January 29, 2015
Category Archives: Women and Work
Some of My Organization and Planning Methods
Lead On: Thoughts on Women, Leadership, and Motherhood
January 29, 2015
Work-Life Balance
July 14, 2014
“A few years ago I took my mentoring group on a ropes course. For one of the challenges, we walked a long stretch of rope that wound around several trees. We had to hold onto each other as we worked our way across the line.
Here’s what I remember most of all: When we were balanced, it never really felt like we were. Our legs constantly moved and wobbled, and we strained to grip each other and the nearest tree. But we stayed on that line a long time, making little corrections, adjusting our weight, and trying to stay upright. It didn’t feel like balance, but it was.
That’s exactly how life is, right?”
Read the rest of What No One Ever Told You About Work-Life Balance.
But I Feel Guilty When I Say “No.”

Last week we introduced the idea of being stewards of our time and resources. The question is, how does that play out, practically speaking, in our day to day lives? When someone invites us to participate in yet another activity, how do we determine whether or not that activity is a good fit for us? […]
But I Am the Steward of My Time and Availability
The History of Women and Work Part Two

In Women and Work Part One we talked about women in ancient times, including the Proverbs 31 woman, as well as women in New Testament times. Today we will look at women and work from the time of the Reformation forward. Quotes are all take from The Measure of Success: Uncovering the Biblical Perspective of […]
History of Women and Work

If you are new to this blog post series, let me quick catch you up to speed. I’m in the middle of reading a book called The Measure of Success: Uncovering the Biblical Perspective of Women, Work, and the Home, by Carolyn McCulley. It’s definitely recommended reading. I started by writing Is Your Role “Full-Time-Playmate-for-Little-Kids” […]
Are You Going to Write a Christmas Letter?
Ten Tips for Starting a Home Business

In one sense, every mom is a work-at-home-mom, especially if you’ve got a few little ones under the age of 7. But if you’ve ever dreamed of cultivating a culture of entrepreneurship within the sphere of your home by running a home business, I’m over at Keeper of the Home today sharing ten tips I’ve […]
Read the rest of this article HERE.