Tilapia Tortillas!
by Bria Crawford
- bag of Tilapia- according to how big your family is, but one piece of fish does about two tortillas ( I found these for a great price, but this will be your most costly ingredient)
- pack of tortillas
- 1 onion
- 1 bell pepper
- favorite spices and salt and pepper
- cheese
- lots of butter!
First step is… cut up your pepper and onion in a skillet with about 3 Tbls of butter and turn on high.
Stop. Smell the floating aromas. God is good.

As soon as your skillet gets hot, add as much fish as you can with the veggies. Let that stir fry, and as it cooks the fish is going to tear apart, but that’s what you want.
Don’t forget to add butter every time you cook the fish.( Butter makes everything in a skillet heavenly.) And no one said anything about not testing your creation. Sneak a bite or two. We just can’t serve it without a taste test.
After you cook the fish, toss spices, and have everything in it that you want; fill the tortillas, roll up and put in a casserole dish and top with cheese and pepper. Cook until desired.
“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8
As we say in the south “That’s some good eatin!”
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Bria, that picture of the fish cooking is seriously making me drool. Nice job…I may try these, although I’m trying to get past putting fish in a tortilla. I’m a Norwegian, for crying out loud.