Thank God For Your Roadblocks!

I had the privilege of going out for breakfast with a friend yesterday morning…a very rare (once a year???) treat!I won’t go into all the details of the trouble I ran into before I left and on my way there…suffice it to say that I ended up one hour late…and was blessed to even get there at all.

We talked a lot about the various challenges we each face, and  how God is faithfully teaching us endurance, faith, and hope in the middle of “life”.

My friend sent me an email that afternoon that included the following quote:

Today, this is what my devotional reading said:  “We need that continuous force of gravity working against our muscles to strengthen them.  That continuous force against force is what makes us able to get through life, day after day.  Without it our muscles would weaken and vanish.  In the spiritual world, we have the same idea.  As we move through our day as believers, we’ll constantly come against forces that will try to pull us down.  Ultimately, they can’t.  But it’s that continuous day-in and day-out pushing that makes a life in Christ worthwhile.”  The summary states:  “The only way to lose this game is not to play.  Lots of things will get in your way as you follow the path, but there’s nothing that can keep you from getting to the end.  Every roadblock will make you better, stronger and faster.  Thank God for your roadblocks.”  The little pithy takeaway at the end says, “Irritation.  Stress.  Strength.  Wa-laaa.  A pearl.” 

Isn’t that a nice boost of encouragement?!


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