Storytelling — A neglected tool for being salt.

Filed in Visionary Culture Changers by on July 27, 2011

This spring a friend offered the Excellence in Writing Speech Boot Camp.  There were four families, eight students. On the first day she promised the students that they would love it and always remember it.  I believe her prophesy will come true.

Of the four different speeches required — self-introductory, narrative, descriptive and persuasive– the narrative, or storytelling, was my favorite.    Only one of each speech was required, but I would love to expand the narrative section and require the students to prepare and give five or ten stories.

“That’s you, Jim”

I choked up every time Abigail practiced telling the true story, “That’s you, Jim.”  Jim was part of a group of traveling entertainers.  They stopped to perform in front of Mr. Carr’s book shop.  After a silly skit or poem they would pass a hat to collect money.   During a break in the program Mr. Carr came out with a Bible opened to Luke 15 and promised Jim $10.00 if he would read aloud starting at verse 11.  Considering it an easy way to make $10.00, Jim melodramatically began to read.  He did not, however, get very far before he choked up.  He was a prodigal too.  God was calling him.  He could not read further, and so Mr. Carr took the Bible and finished the story.  God’s Word turned Jim back to his earthly father and, most significantly, to his heavenly father.  (One of the many great stores from Building on the Rock edited by Joel Beeke and Diana Kleyn.)

We can tell our children that God’s Word is powerful — and we should — but we must not neglect to illustrate with stories.   Jesus did.  And God commanded Israel to always tell the story of their deliverance out of Egypt.  It was an illustration of the power, majesty and sovereignty of God.

Further, we should teach our children to tell stories.  Of all people, Christians should feel most urgent about communicating well.  If storytelling is a powerful tool for us to pass truth on to our children, it is also a powerful means of being salt and light in this dark world.


About the Contributor

Jeannette lives in Apple Valley, MN in an unassuming house on a winding street. Thirty years ago God arrested her from a frantic pursuit of glory and fame by showing her HIS glory. This was a plucking out of a life of intense loneliness to a sweet walk with our gracious God. In his extravagance God then gave her a husband with a great library and eight children to read to. Homeschooling has given lots of time for that. To God be the glory. You can find Jeannette blogging over at Sparrows Rest. View all posts by Jeannette →

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