“The Just Shall Live by Faith”

“God says, ‘Habakkuk, you want to know how I, as a holy God, can use evil to accomplish good. Even if I chose to explain to you how I do that, you could not comprehend it.

Habakkuk, you must realize that you are one person living in one place and one point in time, and even if I chose to reveal to you my all-inclusive, overarching plan for the entire universe, you could not understand it. You are finite. But Habakkuk, you can believe that I understand how it all fits together.

Habakkuk, you don’t know what I am doing, but Habakkuk, you can believe that I know what I am doing. Even though you don’t understand how good can come of this, you can believe that I understand how I am using all of this for your good. The just shall live by faith.‘”

Excerpt taken from Be Still My Soul: Embracing God’s Purpose and Provision in Suffering – 25 Classic and Contemporary Readings on the Problem of Pain. Edited by Nancy Guthrie

Plucking the Mask from the Face of the Pharisee


That’s what Jesus did. If we belong to Him, we ought to have strength enough to do the same, when we are called upon to do it. Do you know why we don’t? We are afraid. What would happen if we exposed Pharisaical thinking? Pharisees wouldn’t like us anymore, and we can’t have that, can […]

The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: A Review and Giveaway


“To the bravest women I know. Your faith, strength, and courage inspire me.“ This is Leslie Vernick’s dedication in her brand new book, The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope, written for women or anyone who wants to help women dealing with a silent, insidious abuse that often infects […]

Notes from My Journal: Stepping Heavenward

Notebook with flowers

By Natalie, Editress of Visionary Womanhood Books have always been my friends. Through their pages I learn about the Creator, human nature, other countries, the consequences of sin, the glories of redemption, how time heals all wounds, and how hope rises—even in dark corners. One of my life-long friends is Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss. […]

Helping Your Child See Jesus in the WHOLE Bible


By Natalie, Editress of Visionary Womanhood I Don’t Measure Up I grew up in a first generation Christian home. My folks got saved when I was in grade school. Growing up, I always thought that I had to be brave, like Daniel. Have faith, like Abraham. Be surrendered, like Mary. Be meek, like Moses. Then […]

Fit to Burst Review and Giveaway!


By Natalie, Editress of Visionary Womanhood A couple of years ago I read Rachel’s first book, Loving the Little Years, and fell in love. It made me laugh AND cry. And isn’t that the best feeling in the whole wide world? My niece, Christa Blakey, who lives in the same town and KNOWS Rachel, is […]