The puking children are sleeping now…and the three that are still healthy are playing quietly (for the present)…so I want to write down some paragraphs taken from the book I’m currently reading called The Children Trap by Robert Thoburn. This is taken from chapter 2: God -Centered Education:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) The only truth is God’s truth. If we do not worship Jesus, then we can not attain unto truth. If we do not fear the Lord, we will not find wisdom. Jesus said that the devil is the father of lies. Humanists deny Christ. Here are some of the lies commonly taught in the public schools of America.
Lie Number One: God is Irrelevant
This is the BIG LIE. The BIG LIE of humanism is that God is irrelevant, that is, God is not important to anything that is important. After all, how can God be important if He is left out of the education of our children? By ignoring God all day long in the textbooks and the teaching, the public schools are saying that God is not important. This is certainly not in keeping with the Biblical requirement that God be at the center of education.
Parents are to teach God’s words diligently to their children when they are walking by the way, or sitting in the house, or when lying down or rising up (Duet. 6:6-7). The idea is that God permeates every aspect of the children’s existence.
When they get on the government bus to ride to school, the children find that suddenly God is irrelevant. After all, school is a major part of a child’s life. He spends most of his waking hours in school. His father (and often mother, too) goes off to work. He goes off to school. He makes friends at school. Most of his social activities probably center around the school. At school, God is ignored. God must not be important. He is only important on Sunday morning or maybe Wednesday night. God doesn’t have anything to do with history, geography, math, art, music, or anything else that goes on in the world. That is the BIG LIE.
In God-centered education God is worshipped. He is not only important, He is more important than anyone or anything. He is at the center of all learning. His Word is a light and a lamp. The teacher acknowledges that the entrance of God’s Word gives understanding. The is the REAL TRUTH to counter the Big Lie.”
I won’t write out anymore…but Thoburn goes on to talk about the other lies, and they are as follows:
2. Man evolved
3. Man is his own God
4. The child is inherently good
5. Man saves himself
6. There is no hope for the future
Actually, let me write what he has under number 6:
“Today, humanistic education is increasingly negative….They are like people who are driving cars with defective steering mechanisms. Their educational programs are producing students who fail–fail in school, and fail after graduation. Because humanists deny creation, the fall, God’s law, and God’s grace, they are not able to prepare children for the real world. The real world is the one that God created and governs. The real world has meaning and purpose. ”
Man-centered education produces students with data–”facts”. These students do not know how to interpret this data correctly. They are without hope, and lack of confidence in the future. The most common cause of death among young people in America (other than accidents) is suicide….Humanism depresses our young people. It offers only a gloomy outlook on life. Students turn to drugs, alcohol, and suicide. Humanism is boring.
A popular movie in the summer of 1986 was “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” It is a story of a high school senior who plays hookey for a day. The scenes of the classrooms in his public high school are lilarious. Teachers drone on and on. They ask the students questions. Silence. Then they answer their own questions. Students are staring blankly, glassy-eyed. One student is asleep with his head on his desk. The message is clear: public education is boring, useless, a waste of time. The audiences howled with laughter. The inmates and former inmates recognized their prison.
God-centered education has the opposite result. God created the world and man for a purpose. Man is to have dominion over the earth. He is to occupy (take over) the earth until Christ returns. Man is to proclaim the gospel to the whole world. History does not go around in cycles. It is moving toward the end, a glorious end in which Christ will come to judge the world.”
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