hard to know what is going on with her – she seems erratic! You could send her an email; maybe asking for an explanation from her (surely she has time for that, trauma or no trauma). Maybe she needs correction. It sounds like she is bitter…maybe she needs a “brother” or “sister” to come alongside of her and point this out.
Sadly, friend, this is what I have seen in my life and in the lives of many abuse survivors I know. Don’t go this route. It will break her spirit. I promise. And further exacerbate a crisis of faith that is probably brewing. There is a better way…
Love her.
I know it is challenging but, get your hands dirty. And I’m not talking about the “I will love her regardless of what she’s done” kind of love. What does she need right now? Do her children need clothes? Or Christmas gifts? Do they have food? Are they paying the bills? Does she need someone to watch the kids so she can heal? Or just go to the grocery store? Do you know a good counselor? Can she cry with you? Is she free to do that? Oh friends, please do not assume you know or understand her story. She, most likely, has so much unraveling to do. Her body might even be going through shock. She might be gaining new illnesses due to trauma. Does she need protection? Is she afraid? Is there a way to make her feel safe? These are all questions that will help you to think through the process of loving her. She cannot handle inquisitiveness. She is trying to survive. Uphold her for a time. Find ways to support her. But, by all means, love her. Please.
Want to give a needy mama wings? If you head over to the Give Her Wings ministry website and give any size donation to help their March Mama from now until February 20, Megan will give you a free copy of Give Her Wings. This book would make a great gift for a hurting wife, and it would be one way you could show her you understand and care. In addition, you can win one of two free copies by entering the giveaway. Just leave a comment letting me know you’d like to be placed in the drawing. Please share this giveaway with other women who might benefit from this resource. Winners will be announced at the end of next week.
UPDATE: Congratulations Gail and Classie!
I think this song by Christa Wells perfectly captures what we can do to come alonside anyone who is hurting and love them the way Christ loves. I hope it touches you the way it touches me.
Dear Natalie,
Thank you for this post as it has brought to my mind a friend that is going through this very thing and that I had put into the back of my mind. We used to be neighbors and I only happened to run into her at a park where she shared a bit of her situation, which is what is referenced in this post. I have not seen her for almost a year, but know she still lives here. I think this book would be a great way to support her and let her know I am still here. I am most grateful.
Perfect timing for thoughts that are running through my head today. Thanks!
Thank you so much for spreading the word, my friend! xo
I love this book and the author !
The need for this is so great . Thank you for posting excerpts.. and I’m praying for you on this road, as well. xoxo
I appreciate you bringing light to this painful reality.
I would love to have a copy of the book. My daughter has had to leave for safety’s sake, but has spared us a lot of the details of her pain. I think this would better help us understand what she has gone through, and better help her children as issues arise.
Thanks for the great quotes. I would love to read more by this author!
I would love to give a copy to a church that was in the middle of a nasty divorce. The wife and I are friends. Churches need to learn about this before they deal with lives that are in the midst of abuse.
Stay Strong in the Lord! You are doing a needed work. I would love the book Give Her Wings!
I would love this book so much. Thank you for the giveaway.
I would love to have the resource, “Give Her Wings”. Thanks for openly, honestly and courageously bringing this abuse to light in our Christian circles.
I’d love to be in the drawing. Thank you for such helpful postings…
I NEEDED THIS!!! Thank you so much!!! Every church leader and member needs to read and apply this.
Being in a destructive marriage is a very lonely place to be, most especially with your church family.
Best Valentine’s post I read this year! Thank you, Natalie.
Praying for you and your family.
Thank you for connecting with me.
Thank you so much for this. I am that person that is being questioned, that is sick, that feels like I am losing my mind and that is being judged (yes, I do feel it). I am so sick of hearing “if that woman would just, he’s your husband you just have to be ok with it etc” and wondering which neighbours have been told I’m possessed and being told how it is all my fault, everything is my fault. My children are hurting right now and it is always my fault. The abuse I received from my pastors was almost worse, they do counseling shouldn’t they know better? And yes, I am tired, I just feel so done.
Thank you for this again, I am glad I stumbled across it because it shows me I am ok. I hope to read these books and maybe pass them around.
If I’m not too late, please enter me in the drawing as well.
It’s not too late! I’m going to do the drawing tomorrow. I’m glad you found this!
Leah . . . You are not crazy. God has given you a sound mind. I believe every word that you have written. I am praying that you are able to set up some massive boundaries and be free and safe from those who want you to think otherwise. Hugs.
Thank you- thank you- thank you for speaking out and validating all is Christian women living in abusive marriages.. I got out by Gods grace, after 36 yrs, and am rebuilding my life..