A Wasted Day…??

Filed in Visionary Motherhood by on March 26, 2012

dandelion blowing

By Contributing Writer, Tina


 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.  Proverbs 27:1
Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself….  Matthew 6:34

This morning I rose with a list of things that I needed to do running through my mind.  I had my day all planned out. I wasn’t far into my day when I felt tension and impatience taking place on each side of me, ready to be my companions for the day.  Today was obviously going to be an “everyone needs mom kind of day,” and I was not happy about it!

An eager writer needed to know the correct spelling for every word in the English dictionary (so it seemed). The toddler was into everything as soon as he awakened.  Both of the babies were fussy and clingy, one sick with a cold and the other seemingly content to nap only in my arms.  My husband, not feeling well himself, was asking for my assistance in a few projects. It was clear to me by 9:00 a.m. that I was going to get nothing accomplished.

Or was I?

It is almost 9:00 p.m. now, and so I can certainly give a fair account of how the day went after all. 

What did I get done?

I rocked my sweet little baby and soaked in his warmth as he laid his head on my shoulder.  I noticed he is more eager than ever to learn how to go places and be apart of the activity around him. I realized, during this forced rest time in my rocking chair, that his tiny days are slipping away quickly.

I saw my two year old smile when he caught my eye as he ran like a big boy with his older brothers in the yard.  I marveled as he spoke to me in sentences and wondered at how much he has changed in the past few months. I soaked up all his baby kisses and remembered they become fewer and fewer as they age.

I spent an hour watching him splash in the tub and laughed at all his silly, yet precious little antics. My mind traveled back, as I watched him, and I thought of our most recent baby’s twin brother who died during pregnancy.  I remembered, for the millionth time, what we have lost, but realized that it was okay to cryAgain.  It was okay to still ache for him. And so I cried and let myself hurt again.

I went outside in the yard and settled into a lawn chair, babies in tow. I could not miss the twinkle in the older children’s eyes when they saw me sitting STILL, watching them as they built mountains out of dirt to ride their bikes through. I was then, at this time, rewarded by my three year old with a bouquet of dandelions and a generous kiss!

And so I sit here, lap still full of baby and thinking of all I would have missed had it all gone my own way.

I might not have laughed when my spirit needed laughing.

I might not have hurt or wept, when my spirit needed to remember.

I might not have sang praises for all the things for which I am thankful!

No kisses. No droopy dandelions. No “mommy, look at me’s!”.

And what if tomorrow, they never came?

I know every day cannot be this way, but now I realize God wanted to give me a gift today.  And I almost refused to receive it!!!

Lord, may my heart be so in tune with yours that I will wake up every day at peace with your plan for my day!

God has so many gifts to give to us. He offers them so freely, yet sometimes we get so busy that we miss out on them and we never get a chance to receive them again.

They are lost.

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About the Contributor

Tina has been blessed to be married to the love of her life for fifteen years, is Mama to 10 beautiful children on earth with many more sitting at the feet of Jesus, and she is a daughter of the Almighty King. She tries to live her life every day in the belief that the children gifted to her are blessings from the Lord. You can read more of her writing in her blog, A Gentle Mother. Her writing is a reflection of her heart. The kind of wife, mother and child of God that she is striving to be each and every day. She doesn't always succeed, yet she knows the Lord knows her heart, and He isn't finished with her yet! She has experienced many joys and has encountered many dark valleys on this narrow path as she journeys homeward. There has always been one thing that she knows for sure...the Lord has never left her alone. View all posts by Tina →

Comments (8)

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  1. Gretchen says:

    Thank you for this Tina. Thank you for the reminders to take the time to be still, listen to God and accept the gifts He loves to give us. God bless you!

  2. Karen says:

    I wanted to read her blog A Gentle Mother but was unable to because it is closed.
    Would I be able to read the blog? Thank you!

    • Tina Entz says:

      I am doing a bit of work in my blog but I will open it up shortly. If you are on FB, you are welcome to “like” A Gentle Mother” and I will let you know when it is opened back up. Thank you for asking.

  3. Jeannette says:

    Lovely. True. Noble. Wise.

  4. Meghan Carver says:

    I have finally learned to love days like that and savor the “little” moments. They do grow up so fast — I guess that’s why I keep having more. I can’t stand to see them grow up. Thanks for the excellent post!

    • tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations says:

      Megan, you sound like me. :)

      I am learning to slow down too. Recently, I began making a list of things I need to do and then I pray about the list and TUCK the list AWAY. A few weeks or days later I look at the list, and what do you know? I managed to get 90% of it done WITHOUT the stress of a to do list.

      I am committing my ways to the Lord. I am learning every day. I am so glad his mercies are new every morning.

      thank you for this post. :)

  5. Cherry Bieber says:

    Yes, Tina, they do grow up so very fast. I am so thankful that you understand this and are savoring such moments, for such memories are the salve for the ache when they are gone. I am truly grateful that I, too, understood this as you were growing up, for my heart is full to overflowing with an abundance of memorable moments with you.

  6. Rebecca says:

    This strikes at my heart right now, as God is teaching me these very lessons. As I sit with a few tears rolling down my face, I’m grateful for women like you who are willing to share what God is teaching you and so very thankful to know that it’s OK when the kitchen is a disaster, OK when the laundry isn’t done, OK when my “to-do” list gets left behind because someone needed me – or better yet, because someone WANTED me! Blessings on your God-given day!