Category Archives: Marriage
Living with a Chronically Self-Centered Spouse

A friend of mine stumbled on a blog post series entitled Marriage with a Chronically Self-Centered Spouse, and after reading it, I was absolutely floored. While I’ve read many books about destructive relationships, I have never seen a blog post series that so concisely explains the problem, the reasons, and the solutions from a Biblical […]
When to Keep Control and When to Lose It

There are probably 4,398 songs, give or take a couple, that yodel on about control. Mostly about losing it. (Google is your friend here.) How about a definition? con·trol verb (used with object), con·trolled, con·trol·ling. 1. to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command. 2. to hold in check; curb: to control a horse; to […]
16 Traits of a Healthy Marriage

After my review of The Emotionally Destructive Marriage by Leslie Vernick as well as my post about emotional abuse in the church where I list several helpful resources, I’ve had several private emails from women in pain. I think there are more of you out there. And if you are not a woman dealing with […]
Emotional Abuse in the Church

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, so let’s look at the type of domestic abuse most likely to be found within our church circles—emotional abuse. Even if you’re not being emotionally abused, according to studies, chances are that 1 out of 3 friends are. Why Emotional Abuse is Found in the Church This kind of […]
The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: A Review and Giveaway

“To the bravest women I know. Your faith, strength, and courage inspire me.“ This is Leslie Vernick’s dedication in her brand new book, The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope, written for women or anyone who wants to help women dealing with a silent, insidious abuse that often infects […]
To Correct or Not to Correct…Your Husband: A Pendulum Post

This is a blog post, and by nature, blog posts are supposed to make a point and make it succinctly. Therefore, in order for me to make my point and let you go, I‘ll assume some things. I’m assuming that the typical reader of Visionary Womanhood is a conservative Christian woman who would view feminism […]