July 28, 2014
Shut Up Wives
July 28, 2014
Shut Up Wives
The “disease to please” runs rampant in society and in many churches, resulting in women who act more like girls than powerful women of loving faith. Consequently, far too many women are not being transformed into the true image of Christ, and not living like the heroic women of faith in the Bible. Instead, they have become hamster-wheel women of immense frustration, burnout, and depression with lives that lack purpose and integrity.
The reason submission is so unpalatable to people, especially women, is because of all the “Christian” lies that swirl around it. Submission itself is a beautiful thing that enhances human relationships. But here are some examples of how people take it, twist it into a lie, and fling it around like a weapon that can (and does) encourage and perpetuate abuse of women and children.
One of the most destructive books for Christian women on the market (in my personal opinion) is Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. And there was a time when I recommended that book to women. I cringe to admit that. I would read her caustic message delivered in a sarcastic, critical, angry tone, and I would cheer. Now my flesh crawls.
The following is an excerpt from a sermon at Christ Reformation Church.
Therefore I recommend to you that wherever you see a void of discernment between good and evil, where the wicked are enabled and the oppressed are rejected, you will also see an inability to recognize God’s Word and Truth and instead an embracing of man-made religious traditions which parade as God’s Word. You will have disobedience to Christ’s commands, a lack of fear at His threatenings, and a disbelief in His promises.
Are these not the very things we are seeing in so many, many local churches today? A vacuum of faith.
If you are a Christian, then this faith IS in you. By it the Holy Spirit enables you to recognize Christ’s voice as He speaks to His sheep (John 10) and to reject the voice of a counterfeit stranger. By faith, we understand God’s word to be real wisdom and we reject the “wisdom” of this world as foolishness. By faith we discern the spirits (1 John 4:1) to see if they are from God or not. And it is this faith operating in us that will set us apart from those “sheep” who do not have it. Ultimately, this is the reason so many of us have found ourselves walking a different path than the religious crowd around us.
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
Read the rest of The Harmful Teaching of Wives as Their Husband’s Porn Stars