Abiding in Christ… Extraordinary Ordinaries!

By Contributing Writer, Stephani

Today is an ordinary, extraordinary day…

The seemingly ordinary…

I wake up. I shower. I read my Bible. I study. I work. I eat. I play with little siblings. I run errands. I e-mail. I blog. I cook. I teach. I read. I spend time with my family. I brush my teeth. I pray. I go to bed.

The not-so-ordinary…

The way I interact and respond to the ordinary situations of everyday life is a result of what is going on in my heart… what I love, who I trust, and what I want. As a child of God, life is not ordinary — it is a battle to more fully take a hold of the Extraordinary purchased for me in Jesus Christ… by treasuring Him.

Time to Wake Up

I wake up feeling tired, unmotivated, a little grumpy, and aware of a long to-do list. I want to crawl right back into bed. I feel discouraged as I open my eyes. This is when I need to fight by believing the extraordinary promised me in Christ… God’s Word reminds me who I am in Jesus:

…to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God  -John 1:12

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved -Ephesians 2:4, 5

This is not ordinary. It is a battle to believe the Extraordinary… and walk in it. Should I allow myself to wallow in feelings of defeat… No. I am not defeated! I am a loved child of the living God. By meditating on these verses and trusting Him, I have an opportunity to walk in His extraordinary grace, love, and mercy which abounds to me!

A “To-Do” List

I finish getting dressed and start thinking about my “to-dos.” Should I start on them or spend time in God’s Word?… I am invited to embrace the Extraordinary… God’s Word reminds me that He is my satisfaction and the one necessity of my life:

For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. -Psalm 107:9

And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38b-42

Will I believe these Scriptures? Will I trust that He is able to satisfy my desires in ways a completed “to-do” list never could? Jotting down the to-do list on a piece of paper and setting it aside for later will allow me an opportunity to open the Book that contains my Father’s Words… and sit at His feet.

Ready for Rest… or Not

After a long day away from home, I am looking forward to rest, dinner, and time to write a few e-mails… but dinner isn’t ready, my little siblings have lots of energy and want “sister time,” and I need to put away the pile of “stuff” I just brought home… I start to feel irritated. Christ offers extraordinary grace… Jesus promises sufficient grace & He is working for my eternal good:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me…when I am weak, then I am strong. -2 Corinthians 12:9, 10b

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. -2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Will I remember that these little “inconveniences” are things I can see, but that the things I can’t see, Jesus living in me, His ability to meet all my needs, and His glorious, eternal purposes – these things are better? His timing is perfect and He is using my weakness to direct me to His strength and to bring me to greater maturity in Him. I have an opportunity to embrace the relationships and work He has prepared for me by relying on Him.

Extraordinary in the Ordinary is Possible…

The way I interact and respond to the ordinary situations of everyday life is a result of what is going on in my heart… what I love, who I trust, and what I want.

When my day doesn’t go as I “plan,” when I don’t get what I want, when I face trials, my heart is revealed. Sometimes my actions show a heart that is treasuring Jesus, believing His Word, and trusting in God’s Promises. Other times my actions show a heart that is treasuring far lesser things and believing the deceitful lies of sin.

Extraordinary victory over sin is possible IN CHRIST… the Holy Spirit causes us to believe the Word, trust in God’s promises, and Fight! 

What frustrating, everyday situations do you find yourself in right now? Relationships, sickness, responsibilities, disappointments, discouragements, finances, singleness, school work, conflicts, Church activities, ministry, jobs, pain, disabilities, etc… What is going on in your heart? What are you treasuring? Are you banking your hope on who God promises to be for you as His child? Battle is far from easy, but the victory promised to us in Christ is WORTH IT!

As a child of God, life is not ordinary — it is a battle to more fully take hold of the Extraordinary purchased for us in Jesus Christ… by treasuring Him most of all!

Believe His Word. Believe His Promises. Fight the good fight of faith in Him.

Abiding in Christ is Extraordinary! 

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About Stephani

Stephani, her parents, and six younger siblings make their home on a hobby farm in Minnesota where Stephani enjoys growing vegetables in the garden, acting in Christian dramas alongside her family and friends in their barn, and singing around a sink of dirty dishes with her sisters. Since graduating high school several years ago, Stephani has been passionately pursuing opportunities to serve her family, minister to the body of Christ and unbelievers, and continue her education. The Lord is filling her heart with awe for His glory and has given her a desire to share the matchless “treasure in the field” (Matthew 13:44) with others – particularly young ladies! For several years Stephani has been involved in young women’s ministry by organizing events, leading discipleship groups, and coordinating Christian fellowship opportunities. Stephani is eager to encourage young ladies to remember the sweetness of the gospel, the works of the Lord, and the beauty of biblical femininity.


  1. jennie herbranson says:

    What a refreshing, encouraging post! I read it w/a smile in my heart.

  2. Ann Dunagan says:


    This post is so absolutely PRECIOUS and POWERFUL. It is such a refreshing invitation to embrace the extraordinary and to live out our faith with simple daily obedience . . . from the heart . . . and where the rubber meets the road.

    Thank you so much for drawing close to Jesus and inviting others to join you.

    Blessings to you!!!

    • Stephani says:

      Thanks so much, Ann. I am so grateful for a Father who cares about the “ordinaries” of life and provides Extraordinary grace, as you said it so well, “where the rubber meets the road.” :-)

  3. Gretchen says:

    Thank you for this Stephani! Such a beautiful post and something I needed to be reminded of.
    God bless!

    • Stephani says:

      Gretchen, I am rejoicing with you over His reminders of grace and His compassion around each bend of the road. Thank you…

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