I’m an Available Woman


Raise your hand if you raised your eyebrows at the title of this article. I’m sitting here at Caribou Coffee trying to cover up the title so nobody thinks something they’re not supposed to. I took the title from a tasty little excerpt in a book I’m reading. You’ll love this: “Last week at a […]

When to Keep Control and When to Lose It


There are probably 4,398 songs, give or take a couple, that yodel on about control. Mostly about losing it. (Google is your friend here.) How about a definition? con·trol verb (used with object), con·trolled, con·trol·ling. 1. to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command. 2. to hold in check; curb: to control a horse; to […]

What Some Single Christian Girls Say They ARE Looking For in a Guy

Young woman with map and backpack

So we heard from the guys last week and found out what kind of girl they are NOT looking for. I thought it was only fair to ask the girls to weigh in. Notice, I didn’t ask their parents. We parents want anyone like, oh…say… Jesus Christ to marry our daughters. But since I’ve never […]

How to Silence Immature Young Men in Our Churches

My lips are sealed. Casual Man with black cap having tape over his mouth.

This week’s post about What Some Christian Single Guys Said About What Kind of Girls They are NOT Looking For stoked some emotions deep inside of us.  We hope our daughters will be happily married one day. We hope our sons will find the right girl for them. We love these young people with deep […]

What Some Christian Single Guys Said About What Kind of Girls They Are NOT Looking For

Couple Holding Hands

Last week the college and career Sunday School teacher at our church (who has been teaching this age group for most of his adult life) invited the parents of these young people to his home to talk about boy-girl relationships, dating, courting, and marriage. He is gearing up to do a series on this subject […]

Vacation(?) with a Two-Year-Old


It all started quite well. My husband did all the planning. He found a three bedroom condo in the Dells, last minute, dirt cheap, for two days and two nights – with water park tickets included. Could I swing that? Hey, as long as the word “camping” isn’t part of the equation, we’re good.

My Wild Children in the Pew


I’ve been too busy the last couple of days to finish the History of Women and Work article, but we’re off to Wisconsin Dells to shake off the winter blues and spend a couple of days swimming, so I’ll have some time to write when the little boys are napping in the hotel room this […]

Let’s Talk About Mommy Guilt


Because that’s what’s at the bottom of the whole discussion about where and how women should be productive. If you are just joining us today, I encourage you to read Is Your Role “Full-Time-Playmate-For-Little-Kids?” You know exactly what I’m talking about. We feel it at church when someone asks us about what or how we […]

Is Your Role “Full-Time-Playmate-for-Little-Kids?”


The following quote is taken from The Measure of Success: Uncovering the Biblical Perspective on Women, Work, and the Home by Carolyn McCulley. A woman named Joy writes: “For purposes of understanding my situation, let’s assume I accept (which I do) that there is immeasurable benefit in staying home with your children—being their primary disciplinarian, […]