Excellent Negative Review of True Woman 101 – Don’t Miss This One!

Rachel over at A Daughter of the Reformation has written a grand-slam-home-run review of True Woman 101 by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Mary Kassian. I’m going to copy/paste an excerpt to whet your whistle here – and then you can head over to her blog to read the rest.

There have been a couple of really good blog posts recently about the need to be discerning in what we read. Good reviews, impressive recommendations, even the stellar reputation of the authors shouldn’t be all that we rely on in deciding the worth of a book. Scripture tells us to be careful about the messages we listen to and to test them based on Scripture. In Acts, the people of Berea are commended for “examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”

It’s in that spirit that I’m writing this review. Not to score points in a debate or to win an argument. Not to prove someone wrong or to pat myself on the back. Bad doctrine hurts the church, and specifically, it hurts the people in the pews.

True Woman 101: Divine Design is a eight week Bible study intended for women. The book brief on Amazon.com reads:

What does it mean to be a woman? The current cultural ideal for womanhood encourages women to be strident, sexual, self-centered, independent — and above all — powerful and in control. But sadly, this model of womanhood hasn’t delivered the happiness and fulfillment it promised. The Bible teaches that it’s not up to us to decide what womanhood is all about. God created male and female for a very specific purpose. His design isn’t arbitrary or unimportant. It is very intentional and He wants women to discover, embrace, and delight in the beauty of His design. He’s looking for True Women!

Bible teachers Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss share the key fundamentals of biblical womanhood in this eight week study. Each week includes five daily individual lessons leading to a group time of sharing and digging deeper into God’s Word. And to enhance this time of learning together, on-line videos are available featuring Mary and Nancy as they encourage women to discover and embrace God’s design and mission for their lives.

The authors are Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. From their bios on the True Woman website:

Mary is a distinguished professor of Women’s Studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and is the author of several books including The Feminist Mistake and In My Father’s House.


Nancy Leigh DeMoss is a beloved mentor and “spiritual mother” to hundreds of thousands of women who have read her best-selling books and who listen to her two daily radio programs, Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him.

Because of my particular interest in the discussion in complementarian circles about what it means to be a godly man or woman, I was curious about this book. I’ve read some blog posts at the True Woman website in the past, and I recognize the names of several of the authors. I wondered what they were teaching about biblical womanhood.

Having finished the book, I am very concerned. There are serious foundational problems with the teaching in this book. The most serious are discussions of the Trinity. The authors then use their understanding of the Trinity as the foundation for their teaching on biblical manhood and womanhood.

Probably the next most troubling thing is that the authors use the relationship between husband and wife as the model for all male/female interactions. And while they recognize that some Christians may disagree with them about what they teach, they consider any disagreement to be the result of the feminist movement’s influence on society. The result is that the book tends to be very heavy on law and very light on grace.

Read the rest HERE.

A mother of nine, homemaker, business owner (Apple Valley Natural Soap), and most importantly, a Wemmick loved by the Woodcarver.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Excellent Negative Review of True Woman 101 – Don’t Miss This One!

  1. Yes it is excellent. I have been reading and thinking through this kind of stuff lately and found that the subordination of Jesus permanently to the Father is behind much of the patriarchal arguments. It is very important to know that and be aware of the heresay involved.

  2. I don’t get why people are offended by the ‘submission’ thing. I know that women are powerful….. powerful enough to kill her own husband and children! look up certain Nazi women and other women with evil minds in history! submission is like responding to the forces of ‘nature’ it self. If you eat something spicy your tongue gets hot…. if it isn’t ‘nature based submission’ then it is not peace driven grace based….. it’s doormat inanimate submission of no value. If there is spiritual nature to the submission the sap will come from a maple tree to reach the branches and make more maple leaves n’ seeds The sweet spirit (the sap of holy , study of scripture) will make submission desired and preferred over ‘worldly living’ idolatry etc etc….

    Feminism that seeks to destroy mankind is liberalism….. white men seeking to destroy ‘red man’….. it’s graceless and vile in nature.

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