What Kind of "Play" Dough Is Best???!!!

If you are anything like me, you hate Play Dough.  I’ve tried, really tried, for 17 years to love it.  I’ve bought it in every color, size, and with every accessory possible to “make it work” for me.  I’ve thrown out our entire Play Dough collection a couple of times now…only to start building it up again with a new child.  (We’re talking accessories here…the Play Dough itself only lasts a week before it has either A. turned to rock, or B. turned to teensy tiny pods all over the kitchen floor…as well as underneath all the socks walking on the kitchen floor.

But kids LOVE Play Dough.

So…several companies have tried to come up with solutions to the “Play Dough” dilemma. We’ve tried modeling with Space Dust and modeling with Magic Goop…you name it.  I’ve tried all the home recipes too.  Not happy. We tried Fimo.  That was a mistake. 

And then we tried Sculpey.

After a desperate, 17 year search for Play Dough Nirvana, we finally figured it out. 
(It’s a good thing, too…I’ve got at least another 10 Play Dough years ahead of me…and I was really hoping to have this thing down by the time I hit my 60′s.  It’s good to have goals.)  
You don’t really need any Play Dough accessories either.  According to the experts in my house, you need toothpicks, popcycle sticks, plates, and imagination.  They play for hours making funny people, vegetables, cookies, pizzas, etc.  THEN…they play with what they’ve created.  Clean up is not a problem because the Sculpey sticks together so well.  And BIG BONUS…it never gets hard (unless you bake it)…and lasts, literally, forever.  Colors?  According to the experts, you gotta stick with the white or natural peachy looking kind.  Colors just end up all together in one lump of eerie looking brown anyway.
I think it came from heaven.
So what’s so visionary about Sculpey? 
Sculpey twists and molds into whatever shape my kids desire.  It doesn’t scream, “HEY!!!  I didn’t want to BE a snail pizza!”  It just surrenders to the delighted imaginations of my children.  
So, what kind of dough are you?

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